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55 lines (45 loc) · 3.63 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (45 loc) · 3.63 KB

How to Contribute

I welcome collaboration on this project. I need the most help with keeping up with documentation, writing more unittests, and adding other ASI arrays. Please contact me or start a Pull Request with your suggestions.

To install the developer dependencies, clone this repo, cd asilib and then run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -e .

Build HTML documentation

Install Python 3's Sphinx using apt-get install python3-sphinx. The sphinx-rtd-theme dependency is defined in requirements.txt.

To compile the documentation with sphinx, change directory into asilib/docs and execute make html. The new documentation is accessed at asilib/docs/_build/html/index.html using your favorite Internet browser. If you need to modify the documentation format, many settings are saved in and index.rst.

PyPI Release Checklist

  • Commit your latest changes:
  • Style with black:
cd asilib
python3 -m black -l 100 -S asilib/
  • Update version number (can also be minor or major; this will generate a new tag vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH):
bumpversion patch
  • Run unit tests and verify that all tests pass:
cd asilib
python3 -m unittest discover -v
  • Push: git push
  • Push tags: git push --tags
  • Create a new release on GitHub with the newest tag. This triggers the upload to PyPI.
  • Check the asilib PyPI page to make sure that the README and the version number are correct.
  • Lastly, a sanity check that the PyPI version works:
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install asilib
<import asilib in python3 interpreter>
rm -r env/


To run the asilib unit tests, change directory into asilib and run pytest (or alternatively python3 -m unittest discover -v). These tests take a while to run because it must download REGO and THEMIS image files.

These tests are also continuously run when the main branch is updated. A GitHub runner (accessed via the Actions tab on GitHub) uses pytest to run the tests.

Style and with black

I adoped the black style with two modifications: line length is set to 100 characters, and I suppress the double-quote string setting. To run black from the top-level asilib directory, run

python3 -m black -l 100 -S asilib/.

Change version

Read this entire section before running bumpversion. To change the version you will need to use bumpversion to bump the version by a major X.0.0, minor, 0.X.0, or patch 0.0.X (where X is incremented). Call bumpversion [major|minor|patch] in the command line to increment the version number. When you run this command, you should push the automatically created tag (git push origin tag vX.Y.Z,) commit to GitHub, and create a new release on GitHub to trigger an upload to

CAUTION: should not be a part of the distribtuion on PyPI. When GitHub packages asilib, it does not create a (however it does when running the CI) so it is not an issue. If somehow ends up on the GitHub repo, it will be packaged. However, if you package asilib on your local machine (via python sdist bdist_wheel), will be included in the package (unwanted behavior if you want to share it). If you think you know better by excluding via a, be warned that there is a bug: the source distribution will not have but the wheel will.