For each module, I will provide written and video tutorials on the topics. You can review whichever format suits you best. If the amount feels overwhelming, please reach out and we can help you narrow things down, and select a subset of the material to focus an exercise around. It's a lot!
- 🚂 Introduction to Autonomous Agents - 10 min
- 🚂 Steering Behaviors: Seeking a Target - 13 min
- 🚂 Steering Behaviors: Pursue and Evade - 13 min
- 🚂 Steering Behaviors: Arrival - 9 min
- 🚂 Steering Behaviors: Wander - 13 min
- 🚂 Scalar Projection and the Vector Dot Product - 13 min
- 🚂 Path Following - 15 min
- 🚂 Steering Behaviors Coding Challenge: p5.js ~30min
- 🚂 Flocking Coding Challenge: p5.js ~40 min
- Flow Fields by Tyler Hobbs
- Process Compendium by Casey Reas, Processing Compendium Text
- Living Wall by SPACEFILLER
- Murmuration by Robert Hodgin
For each module, I will provide a list of additional video tutorials and readings that you may draw on for further exploration. It's unlikely you would be able to consume everything in one week and if you are looking for guidance about what might fit with your interests and learning style the most, please reach out.
- 🚂 Perlin Noise Flow Field Coding Challenge: p5.js - ~ 30 min
- 📕 Excerpts from Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology By Valentino Braitenberg
- 📕 Craig Reynolds' Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters
- 🎥 Reas Process Compendium
- 🎥 The Braitenberg Vehicles video by Brian Douglas
- 📕 QuadTree Data Structure (Wikipedia)
- 💻 QuadTree JS Library in Progress
- 💻 QuadTree p5 example
- 🚂 QuadTree Coding Challenge
The following emoji key will hopefully help you navigate the material for each module.
- 🚂 Video tutorial from Coding Train
- 🎥 Other video tutorial
- 📗 Nature of Code book
- 📕 Other reading
- 💻 Code examples
- 🎨 Creative project references