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111 lines (84 loc) · 5.72 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (84 loc) · 5.72 KB

Release History

1.8.0-beta.1 (Unreleased)

1.7.0 (2020-08-07)

  • Updated reactor-core version to 3.3.8.RELEASE.
  • Updated reactor-netty version to 0.9.10.RELEASE.
  • Updated netty version to 4.1.51.Final.
  • Updated netty-tcnative version to 2.0.31.Final.
  • Updated handling of OffsetDateTime serialization to implicitly convert date strings missing time zone into UTC.
  • Updated PollerFlux and SyncPoller to propagate exceptions when polling instead of only on failed statuses.
  • Redesigned SimpleTokenCache to gracefully attempt a token refresh 5 minutes before actual expiry
  • Added ObjectSerializer and JsonSerializer APIs to support pluggable serialization within SDKs.
  • Added TypeReference<T> to enable serialization handling for Class<T> and Type while retaining generics through a call stack.
  • Added MemberNameConverter which converts a Member type of Field or Method into its expected serialized JSON property name.

1.7.0-beta.2 (2020-07-23)

  • Removed tokenRefreshOptions() from TokenCredential, defaulting token refresh offset to 5 minutes, and a default token refresh retry timeout of 30 seconds.

1.7.0-beta.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Added TokenRefreshOptions() to TokenCredential, with a default token refresh offset of 2 minutes, and a default token refresh retry timeout of 30 seconds.

1.6.0 (2020-07-02)

  • Added utility class UserAgentUtil which constructs User-Agent headers following SDK guidelines.
  • Modified Azure Context to Reactor Context to remove intermediate Map container.

1.5.1 (2020-06-08)

  • Added handling for more complex Content-Type headers such as text/custom+xml.

1.5.0 (2020-05-04)

  • Fixed issue where FluxUtil.toReactorContext would include null values which aren't allowed in Reactor's Context.
  • Added CoreUtils.bomAwareToString that handles converting a byte[] to a String based on a leading byte order mark or using the passed Content-Type.
  • Updated percent encoding logic to properly handle UTF-8 characters.
  • Added new constructors for AzureException, HttpRequestException, and HttpResponseException.
  • Deprecated ClientLogger.logThowableAsWarning, replaced with ClientLogger.logThrowableAsWarning.
  • Added utility method FluxUtil.toFluxByteBuffer which converts an InputStream into Flux<ByteBuffer>.
  • Updated Reactor Core dependency.
  • Added support for serialization and deserialization of discriminator types.

1.4.0 (2020-04-03)

  • Added AzureKeyCredential and AzureKeyCredentialPolicy to support generic key based authorizations.
  • Fixed a deserialization issue when a JSON property contained a . and the containing class was annotated with JsonFlatten.
  • Updated reactor-core dependency to 3.3.3.RELEASE.
  • Added APIs to ClientLogger to log checked exceptions that will be thrown.
  • Added simplified APIs to ClientLogger where only a message will be logged.
  • Fixed URL encoded form request issue where the URL would be encoded improperly.
  • Added property to HttpLogOptions to enable pretty printing when logging a request or response body.
  • Added another withContext overload in FluxUtil.
  • Added additional constants to Configuration.

1.3.0 (2020-03-06)

  • Enhanced and extended 'PagedIterable' implementation to cover additional use cases.
  • Added additional constants to 'Tracer'.
  • Added a factory method to create 'PollerFlux' that can avoid unnecessary poll if the LRO completed synchronously.
  • Fixed race condition when loading 'BeforeRetryPolicyProvider' and 'AfterRetryPolicyProvider' implementations with 'ServiceLoader'.
  • Fixed race condition when loading 'Tracer' implementations with 'ServiceLoader'.
  • Fixed XML deserialization issue when byte order mark wasn't properly handled.

1.3.0-beta.1 (2020-02-11)

  • Added default logging implementation for SLF4J.
  • Modified checks to determine if logging is allowed.
  • Improved logging performance.
  • Enhanced and extended PagedFlux implementation to cover additional use cases.
  • Enabled loading proxy configuration from the environment.
  • Added support for Digest proxy authentication.
  • Updated 'BufferedResponse' to deep copy the response to handle scenarios where the underlying stream is reclaimed.

1.2.0 (2020-01-07)

  • Ignore null headers and allow full url paths
  • Add missing HTTP request methods to HttpMethod enum
  • Support custom header with AddHeaderPolicy
  • Support custom header name in RequestIDPolicy
  • Prevent HttpLoggingPolicy Consuming Body
  • Hide secret info from log info
  • Ensure HTTPS is used when authenticating with tokens
  • Reduce Prefetch Limit for PagedIterable and IterableStream
  • Add Iterable overload for IterableStream

1.1.0 (2019-11-26)

  • Added support for creating reactor-netty-http client from an existing client.
  • Added UserAgent helper methods for fetching client name and version from pom file.
  • Added toReactorContext to FluxUtil.
  • Logging exception at warning level, and append stack trace if log level is verbose.
  • Fixed HttpLoggingPolicy to take null HttpLogOptions.
  • Changed the User agent format.
  • Hide the secrets from evnironment variable.
  • UserAgentPolicy is using the value stored in the policy no matter what is stored in the passed request. Also, removed the service version from User agent format.
  • Added Iterable overload for IterableStream.
  • Reduce Prefetch Limit for PagedIterable and IterableStream.
  • Ensure HTTPS is used when authenticating with tokens.

1.0.0 (2019-10-29)

This package's documentation and samples

  • Initial release. Please see the README and wiki for information on the new design.