This is an end-to-end/functional testing framework for the plugin; currently it targets Jira, but should be adaptable to other products.
NOTE: This is a work-in-progress, however the Cypress smoke-test suite is currently run as part of CI; see the section below.
The testing framework consists of the following parts:
- A wrapper for official Postgres Docker image which injects a pre-configured Jira database.
- A wrapper for the official Atlassian Jira-Software image
- A Cypress test-suite and Docker image
- A functional (REST API) test-suite and Docker image
- A Docker-Compose config to configure and run the above images and a smoke-test suite.
The wrapper Docker image injects a pre-configured Jira database. The database has had the license field removed, and in must be injected before use. The license can be aquired from several places:
- Members of the DC Deployments team have access to "Trebuchet Jira E2E smoketest license 2" in LastPass.
- Other Atlassians can generate a license via the License Encoder Service.
- Non-Atlassians can generate an evaluation license at
If generating a new license the Server ID is BEEW-DT3K-EFO9-XNDI
Once acquired the license can be injected with:
cd jira-e2e-tests
export JIRA_E2E_LICENSE='xxxxx'
Data is pre-loaded from a pg_dump of a jira software 7.13.0 that is saved under jira.sql.tmpl. If you need to re-generate this you will need to:
Start jira software version of choice and setup to point to a postgres database (lets call it newDB)
Go through setup, create sample project (any will do), take note of the server id, shutdown the instance
pg_dump newDB > jira.sql.tmpl
. Ensure to copy jira.sql.tmpl to correct directory, replacing existing file. -
:- find the line after
COPY productlicense (id, license) FROM stdin;
and replace with10000 INJECT_LICENSE_HERE
- find any reference to your server id, replace with BFAP-W4RG-46TJ-B5TK
- find the line after
The Jira container configuration injects a copy of the plugin, which should have been placed in the container directory. For local runs this can be done with:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
rm -f jira-e2e-tests/jira/jira-plugin-*.jar && cp jira-plugin/target/jira-plugin-*.jar jira-e2e-tests/jira/
The Cypress container mainly copies the tests into the container. However some tests exercise the AWS functionality via the plugin, and require a valid AWS key/secret pair. These should be set via the environment via:
Members of the DC Deployments team should have access to these in LastPass.
This mostly involves setting the environment correctly as above and running
. There is a helper script in jira-e2e-tests/helpers/run-local
to assist with this. By default, it will run Jira and Postgres, which are
accessible via [http://localhost:2990/jira/]:
export JIRA_E2E_LICENSE='xxxxx'
To run the functional or UI tests you can pass the container name to the script after setting any additional variables, e.g:
export JIRA_E2E_LICENSE='xxxxx'
./jira-e2e-tests/helpers/run-local cypress
export JIRA_E2E_LICENSE='xxxxx'
./jira-e2e-tests/helpers/run-local functests
Once the test suite is complete the test container will shut-down but the Jira instance and DB will remain up. This can be used to run the smoke-test or other Cypress tests via the UI:
cd cypress
yarn cypress
While this is running you can update the installed plugin using the helper
script helpers/upload-plugin
Note that the run-local (and GitHub Actions tests) run with transition-checking
enforced. To allow any transition for local development add
to run-local
The basic smoke-test runs automatically in GitHub Actions on each push. See the file Actions config for details. The secret environment variables are set in the Github secrets under Settings.