A small library for show and hiding elements written in Vanilla JS
- Uses M height calculation to allow the links or buttons used to show/hide the content to be inside of the container whose content is being hidden.
- Uses a ResizeObserver and animation frames to recalculate the M height on window resize.
- Doesn't hide content using display: none.
- This prevents layout issues from hiding content.
Use this function to indicate an HTMLElement should be shown and hidden.
- linkContainer (HTMLElement)
- Default: this
- linkElement (HTMLElement)
- Default: null (Prepends a span at the top of the linkContainer to use for the linkElement)
- Element that can be clicked to show hide the content.
- Element will be prepended to linkContainer if it is not a direct decendant of linkContainer.
- extraElements (array of HTMLElement)
- Default: []
- Elements to be show and hid in addition to the linkContainer.
- showText (string)
- Default: 'Show Content'
- Text of the linkElement to indicate to the user it can be clicked to show the content of linkContainer..
- hideText (string)
- Default: 'Hide Content'
- Text of the linkElement to indicate to the user it can be clicked to hide the content of linkContainer.
- showOnHover (boolean)
- Default: false
- Show content of linkContainer when the mouse is hovered onto linkContainer.
- hideOnOffClick (boolean)
- Default: false
- Hide content of linkContainer when the user clicks outside of the linkContainer.
- subLinkQuery (string)
- Default: ''
- CSS selector string to use to indicate sub links in the content of linkContainer.
- hideOnSubLinkClick (boolean)
- Default: false
- Hide content of linkContainer when the user clicks a sub link in the content of linkContainer.
- Sub links are defined by subLinkQuery.
- onShow (function)
- Default: function( linkContainer, event ) {}
- Function to execute at the begining of the showContent function of linkContainer.
- Return false to prevent the content of linkContainer from being shown.
- onShowScroll (function)
- Default: function( linkContainer, event ) {}
- Function to override the scroll into view behavior when the content of linkContainer is shown.
- onHide (function)
- Default: function( linkContainer, event ) {}
- Function to execute at the begining of the hideContent function of linkContainer.
- Return false to prevent the content of linkContainer from being hidden.
if( elementToShowHide = document.getElementById('show-hide') ) {
showText: 'Show Content',
hideText: 'Hide Content'
Use this function to an HTMLElement should it shown and hidden in a navigation style.
- linkQuery (string)
- Default: 'A'
- CSS selector string to use to indicate the top level links of the naviation.
- Links should be inside containers that contain sub level links of the naviation.
- showOnHover (boolean)
- Default: true
- Show content of top level linkContainers when the mouse is hovered onto them.
- hideOnOffClick (boolean)
- Default: true
- Hide content of top level linkContainer when the user clicks outside of the linkContainer.
- subLinkQuery (string)
- Default: ''
- CSS selector string to use to indicate sub links in the content of top level linkContainers.
- hideOnSubLinkClick (boolean)
- Default: false
- Hide content of top level linkContainer when the user clicks a sub link in the content of the linkContainer.
- Sub links are defined by subLinkQuery.
if( navMenu = document.getElementById('primary-panel-nav') ) {
linkQuery: 'ul > li > a',
showOnHover: false,
hideOnOffClick: true,
subLinkQuery: 'A',
hideOnSublinkClick: true