These scripts support the development and testing of the RoR web application running (see ../
The scripts are used on the Mac command line and inside Docker container, but should also work on Linux and the Windows subsystem for Linux.
Script | Description | Additional Info |
scripts/ | Compose docker test & development environment. | - 1st delete all quote_* docker containers- 2nd create docker containers (with optional script argument build , they are build with no cache)- 3rd set DEEPL_API_KEY (as taken from script running environment)- 4th doing Rails system test hack |
scripts/ | Run all the tests in the rails container. | - running rails test and rails test:system |
scripts/ | Wait in the rails container for database to be ready in mariadb container. | - count down 60 seconds |
scripts/ | Removes all quote_* Docker containers. | - but not quote_api_* nor quote_joomla_* etc. |
And now you are ready to double the speed 😃 Create the five Docker containers and running all the test with just one command line:
host$ DEEPL_API_KEY="sample11-key1-ab12-1234-qbc123456789:fx" scripts/ && scripts/
*** Removing all docker containers ^quote_[a-z]*$
*** Docker compose up
✔ Container quote_mariadb
✔ Container quote_chrome
✔ Container quote_maildev
✔ Container quote_rails
✔ Container quote_mysqladmin
*** Setting DEEPL_API_KEY="sample11-key1-ab12-1234-qbc123456789:fx"
*** Rails system test hack /usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-
*** Waiting for database to be ready
waiting for database – count down 60
waiting for database – count down 59
waiting for database – count down 58
*** Running mini tests - rails test
Run options: --seed 1132
# Running:
Finished in 103.935895s, 2.4150 runs/s, 8.1011 assertions/s.
251 runs, 842 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
*** Running system tests - rails test:system
Run options: --seed 55691
# Running:
Capybara starting Puma...
* Version 6.4.2, codename: The Eagle of Durango
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4
* Listening on
Finished in 1056.691558s, 0.1486 runs/s, 2.0176 assertions/s.
157 runs, 2132 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips