diff --git a/plugins/Galerie/index.php b/plugins/Galerie/index.php
index 0ce7431..92d260b 100644
--- a/plugins/Galerie/index.php
+++ b/plugins/Galerie/index.php
@@ -1,430 +1,445 @@
- $embedded = $this->settings->get("target");
- $linkprefix = "index.php?cat=".CAT_REQUEST."&page=".PAGE_REQUEST."&";
- if ($embedded == "_blank") {
- $linkprefix = "index.php?galtemplate=true&";
- }
- if($CMS_CONF->get("modrewrite") == "true") {
- $linkprefix = URL_BASE.CAT_REQUEST."/".PAGE_REQUEST.".html?";
- if ($embedded == "_blank") {
- $linkprefix = "index.php.html?galtemplate=true&";
- }
- }
- $index = NULL;
- if (getRequestParam('index', false))
- $index = getRequestParam('index', false);
- $cat_activ = "";
- if(CAT_REQUEST == basename(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) and $embedded == "_self") {
- $cat_activ = "../";
- }
- if ($this->settings->get("usethumbs") == "true")
- $usethumbs = true;
- else
- $usethumbs = false;
- // Übergebene Parameter überprüfen
- $gal_request = $specialchars->replacespecialchars($specialchars->getHtmlEntityDecode($values[0]),false);
- if (getRequestParam("gal", false))
- $gal_request = $specialchars->replacespecialchars(getRequestParam("gal", false),false);
- $GALERIE_DIR = BASE_DIR.GALLERIES_DIR_NAME."/".$gal_request."/";
- $GALERIE_DIR_SRC = str_replace("%","%25",URL_BASE.GALLERIES_DIR_NAME."/".$gal_request."/");
- # keine Galerie angegeben oder Galerie gibts nicht
- if (($gal_request == "") || (!file_exists($GALERIE_DIR))) {
- global $syntax;
- if($gal_request == "") {
- return $syntax->createDeadlink($lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue0("message_gallerydir_error_0"),$lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue0("message_gallerydir_error_0"));
- } else {
- return $syntax->createDeadlink($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("message_gallerydir_error_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true)));
- }
- }
- # Galerie erzeugen
- if (($embedded == "_self") or (getRequestParam('gal', false))) {
- $alldescriptions = false;
- if(is_file($GALERIE_DIR."texte.conf"))
- $alldescriptions = new Properties($GALERIE_DIR."texte.conf");
- // Galerieverzeichnis einlesen
- $picarray = $this->getPicsAsArray($GALERIE_DIR, array("jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "gif", "png", "svg"));
- $allindexes = array();
- for ($i=1; $i<=count($picarray); $i++) {
- array_push($allindexes, $i);
- }
- // globaler Index
- if ((!isset($index)) || (!in_array($index, $allindexes)))
- $index = 1;
- else
- $index = $index;
- // Bestimmung der Positionen
- $first = 1;
- $last = count($allindexes);
- if (!in_array($index-1, $allindexes))
- $previous = $last;
- else
- $previous = $index-1;
- if (!in_array($index+1, $allindexes))
- $next = 1;
- else
- $next = $index+1;
- $template = NULL;
- if($this->settings->get("gallerytemplate")) {
- if ($embedded == "_self") {
- $template = '
- } else {
- $template = $this->settings->get("gallerytemplate");
- if(strrpos("tmp".$value,'{NUMBERMENU}') > 0) {
- $template = $value;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if(strrpos("tmp".$value,'{NUMBERMENU}') > 0) {
- $template = $value;
- }
- }
- $html = $template;
- if (count($picarray) == 0) {
- $html = preg_replace('/{NUMBERMENU}/', $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue0("message_galleryempty_0"), $html);
- }
- # Titel der Galerie
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTGALLERY}/', $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request,false,true), $html);
- if ($usethumbs) {
- $html = preg_replace('/{GALLERYMENU}/', " ", $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{NUMBERMENU}/', $this->getThumbnails($picarray,$alldescriptions,$GALERIE_DIR,$GALERIE_DIR_SRC), $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTPIC}/', " ", $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}/', " ", $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{XOUTOFY}/', " ", $html);
- } else {
- $html = preg_replace('/{GALLERYMENU}/', $this->getGalleryMenu($picarray,$linkprefix,$gal_request,$index,$first,$previous,$next,$last), $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{NUMBERMENU}/', $this->getNumberMenu($picarray,$linkprefix,$index,$gal_request,$first,$last), $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTPIC}/', $this->getCurrentPic($picarray,$index,$GALERIE_DIR_SRC), $html);
- if (count($picarray) > 0) {
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}/', $this->getCurrentDescription($picarray[$index-1],$picarray,$alldescriptions), $html);
- } else {
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}/', "", $html);
- }
- $html = preg_replace('/{XOUTOFY}/', $this->getXoutofY($picarray,$index,$last), $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENT_INDEX}/', $index, $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{PREVIOUS_INDEX}/', $previous, $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/{NEXT_INDEX}/', $next, $html);
- }
- return $html;
- # Galerie Link erzeugen
- } else {
- $j=0;
- if(file_exists($GALERIE_DIR)) {
- $handle = opendir($GALERIE_DIR);
- while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
- if (is_file($GALERIE_DIR.$file) and ($file <> "texte.conf")) {
