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122 lines (92 loc) · 3.99 KB

Harmony Autotester

This repository contains and executes testing for Harmony backend services. The scope of these tests is to be a rough sanity check that all collections associated with a Harmony service chain can be processed by that chain. The tests are not extensive, nor are they scientifically rigorous. They should establish that a collection can be processed by a service chain without errors or obviously incorrect output.

What the Harmony Autotester does:


Repository Structure:

|- 📂 .github
|- 📂 bin
|- 📂 tests
|- .pre-commit-config.yaml
|- .snyk
|- dev_requirements.txt
  • .github contains CI/CD workflows to be executed within the repository. For more information see GitHub's documentation.
  • bin contains utility scripts for the repository.
  • tests contains subdirectories for each Harmony backend service chain, each with a definition of a test to run for every collection associated with that service chain.
  • .pre-commit-config.yaml contains a set of hooks to be run when developers commit work. These checks will ensure various coding standards are adhered to and will also be run as a blocking check for pull requests. For more information, see the pre-commit section in this README.
  • .snyk contains information for Snyk to select the correct version of Python when building the dependency tree used during vulnerability scanning.
  • contains release notes for each version of the Harmony Autotester.
  • contains guidance for contributing to this project.
  • LICENSE is the license file for this work, as defined by the NASA Open Source approval process.
  • is this file.
  • dev_requirements.txt contains Pip-installable Python packages that are required for local development. For example, pre-commit.

CI/CD workflows:




The file requires a specific format for a new release, as it looks for the following string to define the newest release of the autotester (starting at the top of the file).

## [vX.Y.Z] - YYYY-MM-DD

Where the markdown reference needs to be updated at the bottom of the file following the existing pattern.



This project adheres to semantic version numbers: major.minor.patch.

  • Major increments: These are non-backwards compatible API changes.
  • Minor increments: These are backwards compatible API changes.
  • Patch increments: These updates do not affect the API to the autotester.

pre-commit hooks:

This repository uses pre-commit to enable pre-commit checking the repository for some coding standard best practices. These include:

  • Removing trailing whitespaces.
  • Removing blank lines at the end of a file.
  • JSON files have valid formats.
  • ruff Python linting checks.
  • black Python code formatting checks.

To enable these checks locally:

# Install pre-commit Python package as part of test requirements:
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt

# Install the git hook scripts:
pre-commit install

# (Optional) Run against all files:
pre-commit run --all-files

When you try to make a new commit locally, pre-commit will automatically run. If any of the hooks detect non-compliance (e.g., trailing whitespace), that hook will state it failed, and also try to fix the issue. You will need to review and git add the changes before you can make a commit.

It is planned to implement additional hooks, possibly including tools such as mypy. is configured such that these same hooks will be automatically run for every pull request.

Get in touch:

You can reach out to the maintainers of this repository via email: