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yarn add @leafygreen-ui/icon


npm install @leafygreen-ui/icon


import Icon from '@leafygreen-ui/icon';

const SomeComponent = () => <Icon glyph="Plus" fill="#FF0000" />;

Output HTML

  viewBox="0 0 16 16"
  aria-label="Beaker Icon"
    d="M10.623 1a.886.886 0 01.041 1.772V5.34c0 . 5.647.002.003c.232.387.356.818.356 1.254 0 .4-.106.804-.318 1.17l-.003.006-.004.007-.095.158A2.36 2.36 0 0112.217 15h-8.4c-.44 0-.86-.118-1.22-.333a2.448 2.448 0 01-.875-.904l-.001-.003a2.428 2.428 0 01-.301-1.163c0-.438.123-.877.367-1.268l3.53-5.647a.695.695 0 00.094-.343V2.772A.885.885 0 015.452 1zM8.904 2.774H7.185V5.34c0 .457-.136.892-.365 1.27l-.001.001-3.522 5.657a.644.644 0 00-.103.343c0 . 0 00.553.329h8.4c.12 0 .223-.031.316-.087a.675.675 0 00.238-.898L9.272 6.612a2.324 2.324 0 01-.368-1.273V2.774zm.606 6.633l1.553 2.49a.227.227 0 0 01-.206.122H5.195c-.122 0-.187-.075-.206-.122-.028-.056-.056-.15.01-.243l1.553-2.49H9.51z"


Prop Type Description Default
glyph (Required) 'ActivityFeed', 'AddFile', 'AllProducts', 'Apps', 'Array', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'ArrowUp', 'Beaker', 'Bell', 'Biometric', 'Boolean', 'Building', 'Bulb', 'Calendar', 'Camera', 'Cap', 'CaretDown', 'CaretLeft', 'CaretRight', 'CaretUp', 'ChartFilled', 'Charts', 'Checkmark', 'CheckmarkWithCircle', 'ChevronDown',, 'ChevronLeft' 'ChevronRight','ChevronUp', 'Circle', 'Clock','ClockWithArrow', 'Clone', 'Cloud', 'Code', 'CodeBlock','Coin', 'Colon', 'Connect','Copy','CreditCard', 'CurlyBraces', 'Dashboard', 'Database', 'Diagram', 'Diagram2', 'Diagram3', 'Disconnect', 'Download', 'Drag', 'Edit', 'Ellipsis', 'Email', 'Eraser', 'Escalation', 'Export', 'Favorite', 'Federation', 'File', 'Filter','Folder', 'Format', 'FullScreenEnter', 'FullScreenExit', 'Guage', 'GlobeAmericas', 'GovernmentBuilding', 'Hash', 'Highlight', 'Home', 'HorizontalDrag', 'Import', 'ImportantWithCircle', 'InfoWithCircle', 'InternalEmployee', 'InviteUser', 'Key', 'Laptop', 'LightningBolt', 'Link', 'List', 'Lock', 'LogIn', 'LogOut', 'MagnifyingGlass', 'Megaphone', 'Menu', 'Minus', 'Mobile', 'Moon', 'MultiDirectionArrow', 'MultiLayers', 'NavCollapse', 'NavExpand', 'NoFilter', 'NotAllowed', 'Note', 'OpenNewTab', 'Pause', 'Pending', 'Person', 'PersonGroup', 'PersonWithLock', 'Pin', 'Play', 'Plus', 'PlusWithCircle', 'Primary', 'Project', 'QuestionMarkWithCircle', 'Read', 'Recommended', 'Redo', 'Refresh','Relationship', 'ReplicaSet','Resize', 'Return', 'Revert', 'Save', 'SearchIndex', 'Secondary', 'Serverless', 'Settings', 'ShardedCluster', 'Shell', 'SMS','SortAscending', 'SortDescending', 'SortHorizontal', 'SortVertical','Sparkle', 'SplitHorizontal', 'SplitVertical', 'Stitch', 'Stop', 'String', 'Sun', 'Support', 'Sweep', 'Table', 'Tag', 'ThumbsDown', 'ThumbsUp', 'TimeSeries', 'TimeSeriesCollection', 'Trash', 'Undo', 'University', 'Unlock', 'Unsorted', 'UpDownCarets', 'Upload', 'VerticalEllipsis', 'Visibility', 'VisibilityOff', 'Warning', 'Wizard', 'Wrench', 'Write','X', 'XWithCircle' Specifies the glyph to use.
size 'small', 'default', 'large', 'xlarge', number The height and width of the glyph's viewBox. This can be any number or one of the following 'small', 'default', 'large', 'xlarge' 'default'
fill string The fill color that is passed to the glyph. By default, the glyph will inherit its fill from the CSS color property of its nearest ancestor.
title string, boolean, null Renders a title tag with the passed string within the SVG element for screen reader accessibility. Setting this value to false will entirely unset the title.
If title is undefined or null, a human-readable title will be generated based on the glyph's name.
... SVGR.ComponentProps All other props will be spread on the svg element


Usage (Registering custom icon sets)

This package exposes a method used to generate a custom version of the Icon component with any specified set of icons.

// Import the createIconComponent method from the Icon package
import { createGlyphComponent, createIconComponent } from '@leafygreen-ui/icon';

// Create your 'glyphs' object. For each key / value pair, the key will be the name of the icon,
// and the value can be any valid React component.
const myGlyphs = {
  MyCustomGlyph: createGlyphComponent('MyCustomGlyph', props => (
    <svg {...props} />

// The createIconComponent function returns your custom Icon component.
const MyIconComponent = createIconComponent(myGlyphs);

// Your icon is now ready to use!
const SomeComponent = () => (
    <MyIconComponent glyph="MyCustomGlyph" />

We also export the default icon set for you! If you want to include our glyphs with your custom glyphs, you can do something like this:

import { createGlyphComponent, createIconComponent } from '@leafygreen-ui/icon';

const myGlyphs = {
  MyCustomGlyph: createGlyphComponent('MyCustomGlyph', props => (
    <svg {...props} />

const MyIconComponent = createIconComponent(myGlyphs);

Note: Glyph has a static property, isGlyph, that enables checking whether or not a component is a LeafyGreen glyph.


A custom Icon component, that includes any custom glyphs


Prop Type Description Default
GlyphObject Record<string, LGGlyph.Component> A dictionary record of all the named icons in the icon set


Ensures a custom glyph accepts the same props and treat them the same as a built-in Leafygreen icon. To ensure a custom glyph behaves similarly to built-in icons, be sure to:

  • Spread props onto the svg element
  • Ensure all fills in the svg are set to currentColor
  • Strokes are converted to outlines (this should be done in Figma)


import { createGlyphComponent, Size } from '@leafygreen-ui/icon';

const MyIconGlyph = createGlyphComponent('myIconName', props => (
  <svg {...props} />

return <MyIconGlyph size={Size.Large} role="presentation" />;


A LGGlyph.Component


Prop Type Description Default
name string The name of the icon
Glyph SVGR.Component The React SVG component


Creating a new icon component

(For DS engineers)

  • After uploading a new SVG file to src/glyphs, replace all fill property values for strokes with #000.
  • Update src/glyphs/index.ts to import/export the SVG file.
  • Build the package with yarn build:packages icon to create the component in src/generated.
  • Update README