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Lecture Notes

Table of Contents

Lecture 1: Introduction to SwiftUI and View Basics

  • some View allows for any struct to be returned as long as it conforms to the View protocol.
  • @ViewBuilder combines multiple views and returns a single View.
    • Expressions are forbidden.
var myView: some View {
    Image(systemName: "globe")
    Text("some text")

Lecture 2: MVVM and SwiftUI Essentials

  • Trailing closures (last argument is a closure).
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
  • With a @State var, SwiftUI will keep note of changes and redraw the UI.
  • In a LazyVGrid views are only created when SwiftUI needs to display them.

Lecture 3: Architecture in Swift (MVVM)

Table of Contents

  1. MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel
  2. Connecting the Model to the UI
  3. Swift Types
  4. Struct & Class
  5. Generics in Swift
  6. Protocols
  7. Functions as Types
  8. Closures
  9. Memory Management: ARC vs Garbage Collection

MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel

  • MVVM is a design paradigm used to separate concerns between data (Model), the logic connecting data to the UI (ViewModel), and the UI itself (View).
  • The Model is where the logic and data live. It could be a struct, an SQL database, machine learning code, a REST API, or any combination.
  • The UI is a "parametizable" shell that the Model feeds and brings to life. The UI represents the Model visually.
  • Swift ensures the UI is updated when the Model changes.

Connecting the Model to the UI

  • There are multiple ways to connect the Model to the UI:

    1. The Model could be a simple @State in a View (minimal separation).
    2. The Model might be accessed via a "ViewModel" class (full separation).
    3. The Model may still be accessible directly, but through a ViewModel (partial separation).
  • In practice:

    • Simple data models with little logic may use approach 1.
    • Complex models combining various elements (e.g., SQL, structs) will likely use approach 2.
    • For now, always use approach 2: full separation via a ViewModel.

MVVM Diagram

MVVM Diagram

Swift Types

Types in Swift

  • Struct
  • Class
  • Protocol
  • Generics ("don't care" types)
  • enum
  • Functions

Struct & Class

Common Features of Structs and Classes

  • Both have stored variables (vars) and constants (lets), as well as computed properties.
    let defaultColor =
  • Both can have functions.
    func multiply(operand: Int, by: Int) -> Int {
        return operand * by
    multiply(operand: 5, by: 6)
  • Both have initializers.
    struct RoundedRectangle {
        init(cornerRadius: CGFloat) { }
        init(cornerSize: CGSize) { }
    • In the MemoryGame struct:
    struct MemoryGame {
        init(numberOfPairsOfCards: Int) {
            // Initialize game with that many pairs of cards

Differences Between Structs and Classes

  • Structs:

    • Value types (storage is right where it's used).
    • Copied when passed or assigned.
    • "Free" initializer initializes all variables.
    • No inheritance.
    • Stored on the stack.
    • Mutability is explicit (var or let).
    • The "go-to" data structure in Swift.
  • Classes:

    • Reference types (multiple references to the same instance).
    • Passed by reference using pointers.
    • Support inheritance (single).
    • Always mutable (dangerous).
    • Stored on the heap.
    • Automatic reference counting (ARC) for memory management.
    • Used in special cases (e.g., ViewModels).

Generics in Swift

  • Generics allow for type-agnostic programming.
  • Even though Swift is a strongly typed language, generics allow for flexibility while maintaining type safety.

Example: Generic Array

struct Array<Element> {
    func append(_ element: Element) { }
  • Element is a placeholder for any type, decided when using Array.
var names = Array<String>()

Generic Functions

  • Functions can also use generics.
    func printElement<T>(_ element: T) {


  • A protocol defines a set of required functions and properties, but no implementation.
  • Any type (struct, class, enum) can conform to a protocol by implementing its requirements.

Example Protocol

protocol Movable {
    func move(by: Int)
    var hasMoved: Bool { get }
    var distanceFromStart: Int { get }
  • Types that conform to the protocol must provide an implementation.
    struct PortableThing: Movable {
        var hasMoved: Bool
        var distanceFromStart: Int
        func move(by: Int) { /* implementation */ }

Protocol Inheritance

  • Protocols can inherit other protocols.
    protocol Vehicle: Movable {
        var passengerCount: Int { get set }

Protocol Usage

  • Protocols can be used in place of types, especially with some and any keywords.
    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View { /* implementation */ }

Functions as Types

  • Functions in Swift can be treated as types. You can declare variables, parameters, and return types as functions.

Example Function Types

(Int, Int) -> Bool // Function takes two Ints and returns a Bool.
(Double) -> Void // Function takes a Double and returns nothing.
() -> Array<String> // Function takes no arguments, returns an Array of Strings.

