This project forecasts Bitcoin prices in US$ using ARIMA for trend modeling and ARCH for volatility, leveraging daily data sourced from Kaggle.
- Objective: Predict Bitcoin prices, incorporating volatility.
- Dataset: Bitcoin BTC-USD Stock Dataset on Kaggle
- ARIMA modeling in Minitab
- ARCH modeling in R
- Data Preparation:
- Log transformation and first-order differencing to achieve stationarity.
- ARIMA Model:
- Selected ARIMA(2,1,0) based on ACF/PACF analysis using Minitab.
- ARCH Model:
- Fitted ARCH(8) model in R to capture conditional heteroscedasticity in residuals.
- Forecasting:
- Generated 95% one-step ahead forecast intervals using the ARIMA-ARCH model.
- ARIMA-GARCH vs ARIMA: ARIMA-ARCH provides narrower, more precise forecast intervals.
- Model Accuracy: 5.63% forecast failures, consistent with a 95% prediction interval.
Below is the plot of the historical Bitcoin prices along with the ARIMA-ARCH one-step ahead 95% forecast intervals.