All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- (server_provider_factory) Removed incorrect return type.
- (nidibot) Fixed incorrect import from nidibot package.
- (discord-bot) Fixed crash during call of backup_restore when amount of backups was higher than 25.
- (nidibot) Added docstrings.
- (server_providers) Added docstrings.
- (bots) Added docstrings.
- ( Corrected mentions of package import.
- ( Added nidibot configuration description.
- ( Added information about 25 button limitation of Discord for backup_restore command.
- (nidibot) Removed unused import.
- (nidibot) Set default parameter values in GeneralConfiguration.
- (tests) Removed redundant test files and classes.
- (setup.cfg) Changed development status to Production/Stable.
- (telegram-bot) Fixed anomalous slashes in strings.
- (ci) Corrected creation of GitHub release entry text.
- (bots) Moved emojis to BotBase class.
- (telegram-bot) Unified common commands under the same functionality.
- (telegram-bot) Unified conversation enumeration.
- (discord-bot) Added missing imports.
- (ci) Corrected way of generating and GitHub release entry text.
- (telegram-bot) Resizing reply keyboard during backup_restore.
- (telegram-bot) Switched fallback to MessageHandler and not CommandHandler.
- (telegram-bot) Changed status command handling to ConversationHandler.
- (telegram-bot) Changed start command handling to ConversationHandler.
- (telegram-bot) Changed stop command handling to ConversationHandler.
- (telegram-bot) Changed restart command handling to ConversationHandler.
- (telegram-bot) Changed backup_create command handling to ConversationHandler.
- (telegram-bot) Changed backup_list command handling to ConversationHandler.
- (deps) Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 5
- (deps) Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
- (bots) Controlling notify period from nidibot configuration.
- (ci) Fixed generation of and GitHub release entry.
- (bots) Fixed issue with crash when there were no backups available.
- (telegram-bot) Dropping pending signals from Telegram server for avoiding spam on nidibot restart.
- (telegram-bot) Fixed issue when conversation was not started again after one run.
- (bot-base) Renamed BotInterface to BotBase.
- (cd) Added usage of git-cliff GitHub Action.
- ( Changed support bot list to be a static private class field.
- ( Changed supported server provider list to be a static private class field.
- Removed limitation entry about only one Telegram bot.
- Added missing python-telegram-bot[job-queue] dependency.
- Added entry about '/backup_restore'.
- Removed redundant smileys.
- Disabled redundant logging.
- Added auto notification for channels from allowed_channels list.
- Fixed issue with running in thread.
- Corrected typos.
- Fixed issue with showing backup list.
- Moved some variables to base class.
- Added API check, MySQL credentials reading and saving MySQL DB via mysqldump.
- Corrected development status, environment and intended audience.
- Fixed redundant logging of httpcore logger.
- Added information about limitations.
- Moved common functionality from and
- Removed due to being redundant.
- Moved bot functionality to separate folder. Implemented factory and interface classes for server providers.
- Modifying working directory in nidibot.service file upon copy.
- Added description and commands.
- Added docstrings.
- Added server address to response title.
- Removed excessive logging.
- Added GameServer wrapper class for easier access and control of each game server instance.
- Added possibility to state server name in all available commands.
- Accessing game server functions via IDs rather than indices.
- Switched to using NitradoServerProvider class.
- Added server information into response.
- Added nidibot version into logging.
- Corrected folder filter.
- Changed structure of bot_configuration.json for higher flexibility.
- Properly initializing server providers.
- Added test options for each available command.
- Added safety checks in constructor.
- Added missing ftputil.
- Migrated bot to hikari + lightbulb. That fixed issue with commands not showing in Discord chat.
- Added on_ready() event.
- Added descriptions to all commands.
- Fixed double stating of @command decorator.
- Corrected errors.
- Corrected format of install_requires.