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Version: 0.5.4

Znapzend Helm Chart for automated ZFS snapshot & replication


helm repo add ccremer
helm install znapzend ccremer/znapzend


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
env object {} A dict with KEY: VALUE pairs
fullnameOverride string ""
host.zfsDevice string "/dev/zfs" The device on the host which is used by the zfs binary within the container
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.registry string "" Znapzend image registry
image.repository string "oetiker/znapzend" Znapzend image repository
image.tag string "v0.20.0" Znapzend image tag (version)
imagePullSecrets list [] List of image pull secrets if you use a privately hosted image
metrics.enabled bool true Enable the metrics exporter for Prometheus
metrics.env object {} A dict with KEY: VALUE pairs as environment variables for the exporter
metrics.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
metrics.image.registry string "" Image registry
metrics.image.repository string "ccremer/znapzend-exporter" Image repository
metrics.image.tag string "v0.3.2" Exporter image tag
metrics.ingress.annotations object {}
metrics.ingress.enabled bool false Useful if your Prometheus is outside of the cluster
metrics.ingress.hosts list []
metrics.ingress.tls list [] list [] String list of datasets that should be registered right at startup
metrics.port int 8080 Container port to bind
metrics.resources.limits.memory string "40Mi"
metrics.resources.requests.cpu string "20m"
metrics.resources.requests.memory string "20Mi"
metrics.service.enabled bool true Whether to enable a Service object for metrics endpoint if metrics.enabled is true
metrics.service.nodePort int 0 NodePort if service type is not ClusterIP
metrics.service.port int 8080 Port on which the service is reachable
metrics.service.type string "ClusterIP"
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
replicaCount int 1 Only increase if you have multiple Nodes with AntiAffinity, otherwise it does not make sense to run > 1 replicas on the same node
resources.limits.memory string "70Mi"
resources.requests.cpu string "30m"
resources.requests.memory string "30Mi"
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":true,"privileged":true} The current image requires to run privileged in order to access ZFS
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
ssh.config string "" ssh_config(5)-compatible file content to configure SSH options when connecting
ssh.externalSecretName string "" Set this value if you provide your own secret with SSH config
ssh.identities object {} Provide a private key for each SSH identity, see values.yaml for an example
ssh.knownHosts list [] List of {host, pubKey} dicts where the public key of each host is configured
ssh.path string "/root/.ssh" Path where your SSH config and identities get mounted in the container
tolerations list []
znapzend.args list ["znapzend","--logto=/dev/stdout","--autoCreation"] List of command arguments
znapzend.backupPlans list [] List of backup plans to create/ensure on startup, see values.yaml for an example
znapzend.reloadPlans bool true Whether znapzend should reload the znapzend.backupPlans after modifying them. Creates additional RBAC roles for the