Mini raytracer written in c.
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Rendering basic shapes (plane rectangle sphere cylinder and cone)
- Rendering from a scene file (custom configuration files some examples found in ./scenes)
- Multiple colored point lights
- Shadows
- Reflections
- Texture uv mapping
- Normal maps.
Mouse click to select an object.
Hold ctrl to control the camera instead.
- wasd: move around.
- NUMPAD_8 / NUMPAD_2 : move up / move down
- up / down arrow : rotate along x axis.
- left / right arrow : rotate along y axis (z for camera).
- NUMPAD_6 / NUMPAD_4 : rotate along z axis (not implemented for camera for obvious reason (dizziness)).
- NUMPAD_+ / NUMPAD_- : control object's radius.
- KEYPAD_+ / KEYPAD_- : control object's height.
- KEYPAD_( / KEYPAD_) : control object's width.
- KEYPAD_H : hide/unhide object.
- KEYPAD_G : generate a .rt file for the current scene (extra).
1. install 42 mlx.
2. Compile.
for compiling mandatory part:
for compiling bonus part (recommended):
make bonus
for compiling extra part (contains some additional features):
make extra
3. Run
./miniRT [path to a scene file containing only mandatory params]
./miniRT_bonus [path to a scene file with full features]
./miniRT_extra [path to a scene file with full features]