diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e03a13b6..fc957f02 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -48,16 +48,17 @@ node server/monitor/monitorCLI.js
Use the following options with the Clawk Standalone CLI Monitor:
-| Option | Description | Required |
-| --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
-| `--help` | Show help | No |
-| `--version` | Show version number | No |
-| `--address` | The address of the deployed contract | Yes |
-| `--dcrID` | The DCR model identifier from DCRGraphs.net website | Yes |
-| `--simID` | The identifier of the specific simulation you want to model this contract against. This identifier is retrievable by going to address [https://repository.dcrgraphs.net/api/graphs/${dcrID}/sims/](https://repository.dcrgraphs.net/api/graphs/${dcrID}/sims/) replacing ${dcrID} with the ID of the model you are trying to monitor against | Yes |
-| `--ABIFileName` | The name of the contract ABI file (for example: PiggyBank.json). You should first put this file in the path `server/monitor/contracts/json-interface` | Yes |
-| `--contract` | The contract parameter | Yes |
-| `--paramap` | Supply parameter mapping for function calls to DCR graphs semantics for any transaction. The same file name as ABIFileName will be looked up in `server/monitor/contracts/paramaps/` directory. Format of the required json file:
` "functionName": {`
` "paramName": {`
` EVMType: "...",`
` DCRType: "...",`
` DCRNodeID: "..."`
` }`
` }`
`}` | No |
+| Option | Description | Required |
+| --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
+| `--help` | Show help | No |
+| `--version` | Show version number | No |
+| `--address` | The address of the deployed contract | Yes |
+| `--dcrID` | The DCR model identifier from DCRGraphs.net website | Yes |
+| `--simID` | The identifier of the specific simulation you want to model this contract against. This identifier is retrievable by going to address [https://repository.dcrgraphs.net/api/graphs/${dcrID}/sims/](https://repository.dcrgraphs.net/api/graphs/${dcrID}/sims/) replacing ${dcrID} with the ID of the model you are trying to monitor against | Yes |
+| `--ABIFileName` | The name of the contract ABI file (for example: PiggyBank.json). You should first put this file in the path `server/monitor/contracts/json-interface` | Yes |
+| `--contract` | The contract parameter | Yes |
+| `--paramap` | Supply parameter mapping for function calls to DCR graphs semantics for any transaction. The same file name as ABIFileName will be looked up in `server/monitor/contracts/paramaps/` directory. Format of the required json file:
` "functionName": {`
` "paramName": {`
` EVMType: "...",`
` DCRType: "...",`
` DCRNodeID: "..."`
` }`
`"roleSetter":true `
`}` |
+| | No |
#### Example command usage:
diff --git a/server/monitor/contractWatcher.js b/server/monitor/contractWatcher.js
index 726c44d3..ea1de4f7 100644
--- a/server/monitor/contractWatcher.js
+++ b/server/monitor/contractWatcher.js
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ let getContractTransactions = (address, contractABI, activities, paramaps) => {
// Get the function signature from the transaction data
const signature = tx.input.slice(0, 10);
// Find the function ABI that matches the signature
const method = JSON.parse(contractABI).find((m) => m.type === 'function' && `0x${web3.utils.keccak256(m.name + '(' + m.inputs.map((i) => i.type).join(',') + ')').slice(2, 10)}` === signature);
const decodedParams = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(method.inputs, tx.input.slice(10));
@@ -146,21 +148,21 @@ let getContractTransactions = (address, contractABI, activities, paramaps) => {
} catch {
+ console.log("TX conversion failed");
+ }
+ if (activities.includes(method.name)) {
+ let tx_ = {
+ 'dcrID': method.name,
+ 'contractABI': contractABI,
+ 'dcrValue': null,
+ 'dcrType': null
+ };
+ contract_queue.push(tx_);
- console.log("I am here at 149")
- if (activities.includes(method.name)) {
- console.log("I am here 151.")
