Advanced dictionary for .Net is regular dictionary with some advanced features. This include maximum size limit to avoid out-of-memory issues, auto value retrieval if key not found, auto cleanup of old keys if more space is required and multi-threading (concurrent access). It is perfect for in-memory cache and for other general purposes.
The usage is same as regular dictionary with some extra parameters (only weight is required; others are optional) while creating dictionary object. Please see the below example:
public void DictionaryUsageExample()
// Initializing advanced dictionary.
AdvancedDictionary<string, string> myAdvancedDictionary = new AdvancedDictionary<string, string >(250, 30, GetDataWeight, GetValue);
// Adding items - method way.
myAdvancedDictionary.Add("key1", "value1");
myAdvancedDictionary.Add("key2", "value1");
// Adding items - indexer way.
myAdvancedDictionary["key3"] = "value3";
myAdvancedDictionary["key4"] = "value4";
// Getting Key - Not exists - Will be retrieved from delegate.
var myValue = myAdvancedDictionary["key5"];
// Printing all the keys and values.
foreach (var currentItem in myAdvancedDictionary)
System.Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", currentItem.Key, currentItem.Value);
/// <summary>
/// Delegate to compute the weight for a given data.
/// </summary>
public static int GetDataWeight(string data)
return 5;
/// <summary>
/// Delegate to retrieve the value if key not found in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
public static string GetValue(string key)
return "Value from Delegate for key = " + key;
The package can be downloaded from nuget with the following link: