The scale playbook is OCP-4.X/scale.yml
and can scale an existing cluster's worker machinesets up or down. The playbook follows the same conventions as the install playbooks in terms of running/orchestrating.
Running from CLI:
$ cp OCP-4.X/inventory.example inventory
$ # Add orchestration host to inventory
$ # Edit vars in OCP-4.X/vars/scale.yml or define Environment vars (See below)
$ ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory OCP-4.X/scale.yml
Default: ~/.ssh/
Public ssh key file for Ansible.
Default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Private ssh key file for Ansible.
Default: root
User for Ansible to log in as. Must authenticate with PUBLIC_KEY/PRIVATE_KEY.
Default: 600
The number of times for the playbook to poll the OpenShift cluster to determine if the worker count has scaled as expected.
The prefix used in machinesets. Usually this is
however it might be
depending on version installed.
Default: 5
The total desired count of nodes.
Default: "" To enable Cerberus integration add the url of cerberus in the format