(agentless) automation engine
This is actually in alpha stage, if you're not a developer it's not still ready for you.
At this stage there are already working scripts to provision server from digitalocean, run commands to create user and run shell: works from windows or macos or linux (unzip file and run) having an ssh linux server as destination
This is a Java project, so you don't need specific instruction to install it on each platform ;-P (the first alpha release is available)
I run remote deployment installation test of kargo and kubeadm. All is done provisioning centos 7.x servers for each job on digitalocean (I run tests on bare metal too)
Actually I do it running a java application from windows, macos or linux: I need 'em to test kargo and kubeadm releases, before evaluate to use 'em in production.
The requirements of kargo are some pre-flight activities and ansible with specific version, while kubeadm needs only some preflight checks.
I've decided to put all in a new application where the install start with yaml configuration file like ansible: this is Ecantonchiro.
The application is in pre alpha stage:
(2017/05/17) remote install ansible (why not!), working examples, first alpha release
(2017/05/05) actually only provisiong server from DigitalOcean is working with yaml configurations files, as described in the wiki
the actual features are to run remote scripted commands from ssh like:
provisioning servers from digitalocean
... now working on templates reusing jinja2 templates on java with jinjava
P.S. We are already working on web GUI, but all will still work with a simple CLI
to build the project run:
$ git clone https://github.com/naarani/ecantonchiro.git
$ cd ecantonchiro
$ gradle --task jarWithLib
it will create in the build/libs/ directory the main jar runnable with all the needed jars in the directory lib
Apache 2.0
JSCH (BSD-style license) Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Atsuhiko Yamanaka, JCraft,Inc. All rights reserved.
Apache jclouds, Apache license 2.0
yamlbean EsotericSoftware/yamlbeans is licensed under the MIT License
ansible-inventory-java MIT license (c) Andrea Scarpino
jinjava https://github.com/HubSpot/jinjava Apache license 2.0 (c) Jeff Boulter