Cypress does not recommend using the Page Object Model pattern that most folk will be used to from the Selenium based frameworks (see the article by Martin Fowler Page Object ) the preferred option is to use Cypress Custom Commands.
Create a project directory Open a Terminal in the project root directory
$ npm init
$ npm install cypress --save-dev
Further details see Cypressio npm install
You can now open the Cypress console by running:
$ node_modules/.bin/cypress open
$ npx cypress open
from the project root folder.
This will also generate the following scaffold directory structure
To run from a command line add a Script to the Package JSON file
cyrun": "node_modules/.bin/cypress run --browser chrome"
Tests can then be run from a Terminal
$ npm run cyrun
$ npm install cypress-cucumber-preprocessor --save-dev
Now configure Cypress by adding the Cucumber Plugin to the cypress/plugins/index.js file:
const cucumber = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor').default
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('file:preprocessor', cucumber())
and add support for feature files to your Cypress configuration file cypress.json which was generated when Cypress was initially opened as part of the scaffold structure:
{ "testFiles": "**/*.feature" }
The Cypress-Cucumber-Preprocessor docs recommend using the Cosmic Config module installed via:
$ npm install cosmiconfig --save-dev
and then added as a section to the package.json file as follows:
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": { "nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true }
By setting this to true, the Cypress Cucumber Preprocessor Style pattern for placing step definitions files will be used instead of the "oldschool" i.e. everything is global Cucumber style.
Environment variables can be added via a cypress.env.json file and accessed within the code so