- Scala (including Haskell and math): https://niqdev.github.io/scala-fp/docs/book.html
- Scala et consortes: http://writeonly.pl/
- Alvin Alexander's page, author of books on Scala and functional programming
- Tutorials (including free basics) https://rockthejvm.com/
- Li Haoyi's blog and his book Hands-on Scala Programming
- Intro to Apache Spark for Java and Scala Developers - Ted Malaska (Cloudera)
- 2019 - Patryk Pilarski - Apache Spark vs Machine Learning
- @inline and @specialized: What do they do? Should I be using them? - by Chris Birchall
- Jacek Laskowski - Apache Kafka i Kafka Streams praktycznie
- J. Laskowski online book: The Internals of Apache Kafka 2.4.0
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Kafka and KSQL in Action : Let’s Build a Streaming Data Pipeline! by Robin Moffatt
- "EoS in Kafka: Listen up, I will only say this once!" by Jason Gustafson
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Kafka’s Rebalance Protocol but Were Afraid to Ask (Matthias J. Sax)
- Building Streaming Microservices with Apache Kafka - Tim Berglund
- Martin Kleppmann | Kafka Summit London 2019 Keynote | Is Kafka a Database?
- Event Sourcing You are doing it wrong by David Schmitz
- Clojure and security researcher Paweł Wilk blog & Clojure manual: https://randomseed.pl/pub/poczytaj-mi-clojure/
- Rozmowa Kontrolowana - Odcinek 53 - Paweł Wilk
- Clojure dialect Babashka (Clojure scripting):
- Yong Mook Kim's website - Java and Spring: https://mkyong.com/
- Baeldung
- 4Developers 2018: Monady dla zwykłego Javowca (Jarek Ratajski)
- Devoxx - Functional Programming Patterns with Java8 with Victor Rentea
- Jarek Ratajski - Lambda Core – HardCore
- Clean Lambdas - by Victor Rentea at JBCNConf'17
- Deep Learning: The Future of Artificial Intelligence, with Matthew Renze
- Project Loom: Fibers and Continuations for Java by Alan Bateman
- GeeCON Prague 2018: Edson Yanaga - Revisiting Effective Java in 2018
- GeeCON Prague 2018: Nitsan Wakart - Allocation - Mechanics, Profiling & Optimization
- The Power and Practicality of Immutability by Venkat Subramaniam
- GeeCON Prague 2018: Miro Cupak - Pushing boundaries of types with modern Java
- Jarek Ratajski - Dysfunctional DDD | Lambda Days 2019
- Massive Parallelism with GPUs in Java (Adam Roberts)
- Java, Today and Tomorrow by Mark Reinhold
- Quarkus - a next generation Java runtime (Michał Szynkiewicz)
- Functional Programming with Java 8 by Venkat Subramaniam
- Streams in Java 8: Reduce vs. Collect
- Angelika Langer's page - lambdas & generics
- Why Java and the JVM Will Dominate the Future of Machine Learning, AI, and Big Data
- Derek Ferguson — Machine learning in Java from nothing to production in one hour
- Groovy and Java: https://www.mrhaki.com/
All resistance is fur-til. You will become a function.