Example Usage

var operation: (Double) -> Double

func square(operand: Double) -> Double {
    return operand * operand

operation = square // Assigning the square function to the operation variable.
let result = operation(4) // result is 16


  • Closures are inline functions or lambdas, and are commonly used in Swift (e.g., @ViewBuilder).
  • They allow passing functions around more easily.
    performOperation { nums in

Memory Management: ARC vs Garbage Collection

  • Swift uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for memory management.
    • ARC keeps track of how many references point to an object and deallocates it when there are no more references.
  • In contrast, Garbage Collection is used in languages like Java, where the system periodically deallocates unused objects based on reference checks.

Lecture 4: Memory Game in Swift

Table of Contents

  1. Model: MemoryGame Struct
  2. Initialization in Swift
  3. Trailing Closure Syntax
  4. Static Variables
  5. Creating a Memory Game
  6. Property Initializers and Self
  7. Reactive Programming and ObservableObject
  8. Using @StateObject in SwiftUI

Model: MemoryGame Struct

The MemoryGame struct represents the model of our game.

struct MemoryGame<CardContent> {
    private(set) var cards: Array<Card>

    init(numberOfPairsOfCards: Int, cardContentFactory: (Int) -> CardContent) {
        cards = [] // Initialize the cards array
        // Add pairs of cards
        for pairIndex in 0 ..< max(2, numberOfPairsOfCards) {
            let content = cardContentFactory(pairIndex)
            cards.append(Card(content: content))
            cards.append(Card(content: content))

    func choose(_ card: Card) { }
    // Shuffle the cards (needs to be marked 'mutating')
    mutating func shuffle() {

    struct Card {
        var isFaceUp = true
        var isMatched = false
        let content: CardContent


  • The MemoryGame struct takes CardContent as a generic type.
  • It initializes a list of card pairs using a content factory function.
  • The shuffle() function shuffles the cards in place.

Initialization in Swift

  • Swift provides a free initializer for structs, but only if all properties are initialized.
  • If a struct contains variables without default values, Swift does not provide a free initializer.

For example:

private var model: MemoryGame<String> = MemoryGame<String>(numberOfPairsOfCards: 4)

Here, we manually initialize the model with the correct number of card pairs.

Trailing Closure Syntax

When the last argument of a function is a closure, Swift allows the closure to be written outside the parentheses.


performOperation(numbers: [1, 2, 3]) { nums in

You can also use shorthand argument names like $0, which refers to the first argument.

Static Variables

Static variables allow values to be global within a class or struct but scoped to the class itself. This is useful for values that don't need to change, such as an emoji set.

static let emojis = ["👻", "🐮", "🍓", "🫐", "👀", "🐶", "🐱", "🦊", "🐻", "🦁", "🐸", "🐧", "🐢", "🐙", "🐝", "🐼", "🦄"]

Creating a Memory Game

A function can be used to create a memory game.

private static func createMemoryGame() -> MemoryGame<String> {
    return MemoryGame(numberOfPairsOfCards: 4) { pairIndex in
        return emojis[pairIndex]

private var model = createMemoryGame()

Property Initializers and Self

Property initializers run before self is available, meaning you cannot use instance members in initializers. This can be resolved by using static functions.

Reactive Programming and ObservableObject

To make the view model reactive, we use the ObservableObject protocol and the @Published property wrapper.

class EmojiMemoryGame: ObservableObject {
    @Published private var model = createMemoryGame()

Using @StateObject in SwiftUI

In a SwiftUI app, views that need to observe state changes use the @StateObject property wrapper.

import SwiftUI

struct MemorizwiftApp: App {
    @StateObject var game = EmojiMemoryGame()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(viewModel: game)


  • The MemoryGame struct models the game logic.
  • We use closures for flexibility, static variables for global constants, and reactive programming patterns like @Published and ObservableObject for state management in SwiftUI.

Lecture 5: Enums and Optionals

Table of Contents

  1. Enum
  2. Optionals


  • Enums are another variety of data structure in addition to struct and class.
  • Enums can only have discrete states.
enum FastFoodMenuItem {
    case hamburger
    case fries
    case drink
    case cookie
  • An enum is a value type (like struct), so it is copied and passed around.

Associated Data

  • Each state of an enum can (but does not have to) have its own 'associated data'.
enum FastFoodMenuItem {
    case hamburger(numberOfPatties: Int)
    case fries(size: FryOrderSize)
    case drink(String, ounces: Int)
    case cookie
  • The drink case has two pieces of associated data, one of them unnamed.
  • In the example above, FryOrderSize would likely also be an enum:
enum FryOrderSize {
    case large
    case small

Setting a Value of an Enum

  • Use the type name and the case you want, separated by a dot.
let menuItem: FastFoodMenuItem = FastFoodMenuItem.hamburger(numberOfPatties: 2)
var otherItem: FastFoodMenuItem = FastFoodMenuItem.cookie
var yetAnotherItem = .cookie // Swift can infer this

