- Bugfix in i18n initialization
- Use absolute URL for SDK readme link
- Remove nuxt favicon
- Add SDK readme route
- Adapt SDK readme link in share dialog
- Add Piwik tracking
- Use lang parameter for API calls
- Disable serialization of search input field, since it leads subtle bugs
- Responsive layout: table legend, table top controls, filter dialog
- Fix column option label when deselected column has a query in filter dialog
- Use server side column projection via API calls
- Fetch additional label data only when info modal is opened
- Fix el-select multiple property issue in filter dialog
- Support for $in operator in filters
- Support options for form inputs in filters dialog
- Only allow selection of valid options in filters dialog
- Bug fixes in filters dialog
- Use SDK url (http://transparency.supplychainge.org/sdk.js)
- Client language detection and handling
- Select language feature (with some german dummy translations)
- Embed via IFrame option in share dialog
- Adapt new API (include param)
- Show logos
- Use vue-i18n to embed text in web app
- Embed SDK (v0.1.0)
- Add new columns (resources, hotspots, countries)
- Context specific operators and autocompletion in filter dialog
- General solution for label/value mismatch for models
- Bugfixes in route validation
- Introduce language file (en)
- Changelog init
- Table with select/filter/search(case sensitive)/sort/pagination via API