This plugin aims to make the life of corporations and alliances easier by helping to manage contracts and corporation hangars. It loads contracts and corporation hangars from the ESI to make a list of what you have. Additionally, you can define what you need(e.g. a doctrine ship) and where you need it(staging). The plugin compares it to what you have and shows you how many times you have your doctrine ship stocked. You can also export a list of missing items so you can restock.
More features:
- notifications if your stocks run low
- dashboard to monitor doctrines with multiple ship types. You can even have one ship in multiple doctrines
- create stocks from fits from seat-fitting including updating the stock when you change fits
- export missing items to seat-alliance-industry
- stock priority system: If there aren't enough items, preferably allocate them to high priority ships like a home-defence doctrine over a fun fleet
- workspaces: Have completely independent stocks, item sources and settings on one SeAT install.
- much more
This guide is still work in progress!
This is a guide on how to get started with seat-inventory.
The first step is to install seat-inventory. You can follow the normal steps to install seat plugins, as described here.
The package name is recursivetree/seat-inventory
You need to configure seat-inventory before you can use it. There are two steps:
- Setting up permissions
- Setting up seat-inventory
seat-inventory provides three permissions: edit
, view
and create workspaces
. A description of what they do is below.
You can configure the permissions over the normal seat permission system under Settings/Access Management
Allows you to view the seat-inventory pages and the data on this page. As of right now, the UI still shows all buttons as if you have edit permissions, but it fails as soon as you press submit.
Allows you to change the configuration, create stocks and group, or generally anything that is permanently stored on the server.
Allows you to create new workspaces. More on them below.
seat-inventory can manage the items from multiple different organisations, like a corporation and it's alliance. The stocks and item sources can be kept completely independent. This is done with workspaces. A workspace is independent of any other workspace. You have to configure stocks and item sources per workspace, in return one stock doesn't appear in another workspace than the one it has been defined in.
To get started, open Inventory Management/Settings.
Either select the default workspace or create a new one using the + button.
The next step is to configure the workspace. You are already on the right page to do this.
On this page, you can configure from where inventory data will be loaded ("configuring the inventory sources"). You can add corporations and alliances. If you add a corporation, it's assets in the corporation hangars and corporation contracts will be considered as an item source. Adding an alliance only tracks alliance contracts, but there is a button which enables adding alliance members. This automatic mode will also add newly joined corporations and remove corporation which left. Corporations added manually over the corporation section will be ignored completely and are never removed.
After changing the settings, you might need to wait up to 2 ESI cache cycles until the changes are fully reflected in the item data.
Finally, the plugin is ready to be used. Following is a brief description of the different pages and what they do.
The inventory browser allows you to, as the name suggest, browse through all assets from the sources you configured under the settings page.
As always, you have to select the workspace you want to work in.
You can use the filter to specify a single item type you look for and where you search for the items.
To the right, you see a grey text which describes the location of the item. It consists of the name of the hangar/ship/container and the station/structure.
The plugin currently doesn't distinguish between the different corporation hangars in a corporation office. Instead, it treats it like all items would be in one container.
Fitted ships in a corporation hangar are treated as a separate source and don't appear inside the corporation hangar source. Instead, they appear with their ship name in the station of the corporation hangar.
This is the heart of seat-inventory.
Besides the workspace selector, once you open the dashboard under Inventory management/Dashboard, you should see three parts, from top to bottom:
- A location filter. More on it later
- A row of buttons
- One or more extendable group. If you just installed the module, you should see a category
Default Group
. (On older installs, it might be named differently)
Reloads all data. You need this if two persons work on the same workspace at the same time, so you can load each other's changes. It is also useful if you change a stock and want to load the new data.
Opens the deliveries popup. Deliveries allow you to add items that don't really exist to the item sources. My corporation uses it to mark items that are being produced or shipped to staging as already there, so they disappear from the list of missing items.
Collapses all open groups
Expands all groups
Allows you to add a new stock. A stock is a definition of which and how many items should be stored where. seat-inventory then calculates what's missing or shows other statistics.
Creates a new group. Groups allow you to, well, group stocks into packages which are displayed together. They can be used to for example have all ships of a doctrine together on one view.
When you have a lot of stock in different location, it can be quite troublesome to see which stocks are in which locations. When you enter a location in the filter, stock which aren't there will be faded out grey allowing you to focus on the remaining ones at the specified location.
A stock is the basic unit to represent demand for items in seat-inventory. Each stock has a name, location, quantity and a few more properties. If you use seat-inventory to monitor doctrines and other corp-provided ships, you usually create one stock per ship of the doctrine.
Press the + Stock button at the top of the page. A popup should open asking you to input some data.
There are 3 types of stocks:
- Mutlibuy Stocks: Enter the items in the form of the multibuy text exported from the multibuy window ingame
- Fit: Enter a fit to extract the items from. The fit will be converted to a multibuy item list by seat-inventory, so if you end up editing your stock after creating it, it will appear as a multibuy.
- Fitting Plugin: You can also create stocks based on fittings from seat-fitting, if the seat-fitting plugin is installed. If the fitting in seat-fitting changes, the changes will be reflected in seat-inventory.
Depending on the type, you have to input you fit, your items, or select a fitting from seat-fitting.
When you have a multibuy stock, you have to enter a name. For fits, it will be extracted from the fit name.
The following properties are common to all stock types:
- Amount: How many times do you want to have this stock stocked? If you want n stabbers, you enter the fit of the stabber as described above and n in amount.
- Warning Threshold: When the effectively available amount falls below this value, this stock will be highlighted red. Additionally, a notification will be sent when configured to.
- Location: Where the items of this stock should be stored at
- Priority: When there aren't enough items to cover all stocks, the stock with the highest priority will receive them first
Press save to create the stock.
Note: Stocks won't appear anywhere until you add them to a group. They will still be considered for availability computation even when not in a group.
Press the + Group button at the top. A popup should open asking for a name. Below it you can expand the stocks section and add/remove stocks to the group. After saving, the group should appear on the dashboard page.
When you expand a group, a card for each stock in the group appears. It contains the most important information about the stock like location, priority and availability in various location. You can edit a stock with the pen button and show even more detailed information with the info button.
If you want to modify a group, there is an edit button next to the expand/collapse button. You have the same options like when you create a group.
A stock can be in multiple groups at the same time. This can be useful if you have two doctrines that share a ship.
Filters can automatically put stocks into groups.
You can edit your filters in the edit group window. You can currently automatically add stocks to groups by their location and doctrines. If you filter by location and doctrine at the same time, both conditions need to be fulfilled for a stock to be added to the group. Even if you have filters set up, you can manually add stocks that won't be removed.
The name is probably not the best for what they are, but it is a use-case for them. My corp had the issue that when restocking, we bought/produced all the items, but didn't have them in our hangars. This made it look like we still didn't own them while they were being shipped to our home.
Deliveries allow you to add items to the list of available items that don't actually exist. They are like an imaginary corporation hangars.
You can manage your deliveries with the Deliveries
button below the location filter. Deliveries only support the
multibuy format, like it is generated when you export the items in the multibuy function of the market window.
There are discord and mail notification available. You can configure them like all other seat notifications.