- Housekeeping
- Begin by setting times for meetings over the next week.
- These meetings, or stand-ups as they are commonly called, should occur at least once a day. We do recommend twice a day, given the tight deadline.
- They can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour. Expect meetings to be longer at the beginning of the project as everyone is still trying to understand what it is they have to do.
- Begin by setting times for meetings over the next week.
- Understand
- Read the PROJECT guidelines
- what are we building?
- what are the requirements?
- Is the project clear?
- Do we have questions for the stakeholders? If so, book some time with a TC/PM, or your instructor.
- Brainstorming
- Take a look at the data
- What do we have to show?
- How ca nwe make the most of the provided data?
- Ideas for store functionality
- What do we want users to be able to do?
- Look and feel
- Any real-life e-comm sites that inspires us?
- Take a look at the data
- Division of labor
- Begin to break down the project into tasks, and then into subtasks, and maybe even subsubtasks. _Breaking things down into the smallest task possible will improve the collaborative effort of each individual team member.
- Move all tasks to a board of some kind. Trello would be the easiest to figure out and use.
- Assign tasks
- This is much more open. Discuss with your team to figure out how best to proceed. If you are unsure, speak with a TC or your instructor.
- Possible questions (relevance will depend on group size)...
- Who is most excited about a particular task?
- Do we need a manager for a particular group of tasks? i.e. BE, FE.
- Who will coordinate between the BE and FE.
- TEAM Name
- Once you've had a chance to discuss, it might be fun to come up with a team name that is better than "Team #".