Releases: mozilla/blurts-server
1fc2983 bug 1616983: delete-user script for when we need it
20af749 Fixed #1611 - Added PropTiger Logo (#1612)
db72158 Fixed #1588 - Added Halloween Spot Logo
b0a51d3 update npm-ci-audit-wrapper
c33a85b fix #1569: add a SKIP_LIST to updatebreaches.js
ebb7334 Remove IRC references from contribute.json
98a0e15 Add AnimeGame.png
39050e4 Remove old scan page.
573ff38 chown during COPY
0c46882 fix #887: un-pin node image to pick up bug-fixes
79a3761 update package.json to use node 10
c3a5b2a Update Dockerfile to node 10 alpine
b64a667 Optimized WildStar and ThisHabbo logo image files
efeb582 Reduced/optimized new logo image files
fa5bd7f Additional logos revised for improved visibility
fcfb9a7 Fixed #1388 - Updated low-contrast logos to be more visible
64aedf0 Fix phsyical typo in priority breaches
f7b47f7 add utm_ params to fxa_rp - engage ping
753f225 Don't filter PDL breach
fcb9ba5 return from middleware early
8271f5b better req.query handling
f04896a fix fxa metrics-flow ping
12908b1 Send PDL
3961472 fix #1191: consolidate and clean up utm_* params
5235708 Update Bento Lockwise link.
5920aef check for subscriber.fxa_uid before ping
0bfc5e7 fix #1191: add subscriber_id to CTA href
0ba2cdb fix #1191: ping fxa on email visits
6b13947 add START_PAGE feature to pre-fxa email script
c0a1c37 Update strings and add new image.
0d7ac78 Add FTL comment for mnemonic-phrases
6f02e9c Add GPSUnderground.png
13b77c0 Add new data class strings from GateHub breach
e76370b Add EpicBot.png
6bd3f03 add GateHub.png
62d93ed Review update
8db014c Set "newScanPage" custom dimension.
30becb0 Use identical GA eventCategory values for scan results CTAs.
4125c35 Rename "newMarketingScanPage" to "newScanPage".
c701e11 New scan results page for marketing tests.
1d327f2 fix #1374: add tests for getBreachStats
258c86f fix #1374 - import FXA from new lib/fxa exports
f917c86 add subscribers_fxa_uid_idx migration
839bce4 Revised and replaced logos that had low-legibility on white/light background pages. All new images have been compressed and optimized.
08ceac1 Revised Fling logo to be more legible in card view