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Coupled VdP Bifurcation [Julia code]

Julia code for the examination of dissipatively coupled van der Pol equations in the form


where equation-2 and equation-3 are given parameters.

For the more detailed discussion and theoretical analysis of the system, please, consult the paper [TBD][TBD].

The code provides the following functionality:

  1. High tolerance solution of the VdP system through Tsit5() routine with interpolation to the unfiorm mesh
  2. Extraction of the naive limit cycle out of the solution
  3. Perturbation of the LC with the given distance to the LC
  4. Numerical definition of the vertical displacement and the phase different of the system
  5. Numerical definition of the time to the limit cycle
  6. Plotting routine of the paper [TBD][TBD]

Necessary header and dependencies

We advice the following list of Julia modules for the successful run of the code:

using BenchmarkTools
using DifferentialEquations
using Interpolations
using Peaks
using Polynomials
using Statistics
using Plots
using ColorSchemes

using Printf
using LaTeXStrings

VdPModule.jl functions

function Inputs Outputs Notes
f(du, u, p, t) du – LHS
u, t – variables
p – collection of the parameters, tuple
RHS of the system Template RHS for DifferentialEqualtions module
vpdSolve(problem::ODEProblem, interp::Bool, mult::Int64) ODEProblem input (see below)
interp – keep true for now, check if the mesh should be uniform
mult – multiplier of number of points for interpolation
t, x, dx, y, dx arrays Wrapper on Solver + interpolation to the uniform mesh
getLimCycleNaive(t, x, dx, y, dy) solution of vpdSolve γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy – LC Naive LC exteractor, returns last cycle
getDD(x::Float64, dx::Float64, y::Float64, dy::Float64, p::Tuple{Float64, Float64}) ptuple of parameters ddx, ddy Extractor of the second derivatives in the given point
getNewDot(eps::Float64, x::Float64, dx::Float64, y::Float64, dy::Float64, p::Tuple{Float64, Float64}) eps – the distanceto the LC
x, dx, y, dy – point of the LC being perturbed
ptuple of parameters
u0 – initial point for the solver Extractor of the initial perturbation exactly eps-away from the LC
dsquare(x,y) 2 2-d points returns euclidian distance between to points
minimumdistance(x,y) x – given point, 2x1
y – array of points, n x 2
minimal distance from x to y and the index of the smallest distance
getDists(x, dx, y, dy, γ, radius::Int) x, dx, y, dy – output of vdpSolve
γ – LC
radius – technical; how far away from the previous point we search the minimal distance for the new point
dists_x, dists_y – arrays of distances from the solution to the corresponding LC

Minimal run of the solver

tspan=(0.0, n*T);
Δω=0.2; μ=0.6; p=(Δω, μ);

u0=[3; 0; 3; 0];
problem=ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p);
t, x, dx, y, dy=vpdSolve(problem, true, 10);

PhiC_calc.jl functions

function Inputs Outputs Notes
getPhiC(mu::Float64, Tstar::Float64) mu – coupling
Tstar – moment of calculation (consider the paper)
phi – phase difference
C – vertical displacement
Returns the vertical displacement and phase difference directly from definition

Minimal run of the Phi/C extraction

getPhiC(mu, 100*T)

Additionally, PhiC_calc.jl performs run of getPhiC through several couplings and plots the C\phi diagram from the paper.

time2LC_calc..jl functions

function Inputs Outputs Notes
getDistsSmooth(dists_x, t, pNum)) dists_x – distances to x/dx-LC, output from getDists
t – time, output from vpdSolve, pNum – number of dots per LC, size(γ_x, 1)
dists_x_sm – smoothed distances
t – correponding (truncated) time
Smoothes by averaging the distances to the LC in the period window
coef(x, y) x and y – 1-d array k – optimal slope by pseudo-inverse Julia-optimal linreg slope

Minimal run to get distance to the LC

tspan=(0.0, n*T);
Δω=0.2; μ=1.5; p=(Δω, μ);

#solve the system to get the LC
u0=[3; 0; 3; 0];
problem=ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p);
t, x, dx, y, dy=vpdSolve(problem, true, mult);
γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy=getLimCycleNaive(t, x, dx, y, dy);
γ=(γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy);

# get the perturbed point
indx=pNum ÷ 3;
u0=getNewDot(D_0, γ_x[indx], γ_dx[indx], γ_y[indx], γ_dy[indx], p);

#solve the system from the perturbed point
tspan2=(0.0, n2*T);
problem2=ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan2, p);
t2, x, dx, y, dy=vpdSolve(problem2, true, mult2);
γ_x2, γ_dx2, γ_y2, γ_dy2=getLimCycleNaive(t2, x, dx, y, dy);
pNum2=size(γ_x2, 1);

#get the distances
dists_x, dists_y=getDists(x[1:Int(round(till*size(x, 1)/n2))],
    dx[1:Int(round(till*size(x, 1)/n2))],
    y[1:Int(round(till*size(x, 1)/n2))],
    dy[1:Int(round(till*size(x, 1)/n2))],
    γ, radius

#smooth the distances
dists_x3, t32=getDistsSmooth(dists_x, t2[1:Int(round(till*size(x, 1)/n2))], pNum2);
dists_x3 /= D_0; 
dists_x3, t32=getDistsSmooth(dists_x3, t32, pNum2);

#find the moment when the distance is small enough
thr= 10*1e-3; 
indx=findfirst(x->x<thr, dists_x3); 

Additionally, time2LC_calc.jl performs run of extracting the distance to the LC through several couplings and plots the time to the LC diagram from the paper for different phases of the initially pertrubed point.

