From 91133117fe2aaa181bec387fc1d50326671cb81e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vtvivian <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 16:13:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] add MTEXdata trueEBSDWCCo
data/summary.txt | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/data/summary.txt b/data/summary.txt
index fb4985526..024eb425f 100644
--- a/data/summary.txt
+++ b/data/summary.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
shortName type files
dubna PoleFigure dubna/*.cnv
geesthacht PoleFigure geesthacht/ST42-104-110.dat
-steel PoleFigure steel/*.rw1
ptx PoleFigure ptx/*.ptx
aachen EBSD 85_829grad_07_09_06.txt
sharp EBSD sharp.txt
@@ -23,3 +22,4 @@ emsland EBSD Emsland_plessite_500x_15.ctf
alphaBetaTitanium EBSD EDXLMDTi64.cpr
testgrains grain2d testgrains.mat
dubnaODF SO3Fun ..
+trueEbsdWCCo EBSD trueEbsdWCCo.mat
\ No newline at end of file
From 3be91a9818f216edca11fd612439750809a9c246 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vtvivian <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 16:14:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add files via upload
tools/mtexdata.m | 503 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 253 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/mtexdata.m b/tools/mtexdata.m
index b9029a265..528b5d19f 100644
--- a/tools/mtexdata.m
+++ b/tools/mtexdata.m
@@ -1,250 +1,253 @@
-function out = mtexdata(name,varargin)
-% load of data provided with mtex and often used in documentation
-% Syntax
-% mtexdata % displays a list of available loading routines
-% mtexdata name % loads specified data set
-% Input
-% name - name of the sample data
-% read list of all available sample data
-list = readtable(fullfile(mtexDataPath,'summary.txt'),'ReadRowNames',true);
-type2var = containers.Map({'PoleFigure', 'EBSD', 'grain2d','SO3Fun'}, {'pf','ebsd','grains','odf'});
-if nargin < 1
- if nargout == 0
- disp('available loading routines for mtex sample data');
- disp(list)
- else
- out = list.Properties.RowNames;
- end
- return
-elseif strcmpi(name,'clear')
- files = dir(fullfile(mtexDataPath,'*.mat'));
- files = files(~strncmp('testgrains.mat',{},14));
- for k=1:numel(files)
- delete(fullfile(mtexDataPath,[files(k).name]));
- end
- return
-if isempty(strmatch(name,list.Properties.RowNames))
- warning('mtex:missingData','data not found, please choose one listed below')
- disp(list)
- return
-type = char(list(name,:).type);
-% try to load as mat file
-% change warning to error to make it catchable
-w = warning('error','MATLAB:load:cannotInstantiateLoadedVariable');
- matFile = fullfile(mtexDataPath,[ lower(name) '.mat']);
- load(matFile,'out');
- fName = fullfile(mtexDataPath,type,char(list(name,:).files));
- % load from internet when required
- if isempty(dir(fName))
- url = ['' type '/' char(list(name,:).files)];
- disp(' downloading data from ')
- disp(' ');
- disp([' ' url ''])
- disp(' ');
- disp([' and saving it to ',fName]);
- websave(fName,url);
- if strcmp(url(end-2:end),'cpr')
- url(end-2:end) = 'crc';
- fName(end-2:end) = 'crc';
- disp(' downloading data from ')
- disp(' ');
- disp([' ' url ''])
- disp(' ');
- disp([' and saving it to ',fName]);
- websave(fName,url);
- end
- end
- switch type
- case 'SO3Fun'
- switch name
- case 'dubnaODF'
- pf = mtexdata('dubna');
- out = calcODF(pf);
- end
- case 'PoleFigure'
- switch name
- case 'dubna'
- CS = loadCIF('quartz');
- c = {1,1,[0.52 ,1.23],1,1,1,1};
- out = PoleFigure.load(fName,'superposition',c,CS);
- case 'geesthacht'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('m-3m');
- h = Miller({1 0 4},{1 0 4},{1 1 0},{1 1 0},CS);
- out = PoleFigure.load(fName,h);
- case 'ptx'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('mmm');
- out = PoleFigure.load(fName,CS);
- case 'steel'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('m-3m');
- h = Miller({1 1 0},{2 0 0},{2 1 1},CS);
- out = PoleFigure.load(fName,h,'interface','rw1');
- out = rotate(out,90*degree);
- end
- case 'EBSD'
- switch lower(name)
- case 'aachen'
- CS = {...
