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Using the NACC Form Validator

The purpose of this package is to provide developers with ways to validate and run error checks on NACC-specific forms before submission, or for validating extra data your forms may have.

See Data Quality Rule Definition Guidelines for more information on how the quality rules themselves work, which includes custom rules written specifically for NACC forms.

Table of Contents


The NACC Form Validator primarily consists of two classes: QualityCheck, which in turn creates a NACCValidator. Together they are used to validate a record against a validation schema. The NACCValidator itself is an extension of Cerberus' Validator class, and provides definitions for custom NACC rules. These custom rules are described in more detail in Data Quality Rule Definition Guidelines.

The NACCValidator can also use an an optional Datastore object which you can implement to access records in your own database. See Example Usage - Records and Datastores for more information.

The usage workflow is to instantiate a QualityCheck object with the schema you want to validate against, and then pass the record to validate to the validate_record method. This method returns 4 variables:

Variable Type Description
passed bool Whether or not the record satisfied all validation rules defined by the schema
sys_failure bool Whether or not a system error occured
errors dict[str, list[str]] Dict of errors encountered keyed by the variable that failed. Empty if no errors encountered for the record.
error_tree DocumentErrorTree A dict-like object of ValidationError instances. See Cerberus' Errors documentation for more information.

Example Usage - Hello World

The following is a simple example of using this package. The schema contains rules for the field hello, which can only be assigned to the string world, and the primary key example_primary_key, which must be an integer. The primary key should always be a required field in the schema.

from nacc_form_validator import QualityCheck

pk_name = "example_primary_key"

schema = {
    "example_primary_key": {
        "type": "integer"
        "required", True
    "hello": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": True,
        "allowed": [

qc = QualityCheck(pk_name, schema, strict=True, datastore=None)

passed, sys_failure, errors, error_tree = qc.validate_record({"example_primary_key": 1, "hello": "world"})
# passed = True
# sys_failure = False
# errors = {}
# error_tree = [],{}

passed, sys_failure, errors, error_tree = qc.validate_record({"example_primary_key": 2, "hello": "pluto"})
# passed = False
# sys_failure = False
# errors = {'hello': ['unallowed value pluto']}
# error_tree = [],{
#     'hello': [
#         ValidationError @ 0x101649390 ( document_path=('hello',),
#                                         schema_path=('hello', 'allowed'),
#                                         code=0x44,
#                                         constraint=['world'],
#                                         value="pluto",
#                                         info=('pluto',)
#                                        )
#         ],
#         {}
#     }

Example Usage - Records and Datastores

You may want to compare a record against previous records, particularly if your schema uses temporal rules, which are usually associated with plausibility checks. This is where pk_name and datastore come in, in which pk_name must be the "primary key" to index the datastore by. The primary key must always be a required field. then provides a Datastore abstract class that you must implement, specifically the get_previous_record method.

For more information on temporal rules, see Data Quality Rule Definition Guidelines for more information on temporal rules). If you are validating against a schema that doesn't have temporal rules, it isn't really necessary to set up a datastore.

As an example, say pk_name is the patient_id. For sake of simplicity, the "database" in this example will be a hard-coded Python dict, but yours will likely be much more complicated. Next our validation scheme checks to see if a patient filled out taxes in a previous visit (0); if so, the current record cannot indicate that they never did it (8).

import copy

from nacc_form_validator import QualityCheck
from nacc_form_validator.datastore import Datastore

class CustomDatastore(Datastore):

    def __init__(self, pk_field: str, orderby: str) -> None:
        self.__db = {
            'PatientID1': [
                    "visit_num": 1,
                    "taxes": 8
                    "visit_num": 2,
                    "taxes": 0
        super.__init__(pk_field, orderby)

    def get_previous_record(self, current_record: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, str] | None:
        See where current record would fit in the sorted record and return the previous record
        Making a deep copy since we don't actually want to modify the record in this method
        key = current_record[self.pk_field]
        if key not in self.__db:
            return None

        sorted_record = copy.deepcopy(self.__db[key])
        sorted_record.sort(key=lambda record: record[self.__orderby])

        index = sorted_record.index(current_record)
        return sorted_record[index - 1] if index != 0 else None

pk_name = "patient_id"
orderby = "visit_num"
datastore = CustomDatastore(pk_name, orderby)

schema = {
    "patient_id": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": True
    "visit_num": {
        "type": "integer",
        "required": True
     "taxes": {
        "type": "integer",
        "temporalrules": [            
                "previous": {
                    "taxes": {
                        "allowed": [0]
                "current": {
                    "taxes": {
                        "forbidden": [8]

qc = QualityCheck(pk_name, schema, strict=True, datastore=datastore)

record = {
    "patient_id": "PatientID1",
    "visit_num": 3,
    "taxes": 1

passed, sys_failure, errors, error_tree = qc.validate_record(record)
# passed = True
# sys_failure = False
# errors = {}
# error_tree = [],{}

record = {
    "patient_id": "PatientID1",
    "visit_num": 3,
    "taxes": 8

passed, sys_failure, errors, error_tree = qc.validate_record(record)
# passed = False
# sys_failure = False
# errors = {
#     'taxes': [
#         "('taxes',['unallowed value 8']) in current visit for {'allowed': [0]} in previous visit - temporal rule no: 1"
#         ]
#     }
# error_tree = [],{
#     'taxes': [
#         ValidationError @ 0x100a70ed0 ( document_path=('taxes',),
#                                         schema_path=('taxes', 'temporalrules'),
#                                         code=0x2000,
#                                         constraint={
#                                                "previous": {
#                                                    "taxes": {
#                                                        "allowed": [0]
#                                                    }
#                                                },
#                                                "current": {
#                                                    "taxes": {
#                                                        "forbidden": [8]
#                                                    }
#                                                }
#                                          },
#                                         value=8,
#                                         info=(1, "('taxes', ['unallowed value 8'])",{'allowed': [0]})
#                                         )
#     ],{}
# }

Example Usage - Bulk Validation

It is likely you will want to validate multiple records at once. This is easily achieved by instantiating a QualityCheck with the corresponding schema and looping over the record(s) you want to validate as Python dict objects. What this data looks like outside of that is up to you - maybe you wish to read in forms from external files (JSONs, YAML, or CSVs), or directly from a database.

docs/ sets up an example CLI script to read in multiple records from a CSV file (where each row is a record) and validate them against a schema passed as a JSON file. It then summarizes the results and prints them to a CSV or JSON file (based on file extension, defaults to CSV if no extension is provided), or stdout (in JSON) if no output file is specified.

Example usage:

python3 \
    -r rules-schema.json \
    -i input-records.csv \
    -o output-errors.csv