Checking an Enum's State

  • Enum states are usually checked with a switch statement (an if statement is unusual, especially if there is associated data).
var menuItem = FastFoodMenuItem.hamburger(numberOfPatties: 2)

switch menuItem {
    case .hamburger: print("burger")
    case .fries: print("fries")
    case .drink: print("drink")
    case .cookie: print("cookie")
  • It's not necessary to fully write out FastFoodMenuItem.fries inside the switch (since Swift can infer it).

break in Switch

  • If you don't want to do anything for a given case, use break.
switch menuItem {
    case .hamburger: break
    case .fries: print("fries")
    case .drink: print("drink")
    case .cookie: print("cookie")
  • This code would print nothing to the console.

default in Switch

  • A switch must handle all possible cases, though you can use default to handle uninteresting cases.
switch menuItem {
    case .hamburger: break
    case .fries: print("fries")
    default: print("other")
  • If menuItem is a cookie, the above would print "other".

Multiple Lines in Switch Cases

  • Each case in a switch can have multiple lines and does not fall through to the next case unless specified with fallthrough.
switch menuItem {
    case .hamburger: print("burger")
    case .fries:
    case .drink: print("drink")
    case .cookie: print("cookie")
  • The above code would print "yummy" and "fries" but not "drink".

Accessing Associated Data

  • Associated data can be accessed in a switch using the let syntax.
switch menuItem {
    case .hamburger(let pattyCount): print("a burger with \(pattyCount) patties!")
    case .fries(let size): print("a \(size) order of fries!")
    case .drink(let brand, let ounces): print("a \(ounces)oz \(brand)")
    case .cookie: print("a cookie!")

Methods in Enums

  • Enums can have methods and computed properties but no stored properties.
enum FastFoodMenuItem {
    case hamburger(numberOfPatties: Int)
    case fries(size: FryOrderSize)
    case drink(String, ounces: Int)
    case cookie

    func isIncludedInSpecialOrder(number: Int) -> Bool {
        switch self {
            case .hamburger(let pattyCount): return pattyCount == number
            case .fries, .cookie: return true
            case .drink(_, let ounces): return ounces == 16
  • The above method checks if the item is included in a special order (e.g., a 16oz drink or a burger with a specific number of patties).

Getting All Cases of an Enum

  • Use the CaseIterable protocol to get all cases of an enum.
enum TeslaModel: CaseIterable {
    case X
    case S
    case Three
    case Y

for model in TeslaModel.allCases {
    reportSalesNumbers(for: model)


  • An Optional is just an enum. It essentially looks like this:
enum Optional<T> {
    case none
    case some(T)
  • Optionals can have two states: .none (nil) or .some(T) (with associated data of type T).

Declaring Optionals

  • Declaring an optional can be done with the syntax T?.
var hello: String? = "hello"
var goodbye: String? = nil
  • You can also use the fully expressed Optional<T> form:
var hello: Optional<String> = .some("hello")
var goodbye: Optional<String> = .none

Accessing the Value of an Optional

  • Access the value of an optional either by force (!) or safely using if let.
if let safeHello = hello {
} else {
    print("hello is nil")

Nil-Coalescing Operator ??

  • The ?? operator provides a default value if the optional is nil.
let x: String? = nil
let y = x ?? "default value"
  • In this case, y will be assigned "default value" if x is nil.

Lecture 6: Layout in SwiftUI

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Layout Principles
  2. HStack and VStack
  3. Alignment in Stacks
  4. Lazy Stacks
  5. Grids
  6. ScrollView
  7. ViewThatFits
  8. Advanced Stacks
  9. Custom Layout Protocol
  10. ZStack
  11. Modifiers in SwiftUI
  12. GeometryReader
  13. Safe Area
  14. @ViewBuilder

Layout: How is Space Apportioned to Views?

It's amazingly simple ...

  • Container Views “offer” some or all of the space offered to them to the Views inside them.
  • Views then choose what size they want to be (they are the only ones who can do so).
  • Container Views then position the Views inside of them.

This describes the basic flow of layout in SwiftUI where container views manage space distribution, and views decide their own size preferences.

Layout: HStack and VStack

Stacks Dividing Space

  • Stacks divide up the space offered to them and then offer that to the Views inside.
  • The stack offers space to its “least flexible” subviews first.


  • Inflexible View: Image (it wants to be a fixed size).
  • Slightly more flexible View: Text (always wants to size exactly to fit its text).
  • Very flexible View: RoundedRectangle (always uses any space offered).

Once a View takes the space it wants, its size is removed from the available space, and the stack moves on to the next “least flexible” Views. Very flexible views share evenly.

Spacer and Divider

  • Spacer(minLength: CGFloat)

    • Takes all the space offered.
    • Draws nothing.
    • minLength defaults to platform-appropriate spacing.
  • Divider()

    • Draws a dividing line crosswise to the stack direction.
    • Takes the minimum space to fit the line, and all crosswise space.

These views are essential for creating flexible, visually organized layouts in SwiftUI.


This can override which views get space first, regardless of their flexibility. By default, all views have a layout priority of 0.

