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File metadata and controls

125 lines (86 loc) · 5.25 KB

Template Global Variable

see more detail in jina2

support airflow all macros

Generate Version Cache

Variable Description
{{ version }} the generate version object
{{ connection }} the generate version connection field (version.connection)
{{ template }} the generate version template field (version.template)
{{ resource_name }} the generate version resource_name field (version.resource_name)

Connection And ResourceName Config Format Variable

ResourceName config inherit his Connection config.The Config format is Configuration.


    ServerAliveInterval = 45
    Compression = yes
    CompressionLevel = 9
    ForwardX11 = yes

Section: jdbc

Variable Description Default
insert_primary_key if false not insert primary key when in a sink table false
add_read_partition_key if true add read partition key in connector if database has a primary key and connector has no read field false
read_partition_key the read partition key if not have the primary key None
auto_partition_bound if true then get the read_partition_lower_bound and read_partition_upper_bound from db true
read_partition_num partition num 50
read_partition_fetch_size Gives the reader a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched if 0 then ignore 0
read_partition_lower_bound the smallest value of the first partition if none and set auto_partition_bound will get from db None
read_partition_upper_bound the largest value of the last partition if none and set auto_partition_bound will get from db . None

Section: system

Variable Description Default
execution_parallelism the default parallelism when run flink 1
execution_restart_strategy if has will set in execution restart-strategy format json:eg{"type": "none"} {"type":"fixed-delay", "attempts": 3, "delay": 10000} {"type":"fixed-delay", "attempts": 3, "delay": 1000}
source_include the source need load from all connection resource name .*
source_exclude the source exclude name from all connection resource name ''
target_database_format the target database {{ resource_name.database }}
target_table_format the target tablename {{ }}
transform_name_format the generate transform name format {{ source_type }}2{{ target_type }}__{{ }}_{{ resource_name.database }}_{{ }}
use_partition if use partition false
partition_name if use partition pt
partition_value if use partition {{ ds_nodash }}
overwrite if overwrite false
hive_row_format if have then add to the table create eg: `ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' STORED AS RCFile`

Section: kafka

Variable Description Default
startup_mode the kafka topic start up mode support (earliest-offset,latest-offset,group-offsets or specific-offsets) latest-offset
topic if set will overwrite the kafka connect topic None

Section: canal

Variable Description Default
mode support upsert,update,insert,delete,all upsert
process_time_enable if true then kafka source will generate a process time in table true
process_time_name kafka source process time name(make true your table fields not contain it) flink_process_time
rowtime_enable if true then kafka source will generate a rowtime in table true
rowtime_name kafka source rowtime name(make true your table fields not contain it) mysql_row_time
rowtime_watermarks kafka source rowtime watermarks default 5000 ms (5s) 5000
rowtime_from kafka source rowtime field from MYSQL_DB_EXECUTE_TIME
binlog_type_name mysql bin log type name MYSQL_DB_EVENT_TYPE
before_column_suffix if mode contain update then will add to the field suffix _before
after_column_suffix if mode contain update then will add to the field suffix _after
update_suffix if mode contain update then will add to the field suffix _updated
table_filter use in canal filter table ...
canal_host canal http web host localhost
canal_port canal http port 11111
canal_username canal username in config null
canal_password canal password in config null
canal_destination canal destination null
canal_client_id canal client id null

PS: mysql bin log has three type, update,insert and delete,you can use upsert to convert all log to one kafka topic, also you can separate it into three topics. You can choose all or combine mode by , choose your canal sink type.

Template And Version Config Field Format

Variable Description type
exclude the field not be add in final version(sep by ',' and support regex) str
include the field'll be add in final version(sep by ',' and support regex) str
schema add into final version list format (name: type)
format replace final version format yml format
update-mode if add then will replace default update-mode field str
query if add then will replace default query field str
history-table if add then will replace default history-table field str
primary-key if add then will replace default primary-key field str
time-attribute if add then will replace default time-attribute field str