- $j++;
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- } else {
- global $syntax;
- // Galerie nicht vorhanden
- return $syntax->createDeadlink($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, true), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("tooltip_link_gallery_error_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, true)));
- }
- $gal_name = NULL;
- if(isset($values[0])) {
- $gal_name = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, false);
- }
- if(isset($values[1])) {
- $gal_name = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[1], false, false);
- }
- return "getLanguageValue2("tooltip_link_gallery_2", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, true), $j))."target=\"".$this->settings->get("target")."\">".$gal_name."";
- }
- } // function getContent
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Galeriemenü erzeugen
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getGalleryMenu($picarray,$linkprefix,$gal_request,$index,$first,$previous,$next,$last) {
- global $lang_gallery_cms;
- // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
- if (count($picarray) == 0)
- return " ";
- $gallerymenu = "";
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Nummernmenü erzeugen
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getNumberMenu($picarray,$linkprefix,$index,$gal_request,$first,$last) {
- // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
- if (count($picarray) == 0)
- return " ";
- $numbermenu = "";
- return $numbermenu;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Nummernmenü erzeugen
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getThumbnails($picarray,$alldescriptions,$GALERIE_DIR,$GALERIE_DIR_SRC) {
- global $specialchars;
- global $lang_gallery_cms;
- $picsperrow = $this->settings->get("picsperrow");
- if (empty($picsperrow)) $picsperrow = 4;
- $thumbs = "";
- $i = 0;
- for ($i=0; $igetCurrentDescription($picarray[$i],$picarray,$alldescriptions);
- if ($description == "")
- $description = " ";
- // Neue Tabellenzeile aller picsperrow Zeichen
- if (($i > 0) && ($i % $picsperrow == 0))
- $thumbs .= "
- $thumbs .= "";
- if (file_exists($GALERIE_DIR.PREVIEW_DIR_NAME."/".$specialchars->replaceSpecialChars($picarray[$i],false))) {
- $thumbs .= "replaceSpecialChars($picarray[$i],true)."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"".$lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("tooltip_gallery_fullscreen_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray[$i],true,true))."\"> replaceSpecialChars($picarray[$i],true)."\" alt=\"".$specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray[$i],true,true)."\" class=\"thumbnail\" /> ";
- } else {
- $thumbs .= '';
- }
- $thumbs .= $description
- ." | ";
- }
- while ($i % $picsperrow > 0) {
- $thumbs .= " | ";
- $i++;
- }
- $thumbs .= "
- // Rückgabe der Thumbnails
- return $thumbs;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Aktuelles Bild anzeigen
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getCurrentPic($picarray,$index,$GALERIE_DIR_SRC) {
- global $specialchars;
- global $lang_gallery_cms;
- // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
- if (count($picarray) == 0)
- return " ";
- // Link zur Vollbildansicht öffnen
- $currentpic = "replaceSpecialChars($picarray[$index-1],true)."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"".$lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("tooltip_gallery_fullscreen_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray[$index-1],true,true))."\">";
- $currentpic .= "
replaceSpecialChars($picarray[$index-1],true)."\" alt=\"".$lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("alttext_galleryimage_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray[$index-1],true,true))."\" />";
- // Link zur Vollbildansicht schliessen
- $currentpic .= "";
- // Rückgabe des Bildes
- return $currentpic;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Beschreibung zum aktuellen Bild anzeigen
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getCurrentDescription($picname,$picarray,$alldescriptions) {
- global $specialchars;
- if(!$alldescriptions)
- return " ";
- // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
- if (count($picarray) == 0)
- return " ";
- // Bildbeschreibung einlesen
- $description = $alldescriptions->get($picname);
- if(strlen($description) > 0) {
- return $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($description,false,true);
- } else {
- return " ";
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Position in der Galerie anzeigen
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getXoutofY($picarray,$index,$last) {
- global $lang_gallery_cms;
- // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
- if (count($picarray) == 0)
- return " ";
- return $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue2("message_gallery_xoutofy_2", $index, $last);
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Auslesen des übergebenen Galerieverzeichnisses, Rückgabe als Array
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getPicsAsArray($dir, $filetypes) {
- $picarray = array();
- $currentdir = opendir($dir);
- // Alle Dateien des übergebenen Verzeichnisses einlesen...