HStack {
    Text("Important").layoutPriority(10)  // Higher priority
    Image(systemName: "arrow.up")  // Default priority (0)

The Text("Important") will get the space it needs first due to its higher layout priority. Then, the Image will get its space because it is less flexible than the Text("Unimportant"). Finally, the Text("Unimportant") will fit into any remaining space, and if it doesn't get enough space, it may be truncated (e.g., "Swift is..." instead of "Swift is great!").

Alignment in HStack and VStack

When stacking views with different widths, alignment determines their positioning (e.g., left-aligned, centered).

VStack(alignment: .leading) { 
    // Views go here
  • .leading adjusts automatically for text flow direction (e.g., right-to-left languages like Arabic or Hebrew).
  • Text baselines can also be used for alignment:
HStack(alignment: .firstTextBaseline) {
    Text("SwiftUI")    // Aligned by the first text baseline

You can also define your own alignment guides, though this is beyond the scope of this lecture.

LazyHStack and LazyVStack

  • LazyHStack and LazyVStack: These “lazy” stacks only build views that are currently visible.
    • They don’t take up all the space offered, even if they contain flexible views.
    • Use case: Ideal when the stack is within a ScrollView.

LazyHGrid and LazyVGrid

  • LazyHGrid and LazyVGrid: These grids size their views based on the configuration (e.g., number of columns in a grid).
    • The opposite direction (perpendicular to the grid’s axis) can grow or shrink as more views are added.
    • Efficiency: The grid does not take up all the space if it doesn’t need it.


  • Grid: A general-purpose grid that allocates space to its views both horizontally and vertically (hence no “H” or “V”).
    • Offers alignment options for both columns and rows using grid modifiers like gridColumnAlignment() and gridRowAlignment().
    • Use case: Often used to create a "spreadsheet" or tabular display of data.


  • ScrollView: Takes up all the space offered to it and enables scrolling along a specified axis.
    • The views inside a ScrollView are sized to fit along the axis of scrolling (e.g., horizontally or vertically).


  • ViewThatFits: Chooses from a list of container views (e.g., HStack, VStack) and picks the one that best fits the available space.
    • Useful for handling different layouts in landscape vs. portrait mode, or accommodating dynamic type sizes (like larger fonts).

Advanced Stacks: Form, List, OutlineGroup, and DisclosureGroup

  • These views act like "smart" VStacks with additional functionality, such as scrolling, selection, and hierarchy.

    • Form: Used for building structured input forms.
    • List: Displays rows of data in a scrollable container.
    • OutlineGroup: Ideal for showing hierarchical data.
    • DisclosureGroup: Collapsible container for showing/hiding content.

Custom Implementations of the Layout Protocol

  • You can create custom views by implementing the Layout protocol.
    • This allows complete control over the "offer space, let views choose their size, then position them" process using methods like sizeThatFits and placeSubviews.


  • ZStack: Stacks views on top of one another, with the last view being on top.
    • Sizes itself to fit its children, and if one child is flexible, the entire stack will be flexible as well.

.background Modifier


This works like a mini-ZStack, where the Text controls the layout. The Rectangle just adds background color without impacting the layout size.

.overlay Modifier

Circle().overlay(Text("Hello"), alignment: .center)

In this example, the Circle is fully flexible and determines the overall size, with the Text stacked on top and centered.

Modifiers in SwiftUI

Modifiers and Layout

  • Modifiers, such as .padding, return a modified view and can adjust how space is distributed.
Text("SwiftUI Layout").padding(10)

This applies 10 points of padding around the text, adjusting its total size.

.aspectRatio Modifier

The .aspectRatio modifier controls how a view resizes to fit within its available space while maintaining a specified aspect ratio.

Image(systemName: "photo").aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

The view returned by .aspectRatio can choose to either:

  • .fit: The content will resize to fit inside the available space while maintaining its aspect ratio.
  • .fill: The content will expand to fill the entire available space while maintaining its aspect ratio, which may result in some content being cropped.


The GeometryReader view allows you to access information about the size and position of its parent container.

var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { geometry in
        Text("Width: \(geometry.size.width), Height: \(geometry.size.height)")

The geometry parameter is a GeometryProxy, which provides:

  • size: The total space offered by the parent container (CGSize).
  • frame(in:): The view's frame in a specific coordinate space (CGRect).
  • safeAreaInsets: Insets around the safe area (EdgeInsets).

Key Point:

GeometryReader itself always accepts all the space offered to it, meaning it will expand to fill the available space. It's particularly useful for adjusting the layout based on the view's size or position within the interface.

Example of GeometryReader:

GeometryReader { geometry in
    Text("Available width: \(geometry.size.width), Available height: \(geometry.size.height)")

In this example, GeometryReader provides the width and height of the parent container, allowing the layout to adapt dynamically based on the available space.

Safe Area

The safe area represents portions of the screen where views should not draw content, such as the area around the notch on iPhones or the home indicator.

