Rock-Paper-Scissors game developed by Henry Omiti as a Python Developer Challenge during the PLP Cohort 3(2023) Training on Python programming.
The aim of the task was to learn about using python libraries.
The program makes use of Tkinter and CustomTkinter libraries for making the GUI as well as the randint method of the random library.
Rock-Paper-Scissors is a two player game where a user is required to make a choice from 3 options(Rock, Paper & Scissors) by pressing a button with their preffered choice. If there is a win, a score of 1 point is awarded whereas a point is deducted for every loss.When there is a tie(computer and user choose the same option), no point is awarded.
Simple & modern GUI.Git-clone this repo & change directory
git clone
cd challenge3-rock-paper-scissors
Install modules using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the .py file!