diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 8776efb4..bf962071 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -49,10 +49,17 @@ gem 'bugsnag'
group :development do
gem 'annotate'
+ gem 'quiet_assets'
gem 'spring'
gem 'spring-commands-rspec'
+group :legacy do
+ gem 'mysql2'
+ gem 'reverse_markdown'
+ gem 'nokogiri'
group :development, :test do
gem 'capybara'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 1c41c0bc..3bd25684 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ GEM
multi_json (1.11.2)
multi_xml (0.5.5)
multipart-post (2.0.0)
+ mysql2 (0.4.2)
neat (1.7.2)
bourbon (>= 4.0)
sass (>= 3.3)
@@ -226,6 +227,8 @@ GEM
coderay (~> 1.1.0)
method_source (~> 0.8.1)
slop (~> 3.4)
+ quiet_assets (1.1.0)
+ railties (>= 3.1, < 5.0)
rack (1.6.4)
rack-test (0.6.3)
rack (>= 1.0)
@@ -271,6 +274,8 @@ GEM
http-cookie (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
mime-types (>= 1.16, < 3.0)
netrc (~> 0.7)
+ reverse_markdown (1.0.0)
+ nokogiri
rspec (3.4.0)
rspec-core (~> 3.4.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 3.4.0)
@@ -380,13 +385,17 @@ DEPENDENCIES
+ mysql2
+ nokogiri
+ quiet_assets
rails (~> 4.2.2)
+ reverse_markdown
diff --git a/app/controllers/home_controller.rb b/app/controllers/home_controller.rb
index 47b21229..2be57519 100644
--- a/app/controllers/home_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/home_controller.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
@events = Event.published.limit(2)
- @news_items = NewsItem.published.to_a
+ @news_items = NewsItem.published.limit(10).to_a
diff --git a/app/controllers/news_items_controller.rb b/app/controllers/news_items_controller.rb
index f871cbaa..ac0f8b53 100644
--- a/app/controllers/news_items_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/news_items_controller.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
class NewsItemsController < ApplicationController
def index
- @news_items = NewsItem.published.to_a
+ @news_items = news_item_scope.to_a
+ # TODO: See Issue #151
+ # If `params[:slug]` is present, it's *most probably* coming from a
+ # wordpress legacy link.
+ # When the legacy data was imported, we also stored that original `slug`
+ # and this is why we first try to load an event_item using that param.
+ #
def show
- @news_item = NewsItem.published.find(params[:id])
+ @news_item = news_item_scope.where(slug: params[:slug]).first ||
+ news_item_scope.where(id: params[:id]).first ||
+ raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
+ end
+ private
+ def news_item_scope
+ NewsItem.published
diff --git a/app/dashboards/news_item_dashboard.rb b/app/dashboards/news_item_dashboard.rb
index 0f03a075..a680d35a 100644
--- a/app/dashboards/news_item_dashboard.rb
+++ b/app/dashboards/news_item_dashboard.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class NewsItemDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
id: Field::Number,
title: Field::String,
body: Field::Text,
- state: Field::String,
+ state: EnumField,
published_at: Field::DateTime,
created_at: Field::DateTime,
updated_at: Field::DateTime,
@@ -26,11 +26,9 @@ class NewsItemDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
- :body,
- :published_at,
- :created_at,
+ :published_at,
diff --git a/app/models/news_item.rb b/app/models/news_item.rb
index 63c6c9f6..444c15f0 100644
--- a/app/models/news_item.rb
+++ b/app/models/news_item.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,28 @@
+# a NewsItem represents any announcement that we want to communicate to our
+# web audience.
+# When it is marked as `published`, a `published_at` is automatically added/updated
+# and will decide on the display order of that `news_item`
+# NOTE: [legacy]
+# - This is also where we imported the old wordpress posts
+# - The `slug` is purely used to store the old wordpress slug and make sure we
+# can still resolve: http://www.montrealrb.com/[post_date:YYYY]/[post_date:MM]/[post_name]
class NewsItem < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # Extends
extend Enumerize
- enumerize :state, in: [:draft, :archived, :published]
- scope :published, -> { where(state: :published).order(:published_at) }
- validates :published_at, presence: true, if: -> { state.published? }
+ # Scopes
+ scope :published, -> { where(state: :published).order(published_at: :desc) }
+ # Validations
+ validates :published_at, presence: true, if: -> { state.published? }
validates_presence_of :title, :state
+ # Class methods
+ enumerize :state, in: [:draft, :archived, :published]
+ to_param :title
+ # Instance methods
diff --git a/app/views/home/index.html.erb b/app/views/home/index.html.erb
index af3a932d..e25e16e4 100644
--- a/app/views/home/index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/home/index.html.erb
@@ -1,61 +1,11 @@
<% @news_items.each do |news_item| %>
<%= news_item.title%>
<%= link_to news_item.title, news_item_path(news_item) %>
Posted <%= time_ago_in_words(news_item.published_at) %> ago
- <%= news_item.body %>
+ <%= render_markdown_as_html news_item.body %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish', '#' %>
- Posted on November 18 in <%= link_to 'News', '#' %> by <%= link_to 'Martin', '#' %>
Hey fellow Rubyist,
Yesterday was my last meet-up as a Montreal.rb organizer. After 4.5 years of taking care of our group, it’s time for me to pass the torch.
I remember so much from all the time I spent volunteering for Montreal.rb. The group grew during my tenure and we frequently had new faces, an achievement that I’m really proud of. We also had great projects like Railsbridge and Office Hours. Those are proof of our dynamic community here in Montreal. I would like to thank everyone who attended one of our events, those who spent time helping me organize Montreal.rb, and especially those who had the courage to give a talk.
Does that mean that Montreal.rb will die? I don’t think so. I’m leaving because I believe our community is ready to grow without me supporting it on my shoulders. I’ll be honest here: organizing Montreal.rb takes a lot more time than what you would think. If you like our group and you want to see it survive, please get involved. Do not let only one person be responsible for our group, it’s really hard to do. You don’t need to spend as much time as I did – organizing 1 meet-up here and there is enough to help the organizers.
What is next for me? Where will I get involved next? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m working and having fun at Sharethebus – we are hiring btw
– that’s a start. I’ll maybe have time to do some open source, who knows?
Anyhow, I’ll see you at the next Montreal.rb meet-up where I’ll be only an attendee – a first since 2011.
Take care of our group for me,
- <%= link_to icon('caret-right', 'Read More'), '#', class: 'btn btn-primary pull-right' %>
<%= link_to 'Rails Workshop', '#' %>
- Posted on November 10 in <%= link_to 'Events', '#' %> by <%= link_to 'Sophie', '#' %>
- - When: Tuesday November 24, 2015 from 6:30pm to 10:30pm
- - Where: Centre Cloud.ca, 420 rue Guy, Montreal
- - Who: Everybody interested in building a Rails website
- - How much: Free! Pizza and beer offered by AdGear
- This workshop is a couple hours sprint to help us have a brand new Rails website!!
- Experienced and new Ruby on Rails developpers are welcome to pair together to work on the features we need to publish the website.
- You must bring your own laptop with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and Git installed.
- You should clone the existing repository (https://github.com/montrealrb/Montreal.rb) and create your github account if you don’t already have one.
- Experienced Rails developpers should be able to run the webserver before the event.
- If you have some problems with any of the requirered installations, we might be able to help you or you can pair with somebody else on their computer.
- <%= link_to icon('caret-right', 'Read More'), '#', class: 'btn btn-primary pull-right' %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index 7640afc4..7285c4b9 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -11,8 +11,13 @@
devise_for :users,
controllers: { omniauth_callbacks: "users/omniauth_callbacks" }
- resources :events, only: [:index, :show]
+ # NewsItem compatibility with old wordpress Posts url
+ get "/:year/:month/:slug",
+ to: "news_items#show",
+ constraints: { year: /\d{4}/, month: /\d{2}/ }
resources :news_items, only: [:index, :show]
+ resources :events, only: [:index, :show]
resources :organizations, only: [:index, :show]
resources :pages, only: [:show]
diff --git a/db/legacy.yml b/db/legacy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..333f1668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/legacy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3802 @@
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb Business Edition: March 16th, 6:30 PM'
+ post_content: "Programming the next generation web application isn't all about the
+ code. It's also about the business: building a clientele, a revenue model, an
+ exit strategy. Luckily, we have two excellent people right here in Montreal to
+ show us the ropes: [Benjamin Yoskovitz](http://www.instigatorblog.com/) of [StandoutJobs](http://standoutjobs.com/)
+ and [Carl Mercier](http://blog.carlmercier.com/) of [Defensio](http://defensio.com/)
+ will be in to tell us more about all those things, and you will have your chance
+ too: we have time set aside to do a Q&A after the two presenters.\r \r The meeting
+ place is as usual, at [Bloom Digital](http://www.adgear.com/) Headquarters: 481
+ Viger W. Be there to learn much more on the business-side of things.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-03-11 21:07:52.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-business-edition-march-16th-630-pm
+- post_title: About
+ post_content: "Montreal.rb is a community group of Montreal-based [Ruby](http://www.ruby-lang.org/)
+ and [Ruby on Rails](http://rubyonrails.org) developers. It's aim is to help support
+ local developers by creating a thriving forum for learning and discussion, and
+ also just spread the RoR good word. We've drank the RoR Kool-Aid, and quite like
+ it thank-you-very-much. We meet every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 18h30 at the
+ [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact/).\r \r Even though this website is
+ written in English, most of us speak French. Presentations are usually bilingual.
+ Bienvenue à vous chers amis francophones!\r \r Ruby on Rails is an open-source
+ web development framework that makes deploying modern web applications fun and
+ easy. It was originally developed by the folks over at [37Signals](http://37signals.com).
+ To them as well, our gratitude.\r \r If you want to connect with us, you can :\n\n-
+ email the organizer [Martin Provencher](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n- follow
+ us on twitter [@montrealrb](https://twitter.com/montrealrb)\n- register on the
+ [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/montrealrb)\n-
+ email the mailing-list [montrealrb@googlegroups.com](mailto:montrealrb@googlegroups.com)\n-
+ join our [Linkedin group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Montrealrb-1837808/about).\n"
+ post_date: 2007-07-09 01:55:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: about-2
+- post_title: 'Next Meeting: January 18th'
+ post_content: "See you at the [CRIM, 405 Ogilvy St](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009671,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&ll=45.530673,-73.624492&spn=0.00965,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A).
+ The meeting starts at 6:45 PM, with time for some chat before:\n\n- 6:15 PM -
+ doors open\n- 6:30 PM - Adrian Dafinei, president of AQIII - Association Québécoise
+ des Informaticiennes et Informaticiens Indépendants\n- 7:15 PM - Round table discussion
+ for next months\n- 8:00 PM - Beer and such at the Cafe Vesuvio\n\r See you then!
+ Make sure to [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874396/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)."
+ post_date: 2011-01-17 09:53:44.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: next-meeting-january-18th
+- post_title: 'Next Hacknight Event: April 6th, 2010'
+ post_content: "Our last hacknight occured nearly a month ago. We were 6 and we hacked
+ on Holygrail. Lots of coding and workarounds later, we managed to make Holygrail
+ call into Rails integration tests for Ajax requests. Martin still hasn't announced
+ a new release, but he told me it was forthcoming.\r \r Anyway, our next event
+ will be on April 6th, 2010, 6:30 PM as usual. Please bring your laptop and mind.
+ We can go out or call for food as appropriate. I don't have any gems yet, but
+ we still have 2 contenders from last time around:\n\n1. Package [@chebuctonian](http://twitter.com/chebuctonian)'s
+ [semantic\\_menu](http://github.com/danielharan/semantic-menu) as a gem\n2. Make
+ [@aan4nd](http://twitter.com/aan4nd)'s [Deadweight](http://github.com/aanand/deadweight)
+ reuse credentials across requests\n\r I'm open for suggestions as well. Leave
+ your suggestions below. I'll create and put up a survey shortly."
+ post_date: 2010-03-27 09:41:51.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-hacknight-event-april-6th-2010
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb business edition 2: April 20th, 6:30 PM'
+ post_content: "It's that time of month again! Get your gear ready, we're having
+ another business edition.\r \r First up, we'll have a flash talk by [Jean-Sébastien
+ Cournoyer](http://montrealstartup.com/about-us/jean-sebastien-cournoyer/) from
+ Montreal Start Up. Jean-Sébastien will talk about FounderFuel Ventures, their
+ new seed fund.\n\n> JS Cournoyer has been in high technology since the mid nineties
+ both as an entrepreneur and an investor. JS is a partner with Montreal Start Up,
+ an active angel investor and co-founder of a few startups including Maybenow and
+ SocialBuckets. He was previously an Entrepreneur-in-Residence with Vantage Point
+ Venture Partners (VPVP), a diversified technology venture capital fund based in
+ San Bruno and was angel investor, CFO and VP business development with Terrascale
+ Technologies, a storage software company sold to Rackable systems in 2006.\r Next,
+ [Guillaume Bouchard](http://www.nvisolutions.com/guillaume_bouchard.php) from
+ NVI will talk about doing a good search and social campaign.\r> Guillaume Bouchard
+ est co-fondateur et président de NVI, une entreprise montréalaise spécialisée
+ en stratégie interactive. Fondée en 2004, NVI est rapidement devenue la plus grande
+ agence web spécialisée en SEO et médias sociaux au Canada, avec plus de 50 employés.\r
+ Finally, [Gary Haran](http://garyharan.com/) from [Talkerapp](http://talkerapp.com/)
+ will tell us about \"4 Ways to Boot Your Startup\".\r> Gary Haran is an entrepreneur
+ who co-founded [talkerapp.com](http://talkerapp.com/) and now works as Chief Information
+ Officer at [SocialGrapes.com](http://SocialGrapes.com/). In this flash talk he
+ plans to convince you that it's time to boot your own startup. If you are ready
+ to take the leap he'll show you 4 good ways to do so.\r As usual, we are having
+ the event at [481 Viger St W.](http://bit.ly/aXDkcE) Thanks to [Bloom Digital
+ Platforms Inc.](http://www.adgear.com/about/) for allowing us the use of their
+ premises."
+ post_date: 2010-04-19 14:08:37.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-business-edition-2-april-20th-630-pm
+- post_title: We're alive!
+ post_content: " [Ruby on Rails](http://rubyonrails.org) is one of the fastest-growing
+ language/frameworks of all time, and is extremely well-suited to rapid, or agile,
+ development practices. Why then, we asked ourselves, is there not a bigger community
+ of RoR developers in Montreal? Where are they all? We decided to create Montreal
+ on Rails to find out. Montreal on Rails is our invitation to the Montreal Ruby
+ on Rails community to come out and play together. And by that we mean, code &
+ learn together. With MoR, we want to bring some level of cohesion to the local
+ Rails community and provide a fun monthly gathering point where developers can
+ come to exchange with one another. There will be laughs, there will be tears (hey
+ we can be sensitive - don't judge) and there will be donuts. So if you live in
+ (or around Montreal) and are developing in Ruby on Rails (or want to learn) and
+ speak either (or both) of our official languages, then you are formally invited
+ to come out to our events. The first will be on the 7th of August. All the details
+ can be found [here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/219916/). Hope to see you
+ then! The [Karabunga](http://karabunga.com) Team"
+ post_date: 2007-07-16 15:30:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: we-are-alive
+- post_title: 'First Meeting: Preview'
+ post_content: |-
+ So the first ever Montreal on Rails meetup is scheduled to take place on [August 7th](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/219916/), over at a classroom on McGill campus. We're revving our engines in anticipation, and hope you are too. Many of you are probably wondering what the heck we'll discuss at these crazy events. Well, wonder no more, because we'll be providing a short preview ahead of each meeting. August's inaugural MoR meeting gets things off the ground right with two cool talks from a couple of local Ruby on Rails veterans:
+ - [Marc-André Cournoyer](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/) (of [StandoutJobs](http://www.standoutjobs.com/) fame) will be showing us how to make testing with external services "super fast and fun".
+ - [Carl Mercier](http://blog.carlmercier.com/) (from here at [Karabunga](http://www.karabunga.com) HQ) will be talking about [HAML](http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com/).
+ As always, please do come armed with your very own Rails questions, because we'll be aiming to have an open-forum Q&A session once the talks wrap up. Looking forward to seeing y'all soon; we can barely contain our excitement. Literally.
+ post_date: 2007-07-17 05:20:21.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: first-meeting-preview
+- post_title: Come Early! (and other administrative stuff)
+ post_content: |+
+ We're really encouraged to see all the interest that Montreal on Rails has created! As we get close to finalizing the planning for the first event, we're enjoying getting to know McGill's administration machine. We'd like to stress that people come early as the doors to the building will lock tight at 7:00PM (and this is not just a scare tactic - this will be enforced by McGill). Let me reiterate: you will not be able to enter the building after 7PM. To this end, we're **moving up the event start time to 6:30 PM** , and we'll use the first 1/2 hour as an informal chit-chat/donut-eating period in which we can hang out together before the first presentation begins at 7 o'clock sharp. Sound good? Also, if you plan to come please ensure that you use our Upcoming.org [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/219916/) page to signal your presence. We have a hard cap on the room capacity, so this is important. Finally, while the presenters will have access to a McGill guest WiFi account for demo purposes, there will not be public Internet access in the room. If you're brave, you can live blog it from your cellphone though ;) I think that's everything. Enjoy the next couple weeks, and see you on the 7th!
+ post_date: 2007-07-19 17:19:01.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: come-early-and-other-administrative-stuff
+- post_title: Only a few places left
+ post_content: |+
+ Holy cow! We never thought MoR would take off so quickly! We have a hard cap of 35 people and 29 are attending so far. If you want to join us on August 7, please hurry and [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/219916/). If you already RSVP'd but cannot attend, please give your place to somebody else: remove your name from the RSVP list. See you on the 7th!
+ post_date: 2007-07-24 14:53:28.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: only-a-few-places-left
+- post_title: Maxed Out
+ post_content: |+
+ Well, I didn't imagine this would happen but we've hit our maximum room capacity (35) for our first MoR meeting. All this interest is a great sign for the Montreal community! This means that if you've put your name on the Upcoming.org "Attending" list you have nothing to worry about. Conversely, if you've not RSVP'ed by now, then you're probably out of luck -- unless registered attendees bail, so you may want to keep an eye on the [event](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/219916/). Thanks again to all of you that have signed up! Until the 7th, stay fit and have fun.
+ post_date: 2007-07-30 02:57:37.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: maxed-out
+- post_title: Getting There
+ post_content: |+
+ For those of you that don't know McGill campus, the MAASS Chemistry building is on the corner of University and Sherbrooke. You can find a campus map [here](http://www.mcgill.ca/maps/?Campus=downtown) for more details. See you tonight - and keep in mind the doors will be locked tight at 7PM, so try to arrive closer to 6:30.
+ post_date: 2007-08-07 15:44:09.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: getting-there
+- post_title: 'Debrief: First Meeting'
+ post_content: |-
+ So, that was fun! I think it's fair to say that our inaugural event was a modestly big success. Thanks to all of you who came out and participated in the evening. Thanks especially to [Marc-André](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/) and [Carl](http://blog.carlmercier.com/) who gave sweet presentations. Big ups to you guys. **An administrative request:** If you came out this evening, please drop a comment on this post with: 1) Your thoughts + suggestions. 2) Your contact information (if you'd like to share it for networking purposes). We may roll this info up into a "Local RoR Devs Contact Page" on this blog. Is that a good idea? Some thoughts from my end:
+ - The room is probably not ideal - I'd like to explore options to find us a bigger space, and one where donut consumption may not be met with such scorn ;) Some people have mentioned the ETS, if anyone else has other suggestions or contacts, please let me know. (I think we'll have to do it at the same venue for September, because we won't have time to organize something properly before then. I'm shooting to have something better lined up for the October event)
+ - Upcoming.org was suggested to be too onerous. How big of a problem is this? We'll consider a wiki, or other options, but want to make sure it's a sufficiently big issue to warrant the effort. For now, I'll just set up a new Upcoming page and if it's a big deal we'll switch to a more flexible option. (Upcoming sent me a free tshirt so I'm a fan... what can I say, my love is cheap).
+ - I'm not sure if the "discussion forum" after the presentations really worked. Should we try again? Have people submit questions in advance? Maybe try a different angle?
+ Thanks again for kicking off MoR on such an enthusiastic note. Look forward to seeing you next month!
+ post_date: 2007-08-07 22:58:38.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: debrief-first-meeting
+- post_title: 'Next Meeting: Speakers Wanted'
+ post_content: |+
+ First off, the next Montreal on Rails meeting will be on Tuesday, September 4th. Mark your calendars and go [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/235952/)now. Note that we've moved the start time to 6:45 PM. Despite some holidays and out-of-town-ness the planning effort for this next meeting is now in full swing. We've had some tepid interest from potential presenters, but we do not yet have 2 confirmed speakers on deck for the September meetup. **This means,** **you should give a talk!** It's easy. You love Rails, and so will everyone else in the room. All you have to do is share your little domain of expertise, and if don't have a particular domain of expertise, that's OK, because we're always looking for presentations appropriate for a beginner audience as well. If you're interested in speaking on any RoR-related topic, do shoot us an [email](mailto:info@karabunga.com). An administrative note, we'll be running this meeting in the same McGill classroom again. We'll see what the turnout is like, and make a decision about future space options. We've investigated some other possibilities, which we'll bring up for discussion.
+ post_date: 2007-08-23 16:05:57.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-meeting-speakers-wanted
+- post_title: 'Speakers for Montreal on Rails #2'
+ post_content: |-
+ I'm pleased to announce the presenters for [Montreal on Rails 2](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/235952/):
+ - [Chris Lamothe](http://furtivecode.com): Authentication with Rails
+ - [Chris Scott](http://extonrails.com): Ext on Rails; using [Jack Slocum's Ext framework](http://www.extjs.com/) in your Rails app
+ - Terje Tjervaag: Client side debugging with Firefox
+ - Newbie on Rails: Open discussion where you can ask just about anything related to Ruby or Rails; the more seasoned attendees will answer them.
+ As you can see, we have yet another exciting line-up! **If you are interested to present at an upcoming event, please get in touch with us.** Presenting at MoR is fun and easy. There's nothing to be afraid of, really. We can't wait to see you guys... and don't forget to RSVP! We were sold-out last time.
+ post_date: 2007-08-26 20:36:51.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: speakers-for-montreal-on-rails-2
+- post_title: 'Tonight: MoR2'
+ post_content: |+
+ Reminder: The second Montreal on Rails meetup goes down tonight, starting at **6:45PM sharp** (The building doors are locked down at 7PM). Location is the same as last time, MAAS Chemistry Bldg Room 328, McGill campus. We have 3 cool talks lined up, so I hoped you're revved. If you haven't RSVP'ed yet, pleased head on over to the [Upcoming page](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/235952/) to do so -- there's a handful of spots left.
+ post_date: 2007-09-04 10:24:09.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: tonight-mor2
+- post_title: What a great evening last night!
+ post_content: |+
+ I just wanted to thank everybody who attended MoR last night, we had great presentations and I hope you all had a blast! We sure did. I [posted my pictures](http://www.montrealonrails.com/pictures) on Flickr and you are invited to do the same. Please follow the simple [tagging guidelines](http://www.montrealonrails.com/pictures) just to make sure your pics (and videos) are easily findable. We will announce more details about the next MoR soon (speakers, location, etc). It looks very promising so far!
+ post_date: 2007-09-05 10:24:33.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: what-a-great-evening-last-night
+- post_title: 'MoR3: Tuesday October 2nd'
+ post_content: |+
+ Alrighty then! Fred Ngo has kindly confirmed for us that [StandoutJobs](http://www.standoutjobs.com) will be hosting the next (and future!) MontrealOnRails event(s) at their shiny new offices at [3981 boul. St. Laurent, suite #615](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=3981+boul.+St.+Laurent,+Montreal,+QC&sll=45.516572,-73.5781&sspn=0.008089,0.015578&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=45.516572,-73.5781&spn=0.008089,0.015578&z=16). Well done Fred and thanks for the generous offer. On to administrative details for the event: **Speakers** _This one is going to big._ We have two seasoned RoR gurus that have stepped up to the plate. - Gary Haran will be talking on Javascript with [Prototype](http://www.prototypejs.org/), in what promises to be an interesting follow-up to Chris' EXT presentation last month. - François Beausoleil is coming all the way from Sherbrooke to present his _very own_ [Piston](http://piston.rubyforge.org/index.html) utility. - James Golick will present 2 great plugins: [make\_resourceful](http://jamesgolick.com/2007/8/6/super-dry-resources) and [shoulda](http://thoughtbot.com/projects/shoulda). **Other Stuff** As usual, please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/264343/) using the much-loved Upcoming.org service. Note that the start time will be 6:30PM. Please be on time. Also, we're upping the attendance ceiling to 40 ppl, reflecting our new, bigger digs. We're planning to have a pizza break between the two talks; so if you're interested, bring a few bucks to get in on the action. We'll be providing pop -- I'm taking suggestions in the comments, but Tahiti Treat is out of the question (bad TT trip in 1st year uni...) See y'all in a few weeks.
+ post_date: 2007-09-11 07:20:35.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mor3-tuesday-october-2nd
+- post_title: Ruby on Rails vs DJ Ango (aka Django)
+ post_content: |-
+ - Stupid? Check.
+ - Geeky? Check.
+ - Funny? You judge.
+ post_date: 2007-09-19 08:48:32.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: ruby-on-rails-vs-dj-ango-aka-django
+- post_title: 'Tomorrow: MoR at SoJ'
+ post_content: |+
+ Tomorrow is the 3rd edition of MontrealonRails, and it will be held at our new location: [StandoutJobs](http://www.standoutjobs.com)'s offices on [St-Laurent](http://maps.google.com/maps?q=3981+boul.+St.+Laurent,+suite+615,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec+H2W+1Y5&ie=UTF8&ll=45.516722,-73.578486&spn=0.007818,0.014591&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1). If you have not yet RSVP'ed, please [do so now](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/264343/) -- there's a handful of spots remaining (ceiling is at 40). We have 3 ninja-like RoR-heads lined-up to present, so the evening promises to be a good one! Oh, and keep in mind that we plan to order pizza, so bring a few bux if you want to partake. À demain!
+ post_date: 2007-10-01 14:05:12.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: tomorrow-mor-at-soj
+- post_title: 'MoR 3: another smashing success!'
+ post_content: |+
+ Yesterday was Montreal on Rails #3 and god, it was good! Our presenters, [Gary Haran](http://garyharan.com), [François Beausoleil](http://blog.teksol.info/) and [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com/) all gave very insightful and interesting presentations. If you want more information about these, I have posted more information on the [past presentations](http://www.montrealonrails.com/past-presentations) page. [Alain Pilon](http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/8560-alain-pilon) took great pictures of the event has already posted them on Flickr. James Golick and François Beausoleil both videotaped the presentations so we can (hopefully) expect multi-angle videos shortly. See the [Pics & Vids](http://www.montrealonrails.com/pictures) page. Many people went out for a beer(s) afterward (to wash down that Domino's Pizza!) and, as always, I had interesting conversations with [Mathieu Martin](http://webmat.wordpress.com/) and [Marc-André Cournoyer](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/). Apparently, a few of you don't know we have a [Google Group](http://groups.google.com/group/montreal-on-rails/topics). Well, we do! Feel free to subscribe to it and post your burning questions. Special thanks to [Standout Jobs](http://standoutjobs.com) for hosting the event. The new venue is fantastic! A big thank you to [O'Reilly](http://www.oreilly.com/) for sponsoring the event with free books! We at [Karabunga](http://karabunga.co) never thought MoR would be such a success, so most and foremost, thanks to YOU!
+ post_date: 2007-10-03 09:02:36.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mor-3-another-smashing-success
+- post_title: Free Rails book!
+ post_content: |
+ As pointed out on [Mathieu Martin](http://webmat.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/free-pdf-rails-book-for-beginner-rails-developers/)'s blog, you can [download for FREE the Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications book](http://www.sitepoint.com/books/rails1/freebook.php) for a limited time. Hurry!
+ [naval](http://www.metallicabb.com/instrument.php?month=771)
+ post_date: 2007-10-03 09:04:40.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: free-rails-book
+- post_title: 'Upcoming: MoR4, Tuesday November 6th'
+ post_content: |-
+ With three successful events under our belt, we're now getting ready for our fourth! [StandoutJobs](http://www.standoutjobs.com)' offices were such a pleasant venue that I think we'll keep coming back - I don't expect there will be much love lost for our old, anti-food-consumption, puppy-hating, pain-inducing McGill digs ;) As usual, we have an amazing line-up of speakers (uhh..) lined-up:
+ - [Mathieu Martin](http://webmat.wordpress.com/) will present JRuby, a 100% Java implementation of Ruby;
+ - Alain Pilon will dish the goods on acts\_as\_state\_machine;
+ - [Sylvain Carle](http://www.afroginthevalley.com/), and his team from incandescently-hot startup [Praized](http://www.praized.com), will talk about [Comatose](http://comatose.rubyforge.org/) and its integration inside an existing RoR app.
+ If you plan to attend, please RSVP [here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/291353/) while there's still room. If you come, please kindly be on time (yes, I'm looking at you [Heri](http://ww.montrealtechwatch.com)). Like last month, we'll have free pop on hand and order pizza for the hungry, so bring $5 if you would like to partake in Domino goodness. Also, bring a few extra bucks because we'll be passing around a collection plate to help defray the costs of the chairs/equipment that [Fred](http://siliconisland.ca/) kindly picked up for the group. Look forward to seeing y'all in a couple weeks.
+ post_date: 2007-10-16 07:27:15.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: upcoming-mor4-tuesday-november-6th
+- post_title: MoR4 Tonight!
+ post_content: |+
+ We'll be a capacity crowd (yet again) at Montreal on Rails tonight at [StandoutJobs](http://www.standoutjobs.com)' offices on St-Laurent. And good news: they have a buzzer now, so you won't be locked out! Like last time we'll be raffling off a couple of books (generously provided by [O'Reilly](http://www.oreilly.com/)) and there may even be some kind of special announcement (ah, the suspense!) Don't forget to bring a few bux for pizza and/or contributing to the MoR equipment fund. See you in 2.75 hours.
+ post_date: 2007-11-06 15:17:52.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor4-tonight
+- post_title: 'MoR4: Event Roundup'
+ post_content: |-
+ It was great to see familiar faces on Tuesday night -- it's starting to feel like there really is a tight RoR community here in town, and that's exactly the point of these events. Many thanks to the evening's speakers!
+ - [Mathieu Martin](http://webmat.wordpress.com/2007/11/08/follow-up-on-my-presentation-on-jruby/), an up-and-coming RoR star, provided an in depth look into JRuby, something a lot of devs were clearly interested in, but few had played around with.
+ - Alain Pilon, who is a business analyst by day and coder by night, talked about [acts\_as\_state\_machine](http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/acts_as_state_machine), a plug-in that appears very useful for a wide range of applications.
+ - [Sylvain Carle](http://www.afroginthevalley.com/), local tech legend, provided an overview of how his new company [Praized](http://www.praized.com) used Comatose in a multi-lingual setting.
+ So, all in all, another really great evening of information, pizza and fun! Now a couple of administrative notes: - If you RSVP on the Upcoming.org page, please either: COME or take your name OFF the list. This month, we were at capacity on the Upcoming page, but only had about an 80% attendance rate... that's not great. So please be better about that. - Our goal is to have two 30-45 minute presentations and one 10-15 minute presentation, per event. We're going to try to police the time constraints a little bit more militantly tightly (by calling out a 5 minute warning?) so that the evening wraps up in a reasonable amount of time. - We're looking for two speakers for next month's (Dec 4th) meeting - one short, one long talk. [Shoot](mailto://info@karabunga.com) us an email if you're interested. See ya next month!
+ post_date: 2007-11-08 16:02:21.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor4-event-roundup
+- post_title: Next event, December 4
+ post_content: |-
+ Hola! Our next event will take place on December 4 at Standout Jobs, as now usual. Here are the confirmed presentations so far:
+ - [Carl Mercier](http://blog.carlmercier.com): Where to deploy your Rails application? An overview of shared hosting, VPS and Amazon EC2.
+ - [Mehdi Adda](http://www2.lifl.fr/~adda/): Putting the pieces together: how to setup the ultimate Rails box.
+ The 15-minute spot is still open. Please contact me if you're interested in presenting. It's a lot of fun, really! See you soon!
+ post_date: 2007-11-12 15:19:08.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: next-event-december-4
+- post_title: MoR5 is next Tuesday!
+ post_content: |-
+ Just a quick reminder, MoR5 is next Tuesday at [Standout Jobs](http://standoutjobs.com). If you wish to attend, please [RSVP at Upcoming.org](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/315270/). We had a few no-shows in the past. We ask you to **please** remove your name from the RSVP list if you can't make it. Be nice and leave your spot to somebody else... we're always sold out! This month, we're going to focus on the deployment of your incredible world-changing, Facebook killer, Microsoft exterminator Rails app. Our 2 presentations will be:
+ - [Carl Mercier](http://blog.carlmercier.com/) (that's me!): Where to deploy your Rails application on the cheap? An overview of shared hosting, VPS and Amazon EC2.
+ - [Mehdi Adda](http://www2.lifl.fr/~adda/): Putting the pieces together: how to setup the ultimate Rails box.
+ As it is now the tradition, we'll have pizza and soda to feed the hungry. If you wish to partake, please bring **7$** to cover the expenses. Yes, that's 2$ higher than usual: 5$ was unfortunately not enough to cover the costs and we had to pay it out of our own pocket. But as Rails developers charging hundreds per hour, I guess it shouldn't affect you too much... Will it? ;-) See you on Tuesday, cheers!
+ post_date: 2007-11-30 11:19:34.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor5-is-next-tuesday
+- post_title: Thank you!
+ post_content: |+
+ Just a quick thank you to everybody who braved the weather and showed up last night. I had a lot of fun presenting and I sure hope you found my talk insightful. And congrats to Mehdi who did an awesome job at explaining how to setup a great Rails box. The slides can be found on the " [Past Presentations](http://www.montrealonrails.com/past-presentations/)" page. Our next event will be held on January 15, 2008 and **WE NEED 2 PRESENTERS**! So please get in touch if you're interested. Until then, have a great Holiday and take some time to relax. Cheers!
+ post_date: 2007-12-05 11:57:41.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: thank-you
+- post_title: Announcing MoR 6 presenters
+ post_content: |-
+ Yes, already! We have our 2 presenters for January. Again, we have an awesome line-up:
+ - [Luc Boudreau](http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/6366-luc-boudreau): [ActionFlow](http://rubyforge.org/projects/actionflow/)
+ - [Jean-François Couture](http://jfcouture.com/): [GIT](http://git.or.cz/) (version control system)
+ Thanks guys! Really looking forward to hear what you have to say!
+ post_date: 2007-12-07 18:03:01.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: announcing-mor-6-presenters
+- post_title: Montreal MySQL Meetup
+ post_content: |+
+ My buddy [Morgan Tocker](http://www.tocker.id.au/) who works for [MySQL](http://mysql.com) is holding the [next Montreal MySQL meetup](http://mysql.meetup.com/194/) at [SmartHippo](http://smarthippo.com/) on January 8. This month's talk will be an introduction to MySQL Administration (user permissions, backup and recovery, point in time recovery, locating slow queries and other bottlenecks). Morgan **really** knows his stuff and I'm sure this presentation will be very interesting for many if not most of you. Just RSVP on [their Meetup.com page](http://mysql.meetup.com/194/calendar/6853341/) if you're interested!
+ post_date: 2007-12-31 16:06:48.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-mysql-meetup
+- post_title: Thin web server, made in Montreal!
+ post_content: |+
+ A fellow MoRer, [Marc-Andre Cournoyer](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/), has outdone himself again! He [just released](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/2008/01/03/thin-a-fast-and-simple-web-server/) a Ruby web server named [Thin](http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/) that will give Mongrel a run for its money. Congrats and thanks! Definitely looking forward to give it a shot.
+ post_date: 2008-01-04 14:37:06.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: thin-web-server-made-in-montreal
+- post_title: 'Next event: tomorrow!'
+ post_content: |+
+ Don't forget! Our 6th monthly meeting will be held TOMORROW NIGHT, Tuesday, [Standout Jobs](http://standoutjobs.com). We'll have [pizza](http://dominos.com) (bring 7$ in cash if you want to partake) and as usual, we'll have great presentations: [GIT](http://git.or.cz/) and [ActionFlow](http://rubyforge.org/projects/actionflow/) by [Jean-François Couture](http://jfcouture.com/) and [Luc Boudreau](http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/6366-luc-boudreau) respectively. I'll also be interested in hearing about your suggestions on how we could make MoR better and even more interesting. So start thinking about it... ;-) See you tomorrow folks!
+ post_date: 2008-01-14 10:37:35.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: next-event-tomorrow
+- post_title: Followup on tonight's event
+ post_content: |+
+ (I'll be brief, my bed is waiting) Thanks to everybody for coming out tonight! Special thanks to our presenters, Luc and Jean-François. If you're interested in GIT, you definitely need to watch the [Peepcode video](http://peepcode.com/products/git). They gave us a lot of freebies, so please encourage them; they make awesome videos. (really!) You also want to read [this article on J-F's blog](http://jfcouture.com/2007/12/18/various-tips-for-setting-up-git-improve-gitk-look-and-get-bash-completion/). It'll show you how to put the branch name in your shell prompt. (that alone was worth coming to MoR tonight in my opinion) As I mentioned tonight, I want to hear your comments on how to make MoR better, so [I started this thread on the Google Group](http://groups.google.com/group/montreal-on-rails/browse_thread/thread/9744882a8152edbc). Please send your ideas. I care, really. I figure we were a bit short on pizza tonight. I'm sorry about that, I'll try to do better next time. It's hard to gauge how hungry you are! I also noticed that a lot of people didn't RSVP. PLEASE do in the future. Finally, we need 2 presenters for next month. Please send me your topic at carl at karabunga dot com. Oh... and here's what beer does to your brain ;-) : [![Beer can definitely affect your behaviors](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2040/2196102527_5be4506288.jpg)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmercier/2196102527/ "Beer can definitely affect your behaviors by cmercier79, on Flickr")See you next time: February the 19.