- let tx_ = {
- 'dcrID': method.name,
- 'contractABI': contractABI,
- 'dcrValue': null,
- 'dcrType': null
- };
- contract_queue.push(tx_);
- }
- console.log(`method is: ${method.name}`);
+ console.log(`method is: ${method.name}`);
@@ -174,5 +176,4 @@ let getContractTransactions = (address, contractABI, activities, paramaps) => {
-//module.exports = listen;
module.exports = getContractTransactions;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/monitor/contracts/paramaps/VulnerableVotingContract.json b/server/monitor/contracts/paramaps/VulnerableVotingContract.json
index 9e7d360d..bc5adcab 100644
--- a/server/monitor/contracts/paramaps/VulnerableVotingContract.json
+++ b/server/monitor/contracts/paramaps/VulnerableVotingContract.json
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
"EVMUnit": "hours",
"DCRType": "duration",
"DCRNodeID": "_hoursFromNow"
- }
+ },
+ "roleSetter":true,
+ "roleVariableIdentifier": "owner"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/monitor/evm-to-dcr.js b/server/monitor/evm-to-dcr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82224b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/monitor/evm-to-dcr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+let WaitQueue = require('wait-queue');
+let Web3 = require("web3");
+let fs = require('fs');
+let path = require('path');
+let getDCRMethodsToExecute = () => {
+ //console.log(`Transaction object: ${JSON.stringify(tx)}`);
+ // Get the function signature from the transaction data
+ const signature = tx.input.slice(0, 10);
+ // Find the function ABI that matches the signature
+ const method = JSON.parse(contractABI).find((m) => m.type === 'function' && `0x${web3.utils.keccak256(m.name + '(' + m.inputs.map((i) => i.type).join(',') + ')').slice(2, 10)}` === signature);
+ const decodedParams = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(method.inputs, tx.input.slice(10));
+ console.log(`Method is: ${method.name}`)
+ console.log(`Activities are: ${activities}`);
+ const checkParametersAreInParamaps = () => {
+ const relevantKeys = Object.keys(decodedParams).filter(key => !key.match(/^(\d+|__length__)$/));
+ return relevantKeys.filter(key => Object.hasOwnProperty.call(paramaps, key));
+ };
+ // Assumption:
+ // If the event does not exist in the DCR model, just skip it
+ if (activities.includes(method.name) || checkParametersAreInParamaps()) {
+ try {
+ checkParametersAreInParamaps().forEach(parameter => {
+ // convert tx parameter to value suitable for DCR
+ if ((paramaps[parameter][method.name]["EVMType"] === "uint256") && (paramaps[parameter][method.name]["DCRType"] === "duration")) {
+ // Conversion between time parameters in SC to time in DCR
+ let unit = paramaps[parameter][method.name]["EVMUnit"];
+ let value = decodedParams[parameter];
+ const convertToISO8601 = (value, unit) => {
+ switch (unit) {
+ case "hours":
+ return 'PT' + value + 'H';
+ case "minutes":
+ return 'PT' + value + 'M';
+ case "seconds":
+ return 'PT' + value + 'S';
+ default:
+ return "Invalid unit";
+ }
+ };
+ // DCR event types for REST API are: int, duration, ...
+ let iso8601Duration = convertToISO8601(value, unit);
+ let tx_ = {
+ 'dcrID': parameter,
+ 'contractABI': contractABI,
+ 'dcrValue': iso8601Duration,
+ 'dcrType': paramaps[parameter][method.name]["DCRType"]
+ };
+ contract_queue.push(tx_);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch {
+ console.log("TX conversion failed");
+ }
+ if (activities.includes(method.name)) {
+ let tx_ = {
+ 'dcrID': method.name,
+ 'contractABI': contractABI,
+ 'dcrValue': null,
+ 'dcrType': null
+ };
+ contract_queue.push(tx_);
+ }
+ console.log(`method is: ${method.name}`);
+ }
+module.exports = getDCRMethodsToExecute;
\ No newline at end of file