- while ($file = readdir($currentdir)){
- if(isValidDirOrFile($file) and (in_array(strtolower(substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1, strlen(strrchr($file, "."))-1)), $filetypes))) {
- // ...wenn alles passt, ans Bilder-Array anhängen
- $picarray[] = $file;
- }
- }
- closedir($currentdir);
- sort($picarray);
- return $picarray;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Hilfsfunktion: "title"-Attribut zusammenbauen (oder nicht, wenn nicht konfiguriert)
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- function getTitleAttribute($value) {
- global $CMS_CONF;
- if ($CMS_CONF->get("showsyntaxtooltips") == "true") {
- return " title=\"".$value."\"";
- }
- return "";
- }*/
- /***************************************************************
- *
- * Gibt die Konfigurationsoptionen als Array zurück.
- *
- ***************************************************************/
- function getConfig() {
- global $lang_gallery_admin;
- // Rückgabe-Array initialisieren
- // Das muß auf jeden Fall geschehen!
- $config = array();
- $config['picsperrow'] = array(
- "type" => "text",
- "maxlength" => "2",
- "size" => "3",
- "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_picsperrow"),
- "regex" => "/^[1-9][0-9]?/",
- "regex_error" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_picsperrow_regex_error")
- );
- $config['usethumbs'] = array(
- "type" => "checkbox",
- "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_usethumbs")
- );
- $config['target'] = array(
- "type" => "radio",
- "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_target"),
- "descriptions" => array(
- "_self" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_target_self"),
- "_blank" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_target_blank"),
- )
- );
- $config['gallerytemplate'] = array(
- "type" => "textarea",
- "cols" => "50",
- "rows" => "7",
- "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("gallery_placeholders"),
- );
- // Nicht vergessen: Das gesamte Array zurückgeben
- return $config;
- } // function getConfig
- /***************************************************************
- *
- * Gibt die Plugin-Infos als Array zurück
- *
- ***************************************************************/
- function getInfo() {
- global $ADMIN_CONF;
- global $lang_gallery_admin;
- $dir = PLUGIN_DIR_REL."Galerie/";
- $language = $ADMIN_CONF->get("language");
- $lang_gallery_admin = new Properties($dir."sprachen/admin_language_".$language.".conf",false);
- if(!isset($lang_gallery_admin->properties['readonly'])) {
- die($lang_gallery_admin->properties['error']);
- }
- $info = array(
- // Plugin-Name
- "".$lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_plugin_name")." \$Revision: 149 $",
- // CMS-Version
- "1.12",
- // Kurzbeschreibung
- $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_plugin_desc"),
- // Name des Autors
- "mozilo",
- // Download-URL
- "http://mozilo.de",
- # Platzhalter => Kurzbeschreibung
- array('{Galerie|}' => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_plugin_name"))
- );
- return $info;
- } // function getInfo
+ /**
+ * *************************************************************
+ *
+ * Gibt den HTML-Code zurück, mit dem die Plugin-Variable ersetzt
+ * wird.