+ post_date: 2008-01-15 23:45:37.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: followup-on-tonights-event
+- post_title: 'MoR 7: February 19'
+ post_content: |+
+ I just updated the website to reflect the date of the next MoR meetup. It will be held on February 19th. As usual, I ask you to [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/413826/) if you plan on attending.We still need 1 more person to present. If you're interested, drop me an email: carl at karabunga dot com. It's a lot of fun, trust me.See you then!
+ post_date: 2008-01-22 11:45:45.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor-7-february-20
+- post_title: Announcing MoR 7 presenters (that was fast!)
+ post_content: |+
+ We already have our 2 presenters, woah! The next meetup sure will be a great one. Here's our superstar line-up: - [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com/): How to read the [Rails sources](http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/)- [Marc-André Cournoyer](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/): [Thin](http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/)- [Julien Guimont](http://jguimont.com/): [Encrypted URL Helper](http://jguimont.com/encrypted_url_helper) (speed demo) [Some people suggested](http://groups.google.com/group/montreal-on-rails/browse_thread/thread/9744882a8152edbc) we have short-and-sweets presentations. I'm willing to try this out. If you're interested in doing a 10 minutes max presentation, send me an email and I'll add you to the list. (we now have our man!) Due to time constraints (and people having a life outside of coding), we'll only have 1 short presentation this month.
+ post_date: 2008-01-22 14:35:15.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: announcing-mor-7-presenters-that-was-fast
+- post_title: Need a backup speaker!
+ post_content: Houston Montreal, we have a problem. James Golick won't be able to
+ present this coming Tuesday due to unforeseen circumstances. We need one or many
+ people to fill in! I'll accept many shorter presentations or a regular one. So
+ if you can help save the day and present, please email me at carl at karabunga
+ dot com as soon as possible if you're interested. Thanks!
+ post_date: 2008-02-13 19:02:39.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: need-a-backup-speaker
+- post_title: MoR 7 is tomorrow!
+ post_content: |+
+ Just a quick reminder, MoR 7 is tomorrow night at [Standout Jobs](http://standoutjobs.com). If you want to come, [please RSVP here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/413826/). (Free as in beer, as usual!) [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com) won't be able to present as previously posted on this website, but [François Beausoleil](http://blog.teksol.info/) agreed to fill in and is gonna talk about [Google Charts](http://code.google.com/apis/chart/) (which I didn't even know existed until 2 minutes ago). Thanks Francois! Our very own Rails rockstar [Marc-Andre Cournoyer](http://macournoyer.wordpress.com/) is gonna talk about his new baby, [Thin](http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/). And last but not least, [Julien Guimont](http://jguimont.com/) will do a speed demo of [Encrypted URL Helper](http://jguimont.com/encrypted_url_helper). We still have 1 spot left for a short presentation, so if you're interested, please e-mail me asap. See you tomorrow!
+ post_date: 2008-02-18 11:03:06.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor-7-is-tomorrow
+- post_title: 'MoR 8: March 18'
+ post_content: |-
+ The next Montreal on Rails event will be held on March 18. As usual please [RSVP here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/440075/). (I feel like I'm always repeating the same stuff month after month ;-) ) Great line-up as usual:
+ - [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com): How to read the [Rails sources](http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/) (take 2)
+ - [Carl Mercier](http://blog.carlmercier.com) & [Morgan Tocker](http://tocker.id.au/): Exploring [Amazon EC2](http://aws.amazon.com/ec2) and [MySQL](http://mysql.com) for Scale-Out Applications
+ - [Mathieu Martin](http://webmat.wordpress.com): Why you should care about [Rubinius](http://rubini.us/)
+ I also want to thank our presenters from last month (sorry for being late). Great insightful presentations as it's now the norm at MoR. See you next month!
+ post_date: 2008-02-25 10:40:44.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor-8-march-18
+- post_title: Tomorrow!
+ post_content: |+
+ Just a quick reminder, MoR is tomorrow night. Please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/440075/) if you're coming,
+ post_date: 2008-03-17 13:21:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: tomorrow
+- post_title: Refactoring MoR + month off
+ post_content: |-
+ Hola! First of all, thanks to our presenters from our last meet-up. I had to leave early and didn't see them, but I heard good things. Congrats! I'll be in California for most of April and I thought... I can either ask someone to organize the next meeting, or take a month off. I asked a few buddies what they thought and came to the conclusion that we should just take a little break and hold the next meeting in May. Last month's attendance was a little lower than usual; I think some people are getting a little bit tired of the format. I know I am. In my opinion, Mor is starting to get a little to repetitive and we don't have enough time to chit-chat. I asked around and people seem to be most interested in:
+ - less presentation
+ - more schmoozing
+ - more boozing
+ - less Domino's
+ I suggest we turn the whole thing around and change the format. In order to do it right, **I need your feedback**. Tell me what you like/hate about MoR and we'll fix it. Here's what I suggest:
+ - 1 "long" talk, as we know it (30-40 mins)
+ - 2 "short" talk, 5-15 mins max
+ - then we all go eat/drink somewhere. (no more Domino's, please!)
+ Unless you're totally offended by taking a month off, our next meeting will be on May 20. Please comment with for your feedback! Thoughts? Ideas? Complains?
+ post_date: 2008-03-25 14:57:44.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: refactoring-mor-month-off
+- post_title: 'MoR #9 is coming up'
+ post_content: |+
+ After a little break, MoR is coming back! The next event will be held on May 20. Wanna come? Please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/609657/). This month, we're trying a different format: less talk, more booze (this could be dangerous). We'll start with a presentation by Francois Beausoleil entitled "Refactoring to Patterns: How Mephisto went from a single engine Lada to a multi-engine jet fighter". Francois said he'll need a few volunteers to help out. Then, instead of the usual pizza and more talks, we'll all go grab a bite and drink a cold one somewhere. This is your chance to talk Ruby with other nerds. So the question is, where should we go eat? I don't know Montreal very well so I need your help on this one. Please comment with your suggestions. cheers!
+ post_date: 2008-05-08 10:00:27.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mor-9-is-coming-up
+- post_title: 'Refactoring to Patterns: post-mortem'
+ post_content: |-
+ Thanks to Francois for presenting last night! It was awesome, especially the part about [Defensio](http://defensio.com) \! (hey! gotta crank up my Google juice one way or another!) I decided to NOT pursue a career in Hollywood. My acting performance was rather poor, so I won't try to go after Brad Pitt's lunch. You can find his [slides and more info about his talk right here](http://blog.teksol.info/2008/5/21/montreal-on-rails-9-refactoring-to-patterns-slides-and-documentation). I need your help (yes, you!)...
+ 1. What did you think of the new format? Should we scrap it, improve it?
+ 2. Should we take a break for the summer?
+ 3. We need presenters. You don't need to be an expert to present, and it's a lot of fun!
+ Thanks for everyone for coming, hope to see you soon!
+ post_date: 2008-05-21 10:10:39.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: refactoring-to-patterns-post-mortem
+- post_title: 'Next MoR: August'
+ post_content: |+
+ As discussed at the last event, we'll take a short break for the summer and we'll resume our monthly meet ups in August.If you're interested in presenting, please send me an e-mail. Until then, have a great summer!
+ post_date: 2008-06-16 08:31:22.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-mor-august
+- post_title: Looking for speakers!
+ post_content: |+
+ Hello world!I hope you're all having a great summer! We'll be resuming our MoR activities this coming August 19 and I need people to speak. Either 1 or 2 people depending on the length of the talk.If you have something to talk about (doesn't need to be a complex subject!), please email me at carl at karabunga dot com. See you soon!
+ post_date: 2008-07-21 15:19:54.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: looking-for-speakers
+- post_title: 10 FTW!
+ post_content: |+
+ Yup! I just realized that our next meet up will be the TENTH! We've come a long way since our no-donut, totally crammed McGill classroom! [Hugo Frappier](http://hugofrappier.wordpress.com/) volunteered to talk about [Solr](http://lucene.apache.org/solr/) and [acts\_as\_solr](http://acts-as-solr.railsfreaks.com/acts_as_solr). This will be a great talk if you need to implement search in your Rails application and/or if you're having problems with English/French searching. It'd be great to have a second speaker... nothing long or complicated... about 15-20 minutes. If you're interested, send me an email: carl at karabunga dot com. If you have never presented yet, please think about giving back. As usual, please [RSVP on Upcoming.org.](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/928578/)See you soon!
+ post_date: 2008-07-24 13:12:04.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: 10-ftw
+- post_title: Montreal Against Rails
+ post_content: |+
+ Montreal. Let's unite against this thing called Ruby on Rails. It has been making our life way too easy. Let's get out of our comfort zones and explore new things! This coming September 16, we're completely changing the format of Montreal on Rails. Actually, it'll be anything BUT about Rails. Let's call it Montreal Against Rails. First of all, I have a big surprise for you all. Straight from this lil' country called the USA, James Robertson will introduce our Ruby heads to Seaside, a web framework for Smalltalk which is gaining a lot of momentum. Second, our very own Marc-André Cournoyer will talk about [rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/)s. Nice Racks that is. (currently considering changing the venue to Paré for the occasion) Thirdly, I'll quickly introduce you to another Ruby framework: [Merb](http://merbivore.com/). It is considered to be the #1 alternative to Rails by many. I'll go over the pros and cons and explain why [we](http://defensio.com) [switched to Merb](http://blog.defensio.com/2008/07/10/major-upgrade-coming/) (from Rails). I'll also tell you why you should (or should not) switch too. Please join me and rebel against Rails! September 16! PS: In case you didn't get the joke, we still love Rails, don't worry :) But the event is NOT a joke!
+ post_date: 2008-07-24 13:29:40.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: montreal-against-rails
+- post_title: MoR X is tomorrow
+ post_content: |+
+ Don't forget! Montreal on Rails X (10) is tomorrow at 6:30. [Please RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/928578/). See you there!
+ post_date: 2008-08-18 13:23:46.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mor-x-is-tomorrow
+- post_title: 10 was a success!
+ post_content: |+
+ [caption id="attachment\_53" align="alignleft" width="120" caption="Hugo Frappier"] [![Hugo Frappier](http://www.montrealonrails.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/n721914467_7986.jpg "Hugo Frappier")](http://www.montrealonrails.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/n721914467_7986.jpg)[/caption] Hugo Frappier gave an awesome presentation about Solr last night. Everybody I talked to afterwards seemed to have enjoyed his talk very much. Thanks Hugo! You're welcome to present again anytime you want. Hugo also suggested I create a [UserVoice](http://montrealonrails.uservoice.com) account for MoR, which I did. You can see suggestions on the sidebar. Vote on them or add your own. If you have topics you'd like to see a presentation on, it's also a great place to post it. See you next month for our special edition of MoR: Montreal AGAINST Rails! EDIT: [Here are the slides and more info](http://hugofrappier.wordpress.com/2008/09/01/solr-presentation-at-montreal-on-rails/)!
+ post_date: 2008-08-20 13:40:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: 10-was-a-success
+- post_title: ":montreal_against_rails => :tuesday"
+ post_content: "Yes, this is it. Montreal on Rails #11, better known as Montreal
+ Against Rails will be held on next Tuesday. As mentionned before, this is a special
+ event that focuses on alternatives to Rails. A great way to learn completely different
+ things if you've been\n\n1. James Robertson (USA) will be talking about [Seaside](http://www.seaside.st/),
+ a [Smalltalk](http://www.smalltalk.org/main/)web framework. \n2. Marc-André Cournoyer
+ will be talking about [Rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/)\n3. Carl Mercier (me!)
+ will be talking about [Merb](http://merbivore.com/) (will be short) **Cancelled.**\n\nThis
+ is going to be a great event. We'll most likely order food like in the good old
+ days, so please bring some cash. ( **UPDATE** : since we'll have only 2 talks,
+ we might go for food after, depending on what people prefer) \n\nA lot of people
+ are really looking forward to this event (from what I heard), so please make sure
+ to reserve your seat on [Upcoming.org](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1093407).
+ We might just be sold out.\n\nSee you on Tuesday!\n"
+ post_date: 2008-09-11 11:09:20.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: montreal_against_rails-tuesday
+- post_title: MoR 12
+ post_content: |-
+ It's time for another Montreal on Rails event! Our 12th. This months line-up is quite interesting:
+ - [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com/) (Rails guru): RESTful Possibilities - REST in Rails and Beyond
+ - [Morgan Tocker](http://www.tocker.id.au/) (MySQL guru): Let me show you three ways to optimize a query
+ Unfortunately, I won't be able to be there since I'll be on a business trip. [Gary Haran](http://www.garyharan.com/) will be at the helm and will maintain law and order at the event. You'll be in good hands! See you soon!
+ post_date: 2008-10-07 12:58:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mor-12
+- post_title: MoR 12 => Oct 21
+ post_content: |+
+ Apparently some people think MoR 12 is tonight. It's not! Our meetups are held every 3rd Tuesdays of the month. The next one is on October 21. Hope I didn't disrupt your plans ;-)
+ post_date: 2008-10-14 14:42:40.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mor-12-oct-21
+- post_title: Looking for speakers
+ post_content: |+
+ Howdy. I'm looking for a few people to present something at the next MoR which will be held on Nov 18. Please contact me at carl at karabunga dot com if you're interested. Thanks!
+ post_date: 2008-10-28 22:34:39.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: looking-for-speakers-2
+- post_title: MoR => open_source_hackfest?
+ post_content: "(This post is written by [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com))\n\nOver
+ the last year or so, I've really enjoyed Montreal on Rails. There have been lots
+ of awesome presentations, and general good times had by all. \n\nWhen Carl asked
+ for feedback on Uservoice, a lot of people seemed interested in more presentations
+ geared towards newbies. While presentations can be really interesting and useful,
+ most of the best programmers I know learned their craft through open source work.
+ There's no better way to improve your skills (not to mention your profile in the
+ industry).\n\n \n\nSo, I've been thinking about organizing a monthly, open source
+ hackfest. It would be an informal evening where people could come and work on
+ FLOSS. If you have a project, it would be a great place to get help from some
+ of your local ruby gurus, or just an excuse to work on your project. If not, it'd
+ be a great place to pick up a project and learn from other developers. At the
+ end of every evening, we could have a few lightning talks (5mins), to give people
+ the opportunity to show off what they've been working on. Or not, if nobody wants
+ to speak. Only rule: no preparation allowed. No slides. Nothing. Think of it sort
+ of like Zed Shaw's [Freehacker's Union](http://freehackersunion.org/joining.html),
+ minus the hazing ritual for new members. So, what do you think? If we turned MoR
+ in to an open source hack fest for a couple of months, would you miss the presentations?
+ Is this something you're interested in trying out? Will you be offended if we
+ open it up to all things Ruby, instead of just rails? \n\n"
+ post_date: 2008-11-04 15:21:54.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: mor-open_source_hackfest
+- post_title: 'Meeting #13 coming up'
+ post_content: |
+ Our 13th meetup will be held on November 18 at Standout Jobs, 6:30pm as usual. The lineup is:
+ - Rob Britton: An introduction to jQuery
+ - Jennifer Bell: Citizen Activism for Government Transparency: Scraping Government Data Using Scrubyt and Rails
+ We'll also have a big announcement to make regarding Montreal on Rails, so make sure to show up!
+ See you then!
+ post_date: 2008-11-14 16:55:37.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meeting-13-coming-up
+- post_title: Changes at MoR
+ post_content: |+
+ Hello! Yesterday sure was PACKED at MoR 13! Thanks to everybody for showing up, and most importantly to Jennifer and Rob for presenting. The presentations were very insightful. As I mentioned last night, I decided to step down from my role at MoR and I will no longer be organizing the monthly events. It's been a lot of fun but I felt the time had come for someone else to take over. Some new blood can't hurt after roughly 1.5 year. From now on, [James Golick](http://jamesgolick.com), a very experienced Ruby hacker will take the lead. James has great ideas for the group which he'll announce shortly. It was important for me to pick someone who will take the group to new heights, and I truly believe James to be that guy. As for myself, I'll definitely make sure to participate in the upcoming meetings and I'll be glad to assist James as much as he wants me to. It's been fun meeting you all and I look forward to next meeting! Carl
+ post_date: 2008-11-19 11:01:17.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: changes-at-mor
+- post_title: Montreal.rb
+ post_content: |+
+ Before I say anything else, I wanted to take a moment to thank Carl for all the amazing work he put in to Montreal on Rails. Bringing the Montreal rails community together was a major accomplishment. Thanks, Carl!
+ On to business. When Carl asked me whether I was interested in taking over MoR, I was pretty excited, because I had been planning to start my own, independent hackfest night. With an awesome existing community and a great venue, I'd be a lot better off.
+ Well, after [asking](http://www.montrealonrails.com/2008/11/04/mor-open_source_hackfest/) the community, it seems pretty clear that there's interest in the concept. There's only one problem, though — being tied to rails.
+ So, as my first official order of business, I am renaming Montreal on Rails to Montreal.rb (hash tag [#montrealrb](http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23montrealrb)). I own the domain name, but don't yet have a logo. If anybody would like to contribute one, that would certainly be appreciated. If not, we'll come up with something.
+ The next meeting and inagural Montreal.rb will take place on December 16th. **It will be a hackfest.** So, fire up your githubs, and let's get to hacking. Wheter you're a veteran FLOSS hacker or a ruby newbie, come out, have fun and hack with us!
+ Finally, I wanted to leave you with the links to the **many** projects that have come out of [Seattle.rb](http://www.zenspider.com/Languages/Ruby/Seattle/Projects.html) and [Boston.rb](http://bostonrb.org/projects). I hope they'll inspire you as much as they inspire me.
+ post_date: 2008-12-04 21:10:27.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montrealrb
+- post_title: This Month's Meeting - Back to Presentations
+ post_content: |+
+ Last month's hack fest was a lot of fun, but somewhat sparsely attended. It has come to my attention, too, that some people were put off by the new format. So, let's try something different this month.
+ We're going to have one event this month with a similar format to the one we've been used to for the last year or so. We'll have a couple of presentations, and then go for drinks. Hopefully, this will give people the opportunity to come out, and hang out with local rubyists, without the added pressure of needing an open source project to hack on.
+ So, **we need speakers for this month**. Even if you're only interested in giving a short talk, we'd love to have you come out and speak at this event. Please send me an email at my first name at giraffesoft dot ca if you're interested in speaking.
+ Today's second announcement is that we have a new home for Montreal.rb! The awesome guys at [Bloom](http://bloomdigital.com) have been nice enough to offer up their offices as a new space for the group to meet. See the [upcoming event](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1481597/) for details.
+ Oh, and don't forget to RSVP, please.
+ post_date: 2009-01-08 11:09:49.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: this-months-meeting-back-to-presentations
+- post_title: Jonathan Palardy on vim
+ post_content: |+
+ We just confirmed the first speaker for this month's Montreal.rb. [Jonathan Palardy](http://technotales.wordpress.com/), expert ruby hacker and vim guru will be giving a talk about vim, why you might want to take a look at it, and how you might go about doing that without falling on your face.
+ Should be awesome. I'm really excited for this talk.
+ post_date: 2009-01-13 12:50:56.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: jonathan-palardy-on-vim
+- post_title: Text Editor Month @ Montreal.rb
+ post_content: |+
+ Alright, we have our second presentation for next week's event. [Pierre-Olivier Martel](http://www.modelix.net/), of [Code Génome](http://codegenome.com/) is going to be talking about using [NetBeans](http://www.netbeans.org/) to write ruby code. This is shaping up to be an awesome meeting!
+ So, it is officially text editor month at Montreal.rb. It would be _really_ great to get somebody to speak about emacs or even TextMate. If you or anybody you know might be interested in speaking about another editor this month, please get in touch with me!
+ post_date: 2009-01-13 18:49:26.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: text-editor-month-montrealrb
+- post_title: 'Talk #3 - Mina Naguib on GNU Screen'
+ post_content: |+
+ I just confirmed our third talk for the month, [Bloom](http://bloomdigital.com)'s own [Mina Naguib](http://mina.naguib.ca/) will be speaking about [GNU Screen](http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/) and how it fits in to the editing / testing workflow.
+ Screen is getting a lot of buzz these days, so I'm really excited to see it in action.
+ post_date: 2009-01-14 09:45:22.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: talk-3-mina-naguib-on-gnu-screen
+- post_title: Montreal.rb - Now with beer.
+ post_content: |+
+ Earlier today, I received an email from [Bosko](http://twitter.com/bosko) of [Bloom](http://bloomdigital.com), Montreal.rb's new host. I'll let his words speak for themselves.
+ > They just brought in 8 two-fours and something like 12 bags of chips. :-)
+ Still on the fence about coming? [RSVP here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1481597/).
+ Also, **don't forget that the location has changed to [481 Avenue Viger West, Suite 202](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Quebec&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=29.595833,79.101563&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FQlPtgIdzISd-w&split=0&ll=45.502422,-73.56293&spn=0.007835,0.019312&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr)**
+ post_date: 2009-01-19 16:53:41.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montrealrb-now-with-beer
+- post_title: Jonathan's Dotfiles (.vimrc, etc) & Mina's Slides
+ post_content: |+
+ [Jonathan Palardy](http://technotales.wordpress.com/) asked me to post his dotfiles here, so that people could find them easily.
+ So, here they are: [http://github.com/jpalardy/etc\_config/tree/master](http://github.com/jpalardy/etc_config/tree/master)
+ Update: Also, mina's talk slides are [here](http://mina.naguib.ca/dist/gnu_screen_presentation.pdf).
+ post_date: 2009-01-21 08:18:18.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: jonathans-dotfiles-vimrc-etc
+- post_title: 'Next Month: Marc-André Cournoyer on Ruby VM Internals'
+ post_content: |+
+ I just got confirmation from the legendary [Marc-André Cournoyer](http://blog.macournoyer.com) of [thin](http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/), [invisible](http://github.com/macournoyer/invisible/tree/master), [RefactorMyCode](http://refactormycode.com/), and [tons of other stuff](http://github.com/macournoyer). He'll be speaking [next month](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1511843) about Ruby VM internals (Rubinius, Ruby 1.9, JRuby, etc).
+ We're looking for more speakers. So, if you or anybody you know is interested in speaking next month, please ping me. The meeting is Tuesday Feb, 17 at Bloom.
+ Please remember to [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1511843).
+ post_date: 2009-01-23 07:43:17.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: next-month-marc-andre-cournoyer-on-ruby-vm-internals
+- post_title: 'Reminder: Montreal.rb is tomorrow!'
+ post_content: |+
+ [Apparently](http://twitter.com/jfcouture/status/1217022824), not everybody was clear on when the next Montreal.rb is.
+ So, this is your reminder. It's tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb 17th. Details [here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1511843). Be there or umm... be a php guy.
+ post_date: 2009-02-16 18:53:07.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: reminder-montrealrb-is-tomorrow
+- post_title: No Montreal.rb this Month
+ post_content: |+
+ Since some of the Bloom crew are going to be out of town and we only have one speaker for this month, we're going to postpone this month's meeting until April.
+ Also, if you want to speak next month, please get in touch with me!
+ post_date: 2009-03-09 10:47:00.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: no-montrealrb-this-month
+- post_title: Call for Speakers
+ post_content: |+
+ This month's Montreal.rb will be held April 21st, at [Bloom](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Montreal,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Quebec,+Canada&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=39.235538,79.013672&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FQlPtgIdzISd-w&split=0&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A) (481 Avenue Viger West, Suite 202 ). Upcoming isn't working for me. So, I guess there's no RSVP'ing this month.
+ Our first speaker this month will be Chris Scott. Here's the abstract:
+ > As an application grows, one sometimes finds their server-side communication becoming distributed throughout the client code, making it difficult to maintain fine-grained control over who gets to see which stuff and execute what upon it. Ext.Direct is a technology which allows you to marshal your Ext communication layer into a discrete, server-side-agnostic, well-engineered package.
+ We're looking for at least one more speaker for this month. So, please, if you're interested in giving a talk, however short, get in touch with me (james at giraffesoft ca).
+ post_date: 2009-04-08 12:55:00.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: call-for-speakers
+- post_title: May's Montreal.rb - New Format
+ post_content: |+
+ This month's Montreal.rb will be **May 19th, 2009 at 6:30pm** at [Bloom](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Suite+202,+Montreal,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Quebec,+Canada&sll=45.502217,-73.562932&sspn=0.008557,0.016565&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A). Please [RSVP at upcoming](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2525176/?ps=5).
+ At last month's meeting, a lot of people told me that they'd be more inclined to speak if they could give a shorter talk. So, this month, we're going to try short talks.
+ If you're interested in giving a talk of between one and fifteen minutes, please get in touch with me (jamesgolick at google's webmail app). We're open to anything. So, don't be shy!
+ post_date: 2009-04-29 19:18:30.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: mays-montrealrb-new-format
+- post_title: Tonight's Montreal.rb - Git, Hippos, and more
+ post_content: |-
+ [Tonight's Montreal.rb](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2525176/) is sure to be a good one.
+ We've got [Mat Martin](http://programblings.com) of [Smart Hippo](http://www.smarthippo.com/) talking about "Working with git". Mat's going to show us how to take better advantage of git's (awesome) power.
+ Then, we have [Martin Aumont](http://mynyml.com/) (not from Smart Hippo) talking about [Enumerable#every](http://github.com/mynyml/every/tree/master), Symbol#to\_proc's hot cousin.
+ We've also got [Martin Carel](http://dev-logger.blogspot.com/), also of [Smart Hippo](http://www.smarthippo.com/), speaking about git log. His summary: "Owning a project’s git history with "git log" and friends. Live demo lightning talk."
+ Finally, [Sean Braithwaite](http://d474.net/), also from [Smart Hippo](http://www.smarthippo.com/) (maybe they're carpooling or something?), is going to be talking about DataMapper. I'm really excited about this one, because DataMapper is awesome. Here's Sean's description of the talk:
+ > Datamapper is an ruby (MRI, YARV, JRuby) Object Relational Mapper (ORM) comparable to Sequel or ActiveRecord. Unlike it's comparables, datamapper is becoming increasingly data store agnostic. Not only can it be used to avoid writing sql, but is aiming to define a general language for object storage. This talk aims to present the recent developments in dm-core/next branch and what these changes have to offer developers working with multiple non relational data stores.
+ post_date: 2009-05-19 09:18:00.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: tonights-montrealrb-git-hippos-and-more
+- post_title: Montreal.rb Pub Night - June 4th
+ post_content: |+
+ After May's Montreal.rb, I started thinking about how much I enjoy drinks after the presentations. That's usually my favourite part of the whole thing.
+ So, next week, we're going to have the first dedicated Montreal.rb pub night at [McKibbins pub](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=mckibbins,+montreal&sll=46.375117,-75.981522&sspn=0.057204,0.120678&ie=UTF8&t=h&cd=1&ll=45.518376,-73.577843&spn=0.11619,0.241356&z=12&iwloc=A) on Bishop (not the West Island location). I'm planning to show up around 6:30pm. They have great veggie burgers. So, I'll probably eat dinner there.
+ post_date: 2009-05-27 17:04:27.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: montrealrb-pub-night-june-4th
+- post_title: This Month's Montreal.rb - Tuesday, June 16th
+ post_content: |+
+ Last month's meeting was an awesome success. We had lots of great presentations. So, this month we're going to continue with that format and we need speakers.
+ If you want to give a talk **anywhere from 5-40 minutes** get in touch with me (jamesgolick at gmail). The short talks were really great last month. So, don't be worried about giving too short a talk.
+ June's meeting will be on Tuesday, June 16th at Bloom starting at 6:30pm as usual. Please [RSVP here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2804520/).
+ Also, just a reminder that we're having a pub night this Thursday, June 4th at McKibbins on Bishop. More info [here](http://www.montrealonrails.com/2009/05/27/montrealrb-pub-night-june-4th/).
+ post_date: 2009-06-01 08:41:21.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: this-months-montrealrb-tuesday-june-16th
+- post_title: This Month's Montreal.rb is Sure to Kick Ass!
+ post_content: |+
+ Sadly, this is going to be my last Montreal.rb. I'm leaving Montreal at the end of June to eventually end up in Vancouver. My good friend and colleague [Daniel Haran](http://danielharan.com) is going to be taking over Montreal.rb.
+ I'm really excited about this month's meeting, though. We've got 3 amazing speakers lined up.
+ [Loren Segal](http://gnuu.org/) is going to be talking about the work he's been doing with [yard](http://yard.soen.ca/), an (awesome) RDoc competitor he wrote.
+ [Brian Cardarella](http://cardarella.blogspot.com/) is coming up from Boston to give a talk called "Debugging Out". In it, Brian will talk about speeding up your debugging time with ruby-debug.
+ Finally, we'll have [Pat Allan](http://freelancing-gods.com/), author of [thinking-sphinx](http://freelancing-god.github.com/ts/en/) and ruby hero, all the way from Melbourne, Australia. He hasn't decided what he's going to talk about yet. But, you can be sure it'll be aewsome.
+ Please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2804520/) if you're coming.
+ post_date: 2009-06-08 11:16:33.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: this-months-montrealrb-is-sure-to-kick-ass
+- post_title: 'July: summer's last Montreal.rb'
+ post_content: '_First, a note of thanks to [James](http://jamesgolick.com/) for
+ his tenure as Montreal.rb organizer. We owe a lot to him trying new formats, as
+ well as finding great speakers!_Mark your calendars: the next Montreal.rb is Tuesday,
+ July 21st. [Please RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/3072057/ "RSVP on upcoming").
+ [Alexis Sellier](http://cloudhead.net/) will discuss [less](http://github.com/cloudhead/less/tree/master
+ "less a framework for creating leaner css"), his framework for creating leaner
+ CSS. [Loren Segal](http://gnuu.org/) will discuss installing ruby 1.9. More short
+ talks are welcome. That''s as short as 1 minute, so if you''ve released or learned
+ of a new project, you have no excuse for not presenting. Contact me at chebuctonian
+ at gmail. For those who like to plan in advance, September''s Montreal.rb will
+ be on the 15th.'
+ post_date: 2009-07-10 16:05:39.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: july-summers-last-montrealrb
+- post_title: September Montreal.rb with Blake Mizerany
+ post_content: |+
+ We're back from our summer break! The next meeting on Montreal.rb will be September 15th. [Please RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4410776/) to ensure we have enough space. [Blake Mizerany](http://twitter.com/bmizerany) will give us an insider's view on [Heroku](http://heroku.com/ "Heroku"). [Sylvain Carle](http://twitter.com/afrognthevalley) will present a logo for the Montreal Ruby community. Finally, I'd like to have a panel discussion on nosql alternatives. A few members are scaling past what MySQL and other databases can handle for storage and analysis. Are you experimenting with [MongoDB](http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Home) or [CouchDB](http://couchdb.apache.org/)? Running [Hadoop](http://hadoop.apache.org/) or Map/Reduce jobs? Let's share war stories. If you would like to give a short talk - between 5-10 minutes - please get in touch with me (chebuctonian AT gmail).
+ post_date: 2009-09-05 13:10:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: september-montrealrb-with-blake-mizerany
+- post_title: Next Montreal.rb Tuesday, October 20th
+ post_content: |+
+ The next regular Montreal.rb is Tuesday October 20th ( [rsvp here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4765857/)). Do you have a topic that would be appropriate for a lightning talk? If so, contact me! (chebuctonian AT gmail). In particular, we could really use a talk for beginners. [François Beausoleil](http://blog.teksol.info/) will discuss [grit](http://grit.rubyforge.org/), which provides an object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby. A few others have suggested talks, without confirmation so far. Fear not: if we're short on talks, we'll just have more time for drinks.
+ post_date: 2009-10-19 20:57:59.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-montreal-rb-tuesday-october-20th
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb: the testing edition'
+ post_content: |+
+ Mark your calendars: Tuesday, November 17th at 6:30PM, at Bloom Digital's office - [rsvp here](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4843299/). [Paul Mylchreest](http://github.com/xlymian) will give us an overview of [pluginaweek](http://github.com/pluginaweek)'s [state\_machine](http://github.com/pluginaweek/state_machine). [Martin Aumont](http://github.com/mynyml) is presenting [watchr](http://github.com/mynyml/watchr), a modern continuous testing tool that's more flexible than autotest. The last presentation has [François Beausoleil](http://github.com/francois) explaining how he used state\_machine and watchr to build [Nestor](http://github.com/francois/nestor), which makes your tests run much, much faster.
+ post_date: 2009-11-05 12:25:05.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-the-testing-edition
+- post_title: ConFoo Montreal
+ post_content: |
+ The ConFoo.ca team is pleased to announce the release of the presentations list: http://confoo.ca/en/session - the Ruby track is at http://confoo.ca/en/session#Ruby
+ From over 450 proposals, the ConFoo.ca team has selected the very best in order to offer you a conference that covers everything Web development, from front-end to back-end, including programming in various languages and project management.
+ To celebrate the release, we offer the conference tickets at the unbeatable price of $400, a $300 discount from the regular price. Don’t wait because that remarkable offer is only valid until December 8th. http://confoo.ca/en/cart
+ == Ruby Sujets/Topics ==
+ 1. Rails for non Ruby developers [EN] by Matt Aimonetti
+ 2. Kicking asses with asynchronous processing [EN] by Marc-André
+ Cournoyer
+ 3. Apple's Ruby: MacRuby [EN] by Matt Aimonetti
+ 4. Spécifications exécutables en Ruby[FR] par Simon Mathieu
+ 5. Persistence Smoothie: Blending SQL and NoSQL [EN] by Michael Bleigh
+ 6. Un site de haut volume en Rails: Grand Club RDS [FR] par Benoit
+ Goyette
+ The ConFoo.ca team is pleased to announce the release of the presentations list: http://confoo.ca/en/session - the Ruby track is at [http://confoo.ca/en/session#Ruby](http://confoo.ca/en/session#Ruby)From over 450 proposals, the ConFoo.ca team has selected the very best in order to offer you a conference that covers everything Web development, from front-end to back-end, including programming in various languages and project management. To celebrate the release, we offer the conference tickets at the unbeatable price of $400, a $300 discount from the regular price. Don’t wait because that remarkable offer is only valid until December 8th. [http://confoo.ca/en/cart](http://confoo.ca/en/cart) **Ruby Topics**
+ 1. Rails for non Ruby developers [EN] by Matt Aimonetti
+ 2. Kicking asses with asynchronous processing [EN] by Marc-André
+ 3. Cournoyer
+ 4. Apple's Ruby: MacRuby [EN] by Matt Aimonetti
+ 5. Spécifications exécutables en Ruby[FR] par Simon Mathieu
+ 6. Persistence Smoothie: Blending SQL and NoSQL [EN] by Michael Bleigh
+ 7. Un site de haut volume en Rails: Grand Club RDS [FR] par Benoit Goyette
+ post_date: 2009-12-04 12:42:34.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: confoo-montreal
+- post_title: 'December Montreal.rb: Tuesday 15th'
+ post_content: |+
+ Marc-André Lafortune will put the "rb" in Montreal.rb with a "super" talk, and [Aanand](http://www.aanandprasad.com/) will demo [Deadweight](http://github.com/aanand/deadweight), a CSS coverage tool that tests your stylesheets against your pages to find redundant rules. We'll finish with a discussion about growing our community, followed by beer. [RSVP at Upcoming](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/4903019/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/Bloom-Digital/).
+ post_date: 2009-12-11 20:34:28.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: december-montreal-rb-tuesday-15th
+- post_title: 'Pub Night: Monday, Jan 11th'
+ post_content: |+
+ Come grab a drink with fellow Rubyists this Monday, starting at 19:00 at the Old Dublin Pub, 636 Rue Cathcart. The next Montreal.rb meetup will be on the 3rd Tuesday. One speaker has been confirmed, and I'm waiting to confirm another before announcing - if you would like to give a talk, let me know.
+ post_date: 2010-01-06 17:59:30.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: pub-night-monday-jan-11th
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb January 19th: Hash and Resque'
+ post_content: |+
+ Start 2010 with a Ruby refresher: Marc-André Lafortune will give us a talk on Hash. Like his last presentation on super, I expect this will be ideal for beginners while surprising experts with some edge cases. [Jonathan Palardy](http://technotales.wordpress.com/) will present [Resque](http://github.com/defunkt/resque), Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later. As always, the meetings start around 6:30pm at Bloom Digital's offices: 481 Avenue Viger West, Suite 202 Montréal, Québec H2Z 1G6
+ post_date: 2010-01-12 21:20:36.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-january-19th-hash-and-resque
+- post_title: 'Next Montreal.rb on February 16th: Looking for speakers!'
+ post_content: |+
+ We're looking for speakers for the next Montreal.rb, on Tuesday February 16th. Please make some noise about Montreal.rb. See if you can bring a friend or colleague along.
+ post_date: 2010-02-03 11:13:11.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: next-montreal-rb-on-february-16th-looking-for-speakers
+- post_title: 'First speaker announced: Martin Aumont on JavaScript + DOM in your
+ Rubies'
+ post_content: |+
+ Martin told me he will speak at the next Montreal.rb on February 16th about his gems: [Harmony](http://github.com/mynyml/harmony) and [Holygrail](http://github.com/mynyml/holygrail). Hope to see you there!
+ post_date: 2010-02-11 09:43:38.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: first-speaker-announced-martin-aumont-on-javascript-dom-in-your-rubies
+- post_title: New Speaker Announced! Gary Haran on "Silicon Island"
+ post_content: |-
+ I received very strict instructions from Gary to only say this about his talk:
+ > Gary Haran from [Talker Group Chat](http://talkerapp.com/) fame is going to have a flash talk on a super secret subject that will be revealed at this month's meeting.With [Martin](http://www.montrealonrails.com/2010/02/11/first-speaker-announced-martin-aumont-on-javascript-dom-in-your-rubies/), we're now at 2 speakers. There's still time to announce your talk to me. See you on February 16th!
+ post_date: 2010-02-13 09:24:48.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: new-speaker-announced-gary-haran-on-silicon-island
+- post_title: 'Reminder: Montreal.rb meetup tonight, 18:30'
+ post_content: |+
+ We have 2 presenters tonight: [Martin Aumont](http://mynyml.com/) and [Gary Haran](http://www.garyharan.com/). Martin will talk about JavaScript testing from Ruby, while Gary has an open talk planned. No RSVP required. See you there!