- 'notIndexed',...
- crystalSymmetry('m-3m','mineral','Fe'),...
- crystalSymmetry('m-3m','mineral','Mg')};
- out = EBSD.load(fName,...
- 'CS',CS,'ColumnNames', { 'Index' 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'MAD' 'BC' 'BS' 'Bands' 'Error' 'ReliabilityIndex'});
- case 'sharp'
- CS = {...
- 'notIndexed',...
- crystalSymmetry('-3m',[5,5,17],'mineral','calcite')};
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'CS',CS,...
- 'ColumnNames', {'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'Phase' 'x' 'y' });
- case 'csl'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('m-3m','mineral','iron');
- out = loadEBSD_generic(fName,'CS',CS,...
- 'ColumnNames', { 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'IQ' 'CI' 'Error'});
- case 'mylonite'
- CS = {...
- crystalSymmetry('-1',[8.169,12.851,7.1124],[93.63,116.4,89.46]*degree,'mineral','Andesina'),...
- crystalSymmetry('-3m',[4.913,4.913,5.504],'mineral','Quartz'),...
- crystalSymmetry('2/m11',[5.339,9.249,20.196],[95.06,90,90]*degree,'mineral','Biotite'),...
- crystalSymmetry('12/m1',[8.5632,12.963,7.2099],[90,116.07,90]*degree,'mineral','Orthoclase')};
- plotx2east;
- plotzOutOfPlane
- out = loadEBSD_generic(fName,'CS',CS, ...
- 'ColumnNames', { 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3'});
- case 'olivine'
- out = EBSD.load(fName);
- % correct data to fit the reference frame
- rot = rotation.byEuler(90*degree,180*degree,180*degree);
- out = rotate(out,rot,'keepEuler');
- rot = rotation.byEuler(0*degree,0*degree,90*degree);
- out = rotate(out,rot);
- % plotting conventions
- plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane;
- % rotate only the spatial data about the y-axis
- % ebsd = rotate(ebsd,rotation('axis',xvector,'angle',180*degree),'keepEuler');
- case 'twins'
- plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
- case 'copper'
- plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
- case 'single'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('Fm3m',[4.04958 4.04958 4.04958],'mineral','Al');
- out = EBSD.load(fName, 'CS', CS, ...
- 'RADIANS','ColumnNames', { 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'x' 'y'},...
- 'Columns', [1 2 3 4 5]);
- case 'alu'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('Fm3m',[4.04958 4.04958 4.04958],'mineral','Al');
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'CS', CS,...
- 'RADIANS','ColumnNames', { 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'x' 'y'},...
- 'Columns', [1 2 3 4 5],'ignorePhase', 0);
- case 'titanium'
- CS = crystalSymmetry('622',[3,3,4.7],'x||a','mineral','Titanium (Alpha)');
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'CS', CS,...
