When you're forms fields they look like this when using Flask-WTF.
{{ form.email(class="form-control is-invalid") }}
It's hard to see where you can add attributes like placeholers.
This is where render_kw
comes in.
render_kw (dict) – If provided, a dictionary which provides default keywords that will be given to the widget at render time.
email = StringField(
validators=[DataRequired(), Email()],
render_kw={"placeholder": "Email Address", "type": "email"},
So now the email field within the form looks like this, using the render_kw
to past other attributes. A simple login form could look like this:
class LoginForm(FlaskForm):
email = StringField(
validators=[DataRequired(), Email()],
render_kw={"placeholder": "Email Address", "type": "email"},
password = PasswordField(
render_kw={"placeholder": "Password", "type": "password"},
remember = BooleanField("Remember Me")
submit = SubmitField("Login")
more info here