All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.0-beta.3 (2018-07-07)
- app: lower checking frequency to increase probability of populated github release notes (ee82dec)
- changelog: add option to disable release butler attribution in generated changelog (741b1c3)
- data: add ng-packagr (23cd0d8)
- data: add Parcel.js (ae75798)
- data: add rollup (5bf405e)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2018-05-04)
- changelog: set max-height for changelog area to accommodate for puppeteer limit (8ce8247)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2018-04-21)
- changelog: use pupeteer 1.3.0 and new bypass csp flag to support custom fonts (f9cf200)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2018-04-20)
- changelog: delay page to prevent missing webfonts (03f389f)
- changelog: force bold headers, style table borders (427ea9a)
- changelog: add 3 new themes - forrest, reggae and cupcake (947d0b9)
- changelog: use release butler fonts for generated changelogs (6780f58)
- data: add ngx-model and angular-ngrx-material-starter (77a6113)
- data: add release butler project (970dc52)
- twitter: add canary release type (dd783c7)
- changelog: use long term browser instance instead of recreating on every request (26dcdcb)
- app: default cron schedule is once every hour (2c7a336)
- app: pass skip flag to init command (513594a)
- changelog: file version matching, link styles (5eb781b)
- changelog: close puppeteer browser after execution, fix memory leak (9eab73b)
- changelog: correctly release resources, add puppeteer flag (7a1c0a9)
- changelog: dracula theme (799514a)
- changelog: increase puppeteer timeout (d47b65e)
- changelog: logging format (49b03bb)
- changelog: remove border from main version line (84f1820)
- changelog: remove starting 'v' from version for manipulation (84b4656)
- changelog: testing for version when removing redundant nodes from (69da1eb)
- changelog: transparent background for handler only, twitter uses white background (0ed9771)
- deployment: docker install missing puppeteer chrome dependencies (8f6e530)
- deployment: fix deploy script (correct alias) (9505c30)
- release: enhance logging, versions released since last deployment (d6ac493)
- release: track release count since deploy (49db0a6)
- twitter: anchor link generation (f6d197a)
- twitter: pass version parameter for anchor link (b8a15da)
- twitter: tweet formatting (e3d4eff)
- www: add missing title, add google analytics download changelog error event tracking (e1d798b)
- www: beta badge overflow (29da3ca)
- www: form responsive layout (e6fdaad)
- www: google analytics event tracking (e593b88)
- www: images urls (094f949)
- www: initially hide elements with css instead of js (758f94c)
- www: overflow styles (c0799d8)
- www: overflow styles (26da963)
- www: responsive styles (f2d861f)
- www: responsive styles (790a93e)
- www: wording (99ffb6a)
- app: heavy refactor, use log4js, use yargs commands (c3b0562)
- app: initial commit (8aa530a)
- app: mvp (3fdeb5e)
- app: refactor changelog service, add standalone changelog command, enhance screenshots with custom css offsets (ec2e41c)
- app: remove redundant timestamp from logs (6e8bc77)
- app: tweet changelog image (4858b77)
- changelog: add beach theme, adjust theme property names (9e81298)
- changelog: add signature and watermark (5a3b3cd)
- changelog: add support for 'next' version (58b9aa6)
- changelog: add watermark logo (4e07d1e)
- changelog: adjust styles in github releases page (1c0fb66)
- changelog: enhance logging (8c8132f)
- changelog: enhance screenshot styles (9b46827)
- changelog: enhance screenshot styles (e80a0b3)
- changelog: enhance version not found handling and logging (c115da8)
- changelog: extract and adjust styles (6e74fea)
- changelog: fail if no version found in (6b15c10)
- changelog: inject styles in github releases page (9da9501)
- changelog: support for retrieving 'latest' version of changelog (9e2c7f6)
- changelog: support themes and optional project name (ce3818b)
- changelog: track changelog downloads since deployment (19c8a91)
- changelog: use png stream (b5ff70c)
- changelog: use puppeteer instead of webshot (03a9c53)
- data: add angular material (b917d4b)
- data: add boostrap (7c88954)
- data: add init db script (eac84f2)
- data: add material ui, mocha and puppeteer (78bba87)
- data: add nest project (1e3f5f1)
- data: add next.js and svetle (cdcea38)
- data: add npm to init db script (6c0aa16)
- deployment: add deploy script (5e04578)
- deployment: add dumb-init to docker container, add remove failed builds script (40f9081)
- deployment: add remove all deployments script, remove redundant libs, adjust deploy script (2e0ceb3)
- deployment: adjust deploy script (7c64874)
- deployment: adjust deploy script (52820ee)
- deployment: adjust secrets, add dummy express server (875aa21)
- deployment: use docker to support puppeteer in now environment, enhance deploy script (fd3968f)
- github: order versions by semver (fcf1f68)
- handlers: add changelog handler for retrieving changelogs (69d03ee)
- project: adjust init project logging (633758f)
- release: enhance logging info (dc0ed24)
- release: enhance logging info, track release count since deploy (694b3ec)
- release: enhance logging messages (70e8eab)
- release: enhance logging, versions released since last deployment (982019a)
- release: log number of releases per project and latest release version (34dd1f8)
- release: only log new releases (9d61706)
- release: recover from failed new version tweet, process all new version and update DB regardless of outcome (f6e6cf4)
- twitter: add releasebutler hashtag (dd05903)
- twitter: split stable release type into fix, feature and major (a79b8ef)
- twitter: use anchor url for releases (0432411)
- url: add url service and remove redundant url data from application (6c67d25)
- www: add ember logo (faf685d)
- www: add GA changelog download tracking (bf07721)
- www: add graphql (7779a45)
- www: add marketing site (07e5c2d)
- www: add redux and mobx projects (fb5f083)
- www: add retrieve changelog functionality (2ca1d0b)
- www: optimize images (0f03b34)
- www: randomize get changelog form (46a93f3)
- www: reduce images resolution, add favicon (3320327)
- www: reduce size of images (6d3c55e)
- www: remove font awesome dependency, add smooth twitter timeline transition (cb7d261)
- www: show downloaded changelog image and add download button (cd36e40)
- www: style browser nav bar (2b071e0)