diff --git a/docs/en/component_specs/configuration/nacos.md b/docs/en/component_specs/configuration/nacos.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9bf87427c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en/component_specs/configuration/nacos.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Nacos + +## Configuration Items Description + +Example: configs/config_nacos.json + +| Field | Required | Description | +|-----------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| address | Y | Nacos server address in format. By default, `/nacos` is used as the URL context, and `http` is used as the connection protocol. If the ACM connection field is not specified in the configuration file, this field is **required**. Multiple address addresses can be provided for connection. | +| timeout | N | Timeout for connecting to the Nacos server, in seconds. Default is 10s. | +| metadata.namespace_id | N | Nacos namespace for isolating configuration files at the namespace level. Default is empty, which represents using the "default" namespace in Nacos. | +| metadata.username | N | Username for Nacos service authentication verification. | +| metadata.password | N | Password for Nacos service authentication verification. | +| metadata.end_point | N | ACM mode field indicating the address of the connected Nacos service. [Reference](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/130146.html) | +| metadata.region_id | N | ACM mode field indicating the region where the Nacos service is located. | +| metadata.access_key | N | ACM mode field representing the access key in Alibaba Cloud Nacos service. | +| metadata.secret_key | N | ACM mode field representing the secret key in Alibaba Cloud Nacos service. | +| metadata.log_dir | N | Directory address for Nacos Go SDK output log files. Default directory name is `/tmp/layotto/nacos/logs`, and the default log name is `nacos-sdk.log`. | +| metadata.log_level | N | Log level for Nacos Go SDK output. Supported log levels are `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`. Default log level is `debug`. | +| metadata.cache_dir | N | File path for Nacos configuration local cache. Default cache path is `/tmp/layotto/nacos/cache`. | + +> If any ACM field appears in the configuration file, Layotto connects to the Nacos service in ACM mode and ignores the `address`, `username`, `password`, and other fields. + +## Other Configuration Items + +The `app_id` field needs to be configured, and it is a required field. It represents the category of the app and supports configuring isolation for different app services at the configuration center level. + +However, it is not added in the configuration of the Nacos ConfigStore component but in additional configuration items, making it convenient for other components that need to reuse `app_id`. + +![img.png](../../../img/configuration/nacos/img.png) + +## How to Start Nacos + +You can refer to the [official Nacos documentation](https://nacos.io/en-us/docs/quick-start-docker.html) for instructions on how to start Nacos. + +After deployment, you need to modify the Layotto [config file](https://github.com/mosn/layotto/blob/main/configs/config_nacos.json) and replace the Nacos server address and other information with your own. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/img/configuration/nacos/img.png b/docs/img/configuration/nacos/img.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d46558797 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/configuration/nacos/img.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh/component_specs/configuration/nacos.md b/docs/zh/component_specs/configuration/nacos.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f8a8d3ead --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh/component_specs/configuration/nacos.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Nacos + +## 配置项说明 + +示例:configs/config_nacos.json + +| 字段 | 必填 | 说明 | +|-----------------------|-----|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| address | Y | nacos 服务地址,填写 模式即可。默认使用 `/nacos` 作为 url context,使用 http 作为连接协议。如果配置文件中没有填写 acm 连接字段,则这个字段是必填字段。可以填写多个 address 地址进行连接。 | +| timeout | N | 连接 nacos 服务的超时时间,单位秒。默认 10s. | +| metadata.namespace_id | N | nacos 命名空间,用于配置文件在命名空间级别的隔离。默认为空,代表使用 nacos 的 default 命名空间。 | +| metadata.username | N | nacos 服务 auth 校验所需的用户名。 | +| metadata.password | N | nacos 服务 auth 校验所需的密码。 | +| metadata.end_point | N | acm 模式字段,表示连接的nacos服务地址,[参考文档](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/130146.html) | +| metadata.region_id | N | acm 模式字段,表示 nacos 服务所在区域。 | +| metadata.access_key | N | acm 模式字段,表示阿里云 nacos 服务中的 access key。 | +| metadata.secret_key | N | acm 模式字段,表示阿里云 nacos 服务中的 secret key。 | +| metadata.log_dir | N | nacos go sdk 输出日志文件目录地址。默认目录名称为`/tmp/layotto/nacos/logs`,默认日志名称为`nacos-sdk.log`。 | +| metadata.log_level | N | nacos go sdk 输出日志等级。支持日志等级为 `debug`,`info`,`warn`,`error`。默认日志等级为`debug`。 | +| metadata.cache_dir | N | nacos 配置本地缓存文件路径。默认缓存路径为`/tmp/layotto/nacos/cache`。 | + +> 当有任一 acm 字段出现在配置文件中,则 layotto 采用 acm 模式连接到 nacos 服务,忽略 address、username、password 等字段。 + +## 其他配置项 + +还需要配置 `app_id` 字段,是必填字段。表示该 app 的类别。支持在配置中心层面对不同的 app 服务进行配置隔离。 + +不过不是添加在 nacos configstore 组件的配置里,添加在而外的配置项中,方便其他需要使用 `app_id` 的组件复用。 + +![img.png](../../../img/configuration/nacos/img.png) + +## 怎么启动 Nacos + +nacos 的启动方式可以参考[nacos 官方文档](https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start-docker.html) + +部署后需要修改Layotto的[config文件](https://github.com/mosn/layotto/blob/main/configs/config_nacos.json) ,将nacos服务器地址等信息改成您自己的。