How to show hidden files on Linux
The easiest way to show hidden files on Linux is to use the ls command with the
option for “all”.
$ ls -a <path>
For example here we can see all the files on my root directory
15:32:50 with ubuntu in ~ at pnfb-k3-master …
> ls -a
. .bash_history .bashrc .local .profile .ssh .viminfo .zcompdump-pnfb-k3-master-5.8 .zsh_history
.. .bash_logout .cache .oh-my-zsh .shell.pre-oh-my-zsh .sudo_as_admin_successful .zcompdump .zcompdump-pnfb-k3-master-5.8.zwc .zshrc
Alternatively, you can use the “-A” flag in order to show hidden files on Linux.
You can then use vim to open up a file like .zshrc