By default, views are constrained to avoid drawing into the safe area, but this behavior can be overridden using the .edgesIgnoringSafeArea modifier.

ZStack {
    Text("Hello, World!")

In this example, the ZStack content is allowed to extend into the top safe area, overriding the default layout behavior. This can be useful for creating full-screen content or when you want the content to span the entire screen, including areas normally reserved for system elements.

By using .edgesIgnoringSafeArea, you can selectively allow content to be drawn into areas that are typically protected by the safe area.

@ViewBuilder Notes


  • @ViewBuilder is a mechanism in Swift used to enhance a variable to have special functionality.
  • It simplifies the syntax for creating lists of views.

How it works:

  • Developers can apply @ViewBuilder to any function that returns something conforming to View.
  • The function still returns a View, but it interprets the contents as a list of Views and combines them into one.


func front(of card: Card) -> some View {
    let shape = RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
  • The above would return a TupleView combining multiple views (e.g., a RoundedRectangle and Text).
  • It would be valid to include simple conditionals (if-else or if let) to determine which views to include.

Rules for @ViewBuilder:

  • The contents of a @ViewBuilder are just a list of views. It does not allow arbitrary code.
  • You can use if-else, switch, or if let statements to include or exclude views conditionally.
  • Local let bindings are allowed within the ViewBuilder.
  • No other types of code are allowed in the function marked with @ViewBuilder.

Key points:

  • Developers don't need to worry about how the views are combined, just that @ViewBuilder takes care of assembling the views into one.

Lecture 7: Drawing, Animating, and View Modifiers in SwiftUI

Table of Contents

  1. Shape in SwiftUI
  2. Creating Custom Shapes
  3. ViewModifier
  4. Animation in SwiftUI
  5. Cardify ViewModifier Example
  6. Protocols in SwiftUI
  7. Generics and Protocols
  8. The some Keyword
  9. The any Keyword

Shape in SwiftUI

What is a Shape?

  • Shape is a protocol that inherits from View.
  • In other words, all shapes are also views in SwiftUI.
  • Examples of shapes already in SwiftUI include:
    • RoundedRectangle
    • Circle
    • Capsule

Drawing Shapes

  • By default, shapes draw themselves by filling with the current foreground color.
  • You can modify this by using .stroke() and .fill() to change the way the shape is drawn.
  • These modifiers return a View that draws the shape in the specified way (by stroking or filling).

Modifying Shapes

  • The arguments to .stroke() and .fill() are quite interesting.
  • Initially, it might seem that the argument to .fill() is a color (e.g., Color.white), but this isn’t always the case.
func fill<S>(_ whatToFillWith: S) -> View where S: ShapeStyle
  • This is a generic function, and S is a placeholder for a type that conforms to the ShapeStyle protocol.
  • ShapeStyle turns a Shape into a View by applying some styling to it.
  • Examples of ShapeStyle include:
    • Color
    • ImagePaint
    • AngularGradient
    • LinearGradient

Creating Custom Shapes

How to Create Your Own Shape

  • The Shape protocol (by extension) implements the View's body var for you.
  • However, it introduces its own function that you are required to implement:
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
    return Path()
  • In this function, you will create and return a Path that draws anything you want.
  • The Path struct has many functions to support drawing, such as:
    • Lines
    • Arcs
    • Bezier curves
    • etc.

Example: Timer Countdown Pie

  • In our demo, we will add a "timer countdown pie" to our CardView (currently without animation).


  • View modifiers in SwiftUI are essentially functions that modify the appearance or behavior of a view.
  • Examples include:
    • foregroundColor
    • font
    • padding
    • frame
  • These modifiers return a modified View, allowing you to chain multiple modifiers together in a declarative manner.

Animation in SwiftUI

  • Animations in SwiftUI are built by simply adding the .animation() modifier to views.
  • This tells SwiftUI to animate any changes to the view’s state in a smooth, coordinated fashion.
  • Animation is crucial for a mobile UI, and SwiftUI makes it very easy to implement.
  • One way to perform animations is by animating a Shape.
  • Another way is by animating Views via their ViewModifiers.

Animating Shapes

  • In the upcoming demo, we will show how to animate a pie-shaped countdown timer by animating a Shape.

ViewModifier in SwiftUI

What is a ViewModifier?

  • You’ve used many functions that modify views (like aspectRatio and padding).
  • These functions likely turn around and call the .modifier() function in the View.


.aspectRatio(2/3) is likely something like .modifier(AspectModifier(2/3))
  • AspectModifier can be anything that conforms to the ViewModifier protocol.

The ViewModifier Protocol

  • The ViewModifier protocol has a single function that creates a new View based on the thing passed to it.
protocol ViewModifier {
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        return some View that likely contains content
  • When we call .modifier on a view, the content passed to this function is the view itself.


aView.modifier(MyViewModifier(arguments: ))
  • MyViewModifier implements ViewModifier, and aView will be passed to its body function via the content.

