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185 lines (142 loc) · 4.44 KB

LLIR Optimiser

The LLIR optimiser performs low-level cross-language optimisations on a low-level IR which can be easily generated from various compilers.


The LLIR optimiser can be set up using opam:

opam switch create llir \
  --repositories=llir=git+ \
opam update
opam install ocaml-variants.4.07.1+llir

The repository includes compatible packages.

Development Setup

The opt, llvm, clang and ocaml projects should be checked out in the following folders:

├─ llvm     
├─ ocaml    
├─ opt      
├─ musl      (Linux only)
└─ dist               install prefix

PREFIX and PATH should be set in the shell's init script. TRIPLE must be set to the triple describing the target, for example x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.

llvm and clang

To generate LLIR using LLVM, the llvm-llir and clang-llir forks are required. To build:

mkdir $PREFIX/llvm/MinSizeRel
cd $PREFIX/llvm/MinSizeRel
cmake ../llvm                                         \
  -G Ninja                                            \
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel                       \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX/dist                 \
  -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86;LLIR"                  \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_DUMP=ON                               \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_BINDINGS=OFF                          \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_OCAMLDOC=OFF                          \
  -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT=$PREFIX/dist/musl                 \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang                        \
ninja install


Debug builds are configured as follows:

mkdir $PREFIX/opt/Debug
cd $PREFIX/opt/Debug
cmake ..                                  \
  -GNinja                                 \
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug                \
  -DLLVM_DIR=$PREFIX/dist/lib/cmake/llvm  \
ninja install
cd $PREFIX/dist/bin
ln -s llir-as $TRIPLE-as
ln -s llir-ar $TRIPLE-ar
ln -s llir-ld $TRIPLE-ld
ln -s llir-ranlib $TRIPLE-ranlib

A release build can be configured using -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.


The musl implementation of libc is required on Linux:

./configure --prefix=$PREFIX/dist/musl --target llir_$TRIPLE
make install


To generate LLIR from OCaml, the ocaml-llir fork is required and a symbolic link to the llvm fork must be added to $PATH under the llir-gcc alias. The OCaml compiler can be built using the following commands:

cd $PREFIX/ocaml
export PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/dist/bin
./configure                        \
  --enable-llir                    \
  --enable-ocamltest               \
  --enable-flambda                 \
  --target $TRIPLE
make install

Adding a new pass

A new pass can be added by creating a header (simple_pass.h) and source file (simple_pass.cpp) in the passes directory. The pass should inherit from the Pass class in simple_pass.h:

#pragma once

#include "core/pass.h"

class Func;

class SimplePass final : public Pass {
  /// Pass identifier.
  static const char *kPassID;

  /// Initialises the pass.
  SimplePass(PassManager *passManager) : Pass(passManager) {}

  /// Runs the pass.
  void Run(Prog *prog) override;

  /// Returns the name of the pass.
  const char *GetPassName() const override;

Methods should be implemented in simple_pass.cpp:

#include "passes/simple_pass.h"

const char *SimplePass::kPassID = "simple-pass";

void SimplePass::Run(Prog *prog)
  // Insert cross-language optimisation here

const char *SimplePass::GetPassName() const
  return "Simple Pass";

simple_pass.cpp should be added to the passes library in passes/CMakeLists.txt and registered with the PassRegistry in tools/opt/opt.cpp by adding:


Optionally, a pass can be added by default to an optimisation level. Otherwise, individual passes can be executed using the -passes= flag:

llir-opt input.llir -passes=simple-pass,dead-code-elim -o=output.S


To run the compilation tests bundled with the project:

cd $PREFIX/opt/Debug
PATH=$PREFIX/dist/bin:$PATH ../

Unit tests require googletest to be installed:

cd $PREFIX/opt/Debug
ninja test