expected version of node: nvm use 8.12.0
Test me with:
npx jest
Create dist file with:
npx webpack
- Simple API
- Node.js and Browser compatible
- Query/Template building
- HTTP client
- Built in caching with the ability to add a custom backend (Memory, LocalStorage, Memcache, Redis, Riak, etc)
var cj = require("collection-json");
// Start at the root of our api
cj("http://example.com", function(error, collection){
// We get back a collection object
// Let's follow the 'users' link
collection.link('users').follow(function(error, collection){
// Print out the current users
// Lets get a list of addresses from the first user we got back
collection.items[0].link('addresses').follow(function(error, collection){
// Let's add a new address from the template
var template = collection.template();
template.set('street', '123 Fake Street');
// Submit our new template
template.submit(function(error, collection){
if (!error)
console.log("Added a new address!!!");