To release a new version of the library to the NPM registry, follow these steps:
Run the Release Command Execute the following command to start the release process:
npm run release
This command will prompt you to select the type of version bump (major, minor, patch, or pre-release). It will update the versions in package.json, create a entry and commit those changes to your local workspace.
Update Version and Create Pull Request After the release command completes, a new version will be created. You need to:
- Push the changes to your branch.
- Raise a Pull Request (PR) with the updated version.
Create a Release on GitHub Once the PR is merged, create a new release on GitHub:
- Go to the GitHub repository.
- Navigate to the "Releases" section.
- Click on "Draft a new release".
- Select the tag version of the new version created.
- Fill in the release details and publish the release.
Creating the release on GitHub will trigger a GitHub Action that will publish the new version to the NPM registry.