It's not realistic for you to consume everything that is below. Pick and choose what is most helpful and useful to you. Feel free to send me feedback as what doesn't work well or you feel is missing!
- Processing
- p5.js
- Node + VSCode workflow videos
- Other Nature of Code Ports
- Video: Publishing p5.js sketch with github pages -- note that
is no longer required, you can host a github repository using the default master branch now.
- Video + code: Walker p5.js
- Video + code: Random Walker with Vectors p5.js: Levy Flight
- Video + code: Diffusion Limited Aggregation -- note this uses vectors!
- Video + code: Brownian Motion Snowflake -- note this uses vectors!
- Nature of Code Introduction text: Processing
- Nature of Code Introduction videos: Processing
- Processing code examples
- p5.js code examples
- Mathematics and Physics for Programmers Chapter 5
- Computational Beauty of Nature, Introduction
- Probability Theory
- Accept invite to class mailing list (let me know if you prefer a different e-mail address.)
- Assignment.
- I.1: Traditional random walk
- I.2: Random number distribution
- I.3: Walker that tends to move to the right
- I.4: Gaussian distribution
- I.5: Perlin noise walker
To get a jump on next week, start to look at the material about vectors. I'll go over some of this in class as well as introduce concepts from Chapter 2: forces.