The MNV303212A-ADIT and MNV303212A-ADAT are 4GB obsolete versions of the Innova-2. Refer to this issue.
These boards have MT40A512M16 DDR4 ICs with D9TBK FBGA Code for 4GB of DDR4. Using these 4GB variant boards may be as simple as synthesizing and implementing Innova-2 projects with the MT40A512M16LY-075 as the DDR4 Memory Part. This directory contains the innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio project recompiled for the MT40A512M16LY-075 with only one active DDR4 8-bit byte lane.
Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes
project's instructions on Loading a User Image and load the included bitstream onto the Innova-2's FPGA Configuration Memory.
echo a99d06c973d7bf5a7626bd56b664a193 should be MD5 Checksum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-0_ADIT_MT40A512_primary.bin
echo 0e688584b30f436bc48d296e00af3691 should be MD5 Checksum of innova2_ddr4_8bit_byte-lane-0_ADIT_MT40A512_secondary.bin
The Memory Part was changed to MT40A512M16LY-075 in the DDR4 MIG Customization menus.
The size of addressable memory then had to be changed in the Address Editor.
I recompiled the innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio project for these DDR4 ICs, loaded the bitstream, and ran through the standard tests on my 8GB Innova-2.
The tests fail! The sent and received data do not match. The design is targeting different ICs so this makes sense.
I ran a sanity check and tried sending 1GB of data. Only 512MB transfers as expected.
If you have one of these boards please refer to this issue.