Example: Creating a ViewModifier

Learning by Example

  • Let’s say we want to create a modifier that "card-ifies" a view.
  • This would take the view and put it on a card-like interface, as seen in the Memorize game.
  • This modifier should work with any view, not just our Text("👻").

What would such a ViewModifier look like?

// Example ViewModifier code

In this example, we will create a custom modifier to "card-ify" any view, adding functionality and visual customization to the view in SwiftUI.

Cardify ViewModifier

Cardify Modifier Example

Text("👻").modifier(Cardify(isFaceUp: true)) // eventually .cardify(isFaceUp: true)
  • Here, we apply a custom Cardify modifier to a Text view.

Implementing Cardify Modifier

struct Cardify: ViewModifier {
    var isFaceUp: Bool
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        ZStack {
            if isFaceUp {
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).fill(Color.white)
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).stroke()
            } else {
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
  • Cardify is a ViewModifier that checks if a card is face-up and then uses a ZStack to display either the card content or just a rounded rectangle for the card's back.
  • The ZStack allows us to layer the views, such as the RoundedRectangle for the card shape and the actual content (like the emoji or text).

Transitioning to a Custom ViewModifier

Converting to a Simplified Cardify

Text("👻").modifier(Cardify(isFaceUp: true))
  • This can be shortened to:
Text("👻").cardify(isFaceUp: true)

Implementing as an Extension

extension View {
    func cardify(isFaceUp: Bool) -> some View {
        return self.modifier(Cardify(isFaceUp: isFaceUp))
  • By using an extension on View, we can easily add the cardify function to any view without having to manually call .modifier() every time.

Protocols in SwiftUI

What is a Protocol Used For?

  • One of the most powerful uses of protocols is to facilitate code sharing.
  • Implementation can be added to a protocol by creating an extension to it.

Code Example:

extension ProtocolName {
    // Default implementation for protocol methods
  • This is how Views get modifiers like foregroundColor and font.
  • Functions like filter and firstIndex(where:) are implemented using protocol extensions.
  • Extensions can also add a default implementation for functions or properties in the protocol.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adding extensions to protocols is essential for protocol-oriented programming in Swift.
  • This is how Swift enables code reuse and sharing across multiple types and modules.

What is a Protocol Used For?

  • Protocols facilitate code sharing by allowing extensions to add implementation.
  • Examples:
    • filter was added to Array, String, and Range as an extension to the Sequence protocol.
filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array<Element>
  • The filter function was written once by Apple but works on many types like Array, Range, and more.

View in SwiftUI and Protocols

  • In SwiftUI, there’s a protocol similar to the following:
protocol View {
    var body: some View { get }
  • There’s also an extension that provides various modifiers:
extension View {
    func foregroundColor(_ color: Color) -> some View { /* implementation */ }
    func font(_ font: Font?) -> some View { /* implementation */ }
    func blur(radius: CGFloat, opaque: Bool) -> some View { /* implementation */ }
    // ...and many more...
  • The first part constrains views (e.g., CardView) to provide the required body.
  • The second part adds many modifiers as benefits for conforming to the protocol.

Generics + Protocols

Identifiable Protocol

protocol Identifiable {
    var id: ID { get }
  • Here, ID is a "don't care" type, meaning any type can be used for id.
  • Protocols in Swift can be generic and declare associated types.
protocol Identifiable {
    associatedtype ID
    var id: ID { get }
  • This allows any conforming type to provide its own specific type for id.

Example of Generics in Identifiable

  • For example, String is used as the ID type in MemoryGame.Card, which conforms to Identifiable.
  • Since String is Hashable, we can look up ids in hash tables.
  • This is why Hashable is often combined with Identifiable.
protocol Identifiable {
    associatedtype ID: Hashable
    var id: ID { get }

Generics + Protocols

  • Consider the Identifiable protocol:
protocol Identifiable {
    var id: ID { get }
  • The type ID is a "don't care" for Identifiable.
  • We can enforce that ID is Hashable:
protocol Identifiable {
    associatedtype ID: Hashable
    var id: ID { get }

some Keyword

  • The some keyword is used to pass things opaquely in or out of a function or variable.
  • It means that you know the thing conforms to the protocol, but nothing more.


var body: some View {
    if viewModel.rounded {
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12)
    } else {
  • All paths through the curly braces { } must return something of the same type.


In (i.e., as a parameter to a function)

We saw a generic function in Shape:

func fill<S>(_ whatToFillWith: S) -> View where S: ShapeStyle

This could be simplified as:

func fill(_ whatToFillWith: some ShapeStyle) -> some View

The actual (underlying) type is determined by the caller:

Circle().fill(ImagePaint(image: Image(systemName: "globe")))

Example Usage:

func fillAndStroke(shape: some Shape) -> some View {
    ZStack {


For simple protocols, you can use the protocol keyword like any other type.