- 'ColumnNames', {'phi1' 'Phi' 'phi2' 'phase' 'ci' 'iq' 'sem_signal' 'x' 'y' 'grainId'});
- case 'ferrite'
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame','setting 2');
- case 'epidote'
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'ignorePhase',[0 3 4],'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
- case 'forsterite'
- plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
- case 'small'
- plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
- out = out(out.inpolygon([33 4.5 3 3]*10^3));
- case lower('alphaBetaTitanium')
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertSpatial2EulerReferenceFrame');
- out('Ti (alpha)').CS = out('Ti (alpha)').CS.properGroup;
- out('Ti (beta)').CS = out('Ti (beta)').CS.properGroup;
- case 'martensite'
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
- out('Iron bcc').CS = out('Iron bcc').CS.properGroup;
- out('Iron bcc').CSList{3} = out('Iron bcc').CSList{3}.properGroup;
- case 'emsland'
- out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
- end
- end
- disp([' saving data to ' matFile])
- save(matFile,'out');
-if nargout == 0
- assignin('base',type2var(type),out);
- if ~check_option(varargin,'silent')
- evalin('base',type2var(type));
- end
- clear out;
-% restore warning style
+function out = mtexdata(name,varargin)
+% load of data provided with mtex and often used in documentation
+% Syntax
+% mtexdata % displays a list of available loading routines
+% mtexdata name % loads specified data set
+% Input
+% name - name of the sample data
+% read list of all available sample data
+list = readtable(fullfile(mtexDataPath,'summary.txt'),'ReadRowNames',true);
+type2var = containers.Map({'PoleFigure', 'EBSD', 'grain2d','SO3Fun'}, {'pf','ebsd','grains','odf'});
+if nargin < 1
+ if nargout == 0
+ disp('available loading routines for mtex sample data');
+ disp(list)
+ else
+ out = list.Properties.RowNames;
+ end
+ return
+elseif strcmpi(name,'clear')
+ files = dir(fullfile(mtexDataPath,'*.mat'));
+ files = files(~strncmp('testgrains.mat',{},14));
+ for k=1:numel(files)
+ delete(fullfile(mtexDataPath,[files(k).name]));
+ end
+ return
+if isempty(strmatch(name,list.Properties.RowNames))
+ warning('mtex:missingData','data not found, please choose one listed below')
+ disp(list)
+ return
+type = char(list(name,:).type);
+% try to load as mat file
+% change warning to error to make it catchable
+w = warning('error','MATLAB:load:cannotInstantiateLoadedVariable');
+ matFile = fullfile(mtexDataPath,[ lower(name) '.mat']);
+ load(matFile,'out');
+ fName = fullfile(mtexDataPath,type,char(list(name,:).files));
+ % load from internet when required
+ if isempty(dir(fName))
+ if strcmpi(name,'trueEbsdWCCo')
+ url = '';
+ else
+ url = ['' type '/' char(list(name,:).files)];
+ end
+ disp(' downloading data from ')
+ disp(' ');
+ disp([' ' url ''])
+ disp(' ');
+ disp([' and saving it to ',fName]);
+ websave(fName,url);
+ if strcmp(url(end-2:end),'cpr')
+ url(end-2:end) = 'crc';
+ fName(end-2:end) = 'crc';
+ disp(' downloading data from ')
+ disp(' ');
+ disp([' ' url ''])
+ disp(' ');
+ disp([' and saving it to ',fName]);
+ websave(fName,url);
+ end
+ end
+ switch type
+ case 'SO3Fun'
+ switch name
+ case 'dubnaODF'
+ pf = mtexdata('dubna');
+ out = calcODF(pf);
+ end
+ case 'PoleFigure'
+ switch name
+ case 'dubna'
+ CS = loadCIF('quartz');
+ c = {1,1,[0.52 ,1.23],1,1,1,1};
+ out = PoleFigure.load(fName,'superposition',c,CS);
+ case 'geesthacht'
+ CS = crystalSymmetry('m-3m');
+ h = Miller({1 0 4},{1 0 4},{1 1 0},{1 1 0},CS);
+ out = PoleFigure.load(fName,h);
+ case 'ptx'
+ CS = crystalSymmetry('mmm');
+ out = PoleFigure.load(fName,CS);
+ end
+ case 'EBSD'
+ switch lower(name)
+ case 'aachen'
+ CS = {...
+ 'notIndexed',...
+ crystalSymmetry('m-3m','mineral','Fe'),...
+ crystalSymmetry('m-3m','mineral','Mg')};
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,...
+ 'CS',CS,'ColumnNames', { 'Index' 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'MAD' 'BC' 'BS' 'Bands' 'Error' 'ReliabilityIndex'});
+ case 'sharp'
+ CS = {...
+ 'notIndexed',...
