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To allow us to incorporate your changes, please use the Fork-and-Pull development model:
- Fork this repository to your personal account.
- Create a branch and make your changes.
- Test the changes locally/in your personal fork.
- Submit a pull request to open a discussion about your proposed changes.
- The maintainers will talk with you about it and decide to merge or request additional changes.
For larger items, consider contacting the maintainers first to coordinate development efforts.
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cloning the repository, please enable pre-commit
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the instructions in
This repository adheres to Python coding style recommendations from PEP8. Additionally, type hints are encouraged in all function signatures.
Harmony Autotester maintainers will review all pull requests submitted. Only requests that meet the standard of quality set forth by existing code, following the patterns set forth by existing code, and adhering to existing design patterns will be considered and/or accepted.
For general tips on open source contributions, see Contributing to Open Source on GitHub.