Example: Array<Foo> for a simple protocol like:

protocol Foo {
    func bar()

If you iterate through an Array<Foo>, the only thing you can call is bar().

However, for protocols that involve generics (like Identifiable), or are self-referential (like Equatable), you can’t do this easily.

Swift’s solution to create a heterogeneous array of such things is to use the keyword any.


let ids = [any Identifiable]()

To do anything with these ids:

func printId(of identifiable: some Identifiable) {

Generics and Protocols


Some of you might be feeling overwhelmed.

  • "How am I going to design systems using generics/protocols?"

Good News:

  • SwiftUI does a lot of the work for you.
  • The more you use it, the more you’ll grasp the concepts.
  • Eventually, you’ll master extensions and generics.

You don’t need to be an expert in functional programming to use SwiftUI effectively. Start with the basics, and mastery will come with experience.


  • Protocols are a powerful way to enable code sharing in SwiftUI.
  • ViewModifier allows for flexible customization of views.
  • Animations are easy to implement and customize.
  • Custom shapes allow you to create unique UI elements.

Lecture 8: Property Observers and Animation in Swift

Table of Contents

  1. Property Observers
  2. Animation
  3. Demo Examples

1. Property Observers

Property Observers

Swift is able to detect when a struct changes. Property Observers allow us to take action when this happens. Essentially, they "watch" a variable and execute code when it changes.

The syntax can look a lot like a computed variable, but it's completely unrelated to that:

var isFaceUp: Bool {
    willSet {
        if newValue {
        } else {
  • newValue: This is a special variable representing the value that is going to be set.
  • didSet: Another property observer that uses oldValue, representing the previous value.

.onChange(of:) {}

Instead of using a property observer on an @State variable, we can use the .onChange(of:) view modifier. This detects a change to an @State or ViewModel variable:

@State private var taps = 0

Text("\(taps) taps")
    .onChange(of: { newCards in
        taps += 1
  • newCards: This represents the value it is going to be set to.

2. Animation

Important Takeaways about Animation

  • Only changes can be animated.

    • Changes to ViewModifier arguments (including GeometryEffect modifiers).
    • Changes to shapes.
    • Transitioning a view from "existing" to "not existing" in the UI.
  • ViewModifiers are the primary "change agents" in the UI.

    • Changes to a ViewModifier's arguments must happen after the view is initially in the UI.
    • Not all ViewModifier arguments are animatable, but most are.
  • When a view arrives or departs, the entire thing is animated as a unit.

Implicit Animation

Implicit animation in Swift allows us to automatically animate views. To enable this, we simply add a .animation() modifier to the view:

    .opacity(card.scary ? 1 : 0)
    .rotationEffect(Angle.degrees(card.upsideDown ? 180 : 0))
    .animation(Animation.easeInOut, value: card)
  • Warning: The .animation modifier does not work like a container. It propagates the .animation modifier to all the views it contains.

Animation Curve

The kind of animation curve we use controls how the animation "plays out":

  • .linear: Consistent rate throughout.
  • .easeInOut: Starts slow, speeds up, and then slows down again.
  • .spring: Provides a "soft landing" or "bounce" effect at the end of the animation.

Explicit Animation

Explicit animations allow us to create animation transactions where changes are animated together by executing a block of code:

withAnimation(.linear(duration: 2)) {
    // Do something that will cause view to change

Explicit animations are often wrapped around calls to ViewModel Intent Functions, like:

  • Entering or exiting editing mode.

Note: Explicit animations do not override implicit animations.


Purpose: Transitions specify how to animate the arrival/departure of Views.

  • They work for Views already on-screen (containers that are inside CTAOOS - "Containers That Are Already On-Screen").
  • Transitions are composed of pairs of ViewModifiers (before and after changes occur).


  • A view fades in on appearance but flies out when it disappears.

Types of Built-in Transitions

  • .opacity: Uses .opacity to fade the View in/out.
  • .scale: Uses .frame to expand/shrink the View.
  • .offset: Moves the View using an offset.
  • .modifier(active:identity:): You provide the two ViewModifiers to use.

Specifying Transitions

Use .transition() to specify which kind of transition to use when a View arrives/departs.


ZStack {
  if isFaceUp {
    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
  } else {
    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)

In this example:

  • If isFaceUp changes, the front RoundedRectangle fades in and the text grows in.
  • Unlike .animation(), .transition() only works for the entire ZStack (or its content).
  • It does not get redistributed to a container’s content Views.
  • Group and ForEach distribute .transition() to their child views.

Setting Animation Details for a Transition

To set an animation (curve/duration/etc.) for a transition, use the .animation method of AnyTransition structs.


.transition(AnyTransition.opacity.animation(.linear(duration: 20)))

Important Takeaways About Animation

  • Only changes can be animated:

    • ViewModifier arguments
    • Shapes
    • View transition from existing to non-existing (or vice versa).
  • Animation shows the user changes that have already happened.

ViewModifiers are the primary "change agents" in the UI.