+ post_date: 2010-02-16 12:14:31.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: reminder-montreal-rb-meetup-tonight-1830
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb Recap: Do the Hustle by Obie Fernandez'
+ post_content: |+
+ At yesterday's Montreal.rb meetup, [Gary Haran](http://garyharan.com/) mentioned [Obie Fernandez](http://obiefernandez.com/) RubyFringe talk: [Do the Hustle](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/fernandez-sales-do-the-hustle). [Martin Aumont](http://mynyml.com/)'s presentation on [Holygrail](http://github.com/mynyml/holygrail) was also of great value. Kudos to our presenters! I unfortunately had to leave early, but I hope discussions were great.
+ post_date: 2010-02-17 11:49:58.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-recap-do-the-hustle-by-obie-fernandez
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb Branding: New Logo, New Direction'
+ post_content: |-
+ Before Gary's talk yesterday, Sean Braithwaite showed us a great new logo:
+ [![](http://teksol.s3.amazonaws.com/montreal-rb.png "Montreal.rb Logo")](http://teksol.s3.amazonaws.com/montreal-rb.png)
+ With this logo, and Gary's talk, we suddenly find ourselves ready to generate lots of new content. To this end, I propose we have a Hacknight on March 4th, at 6:30 PM where we will dissect and extend one gem we, as a group, will choose. We have lots of great candidates. The format I want to explore is as a group we concentrate on a single project. We have received permission to use Bloom's offices again, so we have access to the big screen for coding. Essentially, I'm proposing a big pairing session, with 10-12 heads instead of 2. If you're interested, [please RSVP](http://montrealrb.wufoo.com/forms/mtlrb-hacknight-20100304/). PS: If you want the logo, download it from [http://teksol.s3.amazonaws.com/montreal-rb.png](http://teksol.s3.amazonaws.com/montreal-rb.png).
+ post_date: 2010-02-17 16:01:51.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-branding-new-logo-new-direction
+- post_title: Ruby Developer Crisis?
+ post_content: "I just stumbled upon [Chicago’s Ruby Developer Crisis](http://nuts.redsquirrel.com/post/2680658687/chicagos-ruby-developer-crisis)
+ and thought some of these applied locally. We have great talent, but it's hard
+ to find Ruby people locally. To that effect, I'm inviting any company that's doing
+ Ruby to our next Montreal.rb event, which will be held on **January 18 at 6:30
+ PM**. We'll be back to the [CRIM, 405 Ogilvy St](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009671,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&ll=45.530673,-73.624492&spn=0.00965,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A):
+ adjust your roadmaps. [RSVP at Upcoming](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874396/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/).\r
+ \r I'm still looking for speakers: [email me](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20present)
+ if you want to talk.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-01-10 10:21:43.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: ruby-developer-crisis
+- post_title: 'Recap: Montreal.rb meetup from March 16th'
+ post_content: "Very good crowd yesterday at Montreal.rb! We were 30, all turning
+ out to listen to [Ben](http://www.instigatorblog.com/) and [Carl](http://blog.carlmercier.com/).
+ Again, a big thanks to our speakers for teaching us about starting your startup.\r
+ \r Ben posted his presentation on his blog: [10 Startup To-Dos: Things You Should
+ Really Think About When Starting a Company](http://www.instigatorblog.com/10-startup-to-dos/2010/03/17/).\r
+ \r Marc-André asked Ben about doing your homework, and Ben mentioned:\n\n- [The
+ Four Steps to the Epiphany](http://astore.amazon.com/instigatorblog-20/detail/0976470705)\n-
+ [Dave McClure](http://500hats.typepad.com/)\n- [Sean Ellis](http://startup-marketing.com/)\n
+ [Martin Aumont](http://mynyml.com/) discussed the [montrealrb.org](http://montrealrb.org/)
+ site, as well as the GitHub repository for it: [http://github.com/mynyml/montrealrb](http://github.com/mynyml/montrealrb).\r
+ \r Great meetup, as usual!"
+ post_date: 2010-03-17 16:18:38.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: recap-montreal-rb-meetup-from-march-16th
+- post_title: 'Next Montreal.rb: June 15th'
+ post_content: "Morgan Tocker prepared a talk on \"How NoSQL is different from MySQL
+ (InnoDB)\":\n\n> It's good to understand some of the basic internals to how InnoDB\r
+ works, what goals it has, and what trade-offs you may be making when\r you switch
+ to a NoSQL database.\r Paul Mylchreest has a gem he kept under the radar: [hansel](http://github.com/xlymian/hansel).
+ Hansel is a gem to drive httperf.\r \r As usual, we'll be at [481 Viger W.](http://maps.google.ca/maps?client=safari&q=481+viger+w,+montreal&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&gl=ca&ei=sdTeS7CSGoWi9QSVy5yjBw&ved=0CA8Q8gEwAA&t=h&z=16),
+ at 6:30 PM on June 15th, 2010. Free admission for all. Thanks to Bloom Digital
+ Platforms for the venue."
+ post_date: 2010-06-08 11:57:01.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-montreal-rb-june-15th
+- post_title: Looking for new presenters
+ post_content: "If you've come before, you know we're a cool bunch and we don't bite
+ anyone. If you've never presented before but would like to do so, do get in touch
+ with me: [francois@teksol.info](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I+want+to+present).
+ There are a variety of topics you could present on:\n\n- Interesting gems you've
+ come accross: [rvm](http://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm), [homebrew](http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew),
+ [chef](http://github.com/opscode/chef), [thor](http://github.com/wycats/thor),
+ [trinidad](http://github.com/calavera/trinidad), [unicorn](http://git.bogomips.org/cgit/unicorn.git)
+ or, [hydra](http://github.com/ngauthier/hydra)\n- Rubinius hit 1.0: talk about
+ what changed since [Mathieu Martin](http://programblings.com/) talked about it
+ in [March 2008](http://www.montrealonrails.com/2008/02/mor-8-march-18/)\n- There's
+ also [MagLev](http://ruby.gemstone.com/), an alternative Ruby implementation\n-
+ NoSQL is all the rage: we have [talked](http://www.montrealonrails.com/2010/01/montreal-rb-january-19th-hash-and-resque/)
+ about [Redis](http://code.google.com/p/redis/) in the context of [Resque](http://github.com/defunkt/resque),
+ but Redis has a lot more to offer. Then there are also other NoSQL implementations:
+ [Cassandra](http://cassandra.apache.org/), [TokyoCabinet](http://1978th.net/tokyocabinet/)
+ and many others\n\r Any of those topics is a candidate for a talk. You don't have
+ to talk long either: 5-10 minutes to give us an overview of some technology.\r
+ \r If you're interested, [talk](mailto:francois@teksol.info) to me!"
+ post_date: 2010-05-26 11:57:46.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: looking-for-new-presenters
+- post_title: 'Montreal.rb Hacknight: May 4th, 2010'
+ post_content: "I'm pleased to announce the 3rd Montreal.rb Hacknight. Please bring
+ your laptops and questions: we're talking and building something with callcc,
+ or [continuations](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation). We'll probably
+ dissect [Wee](http://github.com/mneumann/wee), a Ruby Rack-compliant continuations
+ based web server.\r \r I hope to see you at 6:30 PM on May 4th, at Bloom's offices,
+ at [481 Viger W, Montreal](http://maps.google.ca/maps?client=safari&q=481+viger+w,+montreal&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&gl=ca&ei=sdTeS7CSGoWi9QSVy5yjBw&ved=0CA8Q8gEwAA&t=h&z=16).\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-05-03 09:53:49.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-hacknight-may-4th-2010
+- post_title: 'Next Montreal.rb: May 18th, 2010'
+ post_content: "Back to technical matters this month!\r \r We'll be talking [Bundler](http://gembundler.com/)
+ and [Rails 3](http://rubyonrails.org/). [François Beausoleil](http://blog.teksol.info/)
+ (me!) will present Bundler, how to use it now, what problems it solves, and I'm
+ still waiting for a confirmation on a Rails 3 presenter.\r \r As usual, we'll
+ be at [481 Viger W.](http://maps.google.ca/maps?client=safari&q=481+viger+w,+montreal&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&gl=ca&ei=sdTeS7CSGoWi9QSVy5yjBw&ved=0CA8Q8gEwAA&t=h&z=16),
+ at 6:30 PM on May 18th. Free admission for all. Thanks to Bloom Digital Platforms
+ for the venue.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-05-10 11:48:09.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-montreal-rb-may-18th-2010
+- post_title: Montreal.rb June 15th recap
+ post_content: "Great crowd yesterday at Montreal.rb. I'd like to thank all speakers
+ for the 2009-2010 season:\n\n- [Morgan Tocker](http://mtocker.livejournal.com/)\n-
+ [Paul Mylchreest](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/xlymian)\n- [Jonathan Palardy](http://technotales.wordpress.com/)\n-
+ [François Beausoleil](http://blog.teksol.info/)\n- [Jean-Sébastien Cournoyer](http://montrealstartup.com/about-us/jean-sebastien-cournoyer/)\n-
+ [Guillaume Bouchard](http://www.nvisolutions.com/guillaume_bouchard.php)\n- [Gary
+ Haran](http://garyharan.com/)\n- [Benjamin Yoskovitz](http://www.instigatorblog.com/)\n-
+ [Carl Mercier](http://blog.carlmercier.com/)\n- [Sean Braithwaite](http://twitter.com/brapse)\n-
+ [Martin Aumont](http://mynyml.com/)\n- [Marc-André Lafortune](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/marcandre)\n-
+ [Aanand Prasad](http://www.aanandprasad.com/)\n- [Blake Mizerany](http://twitter.com/bmizerany)\n\r
+ On a related note, [Drew Sechrist](mailto:drew.sechrist@gmail.com) mentioned he
+ was looking to build a team of engineers for his new startup, [kuuzuu](http://www.kuuzuu.com/).
+ Drew said he might be interested in building and hosting his team in Montreal.
+ Show him all the talent we've got!"
+ post_date: 2010-06-16 15:19:43.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: june-15th-recap
+- post_title: How to upgrade to Rails 3 by Jonathan Palardy
+ post_content: "It is official! [Jonathan Palardy](http://technotales.wordpress.com/)
+ will show us how to upgrade your existing Rails 2.3 applications to Rails 3. And
+ since moving to Rails 3 entails using [Bundler](http://gembundler.com/), I, [François
+ Beausoleil](http://blog.teksol.info/), will present Bundler first.\r \r Our meetup
+ will be on May 18th, 2010, at 6:30 PM at [481 Viger W](http://maps.google.ca/maps?client=safari&q=481+viger+w,+montreal&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=481+Avenue+Viger+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&gl=ca&ei=sdTeS7CSGoWi9QSVy5yjBw&ved=0CA8Q8gEwAA&t=h&z=16),
+ in Montreal's downtown.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-05-10 16:47:57.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: how-to-upgrade-to-rails-3-by-jonathan-palardy
+- post_title: 'Summer Recess: See you in September!'
+ post_content: "The whole group is taking a recess. That doesn't mean we won't see
+ each other informally over the summer. Just be sure to follow [@montrealrb](http://twitter.com/montrealrb)
+ to know about gatherings.\r \r Our next formal event will be on September 21st.
+ Details will be coming around late August. Be sure to check back then.\r \r Until
+ then, have a great summer!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-06-23 14:34:19.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: summer-recess-see-you-in-september
+- post_title: Rumblers from Montreal, assemble!
+ post_content: "Looks like we'll have at least [2](http://twitter.com/fbeausoleil/status/18517163348)
+ [teams](http://twitter.com/heri/status/18519673869) to compete in the [RailsRumble](http://railsrumble.com/)
+ this year!\n\n> On a Friday evening (for most of us), you sit at your computer,
+ with up to three of your closest friends nearby, when suddenly your Twitter stream
+ starts flooding! Your IRC windows start flashing by! Your friends start clicking
+ rapidly on their own machines! \"It's up!\" one of them yells.\n> \n> You have
+ forty-eight hours, up to three friends, a shared Git repository, a remote server,
+ and Rails (or your favorite Rack-based framework). From that point on, it's up
+ to you - to design, develop, and deploy the greatest web application the world
+ has ever seen!\r The 2010 RailsRumble will be held from October 16th, 00:00:00
+ UTC until October 18th, 23:59:59 UTC (which is Friday October 15th, 8 PM until
+ Sunday 8 PM for us).\r \r If you're interested, leave a comment below and join
+ the #montreal.rb IRC channel on irc.freenode.net. Depending on how many participants
+ there are, [Bloom Digital Platforms](http://bloomdigital.com/) might be able to
+ lend their offices.\r \r I hope to see many Montreal teams this year!"
+ post_date: 2010-07-14 10:05:52.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: rumblers-from-montreal-assemble
+- post_title: We're moving!
+ post_content: "Unfortunately, due to Bloom's recent move, they won't be able to
+ host the Montreal.rb group. We're sadly too big for the available space. But that
+ doesn't mean we have to stop: instead, Yvan Ross from the CRIM kindly offered
+ to check if there were rooms available. On September 21st, we will meet at the
+ CRIM: [405 Ogilvy St](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+ogilvy+st,+montreal,+qc&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009717,0.018153&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec,+Canada&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A).
+ We will be in room #4. We'll have directions or something starting at the door
+ on the 21st.\r \r Make sure to change your auto-pilot. I'll leave a note at the
+ old location. Meeting time is unchanged though: still 6:30 PM.\r \r Hope to see
+ you there!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-08-28 10:57:35.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: were-moving
+- post_title: 'Next Meeting: Tuesday October 19th'
+ post_content: "Don't forget: next Tuesday will be our next meeting. Louis-Philippe
+ Perron offered to talk to us about Objective-C scripting for Rubyists. I'm really
+ looking forward to this. Incidentally, I'm still looking for another speaker.
+ If you'd like to speak, speak up :)\r \r Meet us in person at the [CRIM, 405 Ogilvy
+ St](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009671,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&ll=45.530673,-73.624492&spn=0.00965,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A).
+ at 6:30 PM. We'll have a larger room this time around. [Please RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874393/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/).
+ See you then!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-10-16 17:43:27.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-meeting-tuesday-october-19th
+- post_title: Invitation to ConFooBBQ
+ post_content: "I just received news from the Montreal Python community about ConFooBBQ:\n\n>
+ This year again, [ConFoo](http://confoo.ca/en) is going to be a major conference
+ on Web development bringing together many of the local communities. To celebrate
+ this synergy, everyone is invited to ConFooBBQ, the BBQ for developers and other
+ actors of the Web.\r The BBQ will be held on September 11th.\r \r More info: [http://montrealpython.org/2010/08/confoobbq/](http://montrealpython.org/2010/08/confoobbq/)"
+ post_date: 2010-09-07 10:59:15.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: invitation-to-confoobbq
+- post_title: 'Next Meeting: September 21st'
+ post_content: "Summer recess is over! We're back to the regular schedule. The 2010-2011
+ season of Montreal.rb officially opens on September 21st.\r \r Remember: we're
+ changing venue. We will be at the [CRIM, 405 Ogilvy St](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=CRIM,+405+rue+Ogilvy+%23101,+Montreal,+QC+H3N+1M3&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009717,0.017359&ie=UTF8&hq=crim+405+rue+ogilvy+101&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec+H3N+1M3&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A).
+ Also, I'm asking you to [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874392/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)
+ this time around. We should have a few new faces, since I've invited the Clojure
+ and Python communities as well.\r \r Incidentally, I'm still looking for someone
+ that's not a Rubyist to present about their language. If you want to talk about
+ your language, please reach me at [francois@teksol.info](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I'd+like+to+present).
+ I'll give you a slot. The format is a 10-15 minute presentation, plus questions.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-09-15 08:58:36.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-meeting-september-21st
+- post_title: September 21st Speakers
+ post_content: "I have the pleasure to announce our two speakers for the September
+ 21st meeting:\n\n- [Cyril Robert](http://savetheions.com/), from the
+ Python community; and\n- [Jeff Heon](http://thecarefulprogrammer.blogspot.com/),
+ from the Clojure community.\n\r Cyril is a [Python](http://python.org/)/ [Django](http://www.djangoproject.com/)
+ software developer for [Le Site](http://lesite.ca/), and co-founder of [Pantherific](http://pantherific.com/).
+ He is also the vice-president of the [Montreal Python](http://montrealpython.org/)
+ organizing committee, and has been the master of ceremony for a few monthly gatherings
+ since April 2010.\r \r Jeff is a longtime developer: he started on a [Commodore
+ 64](http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_64) and never looked back since. He
+ recently switched to using [Clojure](http://clojure.org/), from static OO languages.
+ He's also the organizer for [Bonjure](http://www.bonjure.org/), the Montreal Clojure
+ Users Group.\r \r Let's have a warm welcome for them. See you on the 21st, at
+ our new venue: [405 Ogilvy St](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=CRIM,+405+rue+Ogilvy+%23101,+Montreal,+QC+H3N+1M3&vps=1&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009717,0.017359&ie=UTF8&hq=crim+405+rue+ogilvy+101&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec+H3N+1M3)."
+ post_date: 2010-09-17 17:23:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: september-21st-speakers
+- post_title: September 21st Wrap up
+ post_content: "We had loads of fun at our new venue yesterday. The [CRIM](http://www.crim.ca/)
+ is a very nice venue for holding technical meetings: well lighted, comfortable
+ chairs, projector and Wifi. Big thanks to [Yvan Ross](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/yvanross/fr)
+ for pointing us to the new venue.\r \r [Jeff Heon](http://thecarefulprogrammer.blogspot.com/)
+ posted the slides to his talk on Slideshare: [Clojure for Rubyists](http://www.slideshare.net/jfheon/clojure-forrubyists).
+ Cyril Robert didn't have slides, but you can start with [Django](http://www.djangoproject.com/)'s
+ home page.\r \r [Hugo Frappier](http://hugofrappier.wordpress.com/) announced
+ a Rails training session at the CRIM. More information on the [Ruby on Rails -
+ Beginner](http://www.crim.ca/fr/services/Formation/Cours-inscription/index.html?uri=/ressources/fr/Services/formation/Cours-inscription/recherche.html&id=DEV525)
+ and [Ruby on Rails - Intermediate](http://www.crim.ca/fr/services/Formation/Cours-inscription/index.html?uri=/ressources/fr/Services/formation/Cours-inscription/recherche.html&id=DEV526)
+ course pages.\r \r Really great presentations by our \"outsiders\". Thanks again
+ for coming to meet us!\r \r Final announcement: I'm looking for theme ideas. I
+ believe having a theme for the evening is a great way to structure talks. Email
+ me or leave a comment. Our next meeting will be on October 19th.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-09-22 10:43:35.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: september-21st-wrap-up
+- post_title: Python Wrapup of September 21st
+ post_content: "We were very fortunate to have Cyril Robert with us at the last Montreal.rb,
+ and Cyril left some notes about his presentation over on his blog: [Presentation
+ at Montreal.rb](http://savetheions.com/2010/09/25/presentation-at-montreal-rb/),
+ including a downloadable version of the 15-minute blog.\r \r Again, I extend my
+ thanks to Cyril for stepping up and wanting to talk about Python to us Rubyers.
+ It's always nice to talk about something we're not used to.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-09-29 09:34:12.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: python-wrapup-of-september-21st
+- post_title: 'New Venue: Comments / Suggestions?'
+ post_content: "I was just wondering if anybody had comments on the new venue? We'll
+ have a bigger room for the next meeting: the one right next to the one we were
+ using. The new room will sit 30 people comfortably. It will be a much better fit
+ than what we were given.\r \r Again, a huge thank you to the CRIM for allowing
+ us to use the venue.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-10-08 11:29:36.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: new-venue-comments-suggestions
+- post_title: 'First Presentation: "Objective-C Scripting for Rubyists, using MacRuby
+ and Objective-C"'
+ post_content: |+
+ Louis-Philippe Perron stepped up to the plate: he sent me an email today mentioning he'd like to do a talk. If you'd like to do like Louis-Philippe, please email [francois@teksol.info](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20present%20at%20Montreal.rb) and I'll take care of the details!
+ post_date: 2010-10-06 11:35:32.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: first-presentation-objective-c-scripting-for-rubyists-using-macruby-and-objetive-c
+- post_title: 'Next Montreal.rb: November 16th - RVM & Jaccard'
+ post_content: "Good times! November rolls around and [Jonathan Palardy](http://technotales.wordpress.com/)
+ offered to talk about [RVM](http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/), the Ruby Version
+ Manager. He felt it was an oversight that we never discussed it. At the same time,
+ [I](http://blog.teksol.info/) will show you how to use the [Jaccard Coefficient
+ Index](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index) in your day-to-day coding.
+ Don't expect math, but do expect fun times!\r \r The night's activities will be:\n\n-
+ 6:15 PM: Doors open\n- 6:45 PM: Jaccard Presentation\n- 7:30 PM: RVM Presentation\n-
+ 8:15 PM: Late dinner and drinks\n\r The event will be held on November 16th, at
+ the [CRIM, located at 405 Ogilvy St.](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009671,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&ll=45.530673,-73.624492&spn=0.00965,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A)
+ Please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874394/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)
+ at Yahoo's Upcoming.\r \r Looking forward to meeting you there!\r \r For information,
+ you may contact [François Beausoleil](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=Montreal.rb:%20November%2016th)."
+ post_date: 2010-11-05 12:52:43.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: next-montreal-rb-november-16th-rvm-jaccard
+- post_title: 'Reminder: RVM and Jaccard on November 16th'
+ post_content: "Remember we have another meeting tonight, at the [CRIM, 405 Ogilvy
+ St](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC&sll=45.408077,-71.844338&sspn=0.009671,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,&hnear=Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&ll=45.530673,-73.624492&spn=0.00965,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A).\r
+ \r Doors open at 6:15 PM. For parking, ring the guard and tell him you're coming
+ for Montreal.rb.\r \r Drinks and food afterwards at the Cafe Vesuvio. Please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874394/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)
+ at Upcoming.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-11-16 11:05:23.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: reminder-rvm-and-jaccard-on-november-16th
+- post_title: November 16th recap
+ post_content: "Thanks again to all for coming. I loved Jonathan's RVM presentation.
+ I think my presentation went well, but I believe I was a bit too fast. Please
+ feel free to comment about the evening.\r \r [Chris Desnoyers](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/chrisdesnoyers)
+ from [Synapsesix](http://www.synapsesix.com/) visited us and told us they were
+ looking for Rails developers:\n\n> Looking for RoR talent in the Montreal area
+ (but remote could work) to join our team. We specialize in Elections Management,
+ Project/Follow-up Management and Logistics Management. We live on the cutting
+ edge and need people who like being there as well.\r You may contact Chris at
+ [chris.desnoyers@synapsesix.com](mailto:chris.desnoyers@synapsesix.com?subject=Montreal.rb)."
+ post_date: 2010-11-17 14:31:51.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: november-16th-recap
+- post_title: 'Command-Query Responsibility Segregation / Event Sourcing Meetup: December
+ 15th'
+ post_content: "I just received word from [Matthieu Guyonnet-Duluc](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/matthieugd)
+ about a meeting on December 15th on [Command-Query Responsibility Segregation](http://cqrsinfo.com/
+ \"un site d'information sur CQRS\") and Event Sourcing. It will be held at UQAM
+ on December 15th, at 6:30 PM. RSVP at [http://cqrsmeetup.eventbrite.com/](http://cqrsmeetup.eventbrite.com/).\r
+ \r The CQRS pattern is also something that exists in the Ruby world: [RailswayCon
+ 2010 - Command Your Domain](http://www.slideshare.net/methodmissing/railswaycon-2010-command-your-domain)\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-11-22 14:20:31.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: cqrs-event-sourcing-meetup-december-15th
+- post_title: 'ConFoo 2011: Call for papers'
+ post_content: "I just received this from Anna Filina, one of ConFoo's organizers:\n\n>
+ ### ConFoo 2011: Call for Papers is Now Open!\n> \r We are looking for the best
+ speakers willing to share their skills and experience with developers and managers.\r
+ \r This year, ConFoo is dedicated to software development and project management.\r
+ \r The technical part covers different aspects of Web development such as: PHP,
+ Python, Ruby, .Net, security, content management systems, frameworks, databases,
+ system administration, Web standards, mobile development and accessibility.\r
+ \r The management part includes: project management, agile methodology, referencing
+ (SEO), Web marketing analysis, social networking, and start-ups.\r \r The conference
+ will be held in Montreal from March 9th to 11th, 2011 at the prestigious Hotel
+ Hilton Bonaventure.\r \r Talk proposals must received by November 26th. [http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers](http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers)\r
+ If you're a Ruby enthusiast and want to talk about Ruby to people, go right ahead
+ and contact ConFoo. NOTE: The deadline is November 26th, or Friday."
+ post_date: 2010-11-25 09:11:05.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: confoo-2011-call-for-papers
+- post_title: Wigup.tv is looking for Ruby Developers
+ post_content: "It's a great time to be a Ruby developer: I've received word that
+ Wigup.tv is looking for an intermediate to senior level Ruby developer.\r \r Wigup.tv
+ is an interactive mentor for people aged 7-18. The full PDF is: [INTERACTIVE Développeur
+ Ruby on Rails](http://teksol.info.s3.amazonaws.com/wigup-ruby-programmer.pdf)
+ (French PDF).\r \r Interested candidates should submit their resumes to [ftessier@balestra.tv](mailto:ftessier@balestra.tv).\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-11-25 13:00:13.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: wigup-tv-is-looking-for-ruby-developers
+- post_title: Speakers Wanted for December 21st
+ post_content: "If you have an interesting experience, or anything you want to share
+ with the group, you're more than welcome to contact me, [François](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20present),
+ and I'll set you up to be a speaker.\r \r It doesn't have to be long, and you'll
+ build recognition in the community. That's the second step to being \"famous\",
+ the first step being to have a blog and posting interesting content!\r \r Things
+ we have talked little about:\n\n- Functional programming;\n- Reactive programming;\n-
+ Benchmark NoSQL vs MySQL/PostgreSQL;\n- Tell us how you use Oracle from Rails;\n-
+ Rails + Windows;\n- Screen vs tmux;\n- Fat clients, e.g. ExtJS, Dojo;\n- Passenger
+ a.k.a. mod\\_rails;\n- Rails from Cocoa / CocoaTouch / Objective-C;\n- Alternative
+ Ruby implementations: it's been a long time since Mathieu talked about Rubinius,
+ and JRuby's been making the rounds about how easy it is to get started with;\n-
+ Anything else that strikes your fancy!\n\r Any of those subjects would be a great
+ addition to our community knowledge base.\r \r I'm looking forward to your emails
+ telling me you want to present!\r \r"
+ post_date: 2010-12-01 00:28:14.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: speakers-wanted-for-december-21st
+- post_title: You want to be a speaker?
+ post_content: "You may talk about anything that strikes your fancy, subject to the
+ organizer's approval. Generally, if it's technical, it's good. The Ruby community
+ is very open to any shiny new toy, so that helps.\r \r The presentation format
+ is 10-20 minutes per speaker, 2 speakers per night. You may present in French
+ or English, at your convenience. We also have a projector at your disposal. Our
+ current venue is the Notman House.\r \r Get in touch with [Martin Provencher](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com?subject=I%20want%20to%20be%20a%20speaker)
+ to setup the details.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-12-01 00:38:41.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: you-want-to-be-a-speaker
+- post_title: Venue Closed on December 21st
+ post_content: "Yvan Ross, our contact at the CRIM, told me the CRIM is closed from
+ December 17th to January 10th. We, as a community, have a decision to make: either
+ we move for one meeting, or cancel the meeting.\r \r Ryan Neufeld, a developer
+ from Manitoba, is coming to meet us. I could always organize a social only event.
+ I will still be absent but can setup all details.\r \r [Please answer your preference](http://montrealrb.wufoo.com/forms/m7x3k1/
+ \"December 21st Meeting\") (popup form). I will accept answers until December
+ 14th.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2010-12-02 21:23:52.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: venue-closed-on-december-21st
+- post_title: 'December 21st: One Time Change of Venue'
+ post_content: " ![53% voted moved to another venue, 33% voted we have a social gathering
+ only, and 13% wanted to cancel the meeting. We had 15 participants in the survey.](http://teksol.info.s3.amazonaws.com/december-21st-results.png)
+ [![RPM Montreal](http://teksol.info.s3.amazonaws.com/rpmmontreal-200x.png)](http://rpmmtl.com/)
+ You have voted: we're moving for just this meeting. Our venue is graciously offered
+ by [RPM Montreal](http://rpmmtl.com/). From their home page: RPM
+ is a shared coworking space in Montreal’s Griffintown district.
\r \r RPM Montreal
+ is located at **420 Rue Guy**. Get directions from [RPM Montreal's directions
+ and contact info](http://rpmmtl.com/about/directions-and-contact-info/) page.
+ Meet us at **6:30 PM** on December 21st.\r \r As I alluded to previously
+ as well, I will not be present to host the meeting, but [Yvan Ross](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/yvanross)
+ will take the reins.\r \r Please also remember we're moving back to the CRIM in
+ January."
+ post_date: 2010-12-10 09:13:48.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: december-21st-one-time-change-of-venue
+- post_title: 'Reminder: Meeting moved, still Tuesday!'
+ post_content: |+
+ Just a quick reminder that the December 21st meeting is at RPM, [420 Guy St](http://rpmmtl.com/about/directions-and-contact-info/), and that Yvan Ross will be the organizer. The meeting is still at the same time, and please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874395/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/RPM-Montreal/) as early as possible.
+ post_date: 2010-12-20 11:45:18.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: reminder-meeting-moved-still-tuesday
+- post_title: January 18th Recap
+ post_content: "It was a great meeting. We had [Adrian Dafinei](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/nerdsalliance)
+ talk to us about the Association Québécoise des Informaticiennes et Informaticiens
+ Indépendants. Their website is [www.aqii.org](http://www.aqiii.org/).\r \r I also
+ proposed a new format for the meetings. We'll keep the 2 presentation format,
+ but I'm adding a couple of thing. The new schedule will be the following:\n\n1.
+ We'll start with the Book Club: bring one or more books you want to share with
+ the rest of the group. Register your book at [bookcrossing.com](http://www.bookcrossing.com/).
+ Leave it on the table when you come in. I'll ask volunteers to talk about their
+ books: just a couple of minutes - what did you like about your book, why you bought
+ it and so on. [Email me](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I'll%20bring%20a%20book)
+ what book you'll bring so I know roughly how many books will be on the table.\n2.
+ Every 2 or 3 meetings, we'll add the Gem Club: what gems did you recently use,
+ how did your integration go, any caveats you want to mention. There's a gem club
+ in February. [Tell me](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20talk%20at%20the%20Gem%20Club)
+ if you want to talk about your gems.\n3. After that we'll have the regular one
+ or two presentations, keeping essentially the same format - 10 to 15 minutes per
+ presenter. I'll have a monthly theme: be prepared.\n4. Any general public announcements
+ would go here.\n5. Finally, if you are looking for a contractor / intern / employee
+ / employer / client, now's the time to talk about it. Bring your business cards
+ to exchange with other people. Send me your information so I can post it here
+ as well.\n\r Don't forget to bring your friends: we were 32 yesterday evening.
+ We had one of the bigger rooms at the CRIM. Great venue. The more friends, the
+ merrier it'll be, and having more people exposed to Ruby spreads the knowledge
+ around!\r \r Just to give you an idea, here are the people who were looking for
+ a contractor / intern / employee yesterday night:\r\n- [Bandzoogle](http://bandzoogle.com/)
+ was looking for both interns and a full-time employee, their hiring announcement
+ is [Bandzoogle is hiring !](http://bandzoogle.com/blog/blogposts/bandzoogle-is-hiring--20540.cfm);\n-
+ Hugo Frappier was looking for someone to pair with him on a business plan;\n-
+ Code Génome was also looking for someone.\n\r There were more, and I'll add them
+ to the list as the information trickles in. Follow us on Twitter as [@montrealrb](http://twitter.com/#!/montrealrb).\r
+ \r Thanks again for coming, and see you next February 15th for Database
+ Month. I'm still looking for 2 presenters: tell me if you want to present.\r \r
+ Reach me at [francois@teksol.info](mailto:francois@teksol.info)."
+ post_date: 2011-01-19 09:00:15.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: january-18th-recap
+- post_title: Speaking of Ruby Programmer Shortage... Book Giveaway!
+ post_content: " [Obie Fernandez](http://blog.obiefernandez.com/) just announced
+ a contest on his blog:\r> I love hearing personal stories, especially from people
+ that are working hard to succeed. The first and main part of your entry submission
+ to the contest is the story of how you're working to succeed as a \"Rails up-and-comer.\"
+ Tell us who you are, where you come from and what you're about. Tell us why you
+ picked Ruby and Rails over a myriad of other options and why you think you'll
+ succeed. You may enter your story directly as a comment here or link to an entry
+ on your own blog or elsewhere on the web.\r \r From [The Rails Up-And-Comers Contest](http://blog.obiefernandez.com/content/2011/01/the-rails-up-and-comers-contest.html)\r
+ If you want to participate, go ahead, then you can share the books in our Book
+ Club!"
+ post_date: 2011-01-21 10:52:10.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: speaking-of-ruby-programmer-shortage-book-giveaway
+- post_title: Who/where are you?
+ post_content: |+
+ If you spoke up during the last Montreal.rb meeting saying you were looking for someone, or were available for hire, please put a comment here: I have received three requests for your names and contact details.
+ post_date: 2011-01-28 16:35:59.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: whowhere-are-you
+- post_title: Database Month Coming Up!
+ post_content: "Database Month is coming right up (February 15th). I asked
+ for 2 volunteers to present on any database topics. Ideas include:\n\n- The pg
+ gem - how to use it directly, instead of through [ActiveRecord](http://rubyonrails.org/)\n-
+ What about the asynchronous gems? There was a big hoopla about [mysql2](https://github.com/brianmario/mysql2)
+ [a while back](http://www.mikeperham.com/2010/04/03/introducing-phat-an-asynchronous-rails-app/).
+ Is this still alive? Is it any faster?\n- Benchmark the different NoSQL databases
+ (we can pick apart your testing methodology at the after hours!)\n- What's happening
+ with [DataMapper](http://datamapper.org/)? Is it any easier than it was? Contrast
+ with ActiveRecord for bonus points\n- What about database theory? Can you map
+ this [universal organization/person](http://www.tdan.com/view-articles/5014/)
+ schema to SQL tables?\n- Constraints in an ActiveRecord world: where are they?\n-
+ Using Ruby to write stored procedures\n- What is [MVCC](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiversion_concurrency_control)
+ and how does it help us?\n- Contrast, compare and benchmark [Redis](http://redis.io/)
+ against [MySQL](http://www.mysql.com/) and [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org/),
+ using all three as plain key/value stores\n- Deconstruct [ACID](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID)
+ and compare how the different NoSQL databases make tradeoffs\n\r As you can see,
+ there are tons of topics you may choose. Remember: no Montreal.rb speakers was
+ ever tarred and/or feathered out of the room. If you've never spoken about a technical
+ topic before, now's the time to do so. It's good experience and allows you to
+ be better known by the community.\r \r Send your talk submissions to [francois@teksol.info](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20present)."
+ post_date: 2011-01-31 09:36:48.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: database-month-coming-up
+- post_title: 'Reminder: February 15th is Database Month'
+ post_content: "Remember that we'll be discussing databases at tomorrow's meeting.\r
+ \r Our tentative schedule:\n\n1. 6:15 PM - Doors open\n2. 6:30 PM - Job Fair (announce
+ you're looking for someone, or that you're free)\n3. 6:45 PM - [Olivier Melcher](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/omelcher)
+ will talk to us about what makes MongoDB unique\n4. 7:00 PM - Book Club (bring
+ your books! Register them at [bookcrossing.com](http://www.bookcrossing.com/))\n5.
+ 7:15 PM - Colin Vernon will share a case study on MongoDB + MongoMapper + Devise
+ & Internationalization\n6. 7:30 PM - Varia\n7. 8:00 PM - Café Vésuvio for beer
+ and food\n\r Please RSVP at [Upcoming](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6874397/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)."
+ post_date: 2011-02-14 00:00:26.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: reminder-february-15th-is-database-month
+- post_title: 'Database Month: Need Speakers'
+ post_content: "Interested in talking about your experience using a database? Speak
+ up!\r \r Please contact [Gary Haran](mailto:gary.haran+montrealrb@gmail.com) to
+ announce your intention, as I'll be on the beach, relaxing, prior to our meeting.\r
+ \r Any database-related subject's free for the taking!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-02-07 09:54:33.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: database-month-need-speakers
+- post_title: RailsConf Promo Code for Montreal.rb crowd
+ post_content: "Just a quick note to remind you that RailsConf is coming up. Baltimore,
+ MD is the hosting city for this year, and RailsConf will be from May 16th to 19th.\r
+ \r O'Reilly graciously offered a discount code for the Montreal.rb crowd: get
+ 15% off with code **rc11usrg**.\r \r Hope you take advantage of this offer!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-02-17 09:28:38.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: railsconf-promo-code-for-montreal-rb-crowd
+- post_title: Montreal.rb Database Month Followup
+ post_content: "Another excellent turnout: 35 people interested in Ruby came to our
+ event last night. I stayed much too late, but was glad for the discussions with
+ each and everyone of you.\r \r Thanks again to Olivier, Colin and Sean for their
+ excellent presentations.\r \r A quick word from Olivier:\n\n> Merci pour l'opportunité
+ de présenter a Montreal.rb, c'était un très bon exercice pour moi.\n> \n> - Twitter:
+ [@oliv\\_oil](http://twitter.com/#!/oliv_oil)\n> - Présentation en ligne : [http://prezi.com/sjwnclhqve6l/mongodb-montrealrb/](http://prezi.com/sjwnclhqve6l/mongodb-montrealrb/)\n>
+ - Gist avec tous les exemples de code vus dans la présentation :\r\n> 1. en javascript
+ =\\> [https://gist.github.com/828855](https://gist.github.com/828855)\n> 2. en
+ ruby =\\> [https://gist.github.com/828856](https://gist.github.com/828856)\n\r
+ I believe the Job Fair is a good idea, since many people are either looking for
+ something or have something to offer. If you haven't already done so, please [send
+ me an email](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=Job%20Fair%20Information) to
+ tell me the details of your offers so I can post the information here. I'll aggregate
+ the information and do a separate post for the job fair results.\r \r Thanks to
+ all for braving the weather and here's to seeing you next month, on March 15th,
+ for the Ruby Implementation Month!"