+ *
+ * *************************************************************
+ */
+ function getContent($value) {
+ $values = explode(",", $value);
+ global $CMS_CONF;
+ global $specialchars;
+ global $GALLERY_CONF;
+ global $LAYOUT_DIR;
+ global $lang_gallery_cms;
+ $dir = PLUGIN_DIR_REL . "Galerie/";
+ $lang_gallery_cms = new Language($dir . "sprachen/cms_language_" . $CMS_CONF->get("cmslanguage") . ".conf");
+ $embedded = $this->settings->get("target");
+ $linkprefix = "index.php?cat=" . CAT_REQUEST . "&page=" . PAGE_REQUEST . "&";
+ if ($embedded == "_blank") {
+ $linkprefix = "index.php?galtemplate=true&";
+ }
+ if ($CMS_CONF->get("modrewrite") == "true") {
+ $linkprefix = URL_BASE . CAT_REQUEST . "/" . PAGE_REQUEST . ".html?";
+ if ($embedded == "_blank") {
+ $linkprefix = "index.php.html?galtemplate=true&";
+ }
+ }
+ $index = NULL;
+ if (getRequestParam('index', false))
+ $index = getRequestParam('index', false);
+ $cat_activ = "";
+ if (CAT_REQUEST == basename(dirname($_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'])) and $embedded == "_self") {
+ $cat_activ = "../";
+ }
+ if ($this->settings->get("usethumbs") == "true")
+ $usethumbs = true;
+ else
+ $usethumbs = false;
+ // Übergebene Parameter überprüfen
+ $gal_request = $specialchars->replacespecialchars($specialchars->getHtmlEntityDecode($values [0]), false);
+ if (getRequestParam("gal", false))
+ $gal_request = $specialchars->replacespecialchars(getRequestParam("gal", false), false);
+ $GALERIE_DIR = BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $gal_request . "/";
+ $GALERIE_DIR_SRC = str_replace("%", "%25", URL_BASE . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $gal_request . "/");
+ // keine Galerie angegeben oder Galerie gibts nicht
+ if (($gal_request == "") || (!file_exists($GALERIE_DIR))) {
+ global $syntax;
+ if ($gal_request == "") {
+ return $syntax->createDeadlink($lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue0("message_gallerydir_error_0"), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue0("message_gallerydir_error_0"));
+ } else {
+ return $syntax->createDeadlink($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("message_gallerydir_error_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true)));
+ }
+ }
+ // Galerie erzeugen
+ if (($embedded == "_self") or (getRequestParam('gal', false))) {
+ $alldescriptions = false;
+ if (is_file($GALERIE_DIR . "texte.conf"))
+ $alldescriptions = new Properties($GALERIE_DIR . "texte.conf");
+ // Galerieverzeichnis einlesen
+ $picarray = $this->getPicsAsArray($GALERIE_DIR, array(
+ "jpg",
+ "jpeg",
+ "jpe",
+ "gif",
+ "png",
+ "svg"
+ ));
+ $allindexes = array();
+ for($i = 1; $i <= count($picarray); $i++) {
+ array_push($allindexes, $i);
+ }
+ // globaler Index
+ if ((!isset($index)) || (!in_array($index, $allindexes)))
+ $index = 1;
+ else
+ $index = $index;
+ // Bestimmung der Positionen
+ $first = 1;
+ $last = count($allindexes);
+ if (!in_array($index - 1, $allindexes))
+ $previous = $last;
+ else
+ $previous = $index - 1;
+ if (!in_array($index + 1, $allindexes))
+ $next = 1;
+ else
+ $next = $index + 1;
+ $template = NULL;
+ if ($this->settings->get("gallerytemplate")) {
+ if ($embedded == "_self") {
+ $template = '' . $this->settings->get("gallerytemplate") . '
+ } else {
+ $template = $this->settings->get("gallerytemplate");
+ if (strrpos("tmp" . $value, '{NUMBERMENU}') > 0) {
+ $template = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strrpos("tmp" . $value, '{NUMBERMENU}') > 0) {
+ $template = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $html = $template;
+ if (count($picarray) == 0) {
+ $html = preg_replace('/{NUMBERMENU}/', $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue0("message_galleryempty_0"), $html);
+ }
+ // Titel der Galerie
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTGALLERY}/', $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true), $html);
+ if ($usethumbs) {
+ $html = preg_replace('/{GALLERYMENU}/', " ", $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{NUMBERMENU}/', $this->getThumbnails($picarray, $alldescriptions, $GALERIE_DIR, $GALERIE_DIR_SRC), $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTPIC}/', " ", $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}/', " ", $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{XOUTOFY}/', " ", $html);
+ } else {
+ $html = preg_replace('/{GALLERYMENU}/', $this->getGalleryMenu($picarray, $linkprefix, $gal_request, $index, $first, $previous, $next, $last), $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{NUMBERMENU}/', $this->getNumberMenu($picarray, $linkprefix, $index, $gal_request, $first, $last), $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTPIC}/', $this->getCurrentPic($picarray, $index, $GALERIE_DIR_SRC), $html);
+ if (count($picarray) > 0) {
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}/', $this->getCurrentDescription($picarray [$index - 1], $picarray, $alldescriptions), $html);
+ } else {
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}/', "", $html);
+ }
+ $html = preg_replace('/{XOUTOFY}/', $this->getXoutofY($picarray, $index, $last), $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{CURRENT_INDEX}/', $index, $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{PREVIOUS_INDEX}/', $previous, $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/{NEXT_INDEX}/', $next, $html);
