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File metadata and controls

69 lines (54 loc) · 5.21 KB


  • This repository includes notes/projects for typescript.


  • The first directory has some examples on TS features and syntax like interfaces, types, ...


  • The maps directory is a PoC on the importance of interfaces and why we need them. In this project two markers on a google map are shown to indicate the route between a user and his/her company. This project relies on parcel-bundler for running TS in the browser.


  • The sort directory contains code for a simple sorter that takes array, string, or a linked list and sorts it. Also in this project reusability is in mind and how to write generic code. The main idea from this project is that we need to apply the same set of steps/instructions (bubble sorting) on different data structures (number[], string, linkedList). Interfaces are important here.
  • Interfaces and Abstract Classes differences: Always try to stick to interfaces when possible interface-vs-abstract-class


  • The stats directory is a project that reads football.csv file containing football matches results and analyze these data, then generate a report for it. In this project code-reuse is done via two way (CSVReader and MatchReader Entites) -> First one is through inheritance and abstract classes, and the other is via composition and interfaces.
  • Generics are introduced in this projects generics
  • this project has two implementation for the CSV and Match Reader -> Inheritance and compoaition.
  • Favor object comppsition over class inheritance is the most misundertood statement in the javascript comunity. In this statement, composition means using interfaces and the has a relation between objects insead of the is a relation between classes. This usually done via delegation.
  • In javascript, people normally refer to object composition as uing Object.assign for example. Which is basically inheritance.


  • Based on ideas from Backbone.js and Marionette.js frameworks (frameworks that replcaed by React,vue,angular)
  • This project is a front-end web framework (like React) that has basic features (like handling events, rendering content, and saving/retrieving data) that will help you build front-end components. The project basically has two main folders, Models and Views. Models is for fetching, saving, and interacting with data. And Views is about what is shown on the browser to the user.
  • In this project I used Extraction Approach which means, Build a mega class (with tons of functionality) representing an Entity -> Then refactor that Entity class using composition -> Then Refactor The Entity class to be reusable class and represent any piece of data, not just a specific Entity.
  • The Entity was a User class that had three main functionalities:
  1. Ability to save/retrieve user data on a remote server.
  2. Listen to events on a user instance, and trigger event handlers associated with these events.
  3. Create a user with feeding the class some Attributes
  • These three functionalities were extracted into three separate classes, and interated into User class via composition, so that, when any functionality is needed -> delegation to the responsible class occurs.

  • Two important facts: 1) in TS, strings can be types. 2) In JS( and therefore TS ), all object keys are strings. - This tells us that object keys in TS can be types.

  • The above statement justifies syntaxes like in TS (Where T is the type and k is a key on on type T).

  • The last step in this project was to make User class more generic and to represent any Entity instead of just a user.

  • Model class was introduced to represent this generic class that all entities should rely on and build on it.

  • Using Inheritance between User and Model is the right decision to make here, because with Composition/interfaces we end up having one of two issues:

    1. Allow access to Model instance on the User class to outer world -> code like this would be used user.model.get().
    2. Implement all methods in Model again on User as a passthrough methods. (just invoking the methods on model).
  • Any assignment in the constructor happens after all assignments in class are done, for example:

class Engine {
  start () {

class Car {
  engine: Engine;

  constructor() {
    this.engine = new Engine(); // This is executed secondly  <---- 2

  start = this.engine.start; // -> This is executed first  <--- 1 
  • Views directory holds all classes that represent the Enitities we want to show on the screen. Coupling between a view class and a model class is inevitable, and also events will kick in when we want to change something in the html and reflect changes in the data side (models)


  • in this project express is intergarted with TS.
  • metadata is used, this metadata is an experimental feature that allows us to hold info about a method, property or a class definition.
  • To preserve types after transpilation from TS to JS, metadata is used (reflect-metadata).
  • We integrate TS with express by utilising classes and decorators, to have a very elegant code.