+ post_date: 2011-02-16 09:38:42.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: montreal-rb-database-month-followup
+- post_title: Job Fair Results
+ post_content: "With the excellent turnout, we had excellent opportunities to talk
+ about what we need. Specifically:\n\n- Bloom Digital Platforms is looking for
+ a SQL engineer to build custom reports. The person will interface directly with
+ customers, build the necessary SQL query / queries and aggregate the results into
+ CSV / Excel. Please contact [Bosko Milekic](mailto:bosko.milekic@bloomdigital.com?subject=Montreal.rb%20Job%20Fair:%20SQL%20Engineer)
+ for details;\n- Bloom Digital Platforms is looking for an intermediate to senior
+ engineer to work on their admin UI.Please contact [Bosko Milekic](mailto:bosko.milekic@bloomdigital.com?subject=Montreal.rb%20Job%20Fair:%20Intermediate%20Engineer)
+ for details;\n- Stress Limited Design is looking for a Rails consultant to increase
+ their chops. Talk to [@stresslimit](http://twitter.com/#!/stresslimit)or email
+ [Colin](mailto:colin@stresslimitdesign.com?subject=Montreal.rb%20Job%20Fair) directly;\n-
+ Modis Canada is looking for people to build a team. Please contact [Rachel Lemay](mailto:rachel.lemay@ajilon.com?subject=Montreal.rb%20Job%20Fair)
+ with your contact information;\n- Yatter wants to change the way content is consumed
+ and they want to build a Montreal-based team. Please contact [Thomas Aabo](mailto:thomas@yatter.com?subject=Montreal.rb%20Job%20Fair)
+ for details;\n- [Pierre Vandenberghe](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/pierrev) wants
+ to help you achieve your customer's aims;\n- Chris Brown and Andrew Holz want
+ to build a team of 2 leads and 7 extra developers in Montreal for [Bitbop](http://www.bitbop.com/),
+ which is recent TV on your cellphone
. Contact [Andrew](mailto:Andrew.Holz@jestadigital.com?subject=Montreal.rb%20Job%20Fair)
+ directly for details.\n\r I'll update this post as new information comes in."
+ post_date: 2011-02-18 09:05:36.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: job-fair-results
+- post_title: Ruby Implementation Month
+ post_content: "Just a quick reminder that we'll speak Ruby Implementations at the
+ March 15th meeting. If you use anything besides MRI 1.8.x in production, please
+ consider talking to us about your experiences: how easy was it to setup, gem problems,
+ native platform support.\r \r See you then!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-03-07 09:00:37.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: ruby-implementation-month
+- post_title: Gem Club Coming Right Up!
+ post_content: "I want 2 or 3 people to talk about gems they've been using. Besides
+ the obvious Rails and Sinatra, what gems have you used that not everyone might
+ use? If you want to show slides, please [send them to me](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=Gem%20Club)
+ so we don't have to plug/unplug a computer for every gem talker.\r \r The first
+ gem club will be on March 15th. See you then!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-02-28 09:00:00.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: gem-club-coming-right-up
+- post_title: Looking for Ruby Implementation Speakers
+ post_content: "What Ruby implementation are you using in production? Do you want
+ to talk about it? Please consider speaking about it to the group. It's good experience
+ for you, exposes you to more networking opportunities, and lets the whole group
+ learn. Simply [send me an email](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=Speaker%20Offer%20for%20Ruby%20Implementation%20Month)
+ and I'll give you a spot.\r \r Our next meeting will be on March 15th. See you
+ then!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-02-25 09:00:01.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: looking-for-ruby-implementation-speakers
+- post_title: 'Ruby Implementation Month: Tuesday March 15th'
+ post_content: "I still haven't received any confirmation from anyone! I can't believe
+ nobody's using an alternative Ruby implementation in production and doesn't want
+ to talk about it. Don't force yourself in the Rails rut either - using JRuby to
+ power a GUI's just as nice as powering a Rails application.\r \r We also have
+ the Gem Club planned for the 15th. [Tell me](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20present)
+ what you want to talk about.\r \r Please [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7818034/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/).\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-03-14 08:00:50.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: ruby-implementation-month-tuesday-march-15th
+- post_title: March 15th Wrapup
+ post_content: "Well, we did not talk Ruby Implementations at all. But we had a very
+ fun hour discussing tools, libraries and gems we use. In no particular order:\n\n-
+ [The 4-Hour Workweek and Timothy Ferris](http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/)\n-
+ [GitX (L)](http://gitx.laullon.com/)—A fork of Pieter's GitX, with better UI\n-
+ [Startup Gods](http://startupgods.com/)\n- [Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/)\n-
+ [AppSumo](http://appsumo.com/)\n- [Geckoboard](http://www.geckoboard.com/)\n-
+ [Komando](https://github.com/francois/komando)\n- Le [Calendrier des activités
+ en TI au Québec](http://ctiq.heroku.com/)\n- [Ignoring local changes to tracked
+ files from Git](http://juststuffreally.blogspot.com/2008/10/if-you-have-file-that-lives-in-git.html)\n-
+ [Talker](http://talkerapp.com/)—Founded in Montreal, acquired by Teambox\n\r Email
+ Marketing:\r\n- [Campaign Monitor](http://www.campaignmonitor.com/)\n- [CakeMail](http://www.cakemail.com/)—A
+ Montreal Company!\n- [MailChimp](http://mailchimp.com/)\n- [SendGrid](http://sendgrid.com/)\n-
+ [Postmark](http://postmarkapp.com/)\n\r Testing:\r\n- [Steak](https://github.com/cavalle/steak)\n-
+ [Capybara Railscast](http://railscasts.com/episodes/257-request-specs-and-capybara)\n-
+ [Capybara](https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara)\n\r Project Management:\r\n-
+ [FogBugz](http://www.fogcreek.com/fogbugz/)\n- [Pivotal Tracker](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/)\n-
+ [Teambox](https://teambox.com/)\n"
+ post_date: 2011-03-15 21:17:13.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: march-15th-wrapup
+- post_title: Keoox needs Rubyists
+ post_content: "I received an email from [Alain Laberge](http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alain-laberge/14/6b0/760)
+ from [Keeox](http://keoox.com/). They need a senior Ruby developer. Here's what
+ he sent me:\n\n> Keoox is looking for an experienced senior level ruby on rails
+ engineer to join our agile application development team. You will be responsible
+ for building and maintaining our web and various backend systems (data-driven,
+ e-commerce, etc.). Most of the work will be at the Model and Controller levels,
+ but if you are comfortable in front-end html/css/javascript that would be a plus.
+ You will also be responsible for working directly with the product owners and
+ other members of the development team to shape, design and build new features.
+ We work in two to three week iterations and follow Scrum software development
+ models. Our engineering team is based in Montreal, Quebec.\r \r Required Skills:\r\n>
+ - Minimum 5 years experience developing professional web applications using non
+ Microsoft web technology (Java, PHP, Ruby, MySQL, etc)\n> - Minimum 1 year experience
+ developing Ruby on Rails web applications\n> - SQL (MySQL preferred)\n> - Comfortable
+ at a UNIX or Linux command line\n> - Familiar with how the Open Source world works\n>
+ - Strong communication skills\n> - Basic HTML/JavaScript/CSS\n> \r Desired skills:\r\n>
+ - Experience working in an Agile Development Team\n> - Experience working with
+ complex back end processes\n> - Professional experience building and consuming
+ RESTfull, SOAP or any other web services\n> - XML, JSON and other ways of representing
+ data\n> - Git\n> - Bugzilla\r If you're interested, contact [Alain](mailto:alaberge@keoox.com)
+ directly."
+ post_date: 2011-03-17 10:08:46.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: keoox-needs-rubyists
+- post_title: 'Programming 102: April 19th 2011'
+ post_content: "Since we didn't have presenters in March, and because we're apparently
+ ready for a change, I'll be leading a session on Rails programming. In the session
+ we'll learn about:\n\n1. Using [Ruby 1.9.2](http://ruby-lang.org/) (might be a
+ good time to setup [RVM](http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/))\n2. Using [Cucumber](http://cukes.info/)
+ and [RSpec](http://rspec.info/) to drive out the design ( [BDD](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior_Driven_Development))\n3.
+ Using [Rails 3](http://rubyonrails.org/), including ActiveRecord, ActionController
+ and ActionView, to implement the product's vision and desired outcomes\n4. Using
+ the database ( [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org/)) to implement constraints
+ and make sure nothing is amiss\n5. Deploying to [Heroku](http://heroku.com/)\n\r
+ There was a suggestion we should build an upcoming-style project. If you're interested,
+ don't forget to [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7818038/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)
+ (might be the last time we use their services)!\r \r I hope to see you all there!\r
+ \r NOTE: If you're curious, I have already started the implementation. If you
+ intend to follow along on your own machine, you should either fork or clone the
+ repository, and get setup:\r\n\n git clone git://github.com/francois/upcoming.git\r\n
+ \ cd upcoming\r\n # Accept .rvmrc if you use RVM\r\n gem install bundler
+ # At least 1.0.10\r\n bundle install\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-03-21 09:16:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: programming-102-april-19th-2011
+- post_title: What features are we interested in?
+ post_content: |+
+ I started a Pivotal project in order for us to track what we want to build for the Upcoming project, which we'll do on April 19th. Please check the [Upcoming](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/262719/stories) project on Pivotal Tracker and add features as you see fit.
+ post_date: 2011-03-31 10:15:54.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: what-features-are-we-interested-in
+- post_title: Shotgun Looking for Developers
+ post_content: "Shotgun Software, a Vancouver based company, is looking for a developer,
+ remotes accepted:\n\n> We have one main product called Shotgun. It is a flexible
+ web-based \"production tracking and collaboration\" application. It is designed
+ for everyone working in the studio across many roles and needs. It has a customizable
+ database, a flexible web interface, and an open API. We provide defaults and tools,
+ and our clients can build and evolve their own applications on top of this framework.
+ We are actively developing additional products we'll be announcing soon.\r Find
+ more info on their [job page](http://www.shotgunsoftware.com/job_posting.php)."
+ post_date: 2011-03-23 21:25:05.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: shotgun-looking-for-developers
+- post_title: The Book Club's Making a Comeback!
+ post_content: "I want to have another book club on April 19th, and I'd like other
+ people to bring books as well. This time around, I'll have two good and very recent
+ books:\n\n- [Eloquent Ruby](http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0321584104), by Russ
+ Olsen; and\n- [Design Patterns in Ruby](http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0321490452),
+ also by Russ Olsen\n\r Again, the books will be shared using [BookCrossing.com](http://www.bookcrossing.com/).
+ If you want to advertise your book, please share with me so I can add a mention
+ here."
+ post_date: 2011-03-28 09:00:04.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: the-book-clubs-making-a-comeback
+- post_title: 'Reminder: April 19th - Rails Programming 102'
+ post_content: "Just a friendly reminder that we have another meeting planned on
+ April 19th, at 6:30 PM. We're doing something a bit different this time around:
+ instead of 2 presenters, I'll lead a group programming session on Rails 3, PostgreSQL,
+ BDD (using RSpec and Cucumber) and a host of other things.\r \r If you plan on
+ using your computer during the event, please clone the [upcoming](https://github.com/francois/upcoming)
+ repository on GitHub.\r \r The aim of the evening will be to create an application
+ that we can all use for registering for events, a-la Upcoming. Maybe it's the
+ last time you'll use this [RSVP](http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/7818038/QC/Montral/Montrealrb/CRIM/)
+ link :)\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-04-04 09:00:52.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: reminder-april-19th-rails-programming-102
+- post_title: 'Groupe des Utilisateurs des Technologies Google: Meeting on April 7th'
+ post_content: "I just received an email from [Sacha Leprêtre](http://www.linkedin.com/in/sachalepretre)
+ informing me of the next meeting of the Groupe des Utilisateurs des Technologies
+ Google. Seems like a fun event:\n\n> Vous utilisez ou êtes interessé ou êtes passionné
+ par les technologies Google comme **GWT** , **Android** , **GAE** , **Chrome**
+ , **Maps** et autres ... Ce rendez-vous est pour vous.\r \r Venez échanger avec
+ nous (en Anglais ou en Français ;-) ),\r \r insrivez-vous c'est gratuit, attention
+ les places sont limitées.\r Register at [EventBrite](http://gtugmontreal.eventbrite.com/)."
+ post_date: 2011-03-28 12:59:23.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: groupe-des-utilisateurs-des-technologies-google-meeting-on-april-7th
+- post_title: Time to move?
+ post_content: "When I announced the Programming 102 meeting (on April 19th), commenters
+ asked about moving the meeting. Please help by filling out this form. I'll post
+ the results in a few days, or after 20 answers, whichever comes first.\r \r Whatever
+ the results of this survey, we'll host the meeting at the CRIM on the 19th.\r
+ \r\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-04-04 08:45:56.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: time-to-move
+- post_title: 'Reminder: April 19th - Rails 102'
+ post_content: "Just a friendly reminder that we'll build a community application
+ on April 19th. There won't be much hand-holding, which is why it Rails
+ 102, and not Rails 101. We'll pool the community's resources and insights in order
+ to build an upcoming-like application. If you have ideas for features or things
+ you'd like to see, head on over to [Pivotal](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/262719)
+ to help nail this down. The [upcoming GitHub repository](https://github.com/francois/upcoming)
+ is already started, and if you want to code along during the event, make sure
+ to setup your dependencies before then.\r \r We'll be at the [CRIM, 405 rue Ogilvy](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&aq=0&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=37.040659,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&z=16),
+ Parc metro station. Parking is free if you need it: simply say you're coming for
+ Montreal.rb at the gate.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-04-15 09:00:30.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: reminder-april-19th-rails-102
+- post_title: Book Club on April 19th!
+ post_content: "Don't forget to register your books at [BookCrossing.com](http://www.bookcrossing.com/mybookshelf).
+ I'm bringing 2 books: [Eloquent Ruby](http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/9791067)
+ and Design Patterns in Ruby.\r \r See you at 6:30 PM tomorrow the 19th, at the
+ [CRIM, 405 Ogilvy St.](http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC&aq=0&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=37.040659,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=405+Avenue+Ogilvy,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec&z=16)
+ There's free parking if you prefer to drive to the place. Say you're coming for
+ Montreal.rb at the gate. See you then!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-04-18 12:00:22.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: book-club-on-april-19th
+- post_title: Rails 102 Recap
+ post_content: "Wow! What great attendance tonight! I didn't count, but I believe
+ we had over 40 people tonight, including many new faces. I really enjoyed doing
+ the exercise with you, and the people I spoke with were happy with the format,
+ even if it was a bit fast.\r \r To recap: our mission was to build an application
+ where people would register for events: simple in idea, complex in execution.
+ Some gems I used:\n\n- Rails (d'oh!)\n- Capybara\n- Steak\n- RSpec\n\r Of course,
+ the full gem manifest is available in the repository's [Gemfile](https://github.com/francois/upcoming/blob/master/Gemfile).\r
+ \r I think we made good progress. We haven't done any UI
+ work, but that's something an enterprising people can fix in an evening. If you
+ enjoyed the evening, send me your [GitHub](http://github.com/) username and I'll
+ give you commit rights. Then you can code away at will!\r \r The book club was
+ also a blast: we had 5 books to exchange tonight. That was great news for me.
+ We had books by [Steve Krug](http://www.sensible.com/), [Russ Olssen](http://www.rubyinside.com/a-review-of-eloquent-ruby-by-russ-olsen-it-rocks-4432.html)
+ and [Noel Rappin](http://railsrx.com/).\r \r Do you remember the survey to see
+ if we move or not? Well, we are: the [Notman House](http://notman.org/) will be
+ our venue starting on the May 17th meeting. The Notman House is a shared
+ co-working space with a venue for hosting meetups, such as ours. [Sylvain Carle](http://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvaincarle)
+ was very happy to have us move to the Notman House. Please change your address
+ books: we're moving to [Sherbrooke and Clark](http://notman.org/en/contact).\r
+ \r In other news, I'm announcing the end of my tenure as the Montreal.rb organizer.
+ I would like someone to volunteer to become the next organizer. Your tasks and
+ responsibilities, should you choose to accept them, will be:\r\n1. To reserve
+ a venue once per month;\n2. Find topics of interest and presenters to do them;\n3.
+ Announce (through the blog and ad system) meetings and RSVP links;\n4. Keep the
+ community informed of relevant news and topics through the blog;\n5. Present a
+ cohesive community to the world.\n\r I will resign just before our July and August
+ break. I had a great time as the Montreal.rb organizer, and count myself lucky
+ to have had such great speakers and technologies to talk about with all of you."
+ post_date: 2011-04-19 23:46:19.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: rails-102-recap
+- post_title: Code Your Art Out Coding Competition
+ post_content: "I'm a bit late in posting this, but I received a notification from
+ [Julia Stowell](http://www.linkedin.com/in/juliastowell) about a Microsoft competition:\n\n>
+ [Code Your Art Out](http://www.webnotwar.ca/competition/) is a wicked coding competition.
+ Any kind of app can be submitted. Application submissions will be judged on Interoperability,
+ Creativity and Usability. First prize is $10,000! Second prize is $5,000! And,
+ if you want to be eligible for the bonus prize of $5,000 you create an [app for
+ a non-profit](http://www.techsoupcanada.ca/microsoft/contest/fpyn). This is your
+ chance to shine!\r \r The competition is hosted by Microsoft and kicked off March
+ 1st. Application submissions are due June 1st. The top two finalists
+ will be announced on June 10th and will compete for first and second place on
+ the evening of June 24th in downtown Toronto. If you develop a killer app and
+ are not a finalist, you’ll still be able to present at the main event, and you’ll
+ be featured on various Microsoft websites. Basically you’ll still get props if
+ you put in the time to create something awesome.\r That looks similar to our Rails
+ Rumble, but with a lot more time to code your app. Will you compete?"
+ post_date: 2011-04-21 09:00:23.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: code-your-art-out-coding-competition
+- post_title: WordCamp Montreal is looking for speakers
+ post_content: "Shannon informed me that [WordCamp Montreal](http://wcmtl.org/) is
+ looking for speakers.\n\n> WordCamp Montreal is looking for speakers. The two-day
+ event will take place on July 9-10 and include two tracks, for developers/coders
+ and bloggers/users.\r \r The ideal speaker has a WordPress-related topic they
+ are passionate about and that they can present in 45 minutes with attractive PowerPoint
+ slides and coherent explanations. Designers, Bloggers, Businesses and Developers
+ are all welcome! Talks can be in English or French. Your topic should be specific
+ to WordPress. Show us what you’ve made with WordPress and explain how you did
+ it, or what you learned in the process. Give us concrete examples: code snippets,
+ 10 important lessons you learned, specific advice on how to avoid problems, etc.
+ Nothing is too hardcore, advanced, simple or beginner-level. We're looking for
+ diversity.\r Lots of interesting things happening in the Montreal community these
+ days!"
+ post_date: 2011-04-23 09:00:59.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: wordcamp-montreal-is-looking-for-speakers
+- post_title: Meet at the Notman House!
+ post_content: |+
+ Don't forget: we changed venue. We'll be at the [Notman House](http://notman.org/): plan your travel accordingly. The Notman House is at [51 sherbrooke west](http://notman.org/en/contact), accessible from either the St-Laurent or Place-des-arts metro stations. See you there!
+ post_date: 2011-05-15 08:00:43.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-at-the-notman-house
+- post_title: Meet next week (June 21st)
+ post_content: "Don't forget our meeting Tuesday next week.\n\n> First, we will have
+ Gary Haran who will present [SASS](http://sass-lang.com/). SASS is a CSS3 extension
+ that will be there by default in Rails 3.1.> In the second part, we will have
+ Ian Jeffrey the general manager of [FounderFuel](http://founderfuel.com/en/) that
+ will present its Startup Accelerator. It will be a good place to ask questions
+ since they are recruiting until July 1st. In addition, FounderFuel will sponsor
+ beers for the meeting.\r \r \r So free beer + Rails 3.1 stuff + Startup, you cannot
+ miss that."
+ post_date: 2011-06-14 09:51:46.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-next-week-june-21st
+- post_title: 'Reminder: May 17th coming right up!'
+ post_content: "Remember we'll be at the [Notman House](http://notman.org/). We still
+ don't have a subject, so please [speak up](mailto:francois@teksol.info?subject=I%20want%20to%20present)
+ if you want to talk.\r \r See you on May 17th, between 6:15 and 6:30 PM. The talks
+ start at 6:30 PM.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-05-13 14:06:55.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: reminder-may-17th-coming-right-up
+- post_title: Jesta Digital Wants to Grow Their Team
+ post_content: "Daniel Quimper emailed me to say [Jesta Digital](http://www.jestadigital.com/)
+ is hiring:\n\n> Jesta Digital (formally Fox Mobile) is a development company specialized\r
+ in Ruby on Rails. We're looking for brilliant Rails developers to grow our team
+ in Montreal. We need your help to deliver kick-ass software and have fun all at
+ the same time.\r \r We are looking for a Ruby on Rails. You have built at least
+ one small project in your spare time using Rails and fell in love. You are now
+ aspiring to have an\r international career in ruby development.\r \r Daniel told
+ me Ruby on Rails experience isn't required. Please send your information to [Andrew
+ Holz](mailto:andrew.holz@jestadigital.com). You can also visit [the full job listing](http://bitbop.us/ca-jobs)
+ for more information.\r"
+ post_date: 2011-04-23 09:07:08.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: jesta-digital-wants-to-grow-their-team
+- post_title: 'Clean Coders: Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) in Montreal on October 24th
+ and 25th'
+ post_content: " [Louis-Philippe Carignan](http://www.linkedin.com/in/lpcarignan)
+ from [Elapse Technologies](http://www.elapsetech.com/) informed me that [Robert
+ C. Martin](http://www.objectmentor.com/omTeam/martin_r.html), Uncle Bob himself,
+ is coming to Montreal to give his Clean Coders class. Uncle Bob will be in Montreal
+ on October 24th and Quebec on the 27th. The class is 2 days each time. This is
+ an excellent opportunity to get the best information!\r \r Register on [EventBrite](http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1386018619)."
+ post_date: 2011-05-09 09:57:18.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: clean-coders-robert-c-martin-uncle-bob-in-montreal-on-october-24th-and-25th
+- post_title: 'Derek Brans on CoffeeScript: May 17th'
+ post_content: "For our May 17th meeting, we'll have Derek Brans presenting A Dip
+ into CoffeeScript.\n\n> CoffeeScript ( [http://coffeescript.org](http://coffeescript.org/))
+ is \"a little language that compiles to JavaScript\". It is coming in Rails 3.1.
+ Derek will present an overview of CoffeeScript's syntax and will show you how
+ to start using CoffeeScript in your Rails apps.\r Derek gave the a similar talk
+ to [JS Montreal](http://js-montreal.org/) last week.\r \r Remember: go to the
+ [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/) from now on! See you before 6:30 PM!"
+ post_date: 2011-05-16 21:33:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: derek-brans-on-coffeescript-may-17th
+- post_title: Organizer change
+ post_content: "Last Tuesday was François Beausoleil last meeting as the Montreal.rb
+ organizer. I would like to thanks him in the name of the community for what he
+ has done during the last 3 years for us.\r \r So, as you can understand, I am
+ the one who will replace him. Who am I? I am Martin Provencher ( [@vivrass](http://www.twitter.com/vivrass)).
+ I've graduated from Sherbrooke University in 2009 and I'm currently working at
+ [Yatter](http://www.yatter.com).\r \r If you have anything you want to share with
+ the community, hear about, present or propose to Montreal.rb, send me an email
+ and it will be my pleasure to help you realize it.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-05-25 21:27:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: organizer-change
+- post_title: Meet June 21st
+ post_content: "This month, we will have another dip into Rails 3.1 since Gary Haran
+ (@garyharan) will present [SASS](http://sass-lang.com/). The meeting will be at
+ the [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/) at 6:30 PM like last month.\r \r \r
+ \r See you there!\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-06-01 20:12:59.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-june-21st
+- post_title: Master Brewer
+ post_content: "The [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en) organization invited us to participate
+ to the Confoo BBQ the 6 of August. For that activity, we would need a master brewer
+ to brew and bring a beer to represent the Montreal.rb community. If you are interested,
+ [email me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com).\r \r \r \r Edit : Add my email address.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-06-09 10:38:47.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: master-brewer
+- post_title: June 21st follow up
+ post_content: "The last meetup was wonderful. Thanks to [Gary Haran](https://twitter.com/#!/garyharan)
+ and [Ian Jeffrey](https://twitter.com/#!/ianmtl) for their presentation on [SASS](http://sass-lang.com/)
+ and [FounderFuel](http://founderfuel.com/en/), it was really interesting.\r \r
+ \r \r For the job offer, [Mentel](http://www.mentel.com/en) searched for a web
+ programmer beginner to expert in Ruby on Rail or PHP. [Hopper.Travel](http://www.hopper.travel/)
+ was searching for a Ruby on Rails developper. And remember that [FounderFuel](http://founderfuel.com/en/)
+ take inscription until July 1st.\r \r \r \r \r\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-06-22 09:03:39.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: june-21st-follow-up
+- post_title: Hackaton Context.IO and Cakemail
+ post_content: "Sarah-Jane Morris, Community Manager at Context.IO, informed me that
+ on July 13th, they are hosting a [hackaton](http://hackyouremail.eventbrite.com/)
+ with CakeMail. You'll have access to Context.IO, CakeMail, Xobni, Litmus API during
+ the day. Prices and new APIs should be announced shortly.\r \r They also have
+ a twitter contest - anyone who follows @ContextIO, tweets about the event between
+ now and the end of the day on July 12th Tand uses the hashtag #hackemail will
+ be entered into a drawing for an all-access pass to Startup Fest! To be eligible
+ to win though they need to be present at the hackathon when they'll do the drawing.\r
+ \r \r \r For more information : [http://hackyouremail.eventbrite.com/](http://hackyouremail.eventbrite.com/).\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-06-23 12:13:21.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: hackaton-context-io-and-cakemail
+- post_title: July-August meetups
+ post_content: "You are hard on me guys. We have an equality for July between a social
+ meetup and a normal meetup. If I find speaker for July, we will have a normal
+ meeting, if not, we will have a pub meetup.\r \r Results :\r July : A meetup on
+ July 19th (3rd Tuesday of July)\r August : Normal meetup on August 16th (3rd Tuesday
+ of July)\r \r If you want to get an incredible experience and talk at one of these
+ meetups, send me an [email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com).\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-06-27 16:12:03.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: july-august-meetups
+- post_title: Nimonik CTO/Lead-Dev
+ post_content: "Nimonik is searching a CTO/Lead-Dev. They are a small and growing
+ B2B SaaS company based in Montreal with an annual 100% growth rate. If you want
+ more information : [http://www.nimonik.ca/2011/06/come-work-with-us-cto-at-nimonik/](http://www.nimonik.ca/2011/06/come-work-with-us-cto-at-nimonik/)
+ .\r \r \r \r Contact [Jonathan Brun](mailto:jbrun@nimonik.ca) if you are interested.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-06-28 14:43:35.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: nimonik-ctolead-dev
+- post_title: Meetup July 19th
+ post_content: "In the end, we will have our normal meetup at Notman house on July
+ 19th. We have 2 great speaks for that occasion.\n\n> The first talk will be by
+ [Julien Guimont](https://twitter.com/#!/julienguimont) on [backbone.js](http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/).
+ Julien is a cofounder of Porkepic Solutions. They do applications for the construction
+ industry. You can see his blog at [http://jguimont.com/](http://jguimont.com/).>
+ After the break, [Alain Pilon](https://twitter.com/#!/alainpilon) will talk about
+ [rails-admin](https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin). Alain works at Bombardier
+ Aerospace and he his a part-time web strategist. You can have more information
+ about him at [http://about.me/alainpilon](http://about.me/alainpilon).> After
+ the talks, the event continue at the [Benelux](http://www.brasseriebenelux.com/)
+ (about [4 minutes walk](http://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=51+Rue+Sherbrooke+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC+H2X+1X2&daddr=benelux,+montreal&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=45.510347,-73.569893&spn=0.005105,0.013937&sll=45.510645,-73.57036&sspn=0.005105,0.013937&geocode=FTJ1tgIdhGmd-ynf48nLSxrJTDH2z4NDZSMZyA%3BFZdrtgIdVmWd-yFIsxR2H3F6pw&mra=ltm&dirflg=w&t=h&z=17)).
+ They offer a free beer to all the participants of Montreal.rb. You are all invited
+ to come and talk around a good beer.\r \r \r In Summary :\r \r What : Montreal.rb
+ meetup\r \r When : July 19th, 2011\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free"
+ post_date: 2011-07-04 10:51:10.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-july-19th
+- post_title: Artfox job offer
+ post_content: "If you are searching for a job, I've just received this job offer
+ from Artfox.\n\n> Artfox, a montreal based next generation social job platform
+ for the Arts and Entertainment is looking for an experienced ruby on rails engineer
+ for a part time 2 month contract that will turn into a full time position in September.\r
+ \r \r The engineer will be responsible for building and maintaining our web and
+ various backend systems. Most of the work will be at the Model and Controller
+ levels. If you want to work with a rapidly growing company where development is
+ driven by user feedback, this contract is for you!\r \r \r Please contact [raphael@artfox.com](mailto:raphael@artfox.com)
+ for further details."
+ post_date: 2011-07-05 12:05:38.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: artfox-job-offer
+- post_title: ConFoo
+ post_content: "ConFoo is asking us for help to organize the Ruby track. You need
+ to do 3 things : 1. Publicity in your network, 2. Find and choose talkers, 3.
+ Help the day of the conference.\r \r \r \r I will help them but I would like other
+ people to participate too so the Ruby track will be wonderful. Send me an [email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)
+ if you want to be a part of ConFoo organization.\r \r \r \r At the same time,
+ remember that the [ConFooBBQ](http://www.phpquebec.org/content/confoo-bbq-2011)
+ will occur the 6th August. You are all invited.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-07-05 22:54:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: confoo
+- post_title: Meetup July 19th
+ post_content: "Don't forget the meetup tomorrow July 19th. As usual, we will start
+ by job offer. Then, there will be a talk about backbone.js by Julien Guimont and
+ one on rails-admin by Alain Pilon. After the presentations, we go to the Benelux
+ for a free beer.\r \r \r \r What : Montreal.rb meetup\r \r When : July 19th, 2011
+ at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who :
+ Everyone who is interested in Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-07-18 09:38:18.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-july-19th-2
+- post_title: Meetup August + ConFoo
+ post_content: |-
+ I'm a little bit late this month, but I would like to start by thanking Julien Guimont and Alain Pilon for their presentations. It was very interesting and I'm sure a lot of us will try what they show us. I have a lot of news today.
+ > Our next meetup will be on August 16. I still search 2 talkers for this event. It's a great experience to go on the stage and show something you already experienced.> The [ConFoo BBQ](http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoo-bbq-2011) will occur August 6th. Come and talk with the other Web communities in Montreal. Food, beers and it's free, you can't miss that.> The [Call For Paper](http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoo-2012-call-for-papers-is-now-open) is also open for ConFoo until September 2nd. Help us create the biggest web conference in Montreal with a great Ruby track. This year, you can also [vote](http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers/rate) for the talks you find the most interesting. If you want to help more, I search someone to help me organize the Ruby track of the event.> Starting of September, I'll try to have sponsors for our events. I'm searching companies that would be interested in buying a second round of beer at the Benelux and would like to help us create t-shirt for Montreal.rb. It's a great way to find employees and make your company known by the Ruby community in Montreal. If you know any company that would be interested, put me in contact with them.
+ post_date: 2011-07-28 09:13:26.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-august-confoo
+- post_title: Meetup August 16th
+ post_content: "For the next meetup, on August 16th, we will have 1 talk. The first
+ half of the night will be the Gem club.\n\n> The first part of the meetup will
+ start with the Gem club. Talk about which gem you use, you like, you dislike.>
+ In the second part, [Jonathan Palardy](http://twitter.com/#!/jpalardy), will be
+ our presenter. Here is the description of his talk :\r\n> \n> Off the (Active)Record\r
+ Where does your business logic live? In the controller? In the model? Really?\r
+ Let's talk about it.> Like last month, we will finish the night at the Benelux
+ who offer us another free beer. This is the best place to talk with other people
+ in the Ruby community in Montreal.\r \r \r A little word about ConFoo : The ConFooBar
+ will be held this Friday (August 5th) at the Pub le Ste-Elisabeth at 18:00. The
+ day after, will be the [ConFooBBQ](http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoo-bbq-2011) at
+ Mount-Royal park 13:00. The [inscriptions](http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoo-2012-call-for-papers-is-now-open)
+ for the ConFoo presentations are still open. Help me find the best speakers for
+ this Web Conference.\r \r \r \r_Edit : Add Meetup information_\r \r What : Montreal.rb
+ meetup\r \r When : August 16th, 2011 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free"
+ post_date: 2011-08-03 09:53:34.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-august-16th
+- post_title: Meetup August 16th
+ post_content: "Don't forget our meetup tomorrow (August 16th).\n\n> We will start
+ with the Gem Club. Choose a gem to show to the others. We want to know which ones
+ could help us develop faster in ruby.> In the second part, [Jonathan Palardy](http://twitter.com/#%21/jpalardy)
+ will talk about ActiveRecord. \"Where does your business logic live? In the controller?
+ In the model? Really? Let's talk about it.\"\r I'll see you tomorrow.\r \r \r
+ \r What : Montreal.rb meetup\r \r When : August 16th, 2011 at 18:30\r \r Where
+ : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who : Everyone who is interested
+ in Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free"
+ post_date: 2011-08-15 19:53:29.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-august-16th-2
+- post_title: Job offers
+ post_content: "I've received 2 jobs offer for a Rails developer this week.\r \r
+ The first one is from Matt Golden an investor at [Yesware](http://www.yesware.com/)
+ in Cambridge, MA.\n\n> Yesware is an email service that helps salespeople close
+ more business. They need a back-end Rails 3 developer. See the full job offer
+ is at : [http://yesware.theresumator.com/apply/NiSQko/Ambitious-Rails-Developer.html](http://yesware.theresumator.com/apply/NiSQko/Ambitious-Rails-Developer.html).\r
+ \r \r The second one is from Steve Hardy co-founder at [Warms](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/warms/warms-the-i-you-gift-crate),
+ a Montreal startup.\r> Warms, a Montreal-based startup aiming to shake up the
+ occasional gifts space, is looking for a talented/flexible/mature/driven/creative
+ Rails developer. This person would join the founding team on a part-time basis
+ as our technical co-founder (Amazon snatched our original one) and help shape
+ the backend system and online experience of our product. Learn more about Warms
+ from this intro video: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX84Nw4nNgc&feature=youtu.be](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX84Nw4nNgc&feature=youtu.be)\n>
+ We're federally incorporated with a great founding team, some early investor interest,
+ and a physical prototype already designed and in production. If interested, please
+ email smilesATwarms.net with an introduction.\nI'll see you all September 20th.\n\nEDIT
+ : Fix the links for the companies. Thanks Alain.\n"
+ post_date: 2011-08-24 09:38:31.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: job-offers
+- post_title: Job offers
+ post_content: "I've received a new job offer and a conference last week. I didn't
+ had time to post them so I do it today.\r \r \r \r The job offer is from Antoine
+ de Brabant from Jobbook. He should be at the next meetup on September 20th if
+ you want to meet him in person.\n\n> Jobbook is looking for expert Ruby on Rails
+ programmer(s) to lead the development project. Working with a team of motivated
+ individuals in our 7000 sq. ft. downtown offices (includes basketball, workout
+ center, showers, mini-golf...), Jobbook is an ideal environment for the Ruby entrepreneur.\r\n>
+ We are launching next month across the top 40 Universities in North America, lead
+ by our team of 50 student partners (including the Student Association presidents
+ of McGill, Johns Hopkins, UCLA and UCBerley among others). This is a great time
+ to join the team and help build the career site we've all been waiting for.\n>
+ \n> Send your candidatures to [Antoine](mailto:antoine@jobbook.com) ( [antoine@jobbook.com](mailto:antoine@jobbook.com))\n>
+ \r - Share options and salary to be determined upon level of expertise / dedication
+ to the project.\r \r - Also accepting candidatures for junior positions.\r The
+ conference is a reminder of what was posted at the start of May by Francois. I
+ should have three 10% coupon. If you are interested, send my an [email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com).
+ EDIT : The coupon for EvenBrite is MTLRUBYBOB. Here is Francois' post.\r> [Louis-Philippe
+ Carignan](http://www.linkedin.com/in/lpcarignan) from [Elapse Technologies](http://www.elapsetech.com/)
+ informed me that [Robert C. Martin](http://www.objectmentor.com/omTeam/martin_r.html),
+ Uncle Bob himself, is coming to Montreal to give his Clean Coders class. Uncle
+ Bob will be in Montreal on October 24th and Quebec on the 27th. The class is 2
+ days each time. This is an excellent opportunity to get the best information!\r
+ \r Register on [EventBrite](http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1386018619).\r \r
+ \r For next meet up, I will post information about it tonight. I have some problem
+ to find a local for us since Notman House has given our time frame to an other
+ group. If you know a good place (free) around a subway station (preferably downtown),
+ send me an [email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com).\r \r \r \r EDIT : Add EvenBrite
+ coupon : MTLRUBYBOB."
+ post_date: 2011-09-06 09:10:41.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: job-offers-2
+- post_title: Meetup September 20th
+ post_content: "This month was a funny month to organize the meetup. I were able
+ to have confirmations for the talks really early but then we couldn't have the
+ Notman House room. I've met people from Jobbook today and they will share their
+ working place with us.\r \r \r \r For September, I wanted to organize an architecture
+ month. How should you organize you Ruby code to be able to scale it and use in
+ a long term perspective in an enterprise.\n\n> The first talk will be by [Colin
+ Surprenant](http://twitter.com/#!/colinsurprenant). He is currently the lead engineer
+ at [Needium](http://needium.com/). He will talk about distributed application
+ messaging in Ruby using [ZeroMQ](http://www.zeromq.org/) and [Redis](http://redis.io/).