+ }
+ return $html;
+ // Galerie Link erzeugen
+ } else {
+ $j = 0;
+ if (file_exists($GALERIE_DIR)) {
+ $handle = opendir($GALERIE_DIR);
+ while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
+ if (is_file($GALERIE_DIR . $file) and ($file != "texte.conf")) {
+ $j++;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($handle);
+ } else {
+ global $syntax;
+ // Galerie nicht vorhanden
+ return $syntax->createDeadlink($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values [0], false, true), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("tooltip_link_gallery_error_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values [0], false, true)));
+ }
+ $gal_name = NULL;
+ if (isset($values [0])) {
+ $gal_name = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values [0], false, false);
+ }
+ if (isset($values [1])) {
+ $gal_name = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values [1], false, false);
+ }
+ return "getLanguageValue2("tooltip_link_gallery_2", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values [0], false, true), $j)) . "target=\"" . $this->settings->get("target") . "\">" . $gal_name . "";
+ }
+ }
+ // function getContent
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Galeriemenü erzeugen
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getGalleryMenu($picarray, $linkprefix, $gal_request, $index, $first, $previous, $next, $last) {
+ global $lang_gallery_cms;
+ // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
+ if (count($picarray) == 0)
+ return " ";
+ $gallerymenu = "";
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Nummernmenü erzeugen
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getNumberMenu($picarray, $linkprefix, $index, $gal_request, $first, $last) {
+ // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
+ if (count($picarray) == 0)
+ return " ";
+ $numbermenu = "";
+ return $numbermenu;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Nummernmenü erzeugen
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getThumbnails($picarray, $alldescriptions, $GALERIE_DIR, $GALERIE_DIR_SRC) {
+ global $specialchars;
+ global $lang_gallery_cms;
+ $picsperrow = $this->settings->get("picsperrow");
+ if (empty($picsperrow))
+ $picsperrow = 4;
+ $thumbs = "";
+ $i = 0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < count($picarray); $i++) {
+ // Bildbeschreibung holen
+ $description = $this->getCurrentDescription($picarray [$i], $picarray, $alldescriptions);
+ if ($description == "")
+ $description = " ";
+ // Neue Tabellenzeile aller picsperrow Zeichen
+ if (($i > 0) && ($i % $picsperrow == 0))
+ $thumbs .= "
+ $thumbs .= "";
+ if (file_exists($GALERIE_DIR . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/" . $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars($picarray [$i], false))) {
+ $thumbs .= "replaceSpecialChars($picarray [$i], true) . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("tooltip_gallery_fullscreen_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray [$i], true, true)) . "\"> replaceSpecialChars($picarray [$i], true) . "\" alt=\"" . $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray [$i], true, true) . "\" class=\"thumbnail\" /> ";
+ } else {
+ $thumbs .= '';
+ }
+ $thumbs .= $description . " | ";
+ }
+ while ($i % $picsperrow > 0) {
+ $thumbs .= " | ";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $thumbs .= "
+ // Rückgabe der Thumbnails
+ return $thumbs;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Aktuelles Bild anzeigen
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getCurrentPic($picarray, $index, $GALERIE_DIR_SRC) {
+ global $specialchars;
+ global $lang_gallery_cms;
+ // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
+ if (count($picarray) == 0)
+ return " ";
+ // Link zur Vollbildansicht öffnen
+ $currentpic = "replaceSpecialChars($picarray [$index - 1], true) . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("tooltip_gallery_fullscreen_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray [$index - 1], true, true)) . "\">";
+ $currentpic .= "
replaceSpecialChars($picarray [$index - 1], true) . "\" alt=\"" . $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue1("alttext_galleryimage_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($picarray [$index - 1], true, true)) . "\" />";
+ // Link zur Vollbildansicht schliessen
+ $currentpic .= "";
+ // Rückgabe des Bildes
+ return $currentpic;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Beschreibung zum aktuellen Bild anzeigen
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getCurrentDescription($picname, $picarray, $alldescriptions) {
+ global $specialchars;
+ if (!$alldescriptions)
+ return " ";
+ // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
+ if (count($picarray) == 0)
+ return " ";
+ // Bildbeschreibung einlesen
+ $description = $alldescriptions->get($picname);
+ if (isset($description) && strlen($description) > 0) {
+ return $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($description, false, true);
+ } else {
+ return " ";
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Position in der Galerie anzeigen
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getXoutofY($picarray, $index, $last) {
+ global $lang_gallery_cms;
+ // Keine Bilder im Galerieverzeichnis?
