- Feed from the left of the hitter
- The middle has to watch the ball without being able to see the setter at first`, `and hit a quick attack
Adaptations can involve playing off a pass a pass and putting up a block to beat.
- Feed from the right of the hitter
- The middle has to hit a quick attack
Adaptations can involve playing off a pass and putting up a block to beat.
line hitting
- Have someone other than the hitter feed the hitter's ball
- Hit a line ball through 4`, `with a block blocking cross court to a target passer at 1
- Everyone (except the setter) then moves on one position
- This can be run on both sides of the net and run as a chain
piston attack
- The feeder (which can be from the next pair to go) feeds from between the 4 hitter and the middle
- The hitters run a piston attack and the setter can choose either to set to
- The 4 hitter tries to maintain the deception of the attack
- Try to keep the pairs together so they can work together
Adaptations can involve adding a block to beat.
, rhythm
- The ball is fed to the setter, who hits a ball at the 4 hitter
- The 4 hitter passes then transitions to their hit
- The setter sets the hitter and they hit
- The 4 hitter starts at the net, and the setter at 6 or 5
- The feeder slaps the ball, then the setter moves to 2 1/2 and the hitter backs off the net
- The feeder feeds the setter, who sets to the 4 hitter
, work
- The feeder slaps the ball and the setter and middle both block
- The feeder feeds the ball, the setter turns to track the ball and the middle backs off the net
- The setter sets the middle for a quick attack
- The pair then repeat until exhausted
attack adaptation
- The feeder feeds a ball to the libero, who passes to the setter and the team run 3 hitting lanes
- The hitters should hit the corner targets on a hit and the trolley/target on a tip
- The coach calls what they attackers have to do
- The coach can try calling later and later, up to the point of calling after the hitter jumps
block and hit
, work
- The feeder slaps the ball, then feeds the ball to the libero
- The middle blocker swing blocks out to 4
- If the ball beats the blocker, the libero passes to the setter
- The middle has to land and get off the net so that they can run a quick attack
, middle
- The feeder feeds a ball to the libero at 5
- The middle has to transition from 4 and run a quick attack
- The players then reset and go again
, middle
- The feeder feeds a ball to the libero at 1
- The middle has to transition from 2 and run a quick attack
- The players then reset and go again
- Run any of 3 possible lanes
- 10 ball on the side line
- Pipe attack from between 1 and 6
- Pipe attack from between 5 and 6
- Have a separate feeding queue for each lane
- This requires accurate setters`, `and mustn't have a block (too many balls floating around)
pass as a unit
- Have passers at 5 and at 6 and feed a ball for them to pass to the setter
- The player at 5 then transitions to hit thorugh 4 and the player at 6 runs a pipe attack
- The setter can set to the non-passer or to the passer`, `whichever the coach wants to work on
attack control
- The ball is fed to a libero to pass to the setter
- The setter can set either hitter
- The coach can give instructions on which targets the hitter is supposed to hit