+ You can easily scale your ruby application using that architecture.> The second
+ presentation will be by [Francois Beausoleil](http://twitter.com/#!/fbeausoleil).
+ He was missing to talk in front of us ;-). He is currently CTO at [Seevibes](http://seevibes.com/).
+ He will talk about why you should use [JRuby](http://jruby.org/) in your next
+ ruby project, why it is useful in a production environment.> This month, the meetup
+ will occur at [Jobbook](http://www.jobbook.com/) - [1980 Sherbrooke West](http://g.co/maps/42y8n)
+ (near Guy-Concordia subway station). We will have a basketball or golf challenge
+ before the meetup for free beer.\r \r \r You still have 1 week to register to
+ [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers) as a speaker. Don't miss your chance.\r
+ \r \r \r What : Montreal.rb meetup\r \r When : September 20th, 2011 at 18:30\r
+ \r Where : [Jobbook - 1980 Sherbrooke West](http://g.co/maps/42y8n)\r \r Who :
+ Everyone who is interested in Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free"
+ post_date: 2011-09-06 21:51:49.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-september-20th
+- post_title: Meet up September 20th
+ post_content: "Just a quick message to remember you that tomorrow (September 20th),
+ we will be at Jobbook, NOT at Notman House. Their office is really cool. I hope
+ to see you all.\r \r \r \r What : Montreal.rb meetup\r \r When : September 20th,
+ 2011 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Jobbook - 1980 Sherbrooke West](http://g.co/maps/42y8n)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\n\n"
+ post_date: 2011-09-19 09:29:17.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-september-20th
+- post_title: Meet up October
+ post_content: |+
+ A fast post to tell you that the next meet up will be October 18th. More details will be given this week. I'm still searching a speaker for this event. If you are interested, [email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com) me.
+ post_date: 2011-10-10 15:40:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-october
+- post_title: Meet-up October 18th
+ post_content: "Sorry for the delay this month. We return to Notman House for this
+ meet-up.\n\n> The first part will be the Gem Club. Come and presents your preferred
+ gems or the cool one you just learn. You can just talk about it, present it with
+ code or even with a slide show.> In the second section, [Martin Provencher](http://www.twitter.com/vivrass)
+ (myself) will present : \"CoffeeScript for Rubyist\". How can you write your favorite
+ Ruby command in CoffeeScript? How can you do map, select, ||= and many others
+ as one liners in CoffeeScript?\r \r \r I'll see you next Tuesday.\r \r \r \r What
+ : Montreal.rb meet-up\r \r When : October 18th, 2011 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman
+ House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who : Everyone who is interested in
+ Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2011-10-14 09:56:37.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-october-18th
+- post_title: Meet-up November 15th
+ post_content: "This month will be a mix of entrepreneurship and MRI, don't miss
+ it.\n\n> The first talk will be by [Martin Carel](http://twitter.com/#!/cawel).\r
+ \r Back from a filmmaking journey in California's wine country, [Martin Carel](http://twitter.com/#!/cawel)
+ will report on his experience (findings and failures) while making his documentary
+ film [Wine From Here](http://WineFromHere.com). A special presentation about entrepreneurship,
+ challenging trade-offs, how he conquered San Francisco, and how Los Angeles conquered
+ him. Natural wine will be served!> In the second part, we will talk about Ruby
+ MRI 1.9.3. What`s new? Try it before the 15 and tell us if you had compatibility
+ problem. Do you have any performance gain with it (test, development, production)?
+ With RVM, it should be pretty fast to try.\r \r \r What : Montreal.rb meet-up\r
+ \r When : November 15th, 2011 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2011-11-09 18:35:49.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-november-15th
+- post_title: Jobs offer November
+ post_content: "I'm a little bit late this month with my vacation and everything
+ else but here are the job offer that I've received this month. I hope you'll find
+ something interesting.\n\n> This first one is not a job offer, it is an event
+ organized in Montreal. This Saturday, Montréal Ouvert organize a Hackaton for
+ OpenData. If you want more information, you can see the [official site](http://montrealouvert.net/2011/11/10/le-meilleur-hackathon-a-date-nouvelles-donnees-local-et-autres-nouvelles/)
+ or [reserve your ticket now](http://montrealouvert.eventbrite.com/).\r \r \r The
+ first job offer is from [Nimonik](mailto:jbrun@nimonik.ca) :\r> **Position**\r
+ \r Lead Ruby on Rails / MongoDB developer\r \r**Terms**\r \r Part-time or full-time,
+ Montreal (preferable) or Remote.\r \r**Company Info**\r \r Nimonik is a high growth
+ and dynamic Montreal based start-up that provides companies with legal tracking
+ and auditing software. Our products include a web-based application built on top
+ of Ruby on Rails/MongoDB and an iOS app.\r \r Our customers include major mining
+ and consumer goods companies who work with environmental, health, and safety legislation.\r
+ \r**Requirements**\r \r You will be helping us evolve and build out our rails
+ web application.\r \r This involves releasing improvements and features on a continuous
+ and iterative basis. The software is used in business-critical environments so
+ its important that you enjoy writing tests and releasing stable code (and try
+ to avoid cowboy coding).\r \r**Skills**\r \r You should have a few years of experience
+ with Ruby on Rails and familiarity with NoSQL (MongoDB/Redis/etc). Experience
+ building a REST based API on top of a rails application is a plus.\r \r You will
+ be closely collaborating with the CEO on fixes, functionality design and other
+ items of importance. You will be the main technical person on the team, with a
+ junior developer working for you.\r \r**Tasks**\r \r \\* Writing clean and manageable
+ code with RSPEC/Cucumber testing\r \\* Improving the stability of our MongoDB
+ implementation\r \\* Tackle bugs and issues as they arise\r \\* Build a scraping
+ and change monitoring system for various external sites\r \r**Work Environment**\r
+ \r We offer a flexible work environment where you can work on your own hours.
+ Periodic meetings in Montreal will be required. A competitive salary and possible
+ options are available for the right candidate.\r \r Please send your CV, github
+ account and other information to [jbrun@nimonik.ca](mailto:jbrun@nimonik.ca)\r
+ \r \r The next offer is from [Rachel Vieira](mailto:rvieira@sptechpartners.com),
+ a Sr. Recruiter with Solomon Page. The opportunities sit in New York City, Princeton
+ NJ or Washington DC.\r> Candidates need at least 2 RoR production sites developed
+ under their belt.\r \r Candidates need to have strong experience with:\r \r Ruby
+ Metaprogramming\r RoR scalability and optimization issues\r GIT\r Mongrel, Capistrano\r
+ Relational Databases\r \r \r The next one is from [Mentel](mailto:mrejwan@mentel.com).
+ They are searching 2 RoR developpers.\r> **Starting date :** As soon as possible\r
+ \r Ruby Developer (Experienced)\r \r Location: Must be in Montreal\r \r**Benefits:**\r
+ - Project based profit sharing\r - Personal project on company time\r - Project
+ ownership\r - Potential to make unlimited amount\r - Competitive salary\r - Flex
+ hours\r - Downtown location near metro\r - Learn new technologies\r \r**About
+ Mentel:**\r Mentel is a web solutions company that focuses on cutting edge technologies.
+ Established in 2004, we work in a cozy respectful fun environment where the focus
+ is to learn something new everyday by making the work challenging. Development
+ is done as a team, where everyone works closely, helping each other to excel.
+ To find out more about Mentel, please visit [http://mentel.com](http://mentel.com/)
+ **Job description:**\r Mentel is seeking two experienced Ruby developer to join
+ its growing team. The candidates will work with the rest of the developers in
+ several Ruby and other (PHP, Flash, Flex etc.) projects (training provided).\r
+ \r**Responsibilities:**\r - Code web application\r - Code review others' code\r
+ - Create test cases\r - Write unit tests\r - QA test own and others' code\r -
+ Fix bugs\r - Prepare code & user documentations\r \r**Requirements:**\r - Required,
+ Ruby with 3+ years experience\r - Required, expert in Object Oriented programming\r
+ - Required, expert in SQL language with MySQL\r - Important, HTML-XHTML, CSS,
+ JavaScript\r - Important, Design Patterns and MVC\r - Important, AJAX\r \r**Assets:**\r
+ - Experienced with Rails or Sinatra\r - Experience with HAML\r - Experience with
+ PHP 5\r - Experienced with Flash/FLEX and ActionScript\r - Experience with XML
+ and XSLT transformations\r - Practices with W3C Web standards\r - Knowledge of
+ Web services, client and server\r \r \r The last one is from me :\r> [Support
+ me](http://mobro.co/vivrass) with my Movember action against prostate cancer.\r
+ \r \r The talks proposal tools is on route. You'll be able to register your talks
+ very soon. I won't organize a full meet-up for December since it'd be on December
+ 20th - too near of Christmas. If you want a social event, [send me email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)
+ and I'll organize it."
+ post_date: 2011-11-17 10:39:51.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: jobs-offer-november
+- post_title: Jobs Offer November 2
+ post_content: "I've received a lot of job and competition information this month.
+ Here is the second section.\n\n> To start, I just want to inform you that on December
+ 12th, a competition will take place somewhere in Montreal. You will be able to
+ present small projects (around 2 days of development). The competition will raise
+ funds for food or beers during the meet-up. More details soon.\r \r \r This Saturday,
+ December 3rd, the first [Code Retreat](http://coderetreat.com/) in Montreal will
+ occur during the Global Day of Code Retreat day.\r> A Code Retreat is a day-long,
+ intense practice event, focusing on the fundamental of software development and
+ design. Programmers from all horizons and languages are invited to challenge each
+ others. Six 45-minutes sessions will be held to exercise your design and programmings
+ skills. After 45 minutes, the code is deleted before getting ready for the next
+ session. New pairs are formed and we start again.\r \r Every session has a different
+ focus. The Code Retreat is a great place to challenge and be challenged, to try
+ something new. The strength of the group is through diversity, that's why we need
+ you.\r \r If you are interested, all you need is your laptop with your development
+ environment. TDD is preferred, so a test environment is preferable.\r \r [Contact
+ the organizer](mailto:coderetreat.montreal@gmail.com) or [register](http://gdcrmontreal.eventbrite.com).\r
+ \r \r The first job offer is from [Recoset](http://recoset.com/)> Contract Sysadmin/Developer\r
+ Recoset is looking for a contractor to help us out with some infrastructure tasks.\r
+ \r Recoset is start-up based in Montreal doing predictive analytic for advertisement.
+ We are a small team doing ambitious things with big data.\r \r We need some help
+ automating the various parts of our system and doing sys-admin tasks. Contracts
+ will range in length but we're looking to build a lasting relationship.\r \r The
+ ideal candidate will be a thoughtful hacker with great communication skills. The
+ work includes Ruby, Nagios, Graphite and of course, linux (ubuntu).\r \r We're
+ a cool company and we treat people well. Get in touch [sean@recoset.com](mailto:sean@recoset.com)>
+ The next job offer is from [Marc-Antoine Ducas](mailto:marcantoine.ducas@gmail.com).
+ He is starting a totally new RoR project and he is searching programmers to help
+ him. It could be as a cofounder, a job or a contract. Don't hesitate to contact
+ him.\r \r \r The next offer is from [Nurun](http://nurun.com/home/company-profile/who-we-are.html).\r>
+ You’re passionate and enthusiastic about your work and naturally curious about
+ new technologies and are ready to undertake new leading responsibilities?\r \r
+ Our Tech Lab wants your skills and ingenuity!\r \r \r \r You’ll have the opportunity
+ to interact with multi-disciplinary teams from our network in 6 different countries.\r
+ \r You must combine a solid development experience, practical understanding of
+ deployment and operations and master the interplay between the three. You are
+ also familiar with Rails applications architectures, writing SQL queries and managing
+ servers. You’re active in the Rails community and are able to make informed decisions
+ about when to use existing components or write your own. You have strong ethics
+ and technical judgment? Stop searching, Nurun is for you.\r \r \r \r Your main
+ responsibilities will include the support and maintenance of in-house applications,
+ and development of new applications. Optimization and development process and
+ develop API for applications. Management of Code submissions from business units,
+ testing and releases as well as monitoring processes. You will also oversee and
+ lead a distributed development team of 2-3 members.\r \r \r \r Qualifications:\r
+ \r - 2-3 years of web application development using Ruby on Rails\r \r - Administrative
+ experience of distributed version control technologies (Git, Mercurial)\r \r -
+ Strong knowledge of both traditional database (MySQL) and newer nosql data storage
+ solutions\r \r - Experience with cloud hosting providers and architectures\r \r
+ - Experience working with ajax/messaging/queues\r \r - Experience with API design\r
+ \r - Experience creating Ruby Gems\r \r - Experience with cross browser semantic
+ HTML and CSS, up to date with HTML 5 and CSS 3 is an asset\r \r - Experience using
+ JQuery and jQuery UI\r \r \r \r Great career growth opportunities! Nurun offers
+ competitive compensation and the choice of job location in either Quebec City
+ or Montreal!\r \r To apply: [http://nurun.jobs/supHvE](http://nurun.jobs/supHvE)>
+ The month of November is almost over. Don't forget to [support me](http://mobro.co/vivrass)
+ with my Movember action against prostate cancer.\r \r \r To conclude, I just want
+ to remember you that there won't be a Montreal.rb in December since it would had
+ been too near Christmas. I will see you all on January 17th.\r \r "
+ post_date: 2011-11-30 09:50:20.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: jobs-offer-november-2
+- post_title: Meet-up January 17th
+ post_content: "After a break in December, Montreal.rb is back in January. We will
+ continue like last year : third Tuesday of each month 18:30 at Notman House.\r
+ \r We start the year with a one hour presentation from [Marc-André Cournoyer](https://twitter.com/macournoyer).\n\n>
+ This presentation will teach you when and how to drop words such as \"homoiconic\"
+ to impress your friends and family. ... Oh! and we'll also code a language similar
+ to [Io](http://iolanguage.com/ \"Io\") in less than 150 lines of Ruby code without
+ any external library or utility. Satisfaction guaranteed!\r \r \r A quick message
+ to remember you that the early bird price for [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en/news/early-bird-rate-ends-soon)
+ ends January 13th. You still have 3 days to save 200$.\r \r \r \r When : January
+ 17th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\r \r \r \r EDIT :
+ It's in January, not in December. Thanks for the info.\r \r EDIT 2 : It seems
+ we changed year also."
+ post_date: 2012-01-10 10:18:35.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-january-17th
+- post_title: January - events + jobs
+ post_content: "This month is a very busy. I got 4 events and 6 job offers to present
+ to you. I hope you a ready for a long post ;-).\r \r \r \r**Events**\n\n> The
+ first event is organized by François Beausoleil at Notman House on February 2nd.
+ Yes, your last president of Montreal.rb is inviting for an afternoon of Scala
+ with Actors for Twitter analytic and a workshop evening of complex SQL queries.
+ Being good in SQL, is always useful for any Rails developer. Both these events
+ are free and you need to register ( [Scala](http://www.eventbrite.ca/event/2803777173),
+ [SQL](http://www.eventbrite.ca/event/2806810245)). For more information, see [François'
+ blog post](http://blog.teksol.info/2012/01/18/announcing-scala-and-sql-event-on-february-2nd-in-montreal.html).>
+ The next event is [The Cloud Robotics Hackathon](http://roboticshackathon.com/)
+ ( [register here](http://roboticshackathon.eventbrite.com/)). It will take place
+ at the Notman House from March 2nd to March 4th. I'd really like to see a Ruby
+ team participating to that event. If you are interested, you can [contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com),
+ I'll try to build the team.\r \r \r \r The Cloud Robotics Hackathon aims to catalyse
+ the creative process and bring roboticists, programmers, and hackers to produce
+ social robotic applications that use collaboration between machines through cloud-computing,
+ and natural interaction with humans in order to reach useful goals. The mains
+ instance of the Hackathon will be held in Montreal, and teams around the world
+ are invited to hack as well at on the same day under the same rules. By encouraging
+ makers and hackers to embrace the technologies of the future (being cloud computing
+ and robotics) we ensure that today’s creative minds will be prepared for tomorrow’s
+ challenges. Hackers are invited to let their imagination go wild and come up with
+ their own project ideas. A sample project could involve a cellphone robot using
+ cloud computing to understand speech, text-to-speech, and web services to play
+ a text based adventure game with a human in a more natural way than typing and
+ clicking.> Don' forget that Confoo will occur from February 29th to March 2nd
+ at [Hilton Bonaventure Hotel](http://confoo.ca/en/hotel). Don't miss your chance
+ to socialize with Charles Olivier Nutter (headius - JRuby), Marc-André Lafortune
+ (Ruby MRI), Joseph Wilk (Cucumber) and more from Ruby and other technologies.
+ See the [sessions list](http://confoo.ca/en/2012/sessions) and [register](http://confoo.ca/en/register).>
+ The first edition of StartupWeekend is coming in Montreal for the first time Feb
+ 3rd to Feb 5th. The goal is to team up with entrepreneurs, designers and developers
+ and launch a startup in 54 hours. Show how the members of Montreal.rb are good
+ at launching product. If you are interested, I can help you organize a Ruby team.
+ Just [send me an email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com).\r\n> We have sponsors
+ such as Fasken Martineau, HEC Montreal, Real Ventures, BDC and also developer-friendly
+ sponsors such as github, [context.io](http://context.io/) or uservoice.\n> \r
+ We're now partnering with StartupWeekend to give a 66% discount on tickets price
+ (25$ instead of 75$), to encourage fellow ruby developers participate in the event.
+ Send [me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com) a message to get the discount code.
+ **Jobs**\r \r The first job offer is from GIGA Base. They are opening a software
+ team in Montreal for the a China based company.\r> [GIGA](www.gigabase.org) is
+ an IT and Greentech company which is pioneering green material sourcing and construction
+ in China with web-based softwares and services that evaluate project data, material
+ chemistry and connect the entire green building industry.\r \r GIGA is the go-to
+ resource to find and source green products and services. Based in Shanghai, GIGA
+ is an international greentech and green building pioneer. A global catalyst for
+ safe, healthy products.\r \r We believe architecture and product design can regenerate
+ our environment. Our mission is to meet China’s growing demand for healthy products
+ and services.\r \r \r A totally new project is starting in Montreal. If you are
+ eager to try to build you own company, this offer is for you.\r> Are you a rails
+ expert? \r \r Are you sick of working on projects that never see the light of
+ day? \\*\\*I have 7 Customers waiting and ready to pay.\r \r\n> \r Are you interested
+ in being a part of a project that will revolutionize the way mobile equine professionals
+ (Translate: Horse Dentists...crazy right?) do their job?\r\n> I’m unlike any other
+ partner you’ll work with. (Yes, I’m not your boss, we are partners in this together).\n>
+ \n> I have been hitting the phones over the past 3 months working with hundreds
+ of potential customers in this market and have ultimately flushed out a business
+ problem that many of them face. The 7 I have ready to pay are the most passionate
+ and eager of the bunch and will be our beta users.\n> \n> Here's what I need:
+ I am looking for someone who is ready to put in a minimum of 30 hours/week on
+ this project. I also want someone who will stick around and support their own
+ code while we beta and then start to add new functions and features. I need a
+ creative coder who will help me make decisions and be a part of the entire development
+ process, a long-term (paid) partner who is ready to kick some serious ass.\n>
+ \n> By the way, I'm a huge fan of 37 Signals and so my goal here is to put out
+ 1/2 of a product, get feedback, and refine. You're going to love working on this!\n>
+ \n> If you're interested in hearing more drop me a note at [davidwalawrence@gmail.com](mailto:davidwalawrence@gmail.com)
+ or even better, call me at [514 926 7706](tel:514%20926%207706) and we can go
+ over the project in greater detail.> Qwalify (who paid the beers during last meet-up)
+ is also searching RoR developers. They are based in Calgary but they are evaluating
+ moving in Montreal. You can get in [contact](mailto:pnoelting@qwalify.com) with
+ them.> [National Film Board of Canada](http://www.nfb.ca/) is looking for someone
+ to coach their Web team on finding the right BDD framework. Short contract of
+ approximately 35 non consecutive hours. The contract must be completed by the
+ end of March 2012.> Marc Lamarche from Swakes is also searching a partner/developer
+ for his project. Don't hesitate to [contact him](maito:marc@swakes.com) for any
+ questions.> Recoset as searching for a DevOps guy. [Contact](mailto:sean@recoset.com)
+ them for more details.\r \r \r This is it for January. I'll see you all on February
+ 21st. I'm still searching talkers. I'm counting on you."
+ post_date: 2012-01-24 09:56:05.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: january-events-jobs
+- post_title: Confoo public events
+ post_content: "The RSS feed wasn't working, so I'm testing it by sending you information
+ about the three public and free events for Confoo.\n\n> This year, we present
+ three activities that will be open to the public\r during the ConFoo conference.\r
+ \r First, an opening party will be held at the Brutopia brew pub on\r Tuesday
+ February 28th from 6pm. Meet speakers, sponsors organizers and\r attendees of
+ the ConFoo conference in a joyful environment. The\r Brutopia is located at 1219
+ Crescent.\r \r Next, a company from Montreal will present how it builds websites
+ that\r can handle over 100 million requests per day. This presentation will\r
+ be held on Wednesday February 29th, from 5 to 6pm. It will be\r presented by Eric
+ Pickup from Manwin.\r \r Finally, on Thursday March 1st, from 5 to 8pm, come celebrate\r
+ collaboration between technologies during our communities cocktail at\r the Hilton
+ Bonaventure hotel. The hotel is located at 900 De La\r Gauchetière West.\r \r
+ For more information about the ConFoo conference, visit [http://confoo.ca](http://confoo.ca/)\r
+ \r Looking forward to seeing you there!"
+ post_date: 2012-02-23 11:11:55.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: confoo-public-events
+- post_title: Meet-up February 21st
+ post_content: "This week was a pretty busy one since the last host of montrealonrails.com
+ was shut down. We are currently running on an EC2 instance, if you have any problem,
+ [email me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com).\n\n> The first presentation will by
+ by [Olivier Melcher](https://twitter.com/#!/oliv_oil). He will take us away from
+ the web with his subject : \"Build awesome command-line applications with Ruby\".
+ It will be an interesting travel.> The second presentation will be by [Gary Haran](https://twitter.com/#!/garyharan)
+ with \"Start your Engines\". During this talk, we'll see how to make a rails engine
+ and find out why you'd want to create one.\r \r \r At the same times, I have a
+ lot of news for your.\r \r \r> Remember that Confoo is at the end of this month.
+ The conference is almost sold-out [get your ticket](http://confoo.ca/en/register)
+ quickly. Confoo is also searching volunteers for the event. Send me an [email](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)
+ if you are interested.> [Hugo Frappier](https://twitter.com/#!/hugofrappier) manage
+ for us to have a 10% discount for the next [RailsConf](http://railsconf2012.com/).
+ We have 5 tickets available until February 29th. Don't be shy and ask the code
+ from [me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com) or [Hugo](mailto:hugo@cekoya.com) if
+ you are interested.> Interested in hopping on a bus to Boston on the weekend of
+ March 3-5 for AngelHack and showing our American friends what the Montreal startup
+ scene is made of?\n> \n> Context.IO has been invited to fill a bus with at least
+ 30 Montreal hackers and bring them down to Boston for a one of the most prolific
+ hackathons in North America.\n> \n> [http://angelhack.com/](http://angelhack.com/)
+ \r \r WHAT IS ANGELHACK?\r \r AngelHack brings together startup communities from
+ around the country for a hackathon competition, judged by top Angel Investors,
+ where participants build startup ideas. The only rule is all code must be fresh,
+ so that everyone has a fair chance. Build your startup at AngelHack, win prizes,
+ national recognition, and validation from Angel Investors on what they think of
+ your ideas.\r \r ANGELHACK 2.0\r \r AngelHack 2 focuses on the startup communities
+ in Boston and San Francisco and has over $50k in prizes to win. We estimate there
+ to be over 600 participants for the March 3-4th event.\r \r If you're interested,
+ your registration fee will be waived. There will be a small fee (between $20-$30)
+ for the bus rental. Friday night accommodations will also be your responsibility,
+ but Context.IO will work to get a great group deal at a hotel nearby. Keep in
+ mind that Saturday night would be all hacking, so accommodations will only be
+ required on Friday night. We'll ride in Friday evening and take the bus back overnight
+ on Sunday. Red eye FTW.\r \r We need 30 hackers to be accepted to sponsor, so
+ we'd love you all to come in big numbers.\r \r\n> \n> This is an incredible opportunity
+ for the Montreal Startup Scene. Being selected as a finalist or winner at this
+ event would mean considerable press and visibility to some of the most high profile
+ VCs in North America. Imagine Montreal took everyone by surprise with a win here?
+ Let's show them what we're capable of!\n> \n> Brainstorm on the bus, build in
+ Boston, be totally awesome. This is not a weekend you should miss. \n> \n> If
+ you're willing to commit, please submit your email address via the following form:
+ \r \r [https://docs.google.com/a/dokdok.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEhYU3JSWUM3clhYNFJ4Zkhldmk4RHc6MQ](https://docs.google.com/a/dokdok.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEhYU3JSWUM3clhYNFJ4Zkhldmk4RHc6MQ)\n>
+ \n> As soon as we have 30 hackers, we'll confirm our participation and follow
+ up with all the juicy details!\r \r \r When : January 21st, 2012 at 18:30\r \r
+ Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who : Everyone who is
+ interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r Questions? : [Contact
+ me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\r \r \r \r EDIT : Replaced \"Templating Engines\"
+ from Martin Provencher by \"Start your Engines\" by Gary Haran."
+ post_date: 2012-02-16 10:01:42.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-february-21st
+- post_title: Messages March 30th
+ post_content: "This is a quick message to keep you posted with what's going on around
+ the community.\n\n> For everyone that missed the [SocialGrapes](http://www.socialgrapes.com/)'
+ wine tasting event because it was at the same time of the last Montreal.rb, [Daniel
+ Haran](https://twitter.com/#!/danielharan) invites us and [MontrealGeekGirl](http://montrealgirlgeeks.com/)
+ to the next one on April 10th. More information and tickets [here](http://www.eventbrite.ca/event/3169679597).>
+ As mentioned at last meet-up, [Gary](https://twitter.com/#!/garyharan) from [Qwalify](http://www.qwalify.com/)
+ still has few [Peepcode](https://peepcode.com/) vouchers for a free video. Contact
+ him by [Twitter](https://twitter.com/#!/garyharan) and he will happily give you
+ one.> On the job side, [Jobbook](http://www.jobbook.com/) is looking for 2 experienced
+ ruby programmers and an intern. Don't miss your chance to work on an interesting
+ project with a motivated team. See the offer [here](http://www.jobbook.com/en/job_posts/83).\r
+ \r \r The next meet-up will be on April 17th. I'll send a new message when the
+ speakers will be confirmed."
+ post_date: 2012-03-30 09:11:11.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: messages-march-30th
+- post_title: Meet-up March 20th
+ post_content: "This month will focus on tools to use with you next ruby project.\n\n>
+ The first presentation will be by [Sami Dalouche](https://twitter.com/#!/samidalouche).
+ Sami will talk about Git's internals. Do you know what git is doing behind the
+ scene when you execute a commit or a rebase? Did you already make a command that
+ didn't work and you never understood why? This presentation will go through **git
+ building-blocks** (index, working directory, blob, tree, commit, tag, remote),
+ whom understanding is a prerequisite to use git's advanced features such as interactive
+ rewriting of the history, rebasing, bisecting, etc.> In the second part, [Rafael
+ Rosa](https://twitter.com/#!/rafaelrosafu), our new ruby guy in town, will present
+ us ruby-debug. Like most languages, Ruby has a debugger tool, but very few people
+ use it, specially when coding without an IDE. Rafael will show how to set it up
+ and use it to easily debug your code to find those nasty bugs that are hard to
+ fix just with tests. He'll also show how to use Pry, an alternative to the IRB
+ console, which has lots of goodies.\r \r \r Lots of interesting stuff this month,
+ don't miss it.\r \r \r \r When : March 20th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman
+ House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who : Everyone who is interested in
+ Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-03-07 20:50:16.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-march-20th
+- post_title: Meet-up April 17th
+ post_content: "At this month meet-up, the speakers will the president of W3Qc and
+ I. It will be a mix of the 2 users group. We will talk about how to use good HTML5
+ markup in a rails application.\r \r Our talks will be around a prize draw. You'll
+ be able to register shortly before the meet-up. The prizes include a JRuby t-shirt,
+ 2 JRuby stickers, a bunch of Montreal.rb stickers, a [Javascript: The Good Parts](http://www.amazon.com/JavaScript-Good-Parts-Douglas-Crockford/dp/0596517742)
+ book. If you want to add something to the list (give something to someone in the
+ community), send me a message and I'll add it to the list.\n\n> In the first talk
+ will be by [Mathieu Chartier](https://twitter.com/#!/kindo) - president of [W3Qc](http://www.w3qc.org/).
+ He will present the application views. He'll explain how to use HTML5 markup to
+ have the best SEO score. You'll see a lot of examples everywhere in the app.>
+ In the second talk, [Martin Provencher](https://twitter.com/#!/vivrass) (a.k.a
+ me) will show you how to use different templating engine to render those HTML5
+ views. We'll at least see erb, haml, slim and mustache. Which one is the faster
+ to render? Which one is the faster to implement? Which one is the best fit for
+ you?\r \r \r I'll see you next Tuesday with a bunch of prizes.\r \r \r \r When
+ : April 17th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-04-11 16:36:53.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-april-17th
+- post_title: Meet-up April 17th part 2
+ post_content: "A fast message to tell you that the application for the draw is done.
+ You can register for it now : [http://montrealrb-contest.heroku.com/](http://montrealrb-contest.heroku.com/).
+ There will also be PIZZAs and BEERs offered by Nextly. Come early to discuss with
+ other participants around food and drinks.\r \r \r \r I've also received some
+ job offer for Rails work.\n\n> [Nextly](http://www.nextly.com) is searching a
+ Ruby developer to do remote work for a Boston based funded start-up. For more
+ information, they will be there tonight and you can contact [Joy Khoriaty](mailto:joy@nextly.com).>
+ [Bandzoogle](http://bandzoogle.com/), a Montreal based start-up, is searching
+ a full-time Rails developer. You can have more information on their [job page](http://bandzoogle.com/jobs).>
+ [Ambrosia Technology](https://ambrosia-pos.com/) is looking to hire one part-
+ and one full-time experienced ruby programmers. They are a company currently in
+ the process of developing a cloud-based POS system for restaurants. For more information,
+ please contact [Sebastien De Vuyst](mailto:sebastien@ambrosia-pos.com).> [Hopper](http://www.hopper.com/)
+ is organizing another Hack/Reduce Hackathon in Montreal on April 28th. 400 Hadoop
+ nodes, free coffee, free food, free entrance. Don't miss you chance. Register
+ [here](http://www.eventbrite.ca/event/1884676117?ref=ebtnebregn&ebtv=C).\r \r
+ \r EDIT: Update Nextly information"
+ post_date: 2012-04-17 14:11:16.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-april-17th-part-2
+- post_title: Meet-up June 19th
+ post_content: "Summer has arrived and Montreal.rb continues. This month will have
+ a little quirk but still be like your usual meet-up.\n\n> We'll start the night
+ with a [SocialGrapes](http://www.socialgrapes.com/) LAB. This is a wine tasting
+ activity where we taste 2-3 wines and note them. We will have a full presentation
+ at the start of the event.> The first talk will be by [Mathieu Martin](https://twitter.com/#!/webmat)
+ about [Heroku](http://www.heroku.com/).\r\n> \n> Heroku is making their Cedar
+ stack the default one starting June 20th. June 19th seems like the perfect time
+ for an advanced live coding & deployment session.\n> \n> I'll show you how to:\n>
+ \n> - get an awesome hosting setup in minutes (staging and production),\n> - get
+ up to 5 app servers using one dyno (free), thanks to Unicorn,\n> - set up best
+ practice asset hosting for great end user performance,\n> - scale up and down
+ from the command line,\n> - use Node.js and others,\n> - use your preferred version
+ of Ruby, including 1.9.3,\n> - best practices learned using Heroku in production
+ for 2 years.\n\n> In the second part, [François Beausoleil](https://twitter.com/#!/fbeausoleil)
+ will present us [Sequel](http://sequel.rubyforge.org/).\n> \n> Why should you
+ use it? How should you use it? What are the differences with ActiveRecord? Have
+ an open mind and challenge the Rails default libraries.\n\nAs usual, we'll complete
+ the evening at Benelux for drinks and chats. I'll see you next week.\n\n\r \r
+ When : June 19th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2012-06-12 10:28:13.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-june-19th
+- post_title: May 15th 2012 Meet-up
+ post_content: "We're lucky to have beer and pizza generously offered by [Nextly](http://www.nextly.com/).\r
+ \r [Nextly](http://www.nextly.com/) is a funded startup that makes your streams
+ (Twitter, Facebook,\r RSS) easily browseable and they're hiring experienced Ruby
+ developers in Montreal.\r \r Two great talks are lined up for this month's Montreal.rb.\n\n>
+ The first talk has for subject **\"4 Hour Work Week for Hackers\"** from the infamous
+ [Marc-André Cournoyer](http://macournoyer.com/ \"Marc-André Cournoyer\"). There
+ are some pearls of wisdom in that talk. I'm sure we'll all appreciate it.> The
+ second talk is by the one and only [Hugo Frappier](http://www.cekoya.com/ \"Hugo
+ Frappier\") and is entitled **\"10 Things I Learned at Railsconf\"** where he'll
+ give the low-down.\r \r \r \r \r \r \r When : May 15th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where
+ : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who : Everyone who is interested
+ in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r Register : No need, just come,
+ you're welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact Gary](mailto:gary.haran+montrealrb@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-05-10 14:04:25.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: may-15th-2012-meet-up
+- post_title: July 17th meet-up
+ post_content: "This is July, it's really beautiful and warm outside. Here come the
+ time for another Montreal.rb where you can meet your fellow rubyists, have great
+ discussions and drink some beers. Some people from Startup Festival are still
+ around and they told me they will come.\n\n> The first presentation will be by
+ [Colin Surprenant](https://twitter.com/colinsurprenant/) about [Red Storm](https://github.com/colinsurprenant/redstorm).
+ He will show us his gem implementing the ruby interface to the [Storm](https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm/)
+ high throughput framework. Understand how to support the full Twitter hose using
+ ruby.> The second part will be the gem club. Present us a new gem that you discovered
+ or you built. Prepare a small presentation (max 5 minutes) if you want to. It
+ is a good place to speak in front of the others for the first time. We want to
+ hear you, don't be shy.\r \r \r I'm looking forward to see you on Tuesday.\r \r
+ \r \r When : July 17th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-07-16 12:40:11.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: july-17th-meet-up
+- post_title: June news
+ post_content: "I've received some messages for the group during the month. It's
+ the time I share them with you.\r \r \r \r The first message is for WordCamp Montreal.
+ I'm a little bit late, the deadline is for today.\n\n> Speakers are volunteers
+ and unpaid, but it is a warm crowd and a fun, laid-back event. For the uninitiated,
+ WordCamps are technology conferences that are organized all over the world, by
+ volunteers, and cover topics related to WordPress, the open source blogging and
+ CMS tool, but also social media, SEO, startups, code, etc. If you'd like to speak,
+ please apply! If you know someone who would like to speak please encourage them.