Illustrative plotting examples

Examples of the Solutions

tspan=(0.0, n*T);
Δω=0.2; μ=0.25; p=(Δω, μ);

u0=[3; 0; 1; 0];
problem=ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p);
t, x, dx, y, dy=vpdSolve(problem, true, 10);
γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy=getLimCycleNaive(t, x, dx, y, dy);
γ=(γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy);
pNum=size(γ_x, 1);

u=0.5*(x+y); v=0.5*(x-y);
du=0.5*(dx+dy); dv=0.5*(dx-dy);


plot(layout=grid(2, 2, heights=[0.5 ,0.5, 0.5, 0.5], widths=[0.75, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25]))
plot!(t[end-5*pNum:end], x[end-5*pNum:end], color=cols[11], sp=1, lw=3, labels=L"x/\dot{x}")
plot!(t[end-5*pNum:end], y[end-5*pNum:end], color=cols[2], sp=1, lw=3, labels=L"y/\dot{y}",)
title!(L"\textrm{S}\textrm{olutions\; in \;time}", titlefontsize=14, sp=1)
ylabel!(L"\textrm{oscillators \; }\{x(t), y(t)\}", yguidefontsize=12, sp=1, )
plot!(, sp=1)

plot!(t[end-5*pNum:end], u[end-5*pNum:end], color=cols[9], sp=3, lw=3, labels=L"u/\dot{u}")
plot!(t[end-5*pNum:end], v[end-5*pNum:end], color=cols[4], sp=3, lw=3, labels=L"v/\dot{v}")
ylabel!(L"\textrm{half-sum/diff \; }\{u(t), v(t)\}", yguidefontsize=12, sp=3, )
xlabel!(L"\textrm{time,\;} t", xguidefontsize=14, sp=3,)

plot!(x[1:10*pNum], dx[1:10*pNum], line=(:dot), sp=2, color=cols[11], alpha=0.75, lw=3, labels="")
plot!(y[1:10*pNum], dy[1:10*pNum], line=(:dot), sp=2, color=cols[2], alpha=0.75, lw=3,  labels="")
ylabel!(L"\textrm{derivatives}",yguidefontsize=12, sp=2, )
title!(L"\textrm{P}\textrm{hase\; portraits}", titlefontsize=14, sp=2)

plot!(u[1:10*pNum], du[1:10*pNum], line=(:dot), sp=4, color=cols[9], alpha=0.75, lw=3, labels="")
plot!(v[1:10*pNum], dv[1:10*pNum], line=(:dot), sp=4, color=cols[4], alpha=0.75, lw=3, labels="", legend_position=:bottomright, legendmarkerstroke=1)
ylabel!(L"\textrm{derivatives}",yguidefontsize=12, sp=4, )
xlabel!(L"\textrm{functions}", xguidefontsize=14, sp=4, )
plot!(size=(1000, 500),,


Amplitudes and half-sum/half-difference example

mus=[0.25, 0.5, 1, 3];
refcols=[cols[1]; cols[11]; cols[9]; cols[10] ];
plot(layout=@layout [
    a{0.83w, 1.0h} [b{0.9h}; _]])
for i in 1:size(mus,1)
    global mus, amps
    tspan=(0.0, n*T);
    Δω=0.2; p=(Δω, μ);

    u0=[3; 0; 1; 0];
    problem=ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p);
    t, x, dx, y, dy=vpdSolve(problem, true, 10);
    γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy=getLimCycleNaive(t, x, dx, y, dy);
    γ=(γ_x, γ_dx, γ_y, γ_dy);
    pNum=size(γ_x, 1);
    u=0.5*(x+y); v=0.5*(x-y);
    du=0.5*(dx+dy); dv=0.5*(dx-dy);
    plot!(t[1:10*pNum], v[1:10*pNum], lw=3, color=refcols[i], sp=1, labels="")
    scatter!([mus[i]], [amps[i]], xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, sp=2,
        marker=(:circle, 5),
        xtickfont = font(10),
        ytickfont = font(10),
ylims!(10^(-1.2), 10^(1.9), sp=2)
xlabel!(L"\mathrm{time, \; } t", sp=1)
ylabel!(L"\mathrm{half-difference,\;} v(t)", sp=1)

yticks!([0.1, 1], sp=2)
xlabel!(L"\mathrm{coupling, \; } \mu", sp=2, xguidefontsize=11)
ylabel!(L"\mathrm{amplitude}", sp=2, yguidefontvalign =:bottom, yguidefontsize=11)
plot!(size=(900, 400),,
