Overloading - when you have multiple functions with the same name
void Donate(Book b);
void Donate(Book b, int copies);
overriding - providing a new version of some function with a specific signature
bool operator==(const Book & other);
Book operator+(const Book & other);
keyword - means "unchangeable"
parameters - function can't modify the param's value
variables - value can't change
pointers - location that it's pointing to can't be changed
methods - method can't modfy the object on which it is called
use const type & as input parameters in general
use const methods for getters and other methods that shouldn't change the object instance
const int x = 7;
- in c++, all classes have a default, 0-param constructor provided UNTIL you write any constructor yourself
- if we initialize an array of some class:
Point p_arr[3]; // Point's 0-param constructor * 3
- initialization lists:
Point::Point(const int x, const int y):
z_(0) {
// regular body of constructor, will be run 2nd, after initialization list
Initialization lists are faster, so we prefer to use them when possible.
- set of related named constants
- creating your own (mini) custom type
- define a Color type
- define a Month type
enum class Name{value1, value2, ... , valueN};
enum class Day{Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ... };
why class? it prevents c++ from being overeager at converting enums to ints
Name var = Name::value1;
Day today = Day::Tuesday;
if (var == Name::value2) {