+ If you'd like to speak but have no idea what you would speak about, please contact
+ me by email and I'll be happy to help you.\r \r Details:\r [http://2012.montreal.wordcamp.org/be-a-speaker/](http://2012.montreal.wordcamp.org/be-a-speaker/)>
+ Technical Co-Founder/CTO wanted for [www.whopaid.it](http://www.whopaid.it/)\n>
+ \n> \r \r Are you funny, ambitious, hungry for action and adventure, entrepreneurial
+ by nature, interested in joining [www.founderfuel.com](http://www.founderfuel.com/)
+ with us and do you hack back-end, front-end (UX/UI extremely important) and
+ are you (preferable) familiar with FB's Open Graph? Or do you know someone who
+ meets these traits awfully close? Drop us a line and a LinkedIn profile at one
+ of the following: @whopaidit
+ | email | 514 238-0744\r\n> \n\n\r \r Finally, there is the
+ 3 job offers presented by Jesta Digital during last meeting :\r \r\n> [Project
+ Manager](http://jobview.monster.ca/Project-Manager-Job-Verdun-QC-CA-108895890.aspx),
+ [Web / WAP Frontend Developer](http://jobview.monster.ca/Web-WAP-Frontend-Developer-Job-Verdun-QC-CA-108500319.aspx),
+ [Ruby on Rails developer](http://jobview.monster.ca/Ruby-on-Rails-Developer-Job-Verdun-QC-CA-108500623.aspx)\n\r
+ \r \r \r Don't forget the meet-up tomorrow at Notman House.\r \r\n"
+ post_date: 2012-06-18 13:43:40.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: june-news
+- post_title: August 21st Dinner venue
+ post_content: "This is decided, we are going to Trois Brasseur (the one on Crescent
+ near Brutopia) for the Dinner on the 21st. No food or drinks are included, only
+ fun fellows. Please [register](http://montrealrbdinner.eventbrite.com/) so I can
+ reserve at the restaurant.\rView
+ Larger Map\r \r \r \r What : Montreal.rb Dinner\r \r When : August
+ 21st, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Trois Brasseur (near Brutopia)](https://maps.google.com/maps?q=1356+Sainte-Catherine+Street+West,+Montreal,+QC+H3G+2B2,+Canada&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.848534,108.369141&hnear=1356+Rue+Sainte-Catherine+Ouest,+Montr%C3%A9al,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec+H3G+2B2,+Canada&t=m&z=16)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free
+ (but you pay for your food and drinks)\r \r Register : [Register on eventbrite](http://montrealrbdinner.eventbrite.com/)
+ for the reservation at the restaurant\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n\n"
+ post_date: 2012-08-13 12:06:22.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: august-21st-dinner-venue
+- post_title: August 21st Dinner
+ post_content: "To close our great season, we will do something special for August
+ : a dinner. It will be a great place to have conversation about ruby in a different
+ environment. Please fill this [survey](http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NMWC7BY)
+ to help me choose a location. If you can't come, there is 2 questions about what
+ you like and what you'd improve for Montreal.rb's meetups. I'd appreciate if you
+ take the time to help me improve the events.\r \r \r \r Also, Confoo is organizing
+ a [ConfooBar](http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoobar-2012) (August 3rd) and a [ConfooBBQ](http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoo-bbq-2012)
+ (August 4th) this week-end. We are all invited. Programmers using other web technologies
+ will be there to talk web development, start-up and other geeky stuff.\n\n"
+ post_date: 2012-08-02 21:39:39.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: august-21st-dinner
+- post_title: Meet-up September 18th
+ post_content: "To start this new season on September 18th, [CakeMail](http://cakemail.com/)
+ will sponsor beers and pizzas. You just can't miss it.\n\n> The first talk will
+ be by [Christian Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey) : Automate your Infrastructure
+ with [Chef](http://www.opscode.com/chef/). You always wanted to try Chef but you
+ never took the time to learn it? You have experiences with it to share? Come to
+ this introduction to Chef and stop to manually control your infrastructure.\r
+ \r \r The second part is a surprise. I'm still waiting for a confirmation.\r \r
+ \r \r A word from our sponsor : [CakeMail](http://cakemail.com/)> We build an
+ email marketing application for small and medium businesses - and we wouldn't
+ be able to do it without our fantastic team. Interested in joining us?\r \r \r
+ At the end of the meet-up, we'll go to Benelux for our usual beers and talks.\r
+ \r Free beers - Free pizza - Great talks, you can't miss it. I'll see you there.\r
+ \r \r \r When : September 18th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-09-12 09:35:38.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-september-18th
+- post_title: Confoo Call For Paper is Open
+ post_content: "The Confoo 2013 preparation are started. The Call for Paper is now
+ open. Propose your talks and share you knowledge with your peers at the biggest
+ web conference in Montreal.\n\n> ConFoo is one of the most important developer-oriented
+ conferences. ConFoo 2013 will be held on February 25 through March 1 in Montreal,
+ Canada.\r \r The team just opened its call for papers. Candidates can submit proposals
+ until September 23. Consult the [call for papers](http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers)
+ page for details and to start submitting. That page also explains what expenses
+ ConFoo can cover for speakers. You can also get [advice](http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers/guidelines)
+ on how to write proposals.\r \r The call for papers is public, meaning that all
+ proposals get published on the website for others to vote and comment on. This
+ approach allows the organizers to pick subjects that have most interest in the
+ community. The comments are only visible to speakers and organizers to avoid influencing
+ the votes.\r \r To stay in touch via Twitter, follow [@confooca](http://twitter.com/confooca)
+ and use the [#confoo](http://twitter.com/#%21/search/%23confoo) tag. You can also
+ help promote the event with these cool [badges](http://confoo.ca/en/propaganda)
+ for your site.\r \r \r A recruiter reached to me with the job offer below. Don't
+ hesitate to contact her.\r> I am searching a web developer with experience in
+ real-time ruby web application and the last technologies. We need someone good
+ on the server and the user interface. The position is permanent in mobile development.
+ Please contact me at : [dlussier@recrutement-hitech.com](mailto:dlussier@recrutement-hitech.com)\r
+ \r \r I'll be back soon with the information about September 18th meet-up."
+ post_date: 2012-09-03 12:44:04.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: confoo-call-for-paper-is-open
+- post_title: Meet-up October 16th
+ post_content: "This month will be a little bit special since we receive someone
+ from Groupon. Also, the Notman House is doing a Crowd Funding. I'm sure we can
+ reach the 1000$ in donnation for Montreal.rb to have our logo in the café. Here
+ is the details :\n\n> [Andy Maleh](https://twitter.com/AndyMaleh), from Groupon,
+ will present **Rails Engine Patterns**. Those patterns leverage Rails Engines
+ to reuse code across multiple applications while still being able to customize
+ behavior as needed, thus providing both improved productivity and better flexibility,
+ without sacrificing maintainability.> The second part will be the **Gem Club**.
+ Show a gem that you built or just discovered to the other in a small presentation
+ or on the fly. We want to hear you, don't be shy.> The **Notman House** needs
+ our help. They are doing a [crowd funding](http://www.indiegogo.com/notman?a=1599326)
+ to continue the project. They receive us for free every month, the least we can
+ do is to help them reach their goal. There is a package for User Group at 1000$
+ which will display or logo in café. It would be great if we can achieve it. All
+ the contribution in the normal pledge with the name **Ruby MTL** will be accumulated.
+ If we all give between 20 and 30$ we will reach it. If want to participate, send
+ me an email to [mprovencher86@gmail.com](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com) and I'll
+ monitor how much we are at and keep you posted. We can do this. Donate now [http://www.indiegogo.com/notman](http://www.indiegogo.com/notman).\r
+ \r \r At last meet-up, I got asked to share the slides and github code of the
+ presentations.\r \r \r> **Automate your Infrastructure with Chef**\r \r by [Christian
+ Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey)\n> - [slides](https://speakerdeck.com/u/cjoudrey/p/montrealrb-sept-2012-chef)>
+ **Rubyc**\r \r by [Martin Chabot](https://twitter.com/martinos5)\n> - [Slides](https://speakerdeck.com/u/martinos/p/rubyc)\n>
+ - [Github](https://github.com/martinos/rubyc)\r \r \r I'll see you next week and
+ don't forget to give to the Notman House.\r \r \r \r \r \r When : October 16th,
+ 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who
+ : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r
+ Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-10-11 11:59:45.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-october-16th
+- post_title: Meet-up and Confoo
+ post_content: "I received the confirmation for the second talk tomorrow :\n\n> The
+ second talk tomorrow will be given by [Martin Chabot](https://twitter.com/martinos5)
+ who will talk about his own gem : [rubyc](https://github.com/martinos/rubyc).
+ Want to add some power to your Shell? Rubyc will help you release your Ruby’s
+ spells to the command line.\r \r \r A quick reminder for [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en).\r>
+ This is the last week for the [Call for Paper](http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers).
+ Don't miss your chance to be a speaker at the biggest web conference in Montreal.\r
+ \r \r When : September 18th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-09-17 09:01:37.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-and-confoo
+- post_title: Last meetup and Notman House
+ post_content: "I'm sending our last update for the crowd funding and the information
+ of the last meetup.\n\n> The Notman House crowd funding is almost over, only 20h
+ left. We only miss 400$, any amount count to achieve our goal. I'm sure we can
+ do it. How to give in the name of Montreal.rb :\r\n> 1. Go to [http://www.indiegogo.com/notman?a=1599326](http://www.indiegogo.com/notman?a=1599326)\n>
+ 2. Click to give a no perk donation\n> 3. Confirm that you chose no perk (see
+ image bellow)\n> 4. Enter \"Montreal.rb\" as a name\n> 5. Send me an email to
+ confirm the amount so I can follow our total.\n> [![](http://www.montrealonrails.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/perk.png
+ \"perk\")](http://www.montrealonrails.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/perk.png)\r
+ \r \r The presentations of the last meetup:\r> **Rails Engine Patterns**\r \r
+ by [Andy Maleh](https://twitter.com/AndyMaleh)\n> - [Slides](http://www.slideshare.net/AndyMaleh/revised-rails-engine-patterns-for-montrealrb-meetup-oct-16-2012)>
+ **Gem Club**\n> - [Bullet](https://github.com/flyerhzm/bullet)\n> - [Brakeman](https://github.com/presidentbeef/brakeman)\n>
+ - [Split](https://github.com/andrew/split)\r \r \r The next meetup will be on
+ November 20th. I'm still missing a speaker, send me an email if you want to share
+ your knowledge with everyone."
+ post_date: 2012-10-29 07:50:15.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: last-meetup-and-notman-house
+- post_title: Meet-up December 18th
+ post_content: "This is Christmas time. We'll do a light meet-up then go for beers
+ afterward. This event will take the form of lightning talks (see below). Send
+ me an email [mprovencher86@gmail.com](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com) to register
+ your lightning talk. I'll announce who will present on Monday.\n\n> **Lightning
+ talk** : Come in front and talk about a subject, it could be a project you built,
+ a gem, a ruby/rails feature that you like, maybe just why you love ruby/rails.
+ The talks should be between 5 and 10 minutes. You can use the projector or not,
+ it's up to you.\r \r \r At the same time, I just want to update all the links
+ we can use to contact Montreal.rb:\r> - email the organizer [Martin Provencher](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n>
+ - follow us on twitter [@montrealrb](https://twitter.com/montrealrb)\n> - register
+ on the [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/montreal-on-rails)\n>
+ - email the mailing-list [montreal-on-rails@googlegroups.com](mailto:montreal-on-rails@googlegroups.com)\n>
+ - join our [Linkedin group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Montrealrb-1837808/about)\r
+ \r \r When : December 18th, 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r
+ \r Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-12-13 09:36:52.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-december-18th
+- post_title: Meet-up November 20th
+ post_content: "This November, we'll stay with our cores: Ruby and Rails. We'll start
+ by talking about ruby-lang and its strange behaviors. Afterward, we'll see a new
+ feature of Rails 4.\n\n> [Marc-André Lafortune](https://twitter.com/malafortune)
+ will present his talk from [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en) 2012: [Back Alleys of
+ Ruby](http://confoo.ca/en/2012/session/back-alleys-of-ruby). This will be an excursion
+ through dark corners and back alleys of Ruby, a language so dynamic it is difficult
+ to know what its actual specs are. Is it a bug or a feature? This is what we'll
+ try to figure out.> [Martin Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) will present
+ [Strong Parameters](https://github.com/rails/strong_parameters), a new feature
+ of Rails 4. The Rails repo on GitHub [got hacked](https://gist.github.com/1978249)
+ because of a mass-assignment bug. whitelist\\_attributes and attr\\_accessible
+ was a temporary fix. During this talk, you'll see the real answer of the rails
+ team to fix that issue. The best part: you can already use this new feature in
+ Rails 3.\r \r \r I will see you all on Tuesday.\r \r \r \r When : November 20th,
+ 2012 at 18:30\r \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who
+ : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r
+ Register : No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2012-11-18 11:51:29.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-november-20th
+- post_title: Meet-up January 15th
+ post_content: "The first meet-up of the 2013 is upon us. We have 2 great talks coming
+ in.\n\n> [Alain Pilon](https://twitter.com/alainpilon) will present [Cloudinary](http://cloudinary.com/invites/lpov9zyyucivvxsnalc5/nranqh6mfdk1p5r9o7ml):
+ an elegant and easy way to move all image related tasks to the cloud!> Then, [Hugo
+ Frappier](https://twitter.com/hugofrappier) will hack a Website. After all the
+ media attention about the big [rails security issue](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/61bkgvnSGTQ),
+ Hugo will use this bug to hack a rails application. This should encourage you
+ to fix your project with the newest version of Rails or with the hack fix.\r \r
+ \r As usual, we are going at Benelux afterward for more discussion.\r \r This
+ will be great, don't miss it.\r \r \r \r When : January 15th, 2013 at 18:30\r
+ \r Where : [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who : Everyone who
+ is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free\r \r Register : No
+ need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-01-14 12:05:33.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-january-15th
+- post_title: December 18th review
+ post_content: "At our last meeting, a lot of people presented. It was very interesting.\n\n>
+ The first talk was by [Nicolas Marchildon](https://twitter.com/elecnix). He presented
+ us the [Réseau Libre](http://wiki.reseaulibre.ca/) project - a free wifi network
+ in Montreal built by its users. You can have more information or participate by
+ visiting their website.> Afterward, [Mathieu Gagné](https://twitter.com/Mathieu_Gagne)
+ presented 2 projects : errbit and gitlab. [Errbit](https://github.com/errbit/errbit)
+ is a self-hosted error catcher project - use it to manage your problems in all
+ your project in production. [Gitlab](http://gitlabhq.com/) is a self-hosted github.
+ [SLIDES](http://www.slideshare.net/motioneleven/errbit-gitlab-15888783 \"Errbit
+ - Gitlab\")> Then, [Martin Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) (myself) presented
+ the RailsBridge Montreal project. This is a formation for non-programmer, beginning
+ developers and advance ones who wants to learn Ruby/Rails. I'm currently [searching](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)
+ volunteers to helps organize, to teach or just to give a hand here and there.
+ [**SLIDES**](http://www.slideshare.net/vivrass/railsbridge-15876915 \"RailsBridge
+ Montreal\")> Next, [Mathieu Martin](https://twitter.com/webmat) presented [Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/)
+ - a library to build development environment using [Virtual Box](https://www.virtualbox.org/).
+ Very useful to manage your team test platforms and help your designer to get easily
+ up and running on a development environment. [COMMANDS](https://github.com/webmat/vagrant-lightning-talk
+ \"Vagrant\")> Finally, [Jeffrey Dungen](https://twitter.com/reelyActive) - who
+ brought the beers - presented its startup: [ReelyActive](http://reelyactive.com/corporate/).
+ They make hardware able to detect the position of users in a physical environment.
+ They built the [TV at Notman House](http://reelyactive.com/notman/vga/) where
+ you see who is present. They are searching a developer to build an API for their
+ system and programmers to use it to implement incredible applications.\r \r \r
+ This was a really busy meet-up. The next one is January 15th at 18h30 at Notman
+ House. The talk descriptions will be in the next post.\r \r "
+ post_date: 2013-01-06 14:05:35.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: december-18th-review
+- post_title: Meet-up February 19th
+ post_content: "Our meet-up a week before the next [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en)
+ will be charged. Concordia students with [GradProSkills](http://graduatestudies.concordia.ca/gradproskills/)
+ will join us for the event to learn about networking and the Notman House.\n\n>
+ [Open Data Day](http://opendataday.org/) is coming to Montreal on February 23th.
+ [James McKinney](https://twitter.com/mckinneyjames) will present some of the datasets
+ available and projects planned. Learn more on the day's [wiki](http://montreal2013.do101.org/index.php/Accueil)
+ and sign up on [EventBrite](http://journeedo2013.eventbrite.com/).\n\n> After
+ the intermission, [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) will present ActiveModel::Serializers
+ - the object oriented way to serialize your models in JSON or XML. You can do
+ so much with this technique, it's the time to understand it.\n\n> This meet-up
+ is sponsored by [MotionEleven](http://www.motioneleven.com/). They'll provide
+ paninis and beers at the start of the event. It'll be the place to eat and network.
+ They are searching Ruby on Rails and Front-End developers.\r \r \r We'll go to
+ the Benelux afterward for beers and great discussion.\r \r Don't miss it.\r \r
+ \r \r When: February 19th, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2013-02-16 13:56:42.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-february-19th
+- post_title: January 15th Review
+ post_content: "A ton of people showed up last week for the meet-up, it was very
+ nice. Both talks were really interesting, here are the resources about them.\n\n>
+ [Alain Pilon](https://twitter.com/alainpilon) presented [Cloudinary](http://cloudinary.com/invites/lpov9zyyucivvxsnalc5/nranqh6mfdk1p5r9o7ml)
+ - a cloud base images management SaaS. [SLIDES](http://www.slideshare.net/alainpilon/montrealrb-presentation-cloudinary)>
+ In the second talk, [Hugo Frappier](https://twitter.com/hugofrappier) hacked [Gary
+ Haran](https://twitter.com/garyharan) computer really easily by using BlackTrack
+ and the big [rails security issue](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/61bkgvnSGTQ)
+ in manner of seconds. [GIST](https://gist.github.com/4548208)> Last event was
+ sponsored by [Bandzoogle](http://bandzoogle.com/). They paid for beers and pizzas.
+ They are currently searching a new Rails developer. It's pretty cool to work there,
+ ask [Marc-André Lafortune](https://twitter.com/malafortune). [JOB POST](http://bandzoogle.com/jobs/201301-rails-developer.cfm)>
+ There is a new project called **Montreal.rb Office Hours** organized by [Maxime
+ Camirand](https://twitter.com/ShipoutAlerts). The goal is to regroup people using
+ ruby together in the same room so someone can easily get help. No presentation,
+ everyone works on its own project. This will become a weekly event. The first
+ one is tomorrow - **Wednesday, January 23rd**.> On February 23rd, Open Data 2013
+ will occur. This is the best place to learn and use open data from a lot of sources
+ like Montreal city and Quebec government. [REGISTER](http://journeedo2013.eventbrite.com/)\r
+ \r \r Next Meet-up is February 19th, I'll see you there."
+ post_date: 2013-01-22 08:35:00.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: january-15th-review
+- post_title: Meet-up April 16th
+ post_content: "This month, the 2 presentations are about tools you can use to accelerate
+ your project development and help you scale your project.\n\n> To start the event,
+ [Mathieu Martin](https://twitter.com/webmat) will present [CloudFlare](https://www.cloudflare.com/index).
+ CloudFare is a CDN, an asset optimizer, a security proxy, and more. They can be
+ a great tools for your projects and their first tier is free.> In the second section,
+ [Richard McGain](https://twitter.com/mcgain) will talk about [Babushka](https://github.com/benhoskings/babushka)
+ - a lightweight dependency based tool that could help you improve your deployment
+ process and automate other annoying tasks reliably.\r \r \r As usual, we are going
+ to Benelux afterward for networking and beers.\r \r \r \r I received some jobs
+ offer lately.\r> [François Beausoleil](https://twitter.com/fbeausoleil) at [Seevibes](http://seevibes.com/)
+ is searching a ruby developer with SQL skills to work on their Sinatra application.
+ You can contact him directly at [francois@seevibes.com](mailto:francois@seevibes.com).>
+ [InfoActive](http://infoactive.co/) is searching a senior Ruby on Rails developer.
+ You can see the description at [http://infoactive.co/jobs/](http://infoactive.co/jobs/).\r
+ \r \r When: April 16th, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-04-11 13:53:04.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-april-16th
+- post_title: Meet-up March 19th
+ post_content: "This month meet-up will be presented by [Shopify](http://www.shopify.com/).
+ They are sponsoring the event, and the two speakers work there.\n\n> To start
+ the event, [Christian Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey) will present [Ruby
+ One Time Password](https://github.com/mdp/rotp) library. Following the recent
+ Rails vulnerabilities we all know that keeping our dependencies up-to-date is
+ important. What is equally important is providing our users with ways of securing
+ their accounts. We'll look at how two-factor authentication works, a way of implementing
+ it and how to leverage the Google Authenticator mobile app.> Afterward, [Edward
+ Ocampo-Gooding](https://twitter.com/edwardog) will talk about [Legato](https://github.com/tpitale/legato)
+ - a Google Analytics Reports client written in Ruby. If you need to programmatically
+ hit Google Analytics for data coming from reports, you want this. I’ll show you
+ how I used it for a project at Shopify and also point out a few bits of internal
+ Legato code/architecture that I thought were great examples of idiomatic Ruby.
+ Hint: probably some metaprogramming.> This event is sponsored by [Shopify](http://www.shopify.com/).
+ They'll provide us with food and beers. They'll also be able to answer any of
+ your questions about their product.\r \r \r As usual, we are moving to Benelux
+ after the event for drinks and great discussions.\r \r \r \r When: March 19th,
+ 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who:
+ Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register:
+ No need, just come, your welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-03-09 11:19:46.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: meet-up-march-19th
+- post_title: February and March Review
+ post_content: "During the last 2 months, we had 2 great events. Here are the reviews
+ of the 4 talks we had.\n\n> On February 19th, [James McKinney](https://twitter.com/mckinneyjames)
+ presented [Open Data Day](http://opendataday.org/).\r \r [SLIDES](http://www.slideshare.net/jpmckinney/open-data-day-montrealrb)>
+ Then, [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) talked about ActiveModel::Serializers.\r
+ \r [SLIDES](http://byroot.github.com/ams-slides/#/)> Then on March 19th, [Christian
+ Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey) showed us [Ruby One Time Password](https://github.com/mdp/rotp).\r
+ \r [SLIDES](https://speakerdeck.com/cjoudrey/two-factor-authentication)> Finally,
+ [Edward Ocampo-Gooding](https://twitter.com/edwardog) presented [Legato](https://github.com/tpitale/legato).\r
+ \r \r Finally, I really want to thanks our sponsors.\r> February meet-up was sponsored
+ by [MotionEleven](http://www.motioneleven.com/). They are still searching developers.>
+ March meet-up was sponsored by [Shopify](http://www.shopify.com/). They are opening
+ an office in Montreal and searching people to work there.\r \r \r Next meet-up
+ is April 16th. More information are coming soon."
+ post_date: 2013-04-07 12:28:23.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: february-and-march-review
+- post_title: Meet-up May 21
+ post_content: "In May, we'll have a normal talk in the first part and then, 3 flash
+ talks for the second part.\n\n> In the first part, [Mauricio Idarraga](https://twitter.com/MauriHydroxide)
+ will present us the [asset\\_sync](https://github.com/rumblelabs/asset_sync) gem
+ and config.action\\_controller.asset\\_host. He will explain us how [Instagrad](http://www.instagrad.com/)
+ synchronize their assets on S3 with CloudFront and multiple host name to increase
+ the number of browser connections.> After the break, the first flash task by [Christian
+ Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey) will be about [#pairwithme](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23pairwithme).
+ He will discuss his experience on pair programming with a stranger across the
+ world and the tools they used and why everyone should give it a try.> Then, [Gary
+ Haran](https://twitter.com/garyharan) will present us the [Practical Object-Oriented
+ Design](http://www.poodr.info/) book by [Sandi Metz](https://twitter.com/sandimetz)
+ who was at [Confoo](http://confoo.ca/en/speaker/sandi-metz) this year.> Finally,
+ [Mikaël Theimer](https://twitter.com/MikaelTheimer) will present us his next project
+ Mots-Dits Québec.> [Planbox](https://www.planbox.com/) sent me a [job offer](https://www.planbox.com/about/careers_backend_ruby).
+ They are looking for a senior back-end developer to lead the development of their
+ Ruby back-end . Planbox is an agile project management tool as a single-page web
+ application in Backbone.js backed by a Ruby on Rails REST API.> For this month
+ and the next ones, Shopify will be sponsoring our meet-ups by providing food and
+ drinks. They are opening an office in Montreal and are searching a lot of different
+ people, you should [check them out](http://www.shopify.com/careers). You can also
+ directly contact [Edward Ocampo-Gooding](mailto:edward@shopify.com).\r \r \r \r
+ \r As usual, we'll end the night at the Benelux for more discussion. I'll see
+ you there.\r \r \r \r When: May 21st, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-05-19 13:50:42.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-may-21
+- post_title: Meet-up June 18th
+ post_content: "Just before the summer arrive, we'll have 2 new speakers at Montreal.rb.\n\n>
+ For the first presentation, [Marc Beaupré](https://twitter.com/marcbeaupre) will
+ talk about Redis on Rails. Learn why redis has become his new best friend, and
+ why you should be using it every Rails project you work on.> Then, [Anna Filina](https://twitter.com/afilina)
+ will present Speed Up Your Database. Are your queries slow? Learn how to speed
+ them up through better SQL crafting and use meaningful indices. You will understand
+ what works well and what doesn't, and will walk away with a checklist for faster
+ databases.> Like last month, Shopify will pay for food and drinks during the meet-up.
+ Checkout their [job offers](http://www.shopify.com/careers) for their new office
+ in Montreal.\r \r \r As usual, we are going to finish everything at the Benelux
+ for a beer and great discussions.\r \r \r \r When: June 18th, 2013 at 18:30\r
+ \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who: Everyone who
+ is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need,
+ just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-06-11 09:24:47.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-june-18th
+- post_title: Meet-up July 16th
+ post_content: "This is the last meet-up of the season. Next month will be a dinner
+ (a \"souper\").\n\n> To start the night, [Guillaume Malette](https://twitter.com/gmalette)
+ will present: \"Migrating to an STI with no downtime\". During this talk, Guillaume
+ will explain how to do a multi-steps migration so a database table lock won't
+ create downtime on your application.> Afterward, [Andy Maleh](https://twitter.com/AndyMaleh)
+ will talk about: \"Ultra Light & Maintainable Wizards in Rails\".\r \r \r \r You
+ may have learned how to write proper Rails MVC features with skinny controllers
+ and fat models. You may have learned how to properly compose your features in
+ terms of RESTful resources. But, how do you write a proper easy to maintain Wizard
+ without resulting in a fat controller, violating REST, or writing complicated
+ Wizard step data management code? Do you use multiple controllers? Multiple actions
+ in one controller? A state machine? An existing Wizard gem?\r \r These are all
+ questions that will get answered in this talk, in which I plan to share a simple
+ Wizard approach that I stumbled upon while working on my last two Rails projects.
+ It made it super easy to add Wizard steps by both junior and senior Rails developers
+ on the projects.\r \r Attendees should walk out of this talk with solid knowledge
+ on how to build a light maintainable Rails Wizard, achieving proper separation
+ of responsibilities between controllers and models, and maintaining a RESTful
+ paradigm without the complexity of Wizard step management.> Like the past month,
+ Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas for the event. They are still searching
+ developers for their Montreal office, don't miss your chance to [join](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ a great team.> After the meet-up, Nextly will sponsor a second beer to everyone
+ who come. Nextly is a fast-growing, early-stage, VC-funded startup that is rethinking
+ the way we organize and consume the web. Nextly is looking for experienced Ruby
+ developers to join its Montreal team.\r \r If you're interested, please contact
+ Joy Khoriaty ( [joy@nextly.com](mailto:joy@nextly.com))\r \r \r I hope to see
+ a lot of you at the Benelux for our 2 free beers and great discussions.\r \r \r
+ \r When: July 16th, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-07-11 11:08:37.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meet-up-july-16th
+- post_title: New Season + Confoo CFP
+ post_content: "> September is here. This means another season for Montreal.rb. Has
+ usual, we'll continue to meet every third Tuesday of each month at Notman House
+ and finish everything up at the [Benelux](http://www.brasseriebenelux.com/). Like
+ the other years, I need your help. Finding speaker for each meet-up is not an
+ easy task. If you have something you want to talk about or know someone who does,
+ [contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com) so we can talk about it. If you'd
+ like to learn, discover, or understand something, you can contact me also - we
+ can maybe find a speaker willing to explain it to everyone.> Confoo [Call for
+ Papers](https://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers) is open until September 22nd. [Confoo](https://confoo.ca)
+ is the biggest web conference in Montreal, it's really great and fun to be over
+ there. I attended the 2 last years where I met great people around the world.
+ If you want to speak, the organization is accepting the talk proposals right now.
+ You can use the same talk for Confoo and Montreal.rb as a practice or a follow-up.
+ If you want to attend, their is a [big discount](https://confoo.ca/en/news/2013-call-for-papers)
+ right now.\r \r \r I'm sure we'll have another great season at [Montreal.rb](http://www.montrealrb.com).
+ More details are coming up for the September meet-up on the 17th."
+ post_date: 2013-09-02 13:09:00.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: new-season-confoo-cfp
+- post_title: August 20th Dinner
+ post_content: "Like last year, we're going to a restaurant for dinner. We'll go
+ somewhere near the Notman House.\n\n> This August 20th, we are going to the [McKibbin's
+ Irish Pub](http://www.mckibbinsirishpub.com/contact.php) at 3530 St-Laurent. This
+ will be a different environment to talk about Ruby and Ruby on Rails. No food
+ nor drinks are included. Since I need to reserve the places, please [register
+ here](https://www.eventbrite.com/event/7850044695).\r \r \r What : Montreal.rb
+ Dinner\r \r When : August 20th, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where : [McKibbin's Irish Pub](http://www.mckibbinsirishpub.com/contact.php)\r
+ \r Who : Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much : Free
+ (but you pay for your food and drinks)\r \r Questions? : [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-08-14 14:04:04.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: august-20th-dinner
+- post_title: October 15th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Ce mois-ci, nous recevons quelqu'un de l'extérieur pour la première
+ présentation. François Marier de \"Identity Team\" chez Mozilla fera une pause
+ lors de son voyage à Montréal pour venir nous présenter ce sur quoi il travaille.\n\n>
+ Le premier talk sera par [François Marier](https://twitter.com/fmarier) - un développeur
+ logiciel chez [Mozilla](http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/).\r \r \r \r \r \r Les utilisateurs
+ haïssent les choisir et devoir s'en rappeler. Les développeurs haïssent devoir
+ les gérer et les storer. Pourquoi utilisons-nous des mots de passe déjà? Il y
+ a probablement un meilleur moyen pour s'enregistrer sur les sites web.\r \r Cette
+ présentation introduira la technologie derrière [Persona](http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/)
+ et le protocole BrowserID. Mozilla veut résoudre le problème des mots de passe
+ sur le web avec une solution multi-browser qui se préoccupe grandement de l'expérience
+ utilisateur et leur vie privée.\r \r Nous ne serons peut-être pas capable d'éliminer
+ tous les mots de passe. Après tout, vous ne voulez probablement pas devoir faire
+ une vérification d'emprunte digitale avant de laisser un commentaire sur un blog,
+ mais nous pouvons éliminer les mots de passe par site web en les remplaçant par
+ quelque chose de mieux: un système décentralisé sous le contrôle des utilisateurs.\r
+ \r Il s'agit de 4 étapes faciles pour l'ajouter à votre site/application Ruby
+ et il y a déjà des plugins pour Devise, Omniauth, Rails, Sinatra et Warden.> Le
+ deuxième talk par [Hugo Frappier](https://twitter.com/hugofrappier) sera sur [Draper
+ gem](https://github.com/drapergem/draper).\r \r \r \r \r \r Que pensez-vous de
+ mettre de la logique de vue dans vos modèles? Que pensez-vous de mettre de la
+ logique de vue en scope global dans vos helpers? Draper gem propose une solution
+ alternative: des décorateurs. Il s'agit d'une couche de présentation orienté-objet
+ au dessus de vos modèles.\n* * *\n\r \r \r \r This month, we receive someone who
+ lives outside Montreal for the first presentation. François Marier of the \"Identity
+ Team\" at Mozilla will take some time during his travel to Montreal to present
+ us what he is working on.\r \r \r> The first talk will be by [François Marier](https://twitter.com/fmarier)
+ - a software developer at [Mozilla](http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/).\r \r \r \r
+ \r \r Users hate picking and having to remember them. Developers hate dealing
+ with and storing them. Why are we still using passwords again? Surely there is
+ a better way to log into websites.\r \r This talk will introduce the technology
+ behind [Persona](http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/) and the BrowserID protocol.
+ Mozilla intends to solve the password problem on the web with a federated cross-browser
+ system that is intensely focused on user experience and privacy.\r \r We may not
+ be able to get rid of all passwords, after all, you probably don't want to be
+ subjected to a fingerprint check before leaving a comment on someone's blog, but
+ we can eliminate site-specific passwords and replace them with something better:
+ a decentralized system that's under the control of users, not a for-profit gatekeeper.\r
+ \r It's just four easy steps to add it to your Ruby site/app from scratch and
+ there are already plugins for Devise, Omniauth, Rails, Sinatra, and Warden.> The
+ second talk by [Hugo Frappier](https://twitter.com/hugofrappier) will by on [Draper
+ gem](https://github.com/drapergem/draper).\r \r \r \r \r \r What do you think
+ about view logic in your models? What do you think about global scope view logic
+ in your helpers? Draper gem propose a different approach: decorators. They are
+ an oriented-object presentation layer over your models.\n* * *\n\n> Like they
+ did in the past months, Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas for the event.
+ They are still searching developers for their Montreal office, don't miss your
+ chance to [join](http://www.shopify.com/careers) a great team.\r \r \r \r \r This
+ month [Gary Haran](https://twitter.com/garyharan) will be your host since I'll
+ be out of the country. I'm sure you'll have a great event and really nice discussions
+ and beers afterward at the Benelux.\r \r \r \r When: October 15th, 2013 at 18:30\r
+ \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who: Everyone who
+ is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need,
+ just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-10-07 10:06:37.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: october-15th-meet-up
+- post_title: September 17th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Here are the presentations for the Montreal.rb meet-up of tomorrow,
+ better late than never ;-). The first part is about AI and architecture, second
+ part is about our community.\n\n> [![](https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1279685993/Photo_bigger.jpg)](https://twitter.com/jodigiordano)
+ [![](https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/3482984566/5d3fcb9abcf0316ea3a67448f2ee74ee_bigger.jpeg)](https://twitter.com/christianblais)
+ [![](https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/2272054419/u2zgnjho73z51gmntaia_bigger.jpeg)](https://twitter.com/gmalette)\r
+ To start the night [Jodi Giordano](https://twitter.com/jodigiordano), [Christian
+ Blais](https://twitter.com/christianblais), and [Guillaume Malette-Campeau](https://twitter.com/gmalette)
+ will present us how they built the AI game they used for the Hackathon last week
+ at Ruby Hacknight.> The second part will be an open discussion led by [Martin
+ Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) (a.k.a. Me) about the current state of
+ Ruby/Ruby on Rails in Montreal. Your opinion will be really interesting either
+ your are in the community since a long time or a newcomer.> Like they did in the
+ past months, Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas for the event. They are still
+ searching developers for their Montreal office, don't miss your chance to [join](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ a great team.\n\nWe'll finish everything up at Benelux as usual for a free beer.
+ I'll see you at Notman House tomorrow.\n\n\r \r \r \r When: September 17th, 2013
+ at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r \r Who: Everyone
+ who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register:
+ No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n\n"
+ post_date: 2013-09-16 16:09:45.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: september-17th-meet-up
+- post_title: September 17th discussion follow-up
+ post_content: "Bonjour,\r \r Hier soir au meet-up, nous avons eu une discussion
+ à propos du groupe et de ce qui s'y passe. Je vous fait parvenir ce courriel pour
+ faire un résumé des actions que je vais mettre en place suite à cette discussion.\r
+ \r Premièrement, comme vous pouvez voir, la première partie de ce message est
+ écrit en français. Je vais désormais faire les annonces au groupe dans les 2 langues.
+ Le but ici est d'encourager les gens avec un peu moins de facilité en anglais
+ à venir présenter des sujets ou discuter sur la mailing list.\r \r Deuxièmement,
+ j'ai été grandement surpris hier que la mailing list n'était connu que par 50%
+ des gens à l'événement. Alors, nous allons encourager les gens à s'inscrire de
+ façon à ce qu'il puisse se tenir à jour avec ce qu'il se passe dans le groupe.
+ Tant qu'à faire cela, j'ai créé un nouveau groupe avec notre nouveau nom (Montreal.rb).
+ Notre nouveau Google Group est: [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb).
+ L'ancien était à l'adresse: [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montreal-on-rails](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montreal-on-rails).
+ Si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui participe régulièrement ou à l'occasion au groupe,
+ invitez cette personne à se joindre à la nouvelle mailing list.\r \r Troisièmement,
+ nous allons avoir besoin d'un volontaire à chaque meet-up pour accueillir le gens.
+ Le but ici est de bien accueillir les nouveaux participants à nos rencontres.
+ En même temps, cette personne pourra inviter les gens à se joindre à la mailing
+ list pour suivre le groupe. Selon moi, ce poste serait en rotation à chaque événement,
+ je vous invite donc à vous y inscrire - c'est un excellent moyen de rencontrer
+ les autres participants.\r \r Quatrièmement, à chaque événement, nous allons réserver
+ un talk de 5 minutes pour les personnes qui n'ont jamais parlé à Montreal.rb.
+ Les nouveaux-venus auront un moment réservé pour eux. Ils pourront ainsi être
+ moins intimidé par une présentation, se faire un peu d'expérience et une présentation
+ de 5 minutes demande moins de préparation qu'un talk complet. Les gens seront
+ encouragé à présenter un gem, une feature de ruby/RoR qu'ils viennent tout juste
+ de découvrir et qu'ils apprécient. Ils pourront également présenter un projet
+ qu'ils ont fait avec Ruby/RoR.\r \r Finalement, je vous demande votre aide pour
+ m'aider à organiser Montreal.rb. Il est difficile de trouver des talks. Si vous
+ avez une idée intéressante et n'avez pas le temps de la présenter, partagez la
+ avec le groupe. Quelqu'un d'autre sera peut-être intéressé à présenter le sujet
+ qui vous intéresse. Je vais créer une liste sur le site web avec les idées proposées.
+ Si vous êtes intéressé à faire un talk dans 1-2-3 mois, faites le moi savoir,
+ je réserverai votre place à l'avance.\r \r Pour conclure ce message, je voudrais
+ vous rappeler de vous inscrire sur le nouveau Google group: [**https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb**](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb).\r
+ \r On se voit sur la nouvelle mailing list.\n\n* * *\n\r \r Hi,\r \r At the meet-up
+ yesterday, we had a discussion about the groupe and what's going on with it. This
+ email we summarize the actions that I'll take following this discussion.\r \r
+ First of all, as you can see, the first part of this email is in french. From
+ now on, I'll do the post to the group in both languages. The goal is to encourage
+ people which are not fluant in english to come do a talk or share on the mailing
+ list.\r \r Afterward, I was really surprised that only 50% of people present yesterday
+ know about the Montreal.rb mailing list. We'll do some shmoozing so people can
+ know about it and register. By doing that, I created a new mailing list which
+ as our new name: The new Google group is: [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb)
+ - the old one was: [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montreal-on-rails](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montreal-on-rails).
+ Please share the new mailing list address with people who are participating to
+ Montreal.rb that you know.\r \r Then, we'll need a volunteer at each meet-up to
+ welcome people. The goal is to be welcoming to new participants et invite people
+ to register on the Google group. I think this position should be in rotation at
+ every meet-up. You should register now to do it - it's a great way to meet the
+ other participants.\r \r A each meet-up, we reserve a 5 minutes talk for participant
+ who never talk to Montreal.rb. The newcomers will have a spot were is less stressful,
+ less intimidating and require less work than a full blown talk. They can talk
+ about a gem or a feature un Ruby/RoR they just discover and like. They can also
+ talk about a project they did with Ruby/RoR.\r \r Finally, I need your help to
+ organize Montreal.rb. It's really hard to find talks for the meet-ups. I you have
+ an idea for a talk but you don't have time to present it, please share it with
+ the group. Someone else could be interested in presenting it. I'll create a list
+ on the web site to list those ideas. At the same time, if you are interested in
+ doing a talk in 1-2-3 months, contact me, I'll reserve you a spot in advance.\r
+ \r To conclude, please subscribe and share the new google group: [**https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb**](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/montrealrb).\r
+ \r See you on the new mailing list **.** "
+ post_date: 2013-09-18 11:42:00.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: september-17th-discussion-follow-up
+- post_title: November 19th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Le mois de Novembre est arrivé avec le froid et le vent. Alors, pourquoi
+ ne pas venir à la maison Notman le 19 novembre pour se réchauffer, boire quelques
+ bières, manger de la pizza et écouter des présentations vraiment intéressantes?\n\n>
+ Pour commencer la soirée, [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) va présenter
+ [ActiveRecord::TypedStore](https://github.com/byroot/activerecord-typedstore),
+ un gem qu'il a écrit en travaillant chez Shopify.\r \r Au cours de sa présentation,
+ Jean nous parlera des fonctionnalités de sérialisation de ActiveRecord à travers
+ l'histoire de Ruby on Rails (serialize, store). Il nous démontrera les limitations
+ de ces approches et pourquoi vous devriez essayer ActiveRecord::TypedStore. Il
+ nous montrera également comment utiliser cette extension à ActiveRecord.> Par
+ la suite, [Martin Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) montrera une étude
+ de cas sur Rails et [Angular.js](http://angularjs.org/).\r \r Pourquoi devriez-vous
+ utiliser Angular.js? Quand devriez-vous l'utiliser? Comment fonctionne-t-il? Comment
+ l'intégrer avec Ruby on Rails? Ce sont toutes des questions auxquelles Martin
+ répondra pendant sa présentation. Au coeur de cette présentation, il y a une application
+ qu'il a construit. Vous verrez un exemple réel sur comment faire fonctionner ces
+ 2 frameworks ensemble.> Shopify continue de commanditer Montreal.rb comme dans
+ les derniers mois. Ils paieront pour la pizza et la bière lors de l'évènement.
+ Ils cherchent toujours des développeurs pour leur bureau de Montréal, ne ratez
+ pas votre chance de [joindre](http://www.shopify.com/careers) cette brillante
+ équipe.\r \r \r J'espère vous voir en grand nombre à Montreal.rb demain. Comme
+ d'habitude, nous finissons le tout au Benelux pour continuer les discussions.\r
+ \r \r \r\n* * *\n\r \r \r \r November is here with the cold and the wind. So,
+ why not come to Notman House on November 19th to warm-up, drink some beers, eat
+ pizza, and listen to very interesting talks?\r \r \r> To start the night, [Jean
+ Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) will present [ActiveRecord::TypedStore](https://github.com/byroot/activerecord-typedstore),
+ a gem he wrote while working at Shopify.\r \r \r \r During this talk, Jean will
+ review ActiveRecord serialization features through rails history (serialize, store).
+ He'll show the limitations of those approaches and why you should try ActiveRecord::TypedStore.
+ He'll also demonstrate how to use this ActiveRecord extension.> Afterward, [Martin
+ Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) will demonstrate a study case of Rails
+ and [Angular.js](http://angularjs.org/).\r \r \r \r Why should you use Angular.js?
+ When should you use it? How does it works? How can I integrate it with Ruby on
+ Rails? This is all the questions Martin will answer during his talk. At the heart
+ of this presentation is an application Martin built. You'll have a real example
+ on how you can make those 2 frameworks work together.> Like they did in the past
+ months, Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas for the event. They are still searching
+ developers for their Montreal office; don't miss your chance to [join](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ a great team.\r \r \r I look forward to see you tomorrow. As usual, we'll finish
+ everything at Benelux to continue the conversations.\r \r \r \r When: October
+ 15th, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-11-18 14:23:12.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: november-19th-meet-up
+- post_title: January 21st Meet-up
+ post_content: "Le temps des fêtes est terminé. J'espère que vous avez passez un
+ bon moment avec vos familles. Je vous souhaite à tous une excellente année rempli
+ de santé et de défis.\r \r Pour débuter cette année 2014, nous nous tiendrons
+ loin de Rails en discutant de scripting en Ruby et de gestion de projet.\n\n>
+ La soirée commencera avec [David Lazar](http://resistorsoftware.com/). Programmeur
+ depuis 1978, il a développé avec plusieurs micro-processeur (Z80, 8080, 6502,
+ 8088, 6800, 68000) et ordinateurs (Amiga, TRS-80, Apple II, Sun workstation, PC,
+ Apple MBP). Ses langages préférés sont Ruby et Javascript.\r \r Ruby est un langage
+ de scripting idéal pour travailler avec le monde d'API d'aujourd'hui: PaaS, SaaS,
+ Web Apps, sans oublier les services old-school. Il vous montrera quelques trucs
+ utiles et des cas d'utilisations que j'ai bâtit lors des 8 dernières années avec
+ Shopify, Heroku, Salesforce et d'autres systèmes. Les gems comme Pry, Nokogiri,
+ Sinatra, Ice Cube, Dalli, Chronic, Fog, Carrierwave, HTTParty seront bien utiles.\r
+ \r Ce tour rapide de 20 minutes sur des scripts relativement complexes avec Ruby
+ pourra, il l'espère, inspirer quelques Rubyists à pousser leurs talents de scripting
+ un peu plus loin et dans une différente direction que Rails.> La deuxième présentation
+ sera par [Yann Larrivée](http://www.ylarrivee.com/). Yann est le président de
+ PHP Québec, Confoo et FooLab inc. Il est impliqué dans la communauté depuis très
+ longtemps. Il écrit actuellement un livre intitulé: “_10 Warning Signs in IT Projects_”.\r
+ \r C'est un fait que les projets en IT ont un haut pourcentage d'échec. Mais qu'arriverait-il
+ si nous pouvions voir les avertissements avant qu'il ne soit trop tard? Découvrez
+ les 10 signes à superviser et évitez ces nuits blanches et ces échecs de projets.>
+ Comme ils ont fait les derniers mois, Shopify commanditera la bière et la pizza
+ pour l'évènement. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) des développeurs
+ pour leur bureau à Montréal.\r \r \r \r \r Comme d'habitude, nous continuerons
+ la soirée au Benelux. Au plaisir de vous voir à notre premier évènement de 2014.\r
+ \r \r \r \r \r\n* * *\n\r \r \r \r The Holidays are over. I hope you had a good
+ time with your family. I wish you all health and fun challenges for 2014.\r \r
+ To start this year, we will keep our distance with Rails to talk about Ruby scripting
+ and project management.\r \r \r> Everything will start with [David Lazar](http://resistorsoftware.com/).
+ Programming since 1978, he hacked with multiple chips (Z80, 8080, 6502, 8088,
+ 6800, 68000) and computers (Amiga, TRS-80, Apple II, Sun workstation, PC, Apple
+ MBP). His favorite programming languages are Ruby and Javascript.\r\n> Ruby is
+ a great scripting language for working in the API driven world of today's PaaS,
+ SaaS, Web Apps, and old-school services. David would like to show off some neat
+ and interesting business use cases, built in the last 8 years or so between Shopify,
+ Heroku, Salesforce, and other systems. Ruby gems like Pry, Nokogiri, Sinatra,
+ Ice Cube, Dalli, Chronic, Fog, Carrierwave, HTTParty are in common and see a lot
+ of use.\n> \n> A quick 20 minute spin through a reasonably complex pattern of
+ scripts with Ruby that can hopefully inspire some Rubyists to take their scripting
+ talents a little further and in a different direction than Rails.> The second
+ presentation will be by [Yann Larrivée](http://www.ylarrivee.com/). Yann is the
+ president of PHP Québec, Confoo, and FooLab inc. He is involved in the community
+ since a really long time. He is writing a book called: “_10 Warning Signs in IT
+ Projects_”.\r \r It is know that in the IT industry, projects have a high percentage
+ of failures. But what if we could see the warning signs before it is too late?
+ Discover the 10 warning signs to watch for and prevent many sleepless nights and
+ project failure.> Like they did in the past months, Shopify is sponsoring beers
+ and pizzas for the event. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office.\n\n\r \r \r As usual, we'll finish everything
+ at the Benelux. I'm looking forward to see you for our first event of 2014.\r
+ \r \r \r \r \r When: January 21st, 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2014-01-16 13:28:43.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: january-21st-meet-up
+- post_title: December 17th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Avec la neige de cette fin de semaine, l'hiver est arrivé. En plus,
+ Noël est à nos portes. Juste avant d'aller fêter en famille, Montreal.rb vous
+ invite au dernier meet-up de l'année 2013 ce mardi, 17 décembre. Cet évènement
+ n'aura que 1 présentateur qui utilisera tout le temps pour une session de programmation
+ live.\n\n> [Gary Haran](https://twitter.com/garyharan) programme en Ruby depuis
+ 2006 tout en étant un programmeur Javascript au préalable. Ses jeux en Javascript
+ ont fait la première page d'Hacker News et d'Ajaxian. Avec son éditeur de texte
+ ouvert, il nous montrera comment nous pouvons faire de même avec le [Gosu Ruby
+ Framework](http://www.libgosu.org/). Apportez vos portables et suivez le.> Comme
+ ils ont fait les derniers mois, Shopify commanditera la bière et la pizza pour
+ l'évènement. Ils cherchent des développeurs pour leur bureau à Montréal. Avec
+ leur [100 millions](http://www.shopify.com/blog/10780917-shopify-raises-100-million#axzz2neLzmo6C)
+ de financement de la semaine dernière, c'est un excellent moment pour [joindre](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ leur équipe.\r \r \r \r \r Comme d'habitude, nous finirons le tout ua Benelux.
+ Au plaisir de vous voir une dernière fois avant la fin de 2013.\r \r \r \r\n*
+ * *\n\r \r \r \r With the snow this weekend, the winter has come, and Christmas
+ is almost there. Just before that, Montreal.rb is inviting you to the last meet-up
+ of 2013 on Tuesday, December 17th. This event will only have 1 speaker who will
+ take all the time for a live programming session.\r \r \r> [Gary Haran](https://twitter.com/garyharan)
+ has been programming in Ruby since 2006 and was an avid Javascript programmer
+ before then. His Javascript games have been on the front page of Hacker News and
+ Ajaxian. With the text editor open he'll show what can be done with [Gosu Ruby
+ Framework](http://www.libgosu.org/). Feel free to bring your laptops with you
+ and play along> Like they did in the past months, Shopify is sponsoring beers
+ and pizzas for the event. They are still searching developers for their Montreal
+ office. With their [100 millions](http://www.shopify.com/blog/10780917-shopify-raises-100-million#axzz2neLzmo6C)
+ Series C funding, it's the best time to [join](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ their great team.\r \r \r \r \r As usual, we'll finish everything at Benelux to
+ continue the conversations. I look forward to see you a last time in 2013.\r \r
+ \r \r When: December 17th, 2013 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2013-12-16 10:00:04.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: december-17th-meet-up
+- post_title: March 18th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Pour un deuxième mois consécutif, Notman House est fermé pour rénovation.
+ Nous allons donc revisiter Adgear à nouveau. En plus, ce mois-ci nous aurons 2
+ personnes qui parleront à Montreal.rb pour la première fois.\n\n> Le premier talk
+ par [Annaelle Duff](https://twitter.com/annaelled)sera à propos de Django et de
+ Rails.\r \r \r \r Lors du dernier [Montréal Python](http://montrealpython.org/en/),
+ [Martin Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) a présenté \"Rails vs Django\".
+ Annaelle présentera la contre-partie de ce talk qui compare les 2 frameworks tout
+ en expliquant les particularités de Django pour Montréal Ruby.\n\n> En deuxième
+ partie, [Nicolas Lupien](https://twitter.com/niclupien) présentera [Sammi](https://github.com/niclupien/SammiTheRobot/)
+ - son compagnon robot.\r \r \r \r Sammi est votre robot personnel. Il rêve d'apprendre
+ les émotions humaines. Heureusement, vous pouvez l'aider dans sa quête. Vous pouvez
+ l'attacher à votre Chrome et lui donner des pages webs. Après quelques expérimentations,
+ il pourra prédire si le contenu est déçu, content, triste, etc.\r \r Sammi est
+ une extension de Chrome utilisant un API en Ruby avec les gems [grape](https://github.com/intridea/grape),
+ [nbayes](https://github.com/oasic/nbayes) et [ruby-readability](https://github.com/cantino/ruby-readability).\r
+ \r C'est une expérimentation avec quelques lignes de codes, mais le résultat est
+ très intéressant.\n\n> [Adgear](http://adgear.com/) nous reçoit. Ils sont dans
+ l'édifice à côté de la construction au coin de Viger et McGill (Beaver Hall).
+ L'address est 481 Viger O - 3e étage. C'est près de l'hôtel W, en face du parc
+ square victoria - juste après la construction.> Shopify commandite la bière est
+ la pizzas comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n\r
+ \r \r Comme nous ne serons pas à Notman, appelez vos amis qui veulent participer
+ et rappellez leur que nous allons chez Adgear. Si vous voulez faire comme nos
+ 2 nouveaux présentateurs, n'hésitez pas à donner votre nom pour parler à nos prochains
+ meet-up.\r \r \r \r\n* * *\n\r \r \r \r For a second month in a row, Notman House
+ is closed for renovation. We'll return at Adgear. At the same time, we'll have
+ 2 speakers whom will present for the first time at Montreal.rb.\r> Le premier
+ talk par [Annaelle Duff](https://twitter.com/annaelled)sera à propos de Django
+ et de Rails.\r \r \r> During the last [Python Montreal](http://montrealpython.org/en/),
+ [Martin Provencher](https://twitter.com/vivrass) presented \"Rails vs Django\".
+ Annaelle will do the opposite part of this talk which compare both frameworks
+ while explaining the unique part of Django for Montréal Ruby.\n\n> In the second
+ part, [Nicolas Lupien](https://twitter.com/niclupien) will present [Sammi](https://github.com/niclupien/SammiTheRobot/)
+ - his personal robot.\r Sammi is your personal robot. He dreams of learning human
+ emotions. Fortunately, you can help on his quest. You can attach him to your chrome
+ and feed him webpages. After some experimentation, he will be able to predict
+ if the content is sad, happy, awesome, etc.\r It's a chrome extension using a
+ Ruby API with the gems [grape](https://github.com/intridea/grape), [nbayes](https://github.com/oasic/nbayes)
+ and [ruby-readability](https://github.com/cantino/ruby-readability).\r \r It's
+ a small expirement with just a few lines of code but the result is interesting!\n\n>
+ [Adgear](http://adgear.com/) is receiving us. They are the building immediately
+ beside the big construction happening corner of Viger and McGill Street (Beaver
+ Hall). Address is 481 Viger O 3rd floor. It's close to the W hotel, facing square
+ victoria park.> Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas like in the past months.
+ They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers for their
+ Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\n\r \r \r Since we are not
+ going at Notman, call up your friends who are coming. Remember them that we go
+ to Adgear. If you want to do like our 2 new speakers, don't hesitate to give your
+ name for a next meet-up.\r \r \r \r When: March 18st, 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where:
+ [Adgear](http://adgear.com/company/offices/) - 481 Avenue Viger West, suite 300\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2014-03-17 10:26:38.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: march-18th-meet-up
+- post_title: February 18th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Ce mois-ci, Notman House est fermé pour rénovation, alors un sondage
+ a été créé pour choisir un autre endroit. Après la compilation des votes, nous
+ avons eu un gagnant: Adgear. Merci aux compagnies qui nous ont proposé leurs locaux
+ et à ceux qui ont voté.\n\n> Le premier talk par [Jean-Francois Couture](https://twitter.com/jfcouture)
+ sera à propos de Data Context Interaction.\r\n> Après une pause de 6 ans après
+ ma dernière présentation sur git, cette présentation est à propos de DCI: Data
+ Context Interaction. Mon nom est Jean-Francois Couture, co-foundateur de Porkepic
+ Solutions (nous regardons peut-être pour de l'aide). Nous commencerons par voir
+ ce qu'est et comment un blog post en particulier semble avoir injustement tué
+ l'idée pour beaucoup de développeurs ruby. Puis, nous discuterons quand DCI est
+ approprié et comment, même si vous n'êtes pas d'accord, DCI peut vous aider avec
+ vos noms de variables et écrire de meilleurs objets de service.\n\n> Dans la deuxième
+ partie, nous aurons un **Gem Club**. Prenez un gem que vous venez de découvrir,
+ essayé ou que vous voulez montrez aux autres et présentez le dans une courte présentation.
+ Une présentation de 5 minutes est suffisante. Tous les gems sont intéressant,
+ nous voulons vous écouter.\n\n> [Adgear](http://adgear.com/) nous reçoit. Ils
+ sont dans l'édifice à côté de la construction au coin de Viger et McGill (Beaver
+ Hall). L'address est 481 Viger O - 3e étage. C'est près de l'hôtel W, en face
+ du parc square victoria.> Shopify commandite la bière est la pizzas comme les
+ derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours des développeurs
+ pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n\r \r \r Comme
+ nous ne serons pas à Notman, appelez vos amis qui veulent participer et rappellez
+ leur que nous allons chez Adgear et de ne pas oublier de préparer leur gem pour
+ le Gem Club.\r \r \r \r\n* * *\n\r \r \r \r This month Notman House is close for
+ renovation, so a survey was created to choose another location. After compiling
+ all the votes, we had a winner: Adgear. Thank you to all who proposed their location
+ and to who did vote.\r \r \r> The first talk by [Jean-Francois Couture](https://twitter.com/jfcouture)
+ will be about Data Context Interaction.\r\n> Coming out of retirement after 6
+ years since my talk on git, this presentation is going to be about DCI: Data Context
+ Interaction. My name is Jean-Francois Couture, co-founder of Porkepic Solutions
+ (we might be looking for help). We’ll first see what DCI is all about and how
+ one blog post in particular seems to have wrongfully killed the idea for a lot
+ of ruby developers. Then we’ll discuss when DCI is appropriate, and how even if
+ you don’t buy in, it can help you with naming and with writing better service
+ objects.\n\n> In the second part, we'll have the **Gem Club**. Take any gem you
+ discovered, tried, or want to show to the others and present it in a short laps
+ of time. A 5 minutes presentation is enough. All gems are interesting here, we
+ want to hear you.\n\n> [Adgear](http://adgear.com/) is receiving us. They are
+ the building immediately beside the big construction happening corner of Viger
+ and McGill Street (Beaver Hall). Address is 481 Viger O 3rd floor. It's close
+ to the W hotel, facing square victoria park.> Shopify is sponsoring beers and
+ pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\n\r \r
+ \r Since we are not going at Notman, call up your friends who are coming. Remember
+ them that we go to Adgear and to prepare their gem for the Gem Club.\r \r \r \r
+ When: February 18st, 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Adgear](http://adgear.com/company/offices/)
+ - 481 Avenue Viger West, suite 300\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby
+ on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're
+ welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2014-02-14 16:56:44.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: february-18th-meet-up
+- post_title: April 15th, Meet-up
+ post_content: "En ce printemps tardif, Montreal.rb continue de se promener. Ci mois-ci,
+ nous irons visiter District 3 à Concordia.\n\n> Notre premier talk sera par [Nicholas
+ Henry](https://twitter.com/nicholasjhenry). Il viendra tester sa présentation
+ de RailsConf sur nous. Il est à la recherche de commentaires pour améliorer sa
+ présentation.\r \r \r\n> **Modeling on the Right Side of the Brain**\n> \n> Depuis
+ votre première application web, vous avez eu de la difficulté à identifier les
+ objets du domaine. Identifier les règles d'affaire et les services semble être
+ un talent que seulement les autres développeurs possèdent. N'ayez pas peur. La
+ modélisation d'objet s'apprend et s'enseigne. Cette présentation démontrera les
+ cinq compétences essentielles nécessaire pour modéliser des objets et leurs responsabilités.
+ Pensez au-delà d'ActiveRecord et de votre base de donnée, apprenez comment les
+ couleurs et les patterns vont vous aider à expliquer, entretenir et étendre votre
+ application.\n\n> La deuxième présentation sera par [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot).
+ Il nous parlera d'un problème de Rails qu'il a rencontré chez Shopify.\r\n> **Debugging
+ Counter Caches**\n> \n> Utilisez vous les \"counter cache\" ? Avez-vous déjà remarqué
+ un compteur décalé ? Vous-êtes vous demandé pourquoi ? Dans cette session de déverminage
+ interactive, nous fouillerons dans le code de Rails pour comprendre comment les
+ \"counter cache\" fonctionnent, et comment ils peuvent êtres désynchronisés. Et
+ qui sait, on pourrait même patcher Rails.\n\n> Ce mois-ci, le meet-up sera chez
+ [District 3](http://d3center.ca/). District 3 est le centre d'innovation / incubateur
+ de Concordia. Ils assistent des start-ups à se mettre sur pied avec un espace
+ et du mentorat et ils aident des entreprises sociales comme Ingénieur Sans Frontière
+ avec des projets innovants. Ils sont au 7e étage du [E.V. Building](http://www.concordia.ca/maps/sgw-campus.html?building=EV)
+ (1515 St-Catherine West) suite 7.105.\n\n> Shopify commandite la bière et la pizza
+ comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours
+ des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n*
+ * *\n\nIn this late spring, Montreal.rb continues to visit the city. This month,
+ we'll go see District 3 at Concordia.\n\n> Our first talk will be by [Nicholas
+ Henry](https://twitter.com/nicholasjhenry). He's going to test his RailsConf presentation
+ on us. He is searching comments to improve his presentation.\r \r \r\n> **Modeling
+ on the Right Side of the Brain**\n> \n> Since your first web application, you
+ have struggled with identifying domain objects. Assigning business rules and services
+ appears to be a talent that only other developers are born with. Fear not! Object
+ Modeling is a learnable, teachable skill. This talk demonstrates the five essential
+ skills you need for modeling objects and their responsibilities. Think beyond
+ ActiveRecord and your database, and learn how color and patterns will help you
+ explain, maintain and extend your application.\n\n> The second talk will be by
+ [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot). He's going to talk about a Rails problem
+ he faced while working at Shopify\r\n> **Debugging Counter Cache**\n> \n> Do you
+ use Rails counter caches? Did you ever notice a counter that was incorrect? Did
+ you wonder what happened? In this interactive debugging session, we'll dig into
+ Rails internals to understand how cache counters works, and how they can be corrupted.
+ And who knows, we might even fix Rails.\n\n> This month, the meet-up will be at
+ [District 3](http://d3center.ca/). District 3 is Concordia University's Innovation
+ Center/Incubator - we assist start-ups in getting on their feet with space, mentorship
+ - and we run innovation projects for social enterprises like Engineers Without
+ Borders.. They are on the 7th floor of [E.V. Building](http://www.concordia.ca/maps/sgw-campus.html?building=EV)
+ (1515 St-Catherine West) suite 7.105.> Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas
+ like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\n\r \r
+ When: April 15st, 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where: [District 3](http://d3center.ca/)
+ - 1515 St-Catherine West, suite 7.105\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in
+ Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're
+ welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2014-04-14 00:12:57.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: april-15th-meet-up
+- post_title: May 20th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Après notre visite de la ville lors des derniers mois, nous retournons
+ à Notman House. Nous allons pouvoir voir les nouveautés après les rénovations.\n\n>
+ Notre première présentation par [Marc-Antoine Duhaime](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/duhaime/)
+ sera à propos d'un agrégateur qu'il a bâtit.\r \r \r \r Il présentera Reglowed,
+ un agrégateur qui collecte ce qui se fait mieux en matière d’architecture et de
+ design sur le web. Durant la présentation de ce projet, il revisitera le processus
+ de création d’une application, du point de vue d’un designer. En parallèle, il
+ exposera les choix technologiques qui ont été faits.> La deuxième présentation
+ par [Christian Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey) sera **Scalling Shopify**.\r
+ \r \r Shopify est une platforme hébergée avec plus de 100 000 clients.\r \r Plus
+ que 4 millions de dollars passent par Shopify Checkout chaque jour. Nous voyons
+ des pointes de trafic intense plusieurs fois par semaines à cause de ventes flashes
+ ou de compagnie apparaissant sur les médias.\r \r Cette présentation couvrira
+ nos stratégies de caching, de mesurement et de tests de charge pour supporter
+ ce trafic et garder nos clients heureux.> À la fin, [Andy Maleh](https://twitter.com/AndyMaleh)
+ fera un retour rapide sur RailsConf 2014 où il était un présentateur.> Shopify
+ commandite la bière et la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n*
+ * *\n\r \r \r \r After moving around for the last months, we are going back to
+ Notman House. We'll see what's new over there.\r \r \r> Our first talk will be
+ by [Marc-Antoine Duhaime](http://ca.linkedin.com/in/duhaime/). He'll present us
+ an aggregator he built.\r \r \r \r Marc-Antoine will present us Reglowed, an aggregator
+ for the best architectural design on the web. During this talk, he'll revisit
+ the creation of an application, from a designer point of view. At the same time,
+ he'll expose the technological choices made during the development of the application.>
+ The second talk will be by [Christian Joudrey](https://twitter.com/cjoudrey) with
+ his talk **Scalling Shopify**.\r \r \r Shopify is a hosted e-commerce platform
+ with more than 100,000 customers.\r \r Over four million dollars goes through
+ Shopify's checkout every day. We see massive traffic spikes several times a week
+ due to flash sales and shops appearing on mass media.\r \r This talk will cover
+ our strategies for caching, measuring and load testing in order to withstand this
+ traffic and keep our customers happy.> At the end, [Andy Maleh](https://twitter.com/AndyMaleh)
+ will do a quick recap of RailsConf 2014 where he presented.> Shopify is sponsoring
+ beers and pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r \r \r
+ \r \r \r \r \r \r When: May 20th, 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2014-05-19 11:54:07.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: may-20th-meet-up
+- post_title: September 16th Meet-Up
+ post_content: "Il semblerait que l'été nous ait quitté pour laisser sa place à l'automne.
+ Peu importe, Montreal.rb continue malgré le froid.\n\n> La première présentation
+ sera par [Colin Surprenant](https://twitter.com/colinsurprenant) à propos de JRuby.\r
+ \r \r \r \r \r JRuby! l'évolution et le futur de Ruby sur la JVM. Où JRuby est
+ utile et pourquoi devriez vous l'utiliser!\r\n> \n> \r Colin fait du développement
+ logiciel avec JRuby sur Logstash pour Elasticsearch. Il est aussi un développeur
+ open-source et un entrepreneur passionné travaillant avec les technologies Internet,
+ les systèmes distribués et architecture \"scalable\" et le traitement des flux
+ de données en temps-réel.> Par la suite, [Jean-François Couture](https://twitter.com/jfcouture)
+ nous présentera les Form Objects.\r \r \r \r \r \r Les Form Objects. Qu’est-ce
+ que c’est? Ca mange quoi en hiver? Pourquoi? Pourquoi pas? Comment perdre du poids?\r
+ Jean-Francois Couture répondra à toutes ces questions.\r [Porképic Solutions](http://porkepic.com/)
+ est à la recherche d’un développeur pour une nouvelle application bâtit pour l’industrie
+ de la construction, pour le chantier mobile, utilisant Rails et Ember.js> Shopify
+ commandite la bière et la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n*
+ * *\n\n\r \r It looks like summer is gone to let space for autumn. Nevertheless,
+ Montreal.rb continues event in the cold.\r \r \r> Our first presentation will
+ be by [Colin Surprenant](https://twitter.com/colinsurprenant) about JRuby.\r \r
+ \r \r \r \r JRuby! the evolution and the future of Ruby on the JVM. Where JRuby
+ shines and why you should be using it!\r\n> \n> \r Colin is a software engineer
+ at Elasticsearch, working on Logstash using JRuby. Colin is an open source software
+ developer and passionate self-starter working with Internet technologies, distributed
+ & scalable architectures, real-time data and stream processing.> To follow up,
+ [Jean-François Couture](https://twitter.com/jfcouture) will present Form Objects.\r
+ \r \r \r \r \r Form Objects. What are they? Why? When? How? Can they help me lose
+ weight?\r Jean-Francois Couture will try to answer these questions for you.\r
+ [Porkepic Solutions](http://porkepic.com/) is looking to hire for a new project,
+ one that’ll help the construction industry manage their worksite, using Rails
+ and Ember.js> Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas like in the past months.
+ They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers for their
+ Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\n\r \r When: September 16th,
+ 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) - 51 Sherbrooke
+ West, last floor at the back\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails
+ or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r
+ \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2014-09-15 10:23:11.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: september-16th-meet-up
+- post_title: June 17th - Ruby for noobies
+ post_content: "Notre rencontre mensuelle aura le thème de l'apprentissage. Nos conférenciers
+ vont nous montrer des outils et des techniques pour apprendre plus vite et mieux.\n\n-
+ [Nicholas Henry](http://blog.firsthand.ca/) - Do not commit your secrets\n- [Jean
+ Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) - Debugging tips and techniques\n- [Alexandre
+ Croteau-Pothier](http://alexcp.com) - Faraday your way into APIs\n- [Charles Barbier](http://http://charlesbarbier.com/)
+ - Code Exploration\n- [Mathieu Gagné](https://github.com/mathieugagne) - Resources
+ for learning further\n> Shopify commandite la bière et la pizza comme les derniers
+ mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours des développeurs
+ pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\r \r \r \r Our meet-up
+ this month is all about learning. We've got a great lineup of speakers that will
+ show us tools and techniques to help us get better.\r \r \r \r\n- [Nicholas Henry](http://blog.firsthand.ca/)
+ - Do not commit your secrets\n- [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) - Debugging
+ tips and techniques\n- [Alexandre Croteau-Pothier](http://alexcp.com) - Faraday
+ your way into APIs\n- [Charles Barbier](http://http://charlesbarbier.com/) - Code
+ Exploration\n- [Mathieu Gagné](https://github.com/mathieugagne) - Resources for
+ learning further\n> Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas like in the past months.
+ They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers for their
+ Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r \r \r \r When: June 17th, 2014
+ at 18:30\r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) on the 3rd floor\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in learning more about Ruby and Ruby on Rails\r
+ \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?:
+ [Contact Gary Haran](mailto:gary.haran@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2014-06-12 16:16:31.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: ruby-for-noobies
+- post_title: July 15th Meet-up
+ post_content: "En ce mois de juillet, nous nous rencontrons pour parler de Rails.
+ Un peu de design et de compréhension de l'outil pour s'amuser pendant un, souhaitons-le,
+ si bel été.\n\n> La première présentation sera par [Guillaume Malette](https://twitter.com/gmalette).
+ Il nous parlera de la Simplification des contrôleurs.\r \r \r \r Dans la présentation,
+ Guillaume montre des façons de simplifier des contrôleurs qui doivent effectuer
+ des tâches complexes. Particulièrement, il montre comment remplacer les before\\_action
+ des contrôleurs et les validations sur les modèles pour avoir du code plus simple
+ et plus facile à maintenir.> Par la suite, [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot)
+ nous présentera Demystifying Sprockets.\r \r \r \r Sprockets (aka Rails asset
+ pipeline) est une grande source de confusion pour le débutant et encore plus pour
+ les développeurs avancés.\r \r Dans cette présentation, Jean va présenter pourquoi
+ Sprockets existe, comment il fonctionne et comme utiliser toute sa puissance en
+ écrivant des processeurs personnalisés (comme optimiser vos PNGs)> Shopify commandite
+ la bière et la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n*
+ * *\n\n\r \r In July, lets meet to talk about Rails. We'll have some fun speaking
+ about design and understanding of the tool in this, finger crossed, beautiful
+ summer.\r \r \r> The first presentation by [Guillaume Malette](https://twitter.com/gmalette)
+ will talk about Simplifying Controllers.\r \r \r \r In this presentation, Guillaume
+ shows how to simplify your controllers which needs to do complex actions. In particular,
+ he'll demonstrate how to replace the before\\_action in the controllers and model
+ validations to have simpler code, which is easier to read and maintain.> Afterward,
+ [Jean Boussier](https://github.com/byroot) will present Demystifying Sprockets.\r
+ \r \r\n> \r \r Sprockets (aka the Rails asset pipeline) is a big source of struggle
+ for beginners and even for more experienced developers.\r \r In this talk Jean
+ will will explain why it’s there, how it works and how to leverage all it’s power
+ by writing custom processors (like optimizing your PNGs for example).> Shopify
+ is sponsoring beers and pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\n\r \r
+ When: May 20th, 2014 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)\r
+ \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r
+ \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2014-07-14 10:02:16.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: july-15th-meet-up
+- post_title: August 19th Meet-up - Dine and Drinks
+ post_content: "Pour célébrer l'été on va laisser de coté les présentation et à la
+ place se donner rendez-vous au _3 Brasseurs_ du _732 Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montreal,
+ QC H3B1B9_ pour un souper et un peu à boire.\r \r**Il est impératif de s'enregistrer
+ puisque nous faisons une réservation au restaurant** [Inscription](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/montreal-ruby-august-2014-dine-and-drinks-tickets-12651489947
+ \"Inscription\")\n\n* * *\n\r \r To celebrate a great summer we are eschewing
+ the conventional monthly presentations in favour of a supper and drinks at the
+ _3 Brewers_ at _732 Ste-Catherine West, Montreal, QC H3B1B9_.\r \r**We must register
+ for this event as we are making a reservation at the restaurant** [Register](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/montreal-ruby-august-2014-dine-and-drinks-tickets-12651489947
+ \"register\")"
+ post_date: 2014-08-14 14:24:55.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: august-19th-meet-up-dine-and-drinks
+- post_title: October 21st Meet-Up
+ post_content: "Octobre est déjà bien avancé mais ne saurait laisser sa place à Novembre
+ sans d'abord avoir eu son Montreal.rb! Ce mois-ci nous aurons d'excellentes présentations
+ faites par deux habitués, Mathieu et David.\r \r 1) Mathieu - De zéro à héros
+ (?) avec Logstash\r \r 2) David - Que se passe-t'il au moment où un utilisateur
+ entre un URL et le moment où une page s'affiche\r \r Comme d'habitude, vous êtes
+ tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer les discussions autour d'une bonne
+ bière!\n\n> ![Shopify](http://cdn.shopify.com/assets/images/affiliates-badges-banners/badges/shopify-buttons-125x125-green.png?1397243529)
+ Shopify commandite la bière et la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n\r
+ \r Quand: 21 Octobre 2014 à 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, dernier étage à l'arrière\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé
+ par Ruby et/ou Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin,
+ tout le monde est le bienvenue\r \r Questions?: [Contactez](mailto:christ.blais@gmail.com)moi\r
+ \r\n\n* * *\n\r \r \r \r 3rd week of the month, what does that mean? Montreal.rb,
+ beer and pizza! This time we'll have two regulars, Mathieu and David.\r \r 1)
+ Mathieu - LogStash is infinitely flexible & all, but you need not be intimidated
+ by that to get started.\r \r 2) David - What really happens during a web request?\r
+ \r As usual, you're all invited for a beer at Benelux!\r \r \r> ![Shopify](http://cdn.shopify.com/assets/images/affiliates-badges-banners/badges/shopify-buttons-125x125-green.png?1397243529)
+ Shopify is sponsoring beers and pizzas like in the past months. They are still
+ [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers for their Montreal office.
+ Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\r \r \r \r When: October 21st, 2014 at 18:30\r
+ \r\n\n\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) - 51 Sherbrooke
+ West, last floor at the back\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails
+ or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r
+ \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:christ.blais@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2014-10-16 19:54:41.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: october-21st-meet-up
+- post_title: April 21th meetup
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r Ce mois-ci, le meetup sera animé par
+ [Gary](https://twitter.com/garyharan) puisque les organisateurs habituels seront
+ tous à l'extérieur du pays. Ce meetup ayant lieu en même temps que Railsconf 2015,
+ nous vous offrons une présentation digne de ce nom!\r \r \r> **![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrink_200_200/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAGoAAAAJDgxYmVmMmIxLWYxYzItNDRmYi05OTBiLTE2NzRjNzNlODA3Ng.jpg)Abstract
+ Feature Branch** by [Andy Maleh](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andymaleh)\n> \n>
+ \r \r Combien de fois vous êtes-vous retrouvés près de la ligne d’arrivée de la
+ mise en prod d’un nouveau feature excitant, mais retirés à la dernière minute
+ par les gestionnaires pour régler des problèmes plus urgents? Que faites-vous
+ avec le code incomplet de votre feature si une bonne part est fonctionnelle et
+ déjà intégrée dans Master? Faut-il l’extraire dans une branche à part? Faut-il
+ commenter le code qui n’est pas prêt à être exposé au client? Et qui faire des
+ améliorations de design, amenés par le nouveau feature qui sont déjà utiles à
+ l’équipe aujourd’hui? Est-ce qu’on laisse les améliorations de design sur la glace
+ jusqu’à ce que le feature reviennent en priorité?\r \r Ces décisions sont généralement
+ prises par l’équipe au cas par cas et viennent souvent avec des gros compromis
+ sur la qualité et sur la livraison.\r \r Consultant pour Sears en 2009 et travaillant
+ chez Groupon.com en 2012, j'ai travaillé dans des équipe qui ont adoptés une solution
+ efficace et peu couteuse au problème appelée \"_Branch by Abstraction_\", une
+ technique popularisée par Martin Fowler, auteur de _UML Distilled and Patterns
+ of Enterprise Application Architecture_.\r \r Dans cette présentation, je vais
+ expliquer _Branch by Abstraction_ et démontrer comment l'appliquer à Ruby en utilisant
+ un gem que j'ai créé appelé _Abstract Feature Branch_, partiellement inspiré par
+ les librairies internes utilisées par Sears et Groupon. Ce gem a au dessus de
+ 50000 téléchargements sur rubygems.org et a été utilisé dans une multitude de
+ mes projets, incluant le lancement de EarlyShares.com et l'amélioration de Factor75.com.\r
+ \r À la fin de la présentation, l'audience aura une compréhension de base des
+ concepts de _Branch by Abstraction_ et suffisamment de connaissances de _Abstract
+ Feature Branch_ pour être en mesure d'explorer le concept dans ses propres projets.\r
+ \r \r Comme d'habitude, vous êtes tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer
+ les discussions autour d'une bonne bière!\r \r \r> Shopify commandite la pizza
+ comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours
+ des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\r
+ \r \r Quand: 21 avril 2015 à 18:30\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, 3ème étage\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby et/ou
+ Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le monde
+ est le bienvenu\r \r Questions?: Contactez [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)
+ ou [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n### English:\n\r This month, the
+ meetup will be hosted by [Gary](https://twitter.com/garyharan) since the usual
+ organizers will all be out of the country. Since the meetup will occur at the
+ same time as the Railsconf2015, we offer a presentation worthy of its name!\r
+ \r \r> **![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrink_200_200/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAGoAAAAJDgxYmVmMmIxLWYxYzItNDRmYi05OTBiLTE2NzRjNzNlODA3Ng.jpg)Abstract
+ Feature Branch** by [Andy Maleh](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andymaleh)\n> \n>
+ \r \r How many times do you find yourself near the software release finish line
+ on an exciting new feature only to be pulled off by management in the last minute
+ to sneak in some higher priority emergency fix? What do you do with the unfinished
+ feature's code if parts of it were already functional and merged into master?
