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Deriving Type Checkers


The relationship between a type system's specification and the implementation of the type checker is a recurring issue when writing compilers for programming languages and it is an ongoing question if - and if so, how - the formal description of a type system can be used to support the compiler writer when implementing the type checking phase. In this paper we propose type systems formalized by constraint-based inference rules to form an ideal abstraction to accomplish the task of automatically deriving type checking functionality from them. We develop a set of algorithms employing the constraint- based flavor of the rules to perform type checks and present the design and implementation of a Haskell library utilizing these algorithms to provide functionality for the type checking phase based on the chosen abstraction.


Martin Zuber and Fabian Linges. Deriving Type Checkers. In Technical Report 2012–09, TU Berlin, 2012.

    title = {Deriving Type Checkers},
    author = {Zuber, Martin and Linges, Fabian},
    year = {2012},
    number = {2012-09},
    issn = {1436-9915},
    institution = {TU Berlin},
    url = {}


Typing rules for a simply typed lambda calculus.

import TypeCheckLib.Syntax
import TypeCheckLib.AbstractSyntax.Term
import TypeCheckLib.TypeChecker

-- Common expression, contexts and types used in inference rules
ctx = MCtx "Gamma"
x   = MIde "x"
e   = MTerm "e"
f   = MTerm "f"
t   = MT "T"
t1  = MT "T1"
t2  = MT "T2"
err = mkErr "Error"

-- Typing rule for variable lookup:
--           T = Γ(x)
--         ----------- (Var)
--          Γ ⊢ x : T
var :: Rule
var = Rule [t =:= (ctx ! Var x) <|> err]
           (ctx  Var x <:> t)

-- Typing rule for lambda abstraction:
--        Γ,x:T1 ⊢ e : T2       T = T1 -> T2
--       ------------------------------------ (Abs)
--                  Γ ⊢ λ x.e : T
abs :: Rule
abs = Rule [ctx'  e <:> t2 , t =:= (t1 ->: t2) <|> err]
           (ctx  exp <:> t)
        exp  = K Abs 2 [Var x, e]
        ctx' = mInsertCtx (Var x) t1 ctx
        err  = tyMM t (t1 ->: t2) exp

-- Typing rule for application.
--      Γ ⊢ f : T1     Γ ⊢ e : T2     T1 = T2 -> T
--     -------------------------------------------- (App)
--                    Γ ⊢ (f) e : T
app :: Rule
app = Rule [ ctx  f <:> t1 , ctx  e <:> t2,
             t1 =:= (t2 ->: t) <|> err ]
           ( ctx  (K App 2 [f,e]) <:> t )

-- Error message for type mismatch.
tyMM :: Ty -> Ty -> Term -> ErrorMsg
tyMM t1 t2 e = ErrorMsg e (MF "type mismatch" (uncurry msg) (t1,t2))
      msg :: Ty -> Ty -> Maybe String
      msg (MT _) _ = Nothing
      msg _ (MT _) = Nothing
      msg t1 t2 = Just ("Couldn't match expected type `" ++ pprint t1 ++
                        "' against inferred type `" ++ pprint t2 ++ "'")

Type checker for simply typed lambda calculus.

-- | Simple lambda typing rules.
simpleLambdaRules :: [Rule]
simpleLambdaRules = [var, abs, app]

-- | Compute type of simple lambda expression.
computeType :: Term -> TypeCheckResult
computeType exp = computeTy defaultMode simpleLambdaRules exp

-- | Check type of simple lambda expression.
checkType :: Term -> Ty -> TypeCheckResult
checkType exp ty = checkTy defaultMode simpleLambdaRules exp ty

-- | Infer the type of a simple lambda expression.
inferType :: String -> IO ()
inferType exp = let res = computeType (parse exp)
                in case res of
                     Success ty  -> putStrLn (pprint ty)
                     Failure msg -> putStrLn msg
                     Error msg   -> putStrLn msg