Enhance your research with the AskYourPDF Research Assistant. Chat with multiple files, generate articles with citations, analyze and generate references for papers, create and interact with a knowledge base of your files and much more.
Prompt 1: "Write me an essay on the effects of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT on education."
Prompt 2: "Tell me about the following research https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.12338.pdf."
Prompt 3: "List the documents on my account."
Prompt 4: "Make a table of the key contributions."
Upload Pdf: Upload a PDF file and save it to the database.
Download Pdf: Download a PDF file from a URL and save it to the vector database.
Perform Query on Document or Knowledge base using id: Perform a query on a document.
Get References: Retrieve a list of references that match the specified criteria.
Fetch User Documents: Returns all documents for the current user. Request maximum 10 documents per page.
Create Knowledge Base: Create a knowledge base from a list of document IDs.
Update Knowledge Base: Update a knowledge base from a list of document IDs.
Delete Knowledge Base: Delete a knowledge base.
Search for documents: Search for documents based on a search query.
Get Knowledge Bases: Get knowledge bases.
Search Knowledge Bases: Search knowledge bases based on a search query.
Note: Some commands may require additional arguments or parameters that are not specified in the prompt. Please refer to the App documentation for more details on command usage.