- Follow instructions to install poetry.
- Follow instructions to install pre-commit
After cloning the repo:
- Run
poetry install
to install project and all dependencies (see Dependency management below) - Run
pre-commit install
to install pre-commit hooks (see Linting and Testing below)
(If you need to change your python version:)
poetry env use <path/to/your/python/executable>
poetry update
This gear uses poetry
to manage dependencies,
develop, build and publish.
Dependencies are listed in the pyproject.toml
- Adding: Use
poetry add [--dev] <dep>
- Removing: Use
poetry remove [--dev] <dep>
- Updating: Use
poetry update <dep>
orpoetry update
to update all deps.- Can also not update development dependencies with
- Update dry run:
- Can also not update development dependencies with
Poetry manages virtual environments and can create a virtual environment with different versions of python, however that version must be installed on the machine.
You can configure the python version
by using poetry env use <path/to/executable>
See full options Here.
List current config: poetry config --list
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project <true|false|None>
: create virtual environment inside project directorypoetry config virtualenvs.path <path>
: Path to virtual environment directory.
Local linting and testing scripts
are managed through pre-commit
Pre-commit allows running hooks which can be defined locally, or in other
repositories. Default hooks to run on each commit:
- gearcheck: Specific check for this gear repo template
- poetry_export: Export poetry based dependencies to requirements.txt
- docker-build: Build docker image
- yamllint: Linte for YAML file
- black: Run black lintter
- isort: Sort import statements
- pytest: Run pytest
These hooks will all run automatically on commit, but can also be run manually or just be disabled.
More hooks can be enabled upon need. List of available hooks.
- Run hooks manually:
- Run on all files:
pre-commit run -a
- Run on certain files:
pre-commit run --files test/*
- Run on all files:
- Update (e.g. clean and install) hooks:
pre-commit clean && pre-commit install
- Disable all hooks:
pre-commit uninstall
- Enable all hooks:
pre-commit install
- Skip a hook on commit:
SKIP=<hook-name> git commit
- Skip all hooks on commit:
git commit --no-verify
Every contribution should be
associated with a ticket on the GEAR JIRA board, or be a hotfix.
You should contribute by creating
a branch titled with either hotfix-<hotfix_name
or GEAR-<gear_num>-<description>
For now, other branch names will be accepted,
but soon branch names will be rejected
if they don't follow this pattern.
When contributing, make a Merge Request against the main branch.
The merge request should contain at least:
- Your relevant change with the corresponding test.
- A high level description of your changes and additional information to guide the reviewer eyes as deemed appropriate.
- An as clean as possible git history.