- (chore) #fse-637 | apps/assets 1.0.11 apps/governance 1.0.10 apps/mission 1.0.10 apps/staking 1.0.10 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.7 | Remove system error banner for ledger + keplr
- (chore) #fse-624 | apps/assets 1.0.10 apps/governance 1.0.9 apps/mission 1.0.9 apps/staking 1.0.9 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.7 | Add system error banner for ledger + keplr
- (fix) #fse-593 | apps/assets 1.0.9 apps/governance 1.0.8 apps/mission 1.0.8 apps/staking 1.0.8 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.6 | Fix consent modal to work in every browser
- (fix) #fse-592 | Remove Coslend from mission control
- (chore) #fse-600 | apps/assets 1.0.8 apps/governance 1.0.7 apps/mission 1.0.7 apps/staking 1.0.7 | Updating dora hacks date
- (chore) #fse-601 | apps/assets 1.0.8 | Fix broken images
- (workflow) #fse-511 | packages/tracker 1.0.1 | Adding lint
- (workflow) #fse-511 | packages/constants-helper 1.0.1 packages/eslint-config-custom 1.0.1 packages/evmos-wallet 1.0.5 packages/helpers 1.0.3 packages/icons 1.0.1 packages/services 1.0.2 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.2 | Deleting eslint related dependencies, setting new linting rules, fixing linting issues
- (workflow) #fse-511 | apps/assets 1.0.3 apps/governance 1.0.3 apps/staking 1.0.3 apps/mission 1.0.3 | Moving husky to the mono repo level
- (workflow) #fse-511 | husky, package | Updating husky so it can work again
- (workflow) #fse-511 | apps/mission 1.0.3 | Ignoring _redirects from git
- (workflow) #fse-531 | script | Adding script to clear cache and fixing cache issue in the build process
- (refactor) #fse-514 | github actions | Removing unused folder
- (chore) #fse-551 | apps/assets 1.0.4 apps/governance 1.0.4 apps/staking 1.0.4 apps/mission 1.0.4 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.3 | add correct env and app version in footer
- (chore) #fse-581 | apps/assets 1.0.4 | add images for new assets & group quicksilver assets
- (chore) #fse-519 | apps/assets 1.0.5 apps/governance 1.0.4 apps/staking 1.0.4 apps/mission 1.0.4 | Set up a consent modal for users to opt-in/opt-out to tracking
- (chore) #fse-519 | packages/evmos-wallet 1.0.7 | Get, set and remove WALLET_KEY and use it for wallet connection tracking
- (chore) #fse-519 | packages/tracker 1.0.0 | Create tracker package
- (chore) #fse-519 | packages/ui-helpers 1.0.3 | Update jest configuration. Add onClick function to the components in order to track the events.
- (workflow) #fse-519 | turbo.json | Add tracker package and NEXT_PUBLIC_MIXPANEL_TOKEN variable
- (workflow) #fse-519 | package.json 1.0.4 | Add --force --no-cache to build script
- (chore) #fse-522 | apps/assets 1.0.6 apps/governance 1.0.5 apps/mission 1.0.5 apps/staking 1.0.5 | Add consent modal
- (chore) #fse-522 | packages/ui-helpers 1.0.4 | Add new constants for privacy policy, cookies policy and TOS version. Add consent modal for TOS.
- (chore) #fse-522 | packages/tracker 1.0.1 | Enable/disable tracking if DISABLE_TRACKER_LOCALSTORAGE is set
- (chore) #fse-521 | apps/assets 1.0.7 apps/governance 1.0.6 apps/mission 1.0.6 apps/staking 1.0.6 | Reuse consent modal on footer to allow users to change their opt-in/opt-out preferences
- (chore) #fse-521 | packages/ui-helpers 1.0.5 | Add Cookies settings button so the user can change their cookies preferences
- (chore) #fse-581 | apps/assets 1.0.4 | add images for new assets & group quicksilver assets
- (workflow) #fse-531 | script | Adding script to clear cache and fixing cache issue in the build process
(chore) #fse-142 | evmos-wallet 1.0.6 | Env vars prefixes
(workflow) #fse-511 | packages/tracker 1.0.1 | Adding lint
(workflow) #fse-511 | packages/constants-helper 1.0.1 packages/eslint-config-custom 1.0.1 packages/evmos-wallet 1.0.5 packages/helpers 1.0.3 packages/icons 1.0.1 packages/services 1.0.2 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.2 | Deleting eslint related dependencies, setting new linting rules, fixing linting issues
(workflow) #fse-511 | apps/assets 1.0.3 apps/governance 1.0.3 apps/staking 1.0.3 apps/mission 1.0.3 | Moving husky to the mono repo level
(workflow) #fse-511 | husky, package | Updating husky so it can work again
(workflow) #fse-511 | apps/mission 1.0.3 | Ignoring _redirects from git
(refactor) #fse-514 | github actions | Removing unused folder
- (workflow) #fse-510 | github actions | Removing unused legacy codeql workflow
- (chore) #fse-537 | packages/ui-helpers 1.0.2 | Add reusable dismissible announcement banner for DoraHacks
- (chore) #fse-498 | evmos-wallet 1.0.5 load constant in networkConfig.ts from environment variables & use default fallback values
- (fix) #fse-503 | (apps|mission) change environment variable to build _redirects file
- (workflow) #fse-512 | github/workflows | Adding codeball
- (tests) #fse-509 | apps/assets 1.0.2 apps/governance 1.0.2 apps/staking 1.0.2 packages/evmos-wallet 1.0.4 packages/helpers 1.0.2 packages/services 1.0.1 packages/ui-helpers 1.0.1 | Adding shared package for jest related configuration
- (design) #229 | apps/staking 1.0.1 apps/assets 1.0.1 | Making design fixes so we don't have extra scrollbars
- (improvements) #fse-487 | evmos-wallet 1.0.3 | Use preferNoSetFee while signing with Keplr and chain is Evmos
- (bug fixes) #fse-142 | apps/assets 1.0.1 | Change amount of decimals displayed: 6 instead of 2
- (bug fixes) #fse-142 | apps/mission 1.0.1 | Display tooltip on topBarMissionControl with 6 decimals amount if amount is bigger than 0
- (bug fixes) #fse-142 | apps/mission 1.0.1 | Change amount of decimals displayed: 6 instead of 2
- (bug fixes) #fse-142 | apps/staking 1.0.1 | Change amount of decimals displayed: 6 instead of 2
- (bug fixes) #fse-142 | apps/staking 1.0.1 | Display tooltip on topBarStaking with 6 decimals amount if amount is bigger than 0
- (bug fixes) #fse-142 | packages/helpers 1.0.1 | Create function for display TopBar Tooltip
- (chore) #fse-142 | evmos-wallet 1.0.2 | Export EVMOS_DECIMALS
- (bug) #fse-400 | root config | Updating the dev workflow to avoid errors when running
yarn dev
- (bug fixes) #fse-481 | evmos-wallet 1.0.1 | Show connected snackbar only if the user clicks on Connect Wallet
- (ci) #fse-413 | (apps)/_ 1.0.x | Adding CI/CD pipeline for apps
- (chore) #fse-503 | (/) Add production build script | (apps|mission) add script to copy _redirects file depending on environment
- (chore) #fse-306 | apps/_ 1.0.0 packages/_ 1.0.0 | Adding changelog file, updating Licenses and versions in each packages