+ if (count($picarray) == 0)
+ return " ";
+ return $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue2("message_gallery_xoutofy_2", $index, $last);
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Auslesen des übergebenen Galerieverzeichnisses, Rückgabe als Array
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getPicsAsArray($dir, $filetypes) {
+ $picarray = array();
+ $currentdir = opendir($dir);
+ // Alle Dateien des übergebenen Verzeichnisses einlesen...
+ while ($file = readdir($currentdir)) {
+ if (isValidDirOrFile($file) and (in_array(strtolower(substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1, strlen(strrchr($file, ".")) - 1)), $filetypes))) {
+ // ...wenn alles passt, ans Bilder-Array anhängen
+ $picarray [] = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($currentdir);
+ sort($picarray);
+ return $picarray;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Hilfsfunktion: "title"-Attribut zusammenbauen (oder nicht, wenn nicht konfiguriert)
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*
+ * function getTitleAttribute($value) {
+ * global $CMS_CONF;
+ * if ($CMS_CONF->get("showsyntaxtooltips") == "true") {
+ * return " title=\"".$value."\"";
+ * }
+ * return "";
+ * }
+ */
+ /**
+ * *************************************************************
+ *
+ * Gibt die Konfigurationsoptionen als Array zurück.
+ *
+ * *************************************************************
+ */
+ function getConfig() {
+ global $lang_gallery_admin;
+ // Rückgabe-Array initialisieren
+ // Das muß auf jeden Fall geschehen!
+ $config = array();
+ $config ['picsperrow'] = array(
+ "type" => "text",
+ "maxlength" => "2",
+ "size" => "3",
+ "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_picsperrow"),
+ "regex" => "/^[1-9][0-9]?/",
+ "regex_error" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_picsperrow_regex_error")
+ );
+ $config ['usethumbs'] = array(
+ "type" => "checkbox",
+ "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_usethumbs")
+ );
+ $config ['target'] = array(
+ "type" => "radio",
+ "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_target"),
+ "descriptions" => array(
+ "_self" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_target_self"),
+ "_blank" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_target_blank")
+ )
+ );
+ $config ['gallerytemplate'] = array(
+ "type" => "textarea",
+ "cols" => "50",
+ "rows" => "7",
+ "description" => $lang_gallery_admin->get("gallery_placeholders")
+ );
+ // Nicht vergessen: Das gesamte Array zurückgeben
+ return $config;
+ }
+ // function getConfig
+ /**
+ * *************************************************************
+ *
+ * Gibt die Plugin-Infos als Array zurück
+ *
+ * *************************************************************
+ */
+ function getInfo() {
+ global $ADMIN_CONF;
+ global $lang_gallery_admin;
+ $dir = PLUGIN_DIR_REL . "Galerie/";
+ $language = $ADMIN_CONF->get("language");
+ $lang_gallery_admin = new Properties($dir . "sprachen/admin_language_" . $language . ".conf", false);
+ if (!isset($lang_gallery_admin->properties ['readonly'])) {
+ die($lang_gallery_admin->properties ['error']);
+ }
+ $info = array(
+ // Plugin-Name
+ "" . $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_plugin_name") . " \$Revision: 149 $",
+ // CMS-Version
+ "1.12",
+ // Kurzbeschreibung
+ $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_plugin_desc"),
+ // Name des Autors
+ "mozilo",
+ // Download-URL
+ "http://mozilo.de",
+ // Platzhalter => Kurzbeschreibung
+ array(
+ '{Galerie|}' => $lang_gallery_admin->get("config_gallery_plugin_name")
+ )
+ );
+ return $info;
+ }
+ // function getInfo
} // class plugin
\ No newline at end of file