+ Do you pluck it out and move to a remote feature branch? Do you simply comment
+ out the code not ready for exposure to the customer? What about some of the nice
+ software design improvements that were done as part of the feature and are being
+ put to good use by the team today? Do you also put design improvements off till
+ the feature is deemed by management high priority again?\r \r These questions
+ typically get decided on by the team on a case by case basis, and often with big
+ compromises affecting both project delivery and code quality.\r \r While consulting
+ for Sears in 2009 and working at Groupon.com in 2012, I happened to work in teams
+ that adopted a very effective and inexpensive solution to the problem called \"_Branch
+ by Abstraction_\", a technique originally popularized by Martin Fowler, author
+ of _UML Distilled and Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture_.\r \r In
+ this talk, I aim to explain _Branch by Abstraction_ and demonstrate how to apply
+ in Ruby using a gem I wrote called _Abstract Feature Branch_, partly inspired
+ by the internal team libraries used at Sears and Groupon. The gem has already
+ had over 50,000 downloads from rubygem.org and has been utilized in several of
+ my newer projects, including launch of EarlyShares.com and enhancements of Factor75.com.\r
+ \r Attendees should walk out with basic understanding of _Branch by Abstraction_
+ and enough knowledge of _Abstract Feature Branch_ to be able to explore further
+ in their own projects after the talk.\r \r \r As usual, you're all invited for
+ a beer at Benelux!\r> Shopify is sponsoring pizzas like in the past months. They
+ are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers for their Montreal
+ office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r \r \r When: April 21th, 2015 at 18:30\r
+ \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) - 51 Sherbrooke West, 3rd
+ floor\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much:
+ Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: Contact
+ [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com) or [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-04-08 12:25:29.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: april-21th-meetup
+- post_title: November 18th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Cette première neige de l'année s'abat sur nous en ce mois de Novembre.
+ Peu importe les intempéries, Montreal.rb aura lieu quand même dans le café du
+ Notman House.\n\n> 1) Guillaume Malette - How to handle uniqueness constraints
+ in Rails\r \r 2) David Lazar - Fork you gem, I am gonna fix yer wagon\r Comme
+ d'habitude, vous êtes tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer les discussions
+ autour d'une bonne bière!\r \r \r> Shopify commandite la bière et la pizza comme
+ les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours des
+ développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n\r
+ \r Quand: 18 Novembre 2014 à 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, café au sous-sol\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par
+ Ruby et/ou Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout
+ le monde est le bienvenue\r \r Questions?: [Contactez moi](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n\n*
+ * *\n\r \r \r \r Here it is, the first snow of the year. Even with the snow, Montreal.rb
+ will take place in the Notman House Café.\r> 1) Guillaume Malette - How to handle
+ uniqueness constraints in Rails\r \r 2) David Lazar - Fork you gem, I am gonna
+ fix yer wagon\r As usual, you're all invited for a beer at Benelux!\r \r \r> Shopify
+ is sponsoring beers and pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\r \r \r
+ \r When: November 18th, 2014 at 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke West, café downstair\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby
+ on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're
+ welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2014-11-17 13:28:57.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: november-18th-meet-up
+- post_title: January 20th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Nous voici au premier Montreal.rb de 2015. Cette fois, le meet-up
+ sera chez RPM Montréal.\n\n> 1) Marc-André Cournoyer - Re-implementing Rails (ActionController
+ & ActionDispatch).\r \r 2) Gem Club - Présentez un Gem que vous aimez aux autres
+ participants> Ce mois-ci, [RPM Montréal](http://rpm.startupcentre.ca/) va nous
+ recevoir. Ils sont situés au [420 Guy](http://rpm.startupcentre.ca/map/).> Shopify
+ commandite la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n\r
+ \r \r \r Quand: 20 Janvier 2015 à 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Où: [RPM Montréal](http://rpm.startupcentre.ca/map/)
+ - 420 Guy\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby et/ou Ruby on Rails\r \r
+ Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le monde est le bienvenue\r
+ \r Questions?: [Contactez moi](mailto:christ.blais@gmail.com)\n\n* * *\n\r \r
+ \r \r We are at the first Montreal.rb of 2015. This time, the meet-up will be
+ at RPM Montreal.\r> 1) Marc-André Cournoyer - Re-implementing Rails (ActionController
+ & ActionDispatch).\r \r 2) Gem Club - Present a Gem you like to the other participants>
+ This month, [RPM Montreal](http://rpm.startupcentre.ca/) will host Montreal.rb.
+ There address is: [420 Guy](http://rpm.startupcentre.ca/map/).> Shopify is sponsoring
+ pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\r \r \r
+ \r \r \r When: January 20th, 2015 at 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Where: [RPM Montreal](http://rpm.startupcentre.ca/map/)
+ - 420 Guy\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How
+ much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?:
+ [Contact me](mailto:christ.blais@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2015-01-12 13:38:04.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: january-20th-meet-up
+- post_title: December 16th Meet-up
+ post_content: "On y est déjà, dernier meet-up de l'année! Encore une fois, Montreal.rb
+ aura lieu dans le café du Notman House.\n\n> 1) Simon Génier - MRuby\r \r 2) Étienne
+ Barrié - Kwargs\r \r 3) Christian Blais - 15 slides in 15 minutes\r Comme d'habitude,
+ vous êtes tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer les discussions autour
+ d'une bonne bière!\r \r \r> ![Shopify](http://cdn.shopify.com/assets/images/affiliates-badges-banners/badges/shopify-buttons-125x125-green.png?1397243529)Shopify
+ commandite la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\n\n\r
+ \r Quand: 16 Décembre 2014 à 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, café au sous-sol\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par
+ Ruby et/ou Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout
+ le monde est le bienvenue\r \r Questions?: [Contactez moi](mailto:christ.blais@gmail.com)\n\n*
+ * *\n\r \r \r \r Here we are, last ruby meet-up of the year! This time again,
+ Montreal.rb will take place in the Notman House Café.\r> 1) Simon Génier - MRuby\r
+ \r 2) Étienne Barrié - Kwargs\r \r 3) Christian Blais - 15 slides in 15 minutes\r
+ As usual, you're all invited for a beer at Benelux!\r \r \r> ![Shopify](http://cdn.shopify.com/assets/images/affiliates-badges-banners/badges/shopify-buttons-125x125-green.png?1397243529)Shopify
+ is sponsoring pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\n\r \r \r
+ \r When: November 18th, 2014 at 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke West, café downstair\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby
+ on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're
+ welcome\r \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:christ.blais@gmail.com)\n"
+ post_date: 2014-12-12 12:14:30.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: december-16th-meet-up
+- post_title: February 17th meetup
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r Ce mois-ci, nous avons deux présentations
+ qui (comme toujours) s'annoncent captivantes! Nous sommes de retour à la Maison
+ Notman.\r \r> ### Présentation de Ember.js\n> \r \r \r Par : [Jean-François Couture](https://twitter.com/jfcouture)\r
+ \r Fatigué du spagetti JQuery pour ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités côté client?
+ Ajoutez cette présentation à votre calendrier!> ### Outside-In agile testing\n>
+ \r \r \r Par : [Michael Elfassy](https://twitter.com/michaelelfassy)\r \r Michael
+ nous fera la démonstration d'une méthode pour tester nos applications Rails qui
+ a pour but d'être la plus intuitive, efficace et fiable possible. Tout en étant
+ amusante pour le développeur. Challenge accepted!> Comme d'habitude, vous êtes
+ tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer les discussions autour d'une bonne
+ bière!\n\n> Shopify commandite la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\r
+ Quand: 17 Février 2015 à 18:30\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, 3ème étage \r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby
+ et/ou Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le
+ monde est le bienvenu\r \r Questions?: [Contactez moi](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)\n\n###
+ English:\n\n* * *\n\r \r This month we have two presentations and they will be
+ captivating (as always)! Montreal.rb will take place in the Notman House.\r> ###
+ Ember.js Introduction\n> \r \r \r With : [Jean-François Couture](https://twitter.com/jfcouture)\r
+ \r If you are tired of jquery spaghetti when adding functionality browser side,
+ mark your calendar!> ### Outside-In agile testing\n> \r \r \r With : [Michael
+ Elfassy](https://twitter.com/michaelelfassy)\r \r Michael will demonstrate a method
+ for testing our Rails applications that aims to be as intuitive, efficient and
+ reliable as possible. As well as being fun for the developer. Challenge accepted!>
+ As usual, you're all invited for a beer at Benelux!\n\n> Shopify is sponsoring
+ pizzas like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r When:
+ February 17th, 2015 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke West, 3rd floor\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on
+ Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r
+ \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-01-23 17:45:24.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: february-17th-meetup
+- post_title: March 17th Meet-up
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r À la suite d'une présentation à Confoo,
+ Leonard a accepté de nous donner un talk qu'il a originalement écrit pour les
+ employés de Ballistiq. Pour limiter leurs coûts en [CDN](http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network),
+ ils ont décidé d'implémenter leur propre serveur à partir de l' [interface Rack](http://rack.github.io/).
+ Cette présentation sera une excellente suite à la présentation de Marc-André Cournoyer
+ de janvier: Re-implementing Rails (ActionController & ActionDispatch).\r \r \r>
+ **How to build your own CDN and save tons**\n> \n> \r \r Lors de cette présentation,
+ [Leonard Teo](https://twitter.com/leonardteo) de [Ballistiq](http://www.ballistiq.com/)
+ montrera comment ils ont écrit leurs propre CDN pour ArtStation, le plus gros
+ site d'artistes de jeux et de films, et sauvé \\>90% de leur coût sur Cloudfront.\r
+ \r \r Comme d'habitude, vous êtes tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer
+ les discussions autour d'une bonne bière!\r \r \r> Shopify commandite la pizza
+ comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours
+ des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\r
+ \r \r Quand: 17 Mars 2015 à 18:30\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, 3ème étage\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby et/ou
+ Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le monde
+ est le bienvenu\r \r Questions?: Contactez [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)
+ ou [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n### English:\n\r After a presentation
+ at Confoo, Leonard accepted to give us a talk meant for Ballistiq employees. To
+ limit their [CDN](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network) costs,
+ they decided to build their own server from the [Rack interface](http://rack.github.io/).
+ This presentation is a nice follow up to Marc-André Cournoyer's January presentation:
+ Re-implementing Rails (ActionController & ActionDispatch).\r \r \r> **How to build
+ your own CDN and save tons**\n> \n> \r \r In this talk, [Leonard Teo](https://twitter.com/leonardteo)
+ from [Ballistiq](http://www.ballistiq.com/) shows you how they wrote their own
+ CDN for ArtStation, the world's largest site for game and movie artists, and saved
+ \\> 90% on costs over using Cloudfront.\r \r \r As usual, you're all invited for
+ a beer at Benelux!\r> Shopify is sponsoring pizzas like in the past months. They
+ are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers for their Montreal
+ office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r \r \r When: March 17th, 2015 at 18:30\r
+ \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) - 51 Sherbrooke West, 3rd
+ floor\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r \r How much:
+ Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: Contact
+ [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com) or [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-03-15 12:19:51.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: march-17th-meet-up
+- post_title: Meetup du 19 mai - May 19th meetup
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r Railsconf cette année a été fantastique!
+ Avec l'annonce de Rails 5 et de ses nouveaux features par DHH, Sandi Metz qui
+ sait toujours nous éblouir avec du Ruby si pur, clair et magnifique et Aaron Paterson
+ travaillant fort pour améliorer les performances de RubyGems, Rails et Minitest,
+ on a beaucoup à discuter. Pour ceux qui y étaient, vous pourrez partager ce qui
+ vous a marqué le plus. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas eu cette chance, préparez vos questions!\r
+ \r Nous aurons aussi une excellente présentation qui saura intéresser tout le
+ monde, des hobbyists aux gurus de Ruby: \r \r \r> **![](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/733948208/IndianaTux.png)IoT/IoE...and
+ some ruby to rule them all** by [André Courchesne](https://twitter.com/IndianaTux)\n>
+ \n> \r \r Vous avez toujours rêver de contrôler le monde physique a partir de
+ votre code Ruby?\r Peut-être lire un senseur de température et l'afficher sur
+ un graphique dans une application web ?\r Contrôler l'arrosage de vos plantes
+ en vous basant sur les données d'un senseur d’humidité ?\r Mais ou commencer?
+ Si vous étés un ingénieur logiciel et/ou avec passer votre vie a faire des site
+ web, l’idée de brancher un senseur de température qui utilise un protocole 1-wire
+ peut sembler complexe.\r Plus maintenant ! Le un des marcher le plus en demande
+ dans présentement sont les appareils connecter (IoT/IoE) et le mouvement DIY/Maker
+ le rend très abordable et facile.\r Dans cette courte présentation je vais vous
+ parler des 3 plateforme les plus populaire sur le marcher: Arduino, RaspberryPi
+ et BeagleBoneBlack.\r La présentation va inclure:\r \r - Qu'est-ce que les IoT/IoE\r
+ - Comment est-ce que je peut embarquer ?\r - Quel carte/plateforme choisir\r -
+ Bien entendu un peut de Ruby pour contrôler tout ca\r - Un exemple réel\r - Démo
+ d'une application amusante\r \r \r Comme d'habitude, vous êtes tous conviés au
+ Bénélux ensuite pour continuer les discussions autour d'une bonne bière!\r \r
+ \r> Shopify commandite la pizza comme les derniers mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ toujours des développeurs pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\r
+ \r \r Quand: 19 mai 2015 à 18:30\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, 3ème étage\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby et/ou
+ Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le monde
+ est le bienvenu\r \r Questions?: Contactez [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)
+ ou [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n### English:\n\r \r RailsConf this
+ year was fantastic! With the announcement of Rails 5 by DHH and its new features,
+ Sandi Metz who always knows to dazzle us with so pure, clear and beautiful Ruby
+ and Aaron Paterson working hard to improve the performance of RubyGems, Rails
+ and Minitest, much has to discuss. For those who were there, you can share what
+ marked you most. For those who have not been so lucky, get your questions ready!\r
+ \r We also have an excellent presentation that will interest everyone, from hobbyists
+ to Ruby gurus:\r \r \r> **![](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/733948208/IndianaTux.png)IoT/IoE...and
+ some ruby to rule them all** by [André Courchesne](https://twitter.com/IndianaTux)\n>
+ \n> \r \r \r Ever wanted to control something physical from your Ruby code? \r
+ Maybe read some temperature sensor values and display them on a graph?\r Control
+ the watering of your garden based on soil humidity ?\r But where to start? If
+ you dedicated your life to software engineering and/or web design, the idea of
+ connecting a temperature sensor to some board and reading from a sensor that uses
+ a 1-wire protocol may sound far fetched and beyond reach.\r Not anymore ! One
+ of the hottest trends in today's DIY/Maker market is making internet connected
+ devices (IoT/IoE for shorts) and it's easy as Pi !\r During this short presentation
+ I'll introduce you to the world of Arduino, RaspberryPi and BeagleBoneBlack, the
+ 3 most popular platform for hardware hacking and making your own IoT/IoE.\r Presentation
+ will include:\r - What is IoT/IoE\r - How can I get in on it ?\r - Which board
+ to choose depending on your needs\r - And off course how can Ruby be used in this\r
+ - A real world example\r - Live demo just for fun\r \r \r As usual, you're all
+ invited for a beer at Benelux!\r> Shopify is sponsoring pizzas like in the past
+ months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers) developers
+ for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r \r \r When: May 19th,
+ 2015 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) - 51 Sherbrooke
+ West, 3rd floor\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on Rails or Ruby\r
+ \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?:
+ Contact [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com) or [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-05-02 15:27:25.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-du-19-mai-may-19th-meetup
+- post_title: 'Meetup du 16 juin / June 16th Meetup '
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r Ce mois-ci, nous aurons une présentation
+ qui va intéresser les développeurs de nombreuses sphères. Amenez vos collègues
+ et amis!\r \r \r> **![](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/495110391022628864/BU8x_2WN.jpeg)Intro
+ to Riak** par [Florencia Herra-Vega](https://twitter.com/flohdot)\n> \n> \r \r
+ Riak est un système de base de donées NoSQL distribué très tolérant aux pannes.
+ L'idée derrière Riak est que vous pouvez dormir tranquilement même si un noeud
+ es littéralement en flammes, et de rendre facile le remplacement et la réparation
+ du cluster. Nous parlerons de l'approche de Riak à la scalabilité et à la redondance
+ de données, en expliquant un peu de théorie sur les systèmes distribués. Nous
+ parlerons aussi des différentes configurations de consistence dans Riak, et de
+ comment utiliser la magie mathématique des types de données \"CRDT” pour éviter
+ les conflits et bien structurer les modèles de votre application.\r \r \r Comme
+ d'habitude, vous êtes tous conviés au Bénélux ensuite pour continuer les discussions
+ autour d'une bonne bière!\r \r \r> Shopify commandite la pizza comme les derniers
+ mois. Ils [cherchent](http://www.shopify.com/careers) toujours des développeurs
+ pour leurs bureaux à Montréal. N'hésitez pas à les contacter.\r \r \r Quand: 16
+ juin 2015 à 18:30\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact) - 51 Sherbrooke
+ Ouest, 3ème étage\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby et/ou Ruby on Rails\r
+ \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le monde est le bienvenu\r
+ \r Questions?: Contactez [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com) ou [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n*
+ * *\n\n### English:\n\r This month we will have a presentation that will interest
+ developers many areas. Bring your colleagues and friends!\r \r \r> **![](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/495110391022628864/BU8x_2WN.jpeg)Intro
+ to Riak** par [Florencia Herra-Vega](https://twitter.com/flohdot)\n> \n> \r \r
+ Riak is a NoSQL datastore built to run as a highly fault-tolerant distributed
+ cluster. The idea behind Riak is that you can literally set a node on fire and
+ the cluster will be able to function reliably while you sleep on, and bounce back
+ to normal when the node is replaced. This presentation will go over Riak's approach
+ to replication and scaling, covering a tiny bit of distributed systems theory
+ in the process. We will also go over Riak's consistency configurations and the
+ mathemagically conflict-free CRDT datatypes and how you can create sensible data
+ models for your application while making the most of these options.\r \r \r As
+ usual, you're all invited for a beer at Benelux!\r> Shopify is sponsoring pizzas
+ like in the past months. They are still [searching](http://www.shopify.com/careers)
+ developers for their Montreal office. Don't hesitate to contact them.\r \r \r
+ When: June 16th, 2015 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke West, 3rd floor\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on
+ Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r
+ \r Questions?: Contact [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com) or [Martin](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-06-03 15:04:42.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-du-16-juin-june-16th-meetup
+- post_title: Meetup du 21 Juillet - July 21th Meetup
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r Pour le meetup de Juillet, on fait
+ une pause des présentation et on se rend directement au Benelux (18h30 comme d'habitude).
+ Ce sera beaucoup plus amical et détendu comme soirée. \r \r \r \r Quand: 21 Juillet
+ à 18h30\r \r Où: [Benelux](http://brasseriebenelux.com/) - 245 Sherbrooke Ouest\r
+ \r Qui: Tout le monde!\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout
+ le monde est le bienvenu\r \r Questions?: Contactez [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)\n###
+ English:\n\r \r July's meetup will take place at the Benelux (6:30 PM as usual).
+ There won't be any presentation to have a relax and friendly evening together.
+ \r \r \r \r When: July 21th, 2015 at 18:30\r \r Where: [Benelux](http://brasseriebenelux.com/)
+ - 245 Sherbrooke West\r \r Who: Everybody!\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register:
+ No need, just come, you're welcome\r \r Questions?: Contact [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-07-20 21:37:09.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: meetup-du-21-juillet-july-21th-meetup
+- post_title: August Dinner - Souper du mois d’août
+ post_content: "### Français:\n\n* * *\n\r \r Il est maintenant une tradition que
+ la rencontre du mois d’août soit un souper dans un restaurant. Le rendez-vous
+ est au [McKibbins sur Saint-Laurent](https://www.google.ca/maps/dir//Mckibbins+Irish+Pub,+C%C3%A9gep+du+Vieux+Montr%C3%A9al,+3515+Boul+St-Laurent,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC+H2X+2T6/@45.5133953,-73.5711568,17z/data=!4m13!1m4!3m3!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2sMckibbins+Irish+Pub!3b1!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2m2!1d-73.5711568!2d45.5133953)
+ à 18h30.\r \r \r \r Quand: 18 août à 18h30\r \r Où: [McKibbins sur Saint-Laurent](https://www.google.ca/maps/dir//Mckibbins+Irish+Pub,+C%C3%A9gep+du+Vieux+Montr%C3%A9al,+3515+Boul+St-Laurent,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC+H2X+2T6/@45.5133953,-73.5711568,17z/data=!4m13!1m4!3m3!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2sMckibbins+Irish+Pub!3b1!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2m2!1d-73.5711568!2d45.5133953)
+ - 245 Sherbrooke Ouest\r \r Qui: Tout le monde!\r \r Combien: L'entrée est gratuite,
+ mais la nourriture et les consommations ne sont pas inclus.\r \r Inscription:
+ Pas besoin, tout le monde est le bienvenu\r \r Questions?: Contactez [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)\n###
+ English:\n\r \r It is now a tradition that the meeting of August is a dinner in
+ a restaurant. The meeting place is the [McKibbins on Saint-Laurent street](https://www.google.ca/maps/dir//Mckibbins+Irish+Pub,+C%C3%A9gep+du+Vieux+Montr%C3%A9al,+3515+Boul+St-Laurent,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC+H2X+2T6/@45.5133953,-73.5711568,17z/data=!4m13!1m4!3m3!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2sMckibbins+Irish+Pub!3b1!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2m2!1d-73.5711568!2d45.5133953)
+ at 6:30pm.\r \r \r \r When: August 18th, 2015 at 18:30\r \r Where: [McKibbins
+ on Saint-Laurent street](https://www.google.ca/maps/dir//Mckibbins+Irish+Pub,+C%C3%A9gep+du+Vieux+Montr%C3%A9al,+3515+Boul+St-Laurent,+Montr%C3%A9al,+QC+H2X+2T6/@45.5133953,-73.5711568,17z/data=!4m13!1m4!3m3!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2sMckibbins+Irish+Pub!3b1!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4cc91a4a605763e3:0xbae2dfa79c915c2b!2m2!1d-73.5711568!2d45.5133953)
+ - 3515 Boulevard Saint-Laurent\r \r Who: Everybody!\r \r How much: Free, but food
+ and drinks are not included\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r
+ \r Questions?: Contact [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)"
+ post_date: 2015-08-17 20:51:43.000000000 -04:00
+ post_name: august-dinner-souper-du-mois-daout
+- post_title: Rails Workshop, Nov 24th
+ post_content: "This workshop is a couple hours sprint to help us have a brand new
+ Rails website!!\r \r Experienced and new Ruby on Rails developpers are welcome
+ to pair together to work on the features we need to publish the website.\n\n##
+ [\r Please, RSVP on our Eventbrite event\r](http://www.eventbrite.com/e/montrealrb-rails-workshop-tickets-19392562677
+ \"Eventbrite\")\n\r Because it is hard to estimate how many people will be there
+ and we need to order the food and buy enough beer, please register on [Eventbrite](http://www.eventbrite.com/e/montrealrb-rails-workshop-tickets-19392562677
+ \"Eventbrite\").\r \r \r \r\n## Infos\n> **When** : Tuesday, November 24, 2015
+ from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM\r**Where** : Centre Cloud.ca, 420 rue Guy, Montreal\r**Who**
+ : Everybody interested in building a Rails website\r**How much** : Free! Pizza
+ and beer offered by AdGear\r**Register** : [Eventbrite](http://www.eventbrite.com/e/montrealrb-rails-workshop-tickets-19392562677
+ \"Eventbrite\") **Questions** : Contact [Sophie](mailto:courrier@sophiedeziel.com)\n##
+ What do I need to bring?\n\r You must bring your own laptop with Ruby on Rails,
+ PostgreSQL and Git installed.\r You should clone the existing repository (https://github.com/montrealrb/Montreal.rb)
+ and create your github account if you don't already have one.\r Experienced Rails
+ developpers should be able to run the webserver before the event.\r \r If you
+ have some problems with any of the requirered installations, we might be able
+ to help you or you can pair with somebody else on their computer.\r \r \r\n##
+ Here is an approximate schedule:\n> ### 6:30:\n> \n> - Pizza!\n> - Explanation
+ of what is already in place\n> - What needs to be done\n> - Working process\n>
+ \n> ### 6:45 :\n> \n> - Team building\n> - Tasks distribution\n> \n> ### 8:00
+ :\n> \n> - Short break\n> - Redistribute tasks if needed\n## We want to thank:\n>
+ AdGear for offering us food and beer> Centre Cloud.ca for the working space"
+ post_date: 2015-11-03 18:33:52.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: rails-workshop-nov-24th
+- post_title: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
+ post_content: "Hey fellow Rubyist,\r \r Yesterday was my last meet-up as a Montreal.rb
+ organizer. After 4.5 years of taking care of our group, it’s time for me to pass
+ the torch.\r \r I remember so much from all the time I spent volunteering for
+ Montreal.rb. The group grew during my tenure and we frequently had new faces,
+ an achievement that I’m really proud of. We also had great projects like Railsbridge
+ and Office Hours. Those are proof of our dynamic community here in Montreal. I
+ would like to thank everyone who attended one of our events, those who spent time
+ helping me organize Montreal.rb, and especially those who had the courage to give
+ a talk.\r \r Does that mean that Montreal.rb will die? I don’t think so. I’m leaving
+ because I believe our community is ready to grow without me supporting it on my
+ shoulders. I’ll be honest here: organizing Montreal.rb takes a lot more time than
+ what you would think. If you like our group and you want to see it survive, please
+ get involved. Do not let only one person be responsible for our group, it’s really
+ hard to do. You don’t need to spend as much time as I did - organizing 1 meet-up
+ here and there is enough to help the organizers.\r \r What is next for me? Where
+ will I get involved next? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m working and having fun at
+ Sharethebus – we are hiring btw :) – that’s a start. I’ll maybe have time to do
+ some open source, who knows?\r \r Anyhow, I’ll see you at the next Montreal.rb
+ meet-up where I’ll be only an attendee – a first since 2011.\r \r \r \r Take care
+ of our group for me,\r \r Martin\n\n"
+ post_date: 2015-11-18 17:28:56.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish
+- post_title: November 17th Meet-up
+ post_content: "Ce mois-ci, nous prenons une petite pause de Ruby et nous regarderons
+ 2 langages fonctionnels: Elixir et Haskell. Est-ce que votre style Ruby changera
+ après cette rencontre? Qui sait?\n\n> Le premier présentateur sera [Nicholas Henry](https://twitter.com/nicholasjhenry).\r
+ \r \r\n> **Comment Elixir transforme ma pensée**\n> \r Au cours des dernières
+ années, j'ai joué avec la programmation fonctionnelle, mais rien ne semblait coller
+ jusqu'à ce que je commence avec Elixir. Dans cette présentation, je partagerai
+ mon histoire de comment Elixir a transformé mon modèle de programmation en utilisant
+ le pattern matching, les pipelines et les messaging-passing processes. Attention,
+ peut-être la même chose vous arrivera!> Par la suite, , [Christian Lavoie](https://twitter.com/christianlav)
+ - organisateur de [Montréal Haskellers](http://www.meetup.com/Haskellers-Montreal-Meetup/)
+ - parlera de son langage préféré: Haskell.\r\n> \n> **Haskell pour les langages
+ dynamiques: un smörgåsbord de pratique moderne de code**\n\n> [Adgear](http://adgear.com/)
+ commandite la pizza. Ils supporte Montreal.rb depuis plusieurs années, vous devriez
+ regarder leurs [offres d'emploi](http://adgear.com/company/careers/).\n\n\r \r
+ Quand: 17 Novembre 2015 à 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Où: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke Ouest, 3e étage\r \r Qui: Tout le monde intéressé par Ruby et/ou
+ Ruby on Rails\r \r Combien: Gratuit\r \r Inscription: Pas besoin, tout le monde
+ est le bienvenue\r \r Questions?: [Contactez moi](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n\n*
+ * *\n\r \r \r \r This month, we'll take a little break from Ruby and have a peak
+ in two functional languages: Elixir and Haskell. Will your Ruby code look the
+ same after this meet-up? Who knows?\r \r \r> The first speaker will be [Nicholas
+ Henry](https://twitter.com/nicholasjhenry).\r \r \r\n> **How Elixir is Transforming
+ my Mind**\n> \r Over the last couple of years I've dabbled with functional programming,
+ but nothing seemed to stick. Until I started with Elixir. In this presentation,
+ I will share my personal story on how Elixir has transformed my model of programming
+ using pattern matching, pipelines and messaging-passing processes. Beware, perhaps
+ your mind will be transformed too!> Afterward, [Christian Lavoie](https://twitter.com/christianlav)
+ - organizer of [Haskellers Montreal](http://www.meetup.com/Haskellers-Montreal-Meetup/)
+ - will talk about his favorite language: Haskell.\r\n> \n> **Haskell for dynamic
+ language enthusiasts: a smörgåsbord of modern coding practices**\n\n> [Adgear](http://adgear.com/)
+ is sponsoring pizza. They are supporting Montreal.rb since a long time. You should
+ check their [job opportunities](http://adgear.com/company/careers/).\n\n\r \r
+ When: November 17th, 2015 at 18:30\r \r\n\n\r \r Where: [Notman House](http://notman.org/en/contact)
+ - 51 Sherbrooke West, 3rd floor\r \r Who: Everyone who is interested in Ruby on
+ Rails or Ruby\r \r How much: Free\r \r Register: No need, just come, you're welcome\r
+ \r Questions?: [Contact me](mailto:mprovencher86@gmail.com)\n\n"
+ post_date: 2015-11-11 11:28:08.000000000 -05:00
+ post_name: november-17th-meet-up
diff --git a/db/migrate/20151203085854_add_legacy_slug_to_news_item.rb b/db/migrate/20151203085854_add_legacy_slug_to_news_item.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3063313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20151203085854_add_legacy_slug_to_news_item.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class AddLegacySlugToNewsItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ add_column :news_items, :slug, :string
+ add_index :news_items, :slug
+ end
diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index 667e4173..1565ecb6 100644
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -75,8 +75,11 @@
t.string "title"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
+ t.string "slug"
+ add_index "news_items", ["slug"], name: "index_news_items_on_slug", using: :btree
create_table "organization_translations", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "organization_id", null: false
t.string "locale", null: false
diff --git a/lib/tasks/database.rake b/lib/tasks/database.rake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..893ccbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tasks/database.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+require "mysql2"
+require "yaml"
+require "nokogiri"
+require "reverse_markdown"
+namespace :database do
+ namespace :legacy do
+ # NOTE to run remotely on heroku:
+ # Source: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rake
+ #
+ # $ heroku run rake database:legacy:import_news
+ #
+ desc "Import news records to database"
+ task :import_news => :environment do
+ STDOUT.puts "This will destroy your news_items table. Enter 'Y' to confirm: [y/N]"
+ input = STDIN.gets.chomp
+ raise "Aborting import. You entered #{input}" unless input.downcase == "y"
+ NewsItem.destroy_all
+ records = YAML.load_file "#{Rails.root}/db/legacy.yml"
+ records.each do |data|
+ news_item = NewsItem.new
+ published_at = data["post_date"]
+ news_item.state = published_at > DateTime.new(2015, 1, 1).beginning_of_year ? :published : :archived
+ news_item.title = data["post_title"]
+ news_item.body = data["post_content"]
+ news_item.published_at = data["post_date"]
+ # url: http://www.montrealrb.com/[post_date:YYYY]/[post_date:MM]/[post_name]
+ news_item.slug = data["post_name"]
+ puts news_item.slug
+ begin
+ news_item.save!
+ rescue => e
+ puts news_item.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # NOTE: This has normally been run by someone with access to the wordpress mysql database dump
+ # The result is `db/legacy.yml`
+ desc "Generate a yml files with legacy news records from wordpress mysql DB"
+ task :dump => :environment do
+ # database: montrealrb_wordpress
+ # table: wp_posts
+ # url: http://www.montrealrb.com/[post_date:YYYY]/[post_date:MM]/[post_name]
+ client = Mysql2::Client.new(host: "localhost", username: "root", database: "montrealrb_wordpress")
+ records = client.query("SELECT post_title, post_content, post_date, post_name FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status='publish'")
+ sanitized_records = records.to_a.map do |row|
+ row.each do |k, v|
+ if k.to_s == "post_content"
+ doc = Nokogiri.HTML(v)
+ # Remove weird avatars
+ doc.css("img.alignleft").each do |el|
+ el.replace("")
+ end
+ # Remove non breaking spaces
+ nbsp = Nokogiri::HTML(" ").text
+ clean_html_content = doc.to_html
+ clean_html_content.gsub!(nbsp, " ")
+ # Remove line breaks
+ clean_html_content.gsub!("
", "")
+ # Update HTML
+ row[k] = ReverseMarkdown.convert clean_html_content
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ File.open("#{Rails.root}/db/legacy.yml", "w") do |f|
+ f.write sanitized_records.to_yaml
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/controllers/news_item_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/news_item_controller_spec.rb
index 41f11786..253a2108 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/news_item_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/news_item_controller_spec.rb
@@ -1,25 +1,76 @@
-require 'rails_helper'
+require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe NewsItemsController, type: :controller do
- context "when accessing a published news_item" do
- let(:published_news_item) { create :news_item, state: "published" }
+ describe 'GET #index' do
+ # Published
+ let!(:recent_item) { create(:news_item) }
+ let!(:older_item) { create(:news_item, published_at: 1.year.ago) }
+ # Unpublished
+ let!(:archived_item) { create(:archived_news_item) }
+ let!(:draft_item) { create(:draft_news_item) }
- it "returns a 200 status code" do
- get :show, id: published_news_item
- expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
+ before :each do
+ get :index
+ end
+ it "populates an array of news_items with the most recently published first" do
+ expect(assigns(:news_items)).to match_array([recent_item, older_item])
+ end
+ it "does not show unpublished news_items" do
+ expect(assigns(:news_items)).not_to include draft_item
+ end
+ it "does not show archived news_items" do
+ expect(assigns(:news_items)).not_to include archived_item
+ end
+ it "renders the :index template" do
+ expect(response).to render_template :index
- context "when accessing a non-published news_item" do
- let(:draft_news_item) { create :news_item, state: "draft" }
- let(:archived_news_item) { create :news_item, state: "draft" }
+ describe 'GET #show' do
+ context "when accessing a published news_item" do
+ let(:published_news_item) { create :news_item }
+ before :each do
+ get :show, id: published_news_item
+ end
+ it "returns a 200 status code" do
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
+ end
+ it "assigns the requested news_item to @news_item" do
+ expect(assigns(:news_item)).to eq published_news_item
+ end
+ it "renders the :show template" do
+ expect(response).to render_template :show
+ end
+ end
+ context "when clicking on a legacy link" do
+ let(:slugged_news_item) { create :slugged_news_item }
+ it "finds that legacy post" do
+ get :show, year: 2014, month: 10, slug: slugged_news_item.slug
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when accessing a non-published news_item" do
+ let(:draft_news_item) { create :draft_news_item }
+ let(:archived_news_item) { create :archived_news_item }
- it "raises a RecordNotFound error" do
- [draft_news_item, archived_news_item].each do |news_item|
- expect do
- get :show, id: news_item
- end.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ it "raises a RecordNotFound error" do
+ [draft_news_item, archived_news_item].each do |news_item|
+ expect do
+ get :show, id: news_item
+ end.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ end
diff --git a/spec/factories/news_items.rb b/spec/factories/news_items.rb
index a6889abd..ef9dd78e 100644
--- a/spec/factories/news_items.rb
+++ b/spec/factories/news_items.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
FactoryGirl.define do
+ # Default factory is a NewsItem that has just been published
factory :news_item do
- title "my-title"
+ state :published
+ title { Faker::Lorem.sentence }
+ body { Faker::Lorem.paragraph }
published_at Time.now.utc
+ factory :draft_news_item do
+ state :draft
+ body nil
+ published_at nil
+ end
+ factory :archived_news_item do
+ state :archived
+ published_at { 1.year.ago }
+ end
+ factory :slugged_news_item do
+ slug { Faker::Internet.slug }
+ end
+ factory :invalid_news_item do
+ title nil
+ state nil
+ end
diff --git a/spec/models/news_item_spec.rb b/spec/models/news_item_spec.rb
index 945886ae..ac4d422f 100644
--- a/spec/models/news_item_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/news_item_spec.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
-require 'rails_helper'
+require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe NewsItem, type: :model do
- pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
+ describe ".published" do
+ # Published
+ let(:recent_item) { create(:news_item) }
+ let(:older_item) { create(:news_item, published_at: 1.year.ago) }
+ # Unpublished
+ let(:archived_item) { create(:archived_news_item) }
+ let(:draft_item) { create(:draft_news_item) }
+ it "returns a sorted array of most recently published items first" do
+ expect(NewsItem.published).to eq [recent_item, older_item]
+ end
+ it "does not return archived items" do
+ expect(NewsItem.published).not_to include archived_item
+ end
+ it "does not return draft items" do
+ expect(NewsItem.published).not_to include draft_item
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/rails_helper.rb b/spec/rails_helper.rb
index e6c0b688..01682434 100644
--- a/spec/rails_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/rails_helper.rb
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@
RSpec.configure do |config|
- # Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
- config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
# If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.