+ crystalSymmetry('-3m',[5,5,17],'mineral','calcite')};
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'CS',CS,...
+ 'ColumnNames', {'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'Phase' 'x' 'y' });
+ case 'csl'
+ CS = crystalSymmetry('m-3m','mineral','iron');
+ out = loadEBSD_generic(fName,'CS',CS,...
+ 'ColumnNames', { 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'IQ' 'CI' 'Error'});
+ case 'mylonite'
+ CS = {...
+ crystalSymmetry('-1',[8.169,12.851,7.1124],[93.63,116.4,89.46]*degree,'mineral','Andesina'),...
+ crystalSymmetry('-3m',[4.913,4.913,5.504],'mineral','Quartz'),...
+ crystalSymmetry('2/m11',[5.339,9.249,20.196],[95.06,90,90]*degree,'mineral','Biotite'),...
+ crystalSymmetry('12/m1',[8.5632,12.963,7.2099],[90,116.07,90]*degree,'mineral','Orthoclase')};
+ plotx2east;
+ plotzOutOfPlane
+ out = loadEBSD_generic(fName,'CS',CS, ...
+ 'ColumnNames', { 'Phase' 'x' 'y' 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3'});
+ case 'olivine'
+ out = EBSD.load(fName);
+ % correct data to fit the reference frame
+ rot = rotation.byEuler(90*degree,180*degree,180*degree);
+ out = rotate(out,rot,'keepEuler');
+ rot = rotation.byEuler(0*degree,0*degree,90*degree);
+ out = rotate(out,rot);
+ % plotting conventions
+ plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane;
+ % rotate only the spatial data about the y-axis
+ % ebsd = rotate(ebsd,rotation('axis',xvector,'angle',180*degree),'keepEuler');
+ case 'twins'
+ plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
+ case 'copper'
+ plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
+ case 'single'
+ CS = crystalSymmetry('Fm3m',[4.04958 4.04958 4.04958],'mineral','Al');
+ out = EBSD.load(fName, 'CS', CS, ...
+ 'RADIANS','ColumnNames', { 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'x' 'y'},...
+ 'Columns', [1 2 3 4 5]);
+ case 'alu'
+ CS = crystalSymmetry('Fm3m',[4.04958 4.04958 4.04958],'mineral','Al');
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'CS', CS,...
+ 'RADIANS','ColumnNames', { 'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'x' 'y'},...
+ 'Columns', [1 2 3 4 5],'ignorePhase', 0);
+ case 'titanium'
+ CS = crystalSymmetry('622',[3,3,4.7],'x||a','mineral','Titanium (Alpha)');
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'CS', CS,...
+ 'ColumnNames', {'phi1' 'Phi' 'phi2' 'phase' 'ci' 'iq' 'sem_signal' 'x' 'y' 'grainId'});
+ case 'ferrite'
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame','setting 2');
+ case 'epidote'
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'ignorePhase',[0 3 4],'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
+ case 'forsterite'
+ plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
+ case 'small'
+ plotx2east; plotzOutOfPlane
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2spatialReferenceFrame');
+ out = out(out.inpolygon([33 4.5 3 3]*10^3));
+ case lower('alphaBetaTitanium')
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertSpatial2EulerReferenceFrame');
+ out('Ti (alpha)').CS = out('Ti (alpha)').CS.properGroup;
+ out('Ti (beta)').CS = out('Ti (beta)').CS.properGroup;
+ case 'martensite'
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
+ out('Iron bcc').CS = out('Iron bcc').CS.properGroup;
+ out('Iron bcc').CSList{3} = out('Iron bcc').CSList{3}.properGroup;
+ case 'emsland'
+ out = EBSD.load(fName,'convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
+ case 'trueebsdwcco'
+ load(fName,'out');
+ end
+ end
+ disp([' saving data to ' matFile])
+ save(matFile,'out');
+if nargout == 0
+ assignin('base',type2var(type),out);
+ if ~check_option(varargin,'silent')
+ evalin('base',type2var(type));
+ end
+ clear out;
+% restore warning style