- Bugfixes
- (none)
- Enhancements
- (none)
- Enhancements
- Allow rails 6.1 (#21)
- Bugfixes
- (none)
- Enhancements
- Allow rails 5.2 and 6.0 (#20)
- Internal / development
- Update ruby patch versions
- Breaking changes
- Drop support for ruby < 2.4.6
- Drop support for globalize < 5.3
- Drop support for paperclip < 5.3
- Bugfixes
- Fix
not deleting the files (#17)
- Fix
- Enhancements
- Allow globalize 5.3 With globalize 5.3.0 paperclip-globalize3 is again compatible with Rails 4.2
- Enhancements
- Allow globalize 5.2 (#14). Note that globalize 5.2.0 is currently broken in rails 4.2; see README.
- Enhancements
- Allow paperclip 6.1 (#13)
- Enhancements
- Support for paperclip 6.0.0 (#12)
- Internal / development
- update ruby patch versions
- Breaking changes
- Drop support for ruby < 2.2.2
- Drop support for rails < 4.2
- Drop support for paperclip < 4.2
- Drop support for globalize < 5.0
- Move paperclip-globalize3.rb to paperclip/globalize3.rb (if you manually require 'paperclip-globalize3', change it to 'paperclip/globalize3')
- Bugfixes
- (none)
- Enhancements
- Support ruby 2.3 and 2.4
- Test with paperclip 4.3
- Support paperclip 5.0/5.1/5.2
- Support rails 5.1
- Internal / development
- Bump dependencies
- Add rubocop
- Add yard
(Sorry, there was no CHANGELOG before, so please refer to github commits.)