  • Changes to a ViewModifier’s arguments can only happen after the View is added to the UI.
  • Only changes since a View joined the UI can be animated.

Matched Geometry Effect

  • Sometimes you want a View to move from one place on the screen to another, and possibly resize along the way.

  • If the View is moving to a new place in its same container, this is no problem (like shuffle).

  • "Moving" like this is just animating the .position ViewModifier arguments.

    • .position is what HStack, LazyVGrid, etc., use to position the Views inside them.
    • This kind of thing happens automatically when you explicitly animate.
  • But what if the View is "moving" from one container to a different container?

    • This is not really possible.
  • Instead, you need a View in the source position and a different one in the destination position.

    • Then you must "match" their geometries up as one leaves the UI and the other arrives.
  • So, this is similar to .transition in that it is animating Views coming and going in the UI.

    • It's just that it's particular to the case where a pair of Views arrivals/departures are synced.

Example - Dealing Cards off of a Deck

  • A great example of this would be "dealing cards off of a deck".

    • The "deck" might well be its own View off to the side.
    • When a card is "dealt" from the deck, it needs to fly from there to the game.
    • But the deck and game's main View are not in the same LazyVGrid or anything.
  • How do we handle this?

Marking Views

  • We mark both Views using this ViewModifier:
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: ID, in: Namespace) // ID type is a "don't care": Hashable
  • Declare the Namespace as a private var in your View like this:
@Namespace private var myNamespace

Controlling Views

  • Now write code so that only one of the 2 Views is ever included in the UI at the same time.

    • You can do this with if-else in a ViewBuilder or maybe via ForEach.
  • Now, when one of the pair leaves and the other arrives at the same time, their size and position will be synced up and animated.

  • It's possible to match geometries when both Views are on screen too.


  • Remember that animations only work on Views that are in CTAAOS (Containers That Are Already On-Screen).

Kicking Off Animation on Appear

  • How can you kick off an animation as soon as a View's Container arrives on-screen?

    • View has a nice function called .onAppear {}.
      • It executes a closure anytime a View appears on screen.
  • Since, by definition, a View is on-screen when its own .onAppear {} is happening, it is in a CTAAOS, so any animations for it or its children that are appearing can fire.

Using withAnimation Inside onAppear

  • We'll use .onAppear {} to kick off a couple of animations in the demo this week, especially ones that only make sense when a certain View is visible (e.g., our flying score).

Shape and ViewModifier Animation

  • The communication with the animation system happens (both ways) with a single var.
    • This var is the only thing in the Animatable protocol.

Implementing the Protocol

  • Shapes and ViewModifiers that want to be animatable must implement this protocol:
var animatableData: Type
  • Type is a "don't care". Well... it's a "care a little bit".

    • Type has to implement the protocol VectorArithmetic.
      • That's because it has to be able to be broken up into little pieces on an animation curve.
  • Type is very often a floating point number (Float, Double, CGFloat).

  • But there's another struct that implements VectorArithmetic called AnimatablePair.

    • AnimatablePair combines two VectorArithmetics into one VectorArithmetic.
  • Of course, you can have AnimatablePairs of AnimatablePairs, so you can animate all you want.

Shape and ViewModifier Animation

The communication with the animation system happens (both ways) with a single variable. This var is the only thing in the Animatable protocol.

  • Shapes and ViewModifiers that want to be animatable must implement this protocol.
var animatableData: Type
  • Type is a don’t care. Well… it’s a “care a little bit.”
  • Type has to implement the protocol VectorArithmetic because it has to be broken up into little pieces on an animation curve.

Example of Type

  • Type is often a floating point number (Float, Double, CGFloat).
  • Another struct that implements VectorArithmetic is AnimatablePair.
  • AnimatablePair combines two VectorArithmetic into one VectorArithmetic.

With AnimatablePairs, you can animate as much as you want!

Animation Communication

Because it’s communicating both ways, this animatableData is a read-write variable.

  • The setting of this var is the animation system telling the Shape/VM which "piece" to draw.
  • The getting of this var is the animation system getting the start/end points of an animation.

This is often a computed var (but doesn’t have to be).

  • We might not want to use the name animatableData in our Shape/VM code, instead using more descriptive variable names.
  • The get/set often just gets/sets other variables, essentially exposing them to the animation system with a different name.

3. Demo Examples

Demo 1: Explicit Animation (Shuffling and Choosing Cards)

  • Demonstrates shuffling and selecting cards with explicit animations.

Demo 2: Implicit Animation (Celebrating a Match!)

  • An example of celebrating a match with implicit animations.

Demo 3: Animatable ViewModifier (Flipping Cards)

  • Shows how to create custom view modifiers for flipping cards.

Demo 4: Suppressing Unwanted Animation

  • How to suppress unwanted animations using .animation(nil).

Demo 5: onAppear Animation (Score Indications)

  • Demonstrates animating score changes with property observers and tuples.