description |
Interacting with the mStable protocol is permissionless and non-custodial. Anyone can build a service to capitalise on the composibility offered through mStable's smart contracts. |
The protocol exists as open-access smart contracts on Ethereum and Polygon, meaning interacting with the protocol is permissionless - anyone can build a dApp layer or communicate directly with the blockchain to access the mStable protocol.
One such app is the mStable App: a slim, user focussed web application that allows users to:
- SAVE mAssets in the mStable Savings Contract and earn yield
- MINT and redeem mAssets, allowing you to convert bAssets into mAssets for free
- SWAP between bAssets
- POOL mAssets and feeder assets into a Feeder Pool and earn rewards
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It is possible, but not recommended to communicate directly through a Wallet provider (e.g. Metamask, MyCrypto). Doing so means writing your own transaction, which is something you should generally avoid doing.