It's definitely not realistic for you to consume everything that is below. Pick and choose what is most helpful and interesting to you. Feel free to send me feedback as what doesn't work well or you feel is missing!
- Chapter 3 text: Processing
- Chapter 3 videos: Processing
- p5.js chapter 3 example code
- Processing chapter 3 example code
- p5.js Polar Coordinates video tutorial
- Mathematical Rose Patterns coding challenge
- LissaJous Curve Table Coding Challenge
- "Blobby" coding challenge
- Clock Coding Challenge
- Butterfly Wings Challenge
- Times Tables and the Cardioid
- Golan Levin's Loops lecture and assignment template code
- Cube Wave coding challenge video, code, Cube Wave demo, original beesandbombs GIF
- GIF Loop Templates by Golan Levin
- p5.js GIF Library
- GIF loop gallery from Golan Levin
- Simple Harmonic Motion by Memo Akten
- Demo of Oscillating Movement and Sine Wave
- But what is the Fourier Transform? A visual introduction by 3Blue1Brown
- What is a Fourier Series by Smarter Every Day
- Fourier Series Coding Challenge
- Fourier Transform Drawing with Epicycles Coding Challenge Part 1
- Fourier Transform Drawing with Epicycles Coding Challenge Part 2
- Fourier Transform Drawing with Epicycles Coding Challenge Part 3
- 3.1: Angular motion using rotate()
- 3.2: Forces with (arbitrary) angular motion
- 3.3: Pointing in the direction of motion
- 3.4: Polar to Cartesian
- 3.5: Simple Harmonic Motion
- 3.6: Simple Harmonic Motion II
- 3.7: Oscillator objects
- 3.8: Static wave drawn as a continuous line
- 3.9: The Wave
- 3.10: Swinging pendulum
- 3.10: Swinging pendulum simplified
- 3.11: A Spring connection